
One Piece Heavenly Upgrade System


Noland29 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

chapter 40

As an island situated in a triangle with Marin Vandor and Mary Geoise, Chambord is the most prosperous island in the first half of the Grand Line. However, the Naval Headquarters on the Chambord Islands, once grand, now appears dilapidated.

Mu Feng furrowed his brows as he observed the scene. Upon entering, the Marine soldiers stationed at the branch became instantly nervous. Their anxiety dissipated as they noticed Mu Feng's attire, realizing that he was a Lieutenant General Marine and not another pirate.

"Now, who is in charge here!?" Mu Feng demanded.

A middle-aged man stepped forward, identified as Brigadier General Gunn. He greeted Mu Feng excitedly, expressing his admiration and relief. Gunn had been filled with worry in the past two days.

"Well, you should have received Marshal Sengoku's order. From now on, I am the highest authority in charge of the Marine branch on the Chambord Islands. Now...let me hear the situation," Mu Feng stated solemnly.

Gunn wasted no time and began his report. He revealed that the Marine branch on the Chambord Islands had a total of 3,227 soldiers, including officers at various levels. However, two days ago, they suffered heavy damage from the New World pirate known as "Barrel" Bacchus Chot and his crew. In the battle, Lieutenant General Oda, along with 845 other soldiers, lost their lives, with 965 others sustaining serious injuries. Currently, except for the logistics support Marines, there were less than a thousand soldiers remaining with combat effectiveness. Gunn's voice grew quieter as he spoke, clearly ashamed of the situation.

The impact the Marine branch had suffered was unprecedented, especially for a large branch like the Chambord Islands. As Gunn relayed the report, the surrounding Marines lowered their heads, their morale at an all-time low.

"Not satisfied with the shame, huh? Good... It means you still have some fight left in you. If you're not satisfied, then rally with me. Let's channel all the shame, unwillingness, anger, and pain into defeating the pirates. Don't sit here like losers. Who are you showing this weakness to? The civilians of the Chambord Islands or the pirates? If you've lost the will to take up arms, then get out of the Marines!" Mu Feng's words cut through the demoralized Marines, gradually restoring some of their spirit. However, Mu Feng knew that this wasn't enough. They had lost their confidence to fight, having witnessed the highest-ranking officer of the branch fall in battle. Their confidence was in tatters.

"I am deeply saddened by the loss of Lieutenant General Oda. From this moment on, you have lost a respected officer, and the Marines have lost a reliable lieutenant general. But I, Monkey·D· Mu Feng, am here now, and I will avenge Oda. Perhaps you've heard my name before, whether it's the infamous pirate "Drought" Jack of the New World or the Seven Warlords of the Sea, all of them have been defeated by my hands. And this time won't be any different," Mu Feng declared, his Conqueror's Haki emanating and shocking the Marines present.

"Now, what you need to do is pick up your weapons, follow behind me, and eliminate all the pirates on the Chambord Islands. Let's avenge our comrade Oda Nakama. If you still consider yourselves Marines, then prove it by taking up your weapons," Mu Feng continued.

Gradually, every Marine present raised their weapons.

"Destroy the pirates and avenge Oda!" someone in the crowd shouted, their words infecting all the Marines present.

"Destroy the pirates!" "Vengeance for Admiral Oda Nakama!" The voices echoed endlessly, satisfying Mu Feng.

At least this group of remnants had found the courage to fight.

As the sound wave subsided, Mu Feng commanded, "Very well, prepare for battle. My request is simple...kill all the pirates on the Chambord Islands. And remember this clearly, I don't want any prisoners. The Great Undersea Prison doesn't have enough food or space to accommodate these pirates. All you have to do is raise your gun, aim, and pull the trigger. Understood?"

"Understood!" the Marines roared in unison.

"Good. Now, starting from GR1, begin the purge," Mu Feng said calmly.


On the Chambord Islands, specifically on island GR1, a variety of illegal activities thrived, including human trafficking, human auctions, and arms trade. This place was a renowned illegal zone that not even the Marines could fully control.

In the largest tavern on GR1 island, a bearded pirate laughed wildly, celebrating the destruction of the Marine branch on the Chambord Islands. He was filled with excitement and joy.

His words were directed at a clown-like figure wearing a hat and a drunk expression. The prominent sausage-like nose on his face and the large hip flask at his side indicated his alcoholism. This was the infamous New World pirate, "Barrel" Bacchus Choate.

Bacchus laughed heartily in response, stating that the Marines would undoubtedly be furious.

"I derive great pleasure from seeing the Marines angry," the bearded pirate exclaimed. "By the way, Boss Bacchus, how much do you think our bounties will increase this time?"

However, Bacchus remained silent, and suddenly, another voice cut through the air:

"Of course, your bounties can increase, and by a significant amount. But the condition is...you must escape the Chambord Islands alive." Mu Feng walked in leisurely, interrupting their conversation.