
One Piece: Hashirama

patreon.com/Athome790 ____________________________ In the relentless waters of the Grand Line, where strength dictates the law and blood stains the waves, a legendary being emerges: Senju Hashirama, the Ninja God of Wano. A reincarnated soul with the might of Naruto's First Hokage, Hashirama has conquered Wano in the blink of an eye, challenging the established order and attracting the fury of those who rule the seas. His ambition burns like an inextinguishable flame, and his strength surpasses the limits of imagination. In this world where only the strongest survive, Hashirama rises as a titan, determined to conquer everything in his path. Will this Ninja God dominate the cruel and ruthless sea of One Piece? Or will he succumb to the claws of those who cling to power at any cost? ________ Note: The cover in not mine all right reserved to the original creator, if you are a creator and want me to remove this art then plz feel free to comment or try to reach out to me. English is not my first language, written to add more words to my vocabulary and earn some money. If you want to support my writing, join my patreon: Athome790 patreon.com/Athome790

theusual · Others
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80 Chs

Internal Struggles?

Linlin nodded, her eyes shining with greed. "That's right..." she murmured. "Once the Captain wins, our group will be the only one, easily surpassing Xebec and Roger."

Her voice revealed the ambition that consumed her. She longed to be the queen of the seas, the most powerful pirate in the world, and she was convinced that Hashirama would help her achieve her dream.

"At that moment, we will be able to do whatever we want and have everything a pirate always desires," she added, with a cruel smile that revealed her sharp teeth.

Kaido, on the other hand, merely laughed with his characteristic roar. "Wo ro ro ro ro, the Captain will not disappoint us." With an expectant look, he watched the central area of the island, where Hashirama was facing the marines and pirates.

The brutal death of the CP0 agents at Hashirama's hands left those present shocked and full of uncertainty. How was it possible for one man to possess such power?

Despite having joined forces to eliminate Hashirama in God Valley, reality had hit them hard. Their plan had failed miserably, and now they faced a much more formidable enemy than they had imagined.

"What will we do now, Captain Rocks?" asked one of Rocks' crew members, his voice trembling.

"Hashirama's trump card is stronger than we expected," murmured Xebec, frowning.

However, his tone was not one of defeat but of determination. He knew this was only a temporary setback and that they still had a chance to defeat Hashirama.

"Don't worry," Xebec said, taking a cigar from his chest and lighting it with a calmness that contrasted with the tension of the moment. "Those guys were just bait. I wanted to test our enemy and see what cards he had."

"It doesn't matter if they die, you don't have to worry. Compared to the Marines, CP0 is like trash."

Xebec's words provoked an immediate reaction. Kong couldn't help but reprimand him: "We've lost combat power. Xebec. You shouldn't talk like that!"

Xebec simply smiled arrogantly. "Kong, even if I say something about your mother, can you beat me? Don't be ridiculous."

"If it weren't for Hashirama, we, the Rocks Pirates, wouldn't cooperate with you marines," Xebec added, with a defiant tone.

"Do you think we also want to cooperate with you, pirate scum?!" Zephyr couldn't contain his anger at Xebec's arrogance.

"Since we do all kinds of evil, then, as righteous marines, how could you, the marines, cooperate with us?" Xebec didn't even look at Zephyr, exhaling some puffs of white smoke and speaking slowly.

Zephyr opened his mouth, with anger and frustration reflected on his face. He wanted to say something but could only clench his fists in pain.

Deep down, he knew that the cooperation between marines and pirates was a farce, an unnatural alliance. However, the orders of the World Government and the threat of the World Nobles forced them to work together, despite their principles.

"If you can't speak, then just shut up," Shiki said sarcastically. "If those old men from the Gorosei hadn't taken the initiative to ask us, do you think we would have cooperated with you marines?"

"Ha ha ha!" Silver Axe, another member of the Rocks crew, laughed out loud. "The marines are just a bunch of trash."

Silver Axe's words ignited the anger of Zephyr and Sengoku. The marines, dedicated to justice and order, were forced to tolerate the insults of these pirates, a humiliating and frustrating situation.

Zephyr, unable to contain his fury, roared: "You pirates deserve justice!"

However, Roger intervened to calm the situation. "This is not the time for internal struggles!" he said firmly. "Our priority is to cooperate to destroy Hashirama."

Kong nodded. "Zephyr, enough. The marines have to obey orders, as the World Government has commanded. Even if the object of cooperation is the pirates, it doesn't matter."

Zephyr, resigned, lowered his head and murmured: "Yes, Admiral Kong, I will obey the order and cooperate well with the pirates."

In the midst of the tension, Garp addressed Xebec and Roger with a piercing gaze. "You better control your subordinates as well," he said in a threatening tone. "Otherwise, it doesn't matter if I lose my life, I will focus solely on killing you."


Time: Depending on how much support this fanfic receives, the updates will be.

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