
One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher!

Follow Rifan our mc on the world of pirates as he changes the fate of his disciples. —read the Auxiliary for more info. .... ... ... ... [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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571 Chs

Chapter 383: The King Was Caught!

"How come Shirahoshi has completely mastered the power of Poseidon and has also become a disciple of Rifan?!"

"In this way, will I not be able to get Shirahoshi?!"

"Wait, after Shirahoshi becomes Rifan's disciple, will she come to trouble me?"

In the sea not far from the Fish-Man island, the captain of the flying pirate group, who also used the target fruit ability to mark Shirahoshi, hugged his head with his hands as he walked around the room anxiously.

Although Shirahoshi becomes stronger, it will definitely dispel many people's intentions to acquire Shirahoshi.

However, Shirahoshi got on the boat with Rifan, but Vander Decken felt that his chance of getting Shirahoshi was getting smaller and smaller, even too small to be seen.

"Captain, what should we do next?"

"Yes, will Shirahoshi come to take revenge on us!?"

"Shirahoshi's power is so strong now; can we handle her?!"

"Captain, let's run away, leave the waters of the Fish-Man island, and go to other places!"

"Yes, with your abilities, Captain, we will definitely be able to make a famous reputation elsewhere."

The crew of the Flying Pirates gathered in the captain's room, looking forward to selling their ideas to Vander Decken.

Not long ago, because Shirahoshi's abilities were exposed, Vander Decken had made up his mind to go to the Fish-Man island personally.

However, before they reach the island, the ranking of Shirahoshi has been updated again.

Moreover, Shirahoshi is likely to become a disciple of Rifan, which surprised the crew of the Flying Pirates.

Not long ago, Golden Lion, the captain of the Flying Pirates, was defeated by Rifan's disciple Hancock alone.

If they go to trouble the Fish-Man island now, the crew don't think that the end of their Pirates group can be better than the end of the Golden Lion.

More likely, they will be eaten by Sea Kings summoned by Shirahoshi before they have time to enter the Fish-Man island.

"Shut up! So noisy!" Vander Decken turned around and rebuked his crew.

Seeing that Vander Decken was angry, everyone closed their mouths quickly.

They don't want to be thrown at Shirahoshi's place by their captain's ability.

"Damn it, why did Shirahoshi become Rifan's disciple at this time!"

"By the way, it must be that bastard Rifan who saw Shirahoshi possessing the power of Poseidon, so he accepted her as a disciple!"

"Damn it, Rifan, this guy already has such a powerful power; why would he steal my Poseidon!"

"I shouldn't have given the Fish-Man island such a long time; I should have come and snatched Shirahoshi away long ago!"

Vander Decken walked around the room; his unspeakable anger made the crew even more afraid to speak out.

Fortunately, after a period of entanglement, Vander Decken finally gave up their plan to go to the Fish-Man island, which could not help but let the crew breathe a sigh of relief.

"Let's go, little ones, drive our ship to Noah's Ark!"

Vander Decken looked at the crew, and a deep hatred was revealed in his cold voice.

"Boss, what are we going to do there?" a crew member asked.

"Of course, I'm going to send my beloved Shirahoshi a gift by becoming a disciple of Rifan." Vander Decken grinned, showing a sinister smile.

"Becoming Rifan's disciple is such a huge deal, you say; Shirahoshi should be overjoyed when I deliver Noah's Ark to the Fish-Man island, right? " Upon hearing the words of their captain, the crew looked at each other in shock.

Noah's Ark, also known as the boat of promise, size even reached half the Fish-Man island!

At this moment, all the crew members had guessed what Vander Decken thought.

He wanted to use his ability, the target fruit, to project Noah's Ark onto the Fish-Man island directly.

Once an ark of this size falls, the Fish-Man island is bound to be destroyed!

"We won't get revenge, will we?"

"Probably not; Captain will throw the Ship of Promise from a distance. Even Rifan will not find us, right?"

"Hurry up, I don't know if Rifan and Shirahoshi will find us, but I know if we don't act, the captain will throw us over!"

The crew members whispered and quickly left the captain's room and rushed to do their jobs.

At the same time, the Fish-Man island, in the hard shell tower.

"Congratulations, Shirahoshi; I really didn't expect the golden list to have updated features." Rifan looked at Shirahoshi with a smile, "It's quite humane, and you've ranked second in the [Abilities List]. That means you will be able to get even better rewards."

"Perhaps, it is possible for you to obtain the props that can revive your mother."

Hearing Rifan's words, Shirahoshi's eyes lit up, and she looked at Rifan:

"Teacher Rifan is it possible?!"

"Of course, it's possible. You must be aware if you have been following the golden list that I have utilized the golden list's resurrection goods to raise the dead. However, if it is a resurrection scroll, such as the advanced resurrection item, it may resurrect your mother at the cost of reducing your ability."

"Well, although your ability will decline, you can train again later. So it's not harsh."

Rifan smiled and was about to continue talking. But just then, the entrance to the hard shell tower swung wide, and a Fish-Man soldier rushed to the Rifan dojo.

"P-Princess Shirahoshi, Hody Jones rebelled, and His Majesty the King and the three princes were all caught!"