
One Piece Heavenly Upgrade System


Noland29 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

chapter 24

"Nani!?" Mu Feng's words took Kizaru by surprise, causing him to instinctively react. The toad sunglasses on his face slipped off the bridge of his nose. With disbelief in his eyes, he asked, "Brother Mu Feng, did you just say...you killed Jack!?"

The difference between knocking back and killing someone is significant.

Kizaru was well aware of Jack's strength, known as "Drought." As one of the three cadres under Four Emperors Kaido, Jack possessed the power of an Admiral. While it may be difficult to defeat him on land due to his violent nature, even on the sea, where his movements are restricted, it seemed impossible to kill him.

Not even Aokiji or Akainu could accomplish such a feat.

Yet here Mu Feng claimed to have killed the "drought" Jack, and he was just a major general.

Listening to this seemed like a tale from a fantasy.

"Yes, I killed him. If you don't believe me, Senior, the three hundred Marine sergeants on this battleship can testify for me," Mu Feng said with a smile.

"Yo ho ho...what are you saying? Of course, I believe you, Mu Feng. It's just that I never expected you to be this capable. Looks like I'll be retiring soon... Yo ho," Kizaru responded with a wretched smile.

"Yo ho ho... It seems that the New World is in for some trouble now."


In the Naval Headquarters' Marshal's office.

Garp, Sengoku, and Tsuru were present.

Garp's face was filled with anger, the veins on his arms bulging, and a chilling aura emanating from his eyes. Tsuru hadn't seen Garp like this in a long time. The last time he saw Garp in such a state was when Dorag defected from the Marines.

After Sengoku hung up the Den Den Mushi, Garp immediately asked, "Sengoku, what's the news from Kizaru? How is Mu Feng!? Is he captured...or killed in battle!? Don't try to stop me... I'm going to the sea and kill Jack. That guy."

"Mu Feng is alive and well," Sengoku replied, trying to calm Garp down. (Read more @ wuxiax.com)

But remembering the report from Kizaru's Den Den Mushi, Sengoku himself couldn't believe it.

"What!? Mu Feng...dead!?" Garp's pupils dilated. In the next moment, his Conqueror's Haki surged and swept through the entire Naval Headquarters. Everyone below the level of a general collapsed to the ground under the overwhelming pressure.

Marine hero, "Iron Fist" Garp, displayed his terrifying power in that moment.

Feeling Garp's Conqueror's Haki, Sengoku also regained his composure. He quickly said, "Old bastard, what are you doing? Retract your Haki. I said Mu Feng is alive, it's Jack who's dead, not Mu Feng. That kid is still kicking, nothing happened to him."

"Huh!? You didn't make that clear," Garp scolded with a confused expression.

"But I didn't expect Kizaru to have become so powerful. He managed to kill that tough-skinned Jack," Garp pondered, rubbing his chin.

"Jack wasn't killed by Kizaru," Sengoku said calmly.

"Not Kizaru!? Then who!?" Garp looked puzzled, as did Tsuru by his side.

Aokiji and Akainu weren't in the New World, so it couldn't have been them. Kizaru, who was in the West Sea, wouldn't have been able to travel around most of the world to support Mu Feng. Could it be Whitebeard, Shanks, or Big Mom? If any of them were unhappy with Jack and killed him, there would have been news about it.

"It was Mu Feng. Jack took his own life," Sengoku revealed.

Both Tsuru and Garp were instantly confused. Could it be a joke!?

To kill Jack alone, one needed to possess the power of a fleet admiral or a Four Emperor. Was that kid Mu Feng really that strong!?

"Ahaha, it seems I have a worthy grandson," Garp chuckled arrogantly.

Sengoku looked at Garp with envy and jealousy. How could such an exceptional grandson be raised by this old bastard!? But now wasn't the time to think about that. With the death of "Drought" Jack, Kaido would undoubtedly be furious. The New World was about to plunge into chaos once again, and Sengoku had to attend to his duties.


In the New World, among the Beasts Pirates.

"What are you saying!? Jack's vivre card turned to ashes!?" Kaido, who appeared like a behemoth, stared at his subordinates, each word dripping with fury.

"Yes...Yes," stammered the once-great pirate who now seemed like a chicken in front of an eagle.

"Who did it!? The Marines...or those three guys!? Find out...find out for me! Whoever it is, I'll make them pay!" Kaido's low voice resonated like thunder in the sea of Beasts Pirates. He was seething with anger. Jack may not have been the strongest of the Three Disasters, but he was the one who followed Kaido's orders the most faithfully.

Jack's death was akin to losing an arm for Kaido.


In Dressrosa's palace, an eerie silence hung in the air. Doflamingo's face was darker than ever. After a moment, he said, "You're telling me... Jack was beaten to death by a Marine Major General... personally!?"

"Yes, Violet witnessed it," Torrepol confirmed.

Though he found it hard to believe as well, Violet had seen it with her own eyes. As a user of the Glare-Glare Fruit, she had the ability to observe from a distance of up to four thousand kilometers.

"Tell Mu Feng that I'll be attending the Warlord meeting. Also, use our underground network to investigate the cause of Jack's death. Spread the news. I want to see how long Mu Feng can survive once Kaido learns of Jack's demise," Doflamingo's voice was filled with anger. "In three days, news of Jack's death will spread throughout the New World."