
One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher!

Follow Rifan our mc on the world of pirates as he changes the fate of his disciples. —read the Auxiliary for more info. .... ... ... ... [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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571 Chs

Chapter 532: Hassin and Astolfo—

Black camp, where Im is located.

"Someone is coming." As a spearman, Vlad III put down his teacup and said to Im in a leisurely tone.

"Just the two of you?"

Suddenly, Im, who was sitting on the sofa, opened her eyes, first nodded to Vlad III, and then looked in the direction of the door.

There, a man and a woman were walking together-coming in.

It is the Commander in Chief Kong of the black camp and the agent Stussy of cp0-. "Im-sama!"

Stussy respectfully saluted.

Although she has never seen Im, and she has been serving the Five Elders all the time.

But now that Im has stepped out of the dark, of course, Stussy is willing to be loyal to Im.

After all, even the lofty Five Elders are dominated by Im.

"Im-sama." Kong gave Im a deep look and didn't say much.

"You have the breath of servants around you, let them come out.

At this time, Vlad III, who was sitting in the other corner of the room, spoke.

Hearing the voice, Kong and Stussy looked at Vlad III, and did not call out their follower directly, but looked at Im who was aside.

Although Vlad III was Im's follower, they will only follow Im's order.

"Let your followers come out." Im nodded and said.

After receiving the order, Kong and Stussy did not hesitate.

After speaking to the side, two followers appeared in the room with a burst of golden light.

"Hi, how are you guys, I'm Astolfo of the Cavalry Class, please take care of me."

Looking like a girl, Astolfo, who was actually a man, greeted Im and Vlad III with a smile on his face.

"Assassin, Hassan-i-Sabbah."

Beside Stussy, a man covered in a black robe said.

"Is this your servant?" Im stood up, frowning at Astolfo and Hassan.

Compared to the Vlad III she had summoned, the two servants in front of them seemed to be much weaker in breath.

This makes Im somewhat dissatisfied.

However, thinking of calling the servants, without the holy relic, the servants called are really too unexpected.

In addition to time constraints, Im didn't say much to the two of them.

Rather, she asked about the abilities of the two followers.

At the request of Kong and Stussy, Astolfo and Hassan did not hide as they explained their abilities.

Hearing that Hassan's treasure could directly damage the heart of the enemy, Im's perception of Hassan finally improved a lot.

However, when talking with Astolfo, Im was really unhappy.

"You said, you don't remember the name of your treasure?"

Im frowned and asked Astolfo.

"Yeah, I really can't remember." Although Im's tone was very serious,

Astolfo, who was questioned by her, already kept the initial smile.

"As a follower, how can you not know the name of your treasure?" Im looked at Kong, "What about you?"

When the master summons the follower, he will see some memories belonging to the follower.

Therefore, Im hopes that Kong will know.

You cannot open the treasure without knowing the name of the treasure.

At this point, Im still knows,

"I also don't know. What I have learned is really limited."

"So I also don't know the name of his treasure."

Kong shook his head. He was actually very sorry for this.

"Astolfo, one of the legendary Charlemagne twelve Paladins."

"Because there have been irrational legends, after being summoned as a follower, did you bring this with you?"

At this time, Vlad III stepped forward and said.

"Yeah, you know me well, uncle." Astolfo smiled.

"Don't worry, Im, even if he can't use his strongest treasure, we should be able to win." Vlad III turned his head to look at Im. "At least, you should believe in my strength."

Hearing what Vlad III said, Im nodded.

For the power of Vlad III, after competing with him, Im still has a certain amount of trust.

Just when Im wanted to say something, a huge explosion suddenly came over.

A strong wind even caused the roof of the house carried by several people to be lifted out.

"What's going on?" Im turned and looked into the distance.

"It looks like there is already a fight over there." Kong said, "That's Kaido and Rocks?!"

"Fighting them is the Five Elders and Sengoku?"