
One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher!

Follow Rifan our mc on the world of pirates as he changes the fate of his disciples. —read the Auxiliary for more info. .... ... ... ... [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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571 Chs

Chapter 442: Battle for the last outer disciple position—!

"There is no need to be polite."

"The two rulers of Zou, don't stand by the door, come in and sit down."

Rifan beckoned to Nekomamushi and Inuarashi.

Inuarashi and Nekomamushi were not too polite. They nodded and walked into the dojo. Under the guidance of Rifan, they were opposite Rifan.

"Your Excellency Rifan, this time I really trouble you." Inuarashi solemnly lowered his head. "Unexpectedly, that bastard Kaido would invade Zou when we left. If you didn't take Carrot, I don't know what will become of Zou."

"Yeah, that Kaido has been very deceitful since before. This time, Carrot taught him such a heavy lesson. He must not dare to invade Zou again." Nekomamushi also bowed his head to Rifan.

For Rifan, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi naturally respected him.

This is not only because Rifan is Carrot's master and he helped Carrot get rid of Kaido.

It's because Rifan is Kozuki Hiyori's teacher, and because of Rifan, Hiyori can resurrect Oden.

No matter from which aspect, Rifan is their benefactor.

Therefore, to be able to have a conversation with Rifan, they are also very grateful about it.

"Speaking of which, you two want to go to Wano Kuni, right?"

"Why don't I send you there?"

"I can use my abilities to send the two of you directly to Wano kuni in a second."

In the middle of the conversation, Rifan spoke to Nekomamushi and Inuarashi.

"Can you?" Nekomamushi said happily, "If Your Excellency Rifan is willing to send us, we are naturally willing."

Aside, Inuarashi nodded quickly.

"Of course, this is not a problem." Rifan waved his hand. "After I send the two of you, I will take Carrot and Wanda to Dressrosa, so that they will gradually become disciples under my domain."

"Wanda?" Inuarashi looked at Wanda in surprise, "Your Excellency Rifan, do you want to also take Wanda away?"

"Duke Inuarashi, I am now an outer disciple of Teacher Rifan, please allow me to go to Dressrosa to train." At this time, Wanda walked over and said with a smile on her face.

"Outer disciple?!" Nekomamushi and Inuarashi glanced at each other.

"So ka, so you have become Rifan's outer disciple." Nekomamushi's eyes rolled, thoughtful in his heart, "Well, Rifan, what do you think of me, I don't know if I can be fortunate enough to become your outer disciple?"

Through the contact with Kozuki Oden, Nekomamushi and Inuarashi know that Kikunojo and Denjiro, who are also the Nine Red Scabbards, have become Rifan's outer disciples.

Now they are training according to Rifan's method, and they will also participate in the challenge held by Rifan in the future.

Through the communication with Kozuki Oden, Nekomamushi also knew that Rifan had a rule.

That is the number of outer disciples, which can only be twice that of formal disciples.

Now, Carrot has become Rifan's official disciple, which means that Rifan can accept two outer disciples!

Wanda takes one of the spots, that is to say, Rifan can still receive one!

For this position, Nekomamushi is quite interested in it.

Hearing the words of the Nekomamushi, Inuarashi immediately looked at the Nekomamushi, and his face was a bit startled.

"You want to become my outer disciple?" Rifan rubbed his chin, "I can indeed accept an outer disciple. If you are interested, it is not impossible."

"Wait, Lord Rifan." Inuarashi turned his head and looked at Rifan solemnly, "If possible, please accept me."

"Your Excellency, Wanda and Carrot belong to the Musketeer team I manage. Compared to Nekomamushi, I can get along with them better."

"What did you say?!" Nekomamushi looked at Inuarashi dissatisfied, "Can't I get along with them?"

"Huh, who knows." Inuarashi nodded, "And, since it's the outer disciple of Lord Rifan, don't you think I am more suitable than you? "

"Ha, do you mean to say you are stronger than me?! Are you kidding?!" Nekomamushi frowned, "Do you want to compare?"

Inuarashi: "Do you think I am afraid of you?"

On the side, Carrot and Wanda looked at each other. They did not expect that Duke Inuarashi, who had been reconciled with Boss Nekomamushi would argue again for the position of Rifan's "outer disciple".

"Teacher Rifan, you better stop them." Wanda leaned down and whispered in Rifan's ear, "Duke Inuarashi and Boss Nekomamushi will really fight if this continues."

"Isn't that just right?" Rifan's mouth curled up, "Both of them want to be my outer disciples. It's not good for me to refuse anyone. It's better to let them decide on their own strength.

"Yes, Lord Rifan is right!" Duke Inuarashi stood up, "Nekomamushi, come on, let's have a good fight, and the victorious can join Lord Rifan's dojo."

"Hmp, just right, now I can finally teach you a lesson." Nekomamushi's eyes fixed on Inuarashi, without the slightest fear.

"Now that it's decided, let's start right away." Suddenly, Rifan left a set of shogi on the table, "Go ahead, you two."

"Um, Lord Rifan, what are you?" Nekomamushi looked at the chess on the table, his expression a little confused.

"Shogi, don't say you two don't know how to play shogi." Rifan laughed,

"This thing is also available in Wano Kuni. Since you two are parts of the Nine Red Scabbards, you should also be good at shogi.

"Well, Lord Rifan, what you said about the contest, is it to let us use shogi to determine the outcome?" Duke Inuarashi pulled the corner of his mouth, his face looked a little stunned.

"Otherwise? " Rifan shrugged, "Don't tell me you think I let you two fight with real swords, I'm not so violent."

Listening to Rifan's words, Duke Inuarashi and Nekomamushi looked at each other, and they both noticed a trace of sorrow in each other's eyes.

New Fanfic: Title: Marvel: I am selling artifacts all over the Universe.

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