
One Piece Heavenly Upgrade System


Noland29 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

chapter 65

The golden sword aura descended, launching an attack from every angle towards Mu Feng's position. The terrifying sword aura battered against the rocks, sending countless stone chips flying. Soon, Mu Feng's location was completely covered in debris, obscuring his figure.

"Heh heh heh... brat, can you withstand my attack?" Golden Lion laughed wildly, hovering in the air and looking down at the dust below.

"Um... are you talking to me!?" A voice of mockery suddenly sounded from behind Golden Lion.

Instinctively, Golden Lion's pupils contracted. Without even looking, he swiftly raised his foot and launched a sharp blade attack behind him. Only after his attack was blocked did Golden Lion have a chance to turn around and survey his surroundings, his pupils shrinking in shock.

"How is this possible!? When did you...?" Golden Lion was horrified.

I had been observing him closely.

How could this happen!?

"You can't even see me move... Golden Lion. But I suppose it's understandable, considering your advanced age. It's only natural for your eyes to be dim," Mu Feng said with a smile, brimming with contempt.

"You dare to say that... my eyes are dim?" Golden Lion trembled with anger.

"Isn't it true, 793?" Mu Feng retorted.

"Congratulations, Host, for learning Golden Lion Shiki's lion swordsmanship. Whether to use the current level [LVmaX11] to enhance proficiency or choose to lose lion swordsmanship, the decision is yours," the system's voice suddenly echoed in my mind.

"Conversion," Mu Feng decided without hesitation.

He had been plotting this all along while interacting with Golden Lion.

The proficiency for Eight Thousand Swords [LVmaX12] had increased from 28% to 51%. Compared to Hawkeye's black swordsmanship, lion swordsmanship provided less proficiency, but in terms of swordsmanship alone, Golden Lion was undoubtedly superior to Hawkeye.

"Alright... the game is over, Golden Lion," Mu Feng declared suddenly. Having learned Golden Lion's swordsmanship, there was no need to waste any more time here.

"Finger Pistol—M500·Strengthen!!"

Mu Feng's index finger unleashed a terrifying Finger Pistol attack towards Golden Lion. Reacting swiftly, Golden Lion used the dead wood of his left foot to block the attack. However, the entire left leg of Golden Lion went completely numb as a result.

"How is this possible!? It's even more powerful than Sengoku's Finger Pistol," Golden Lion exclaimed in shock.

But Mu Feng's assault didn't cease due to Golden Lion's astonishment.

"Tempest Kick·Death Cross·Strengthen!!"

The Tempest Kick sliced through the air, slashing Golden Lion with a vacuum-like force. With his left leg numb, Golden Lion couldn't dodge in time and could only rely on Armament Haki to shield his body, enduring Mu Feng's attack.

Compared to the regular death cross, the enhanced version was ten times more formidable.

Golden Lion crashed heavily onto a boulder, causing the rocks beneath him to crack like a spiderweb. A cross-shaped scar appeared on his body, exposing a bruised white bone that looked grotesque and terrifying.

"Damn, how can you be so strong!? It's impossible!" Golden Lion growled, unable to believe that a seventeen-year-old boy could surpass him in strength.

"Go to hell... Lion·Earth Coiling!!"

Golden Lion had completely descended into madness at this point.

Under the influence of the Lion Fruit, the floating islands around him twisted together. Rocks and sand gathered, forming a massive lion that roared and attacked Mu Feng from all directions, as if intending to crush him.

This power was even greater than what was depicted in the original story. Golden Lion had been much more formidable when facing off against the Straw Hat Pirates. After all, compared to the original plot, the current Golden Lion was eight years younger. Although he was no longer at his peak as one of the Four Emperors, he still possessed the strength of an Admiral.

The reason Luffy had been able to defeat Golden Lion was solely due to the aura of the theatrical version.

In the damn plot, Luffy had merely activated his protagonist's halo... Crocodile, Moria, Doflamingo, Enel—defeating them all with his fists. But that was understandable since he was the protagonist. Now, in the theatrical version... Golden Lion, Zephyr, World Destroyer Bundy Wald—this series of opponents. There was no way to describe it as a protagonist's halo; it could only be described as an enhanced version of the theatrical halo.

Ahem... getting back on track... Mu Feng found himself surrounded by the lion's Earth Coiling.

His expression remained calm and unchanged.

Holding the Mammoth's Blade horizontally, Mu Feng suddenly swung it.

The bright white slash moved like moonlight... and then expanded, cutting through all of the lion's Earth Coiling and dispersing it.

Golden Lion stood beside, completely dumbfounded. He, too, was a great swordsman, albeit not one at the pinnacle. But he knew the limits of a great swordsman. Even at his peak, wielding Sakura Ten and Withered Wood, he would never have been able to unleash such a terrifying beheading strike. The little devil before him had undoubtedly surpassed the level of a great swordsman!

As Golden Lion gazed at Mu Feng's figure, he seemed to see the figure of another person.

"Roger..." Golden Lion murmured.

Gol D. Roger, the only man acknowledged by Golden Lion. The man who possessed the spirit to conquer the sky... as if they were cut from the same cloth.

"Impossible... impossible, how could my Golden Lion lose!!"

"I am the man who will rule these seas!!!"

"I cannot lose... it's absolutely impossible!!"

At that moment, Golden Lion had completely lost himself to madness. Defeated by Mu Feng, the last thought that had kept him going had vanished. Drawing out two renowned blades and gripping them tightly, Golden Lion charged towards Mu Feng in a frenzy.

With a single slash, Mu Feng could easily end Golden Lion's life.

But Mu Feng chose not to do so. Out of respect for the once formidable warrior, he decided to let Golden Lion meet his end in a more spectacular manner. Taking out Senbonzakura and activating Shikai, Mu Feng unleashed a flurry of thin blades that glimmered with a pale pink color under the sunlight, resembling a sky filled with cherry blossoms.

"Funeral!" Mu Feng declared lightly, and the sky filled with Sakura flowers descended upon Golden Lion Shiki.