
One Piece Heavenly Upgrade System


Noland29 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

chapter 50

"What!? Kaido appeared near Palmidor Island?! What are we going to do about this lunatic? Do we want to single out the BIG·MOM Pirates?! Keep a close eye on the surveillance and report to me if there is a fight."

Sengoku, already exhausted, was taken aback by the news. Palmidor Island was within the territory of the BIG·MOM Pirate Group, known for their radiation.

Just as he put down one phone worm, another one rang. Sengoku frowned, slightly annoyed that it was a call from the World Government.

"Naval Headquarters, Marshal Sengoku speaking," he said solemnly. Since it wasn't the exclusive phone worm of the Five Elders, there was no need for formalities.

"Marshal Sengoku, I heard that the pirates in Chambord have recently been wiped out. It seems that the Marines, under the leadership of the World Government, have done a commendable job. I would like to go to the Chambord Islands to inspect the work, Marshal Sengoku. Please make the arrangements."

The tone was domineering, and the caller hung up immediately after speaking.

"These guys, are they that free?" Sengoku mumbled, clearly not fond of the World Government officials.

However, Marine was a subsidiary of the World Government, and if officials were coming to inspect, it wouldn't be justified if proper arrangements weren't made.

Reluctantly, Sengoku retrieved Mu Feng's phone bug and dialed a number.

"Bolu... Bolu..."

Before the phone worm could connect, Sengoku was about to take a sip of his tea.

"Hello, who is this? I'm with Mu Feng..."

It was Guy who answered the phone bug, and Sengoku interrupted directly, "It's Guy. Where is Mu Feng? Give him the phone bug. I need to speak with him."

"Ah... It's the Marshal!? Lieutenant General Mu Feng left two days ago and said he wouldn't be back when he returned to the Chambord Islands," Guy replied.

"Back to Chambord... Are you there now!?"

For some reason, Sengoku had a bad feeling.

"Palmidor Island," Guy responded.

The tea cup slipped from Sengoku's hand and crashed onto the ground. He got up from his chair with a squeak and roared, "What are you talking about... Palmidor Island? What's going on!? Why hasn't he returned to the Chambord Islands!!!"

Sengoku suddenly realized why he had felt something was off when Mu Feng hung up the phone worm two days ago. When Mu Feng replied, he had said, "I see, Marshal Sengoku," instead of "OK, Marshal Sengoku."

"That kid... doesn't think about the consequences at all! Kaido, that lunatic, is not someone he can provoke! Damn... Isn't he thinking about his own safety!? Why does he have the same reckless character as that old bastard Garp."

Despite his complaints, Sengoku couldn't remain indifferent.

He grabbed the phone worm and immediately ordered Aokiji, who was stationed at Naval Headquarters, and Kizaru, who was on a mission in the New World, to rush to Palmidor Island.

Although Sengoku knew that Mu Feng had the strength of an Admiral, he also knew the kind of threat Kaido posed. Kaido was a force to be reckoned with, someone who dared to challenge the might of Naval Headquarters single-handedly. He could easily overpower an Admiral and had an insanely resilient body. Mu Feng, on the other hand, didn't possess a Logia fruit power. If he were to fight Kaido, it would be difficult for him to escape unscathed. And this time, Kaido's presence on Palmidor Island meant he had murderous intentions.

In Sengoku's eyes, if they didn't rescue Mu Feng, things would only get worse for him.

When Aokiji and Kizaru received the news, they too were taken aback.

Facing the "Beast" Kaido... alone!?

They dropped everything and hurried to the New World.

Despite Aokiji and Kizaru being dispatched, Sengoku couldn't calm down. Even with their speed, it would take them half a day to reach Palmidor Island. Could Mu Feng hold out against Kaido for that long?

Sengoku didn't know, but he could only hope that Mu Feng could handle it.


"Mu Feng! Come out and face me!" Kaido, shirtless, roared.

His voice echoed like the roar of a wild beast, reverberating throughout the island.

"What's with the yelling? If you speak softly, I can't hear you... if you shout, I still can't hear you!" Mu Feng appeared several dozen meters away from Kaido.

Kaido, with two horns on his head, stood there like a savage beast. With disheveled hair and a scale tattoo on his left arm, he exuded a wild and violent aura. This was the Emperor! Kaido, the King of the Sea, the King of the Wild!

"So, you're Mu Feng!" Kaido stared coldly at Mu Feng and asked.

"Yes," Mu Feng nodded.

Although his expression remained calm, Mu Feng was fully focused. He had activated his Observation Haki to its fullest extent, and his eyes had transformed into Mangekyō Sharingan. Facing an Emperor of the Sea, Mu Feng couldn't afford to let his guard down.

After all, an angry Emperor could overturn the sea.

"Then prepare to die!" Without any warning or hesitation, Kaido's fist came crashing towards Mu Feng, catching him off guard.

Mu Feng swung his mammoth blade, unleashing a powerful sword aura that attacked Kaido.

However, Kaido didn't dodge or evade. He took Mu Feng's sword energy head-on, with his body acting as a shield. The terrifying sword energy, capable of slicing through mountains, collided with Kaido, leaving no trace behind. Even the strongest Armament Haki would hesitate to face Mu Feng's sword energy, yet Kaido's body remained unscathed. It was widely known that Kaido wasn't a Devil Fruit user, otherwise, the Marines wouldn't have such a hard time dealing with him or know what to do with him. He had destroyed nine prison ships throughout his life.

"Is that all you've got? Tickling me, are you!?" Kaido's brutal expression intensified as he launched a counterattack, aiming his fists at Mu Feng.

Mu Feng brandished his mammoth blade, unleashing a flurry of eight thousand sword strikes. The flow of sword energy reached its peak, creating an endless torrent of blades that engulfed Kaido. It was as if Mu Feng had thrown Kaido into a hellish mountain of swords.