
One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher!

Follow Rifan our mc on the world of pirates as he changes the fate of his disciples. —read the Auxiliary for more info. .... ... ... ... [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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571 Chs

Chapter 342: Big Mom being talkative—

"It can't be stopped!"

"Galette will die!"

"But, if Galette is really Rifan's disciple, she should have acquired a powerful ability."

"If Galette is dead, it will be the most troublesome."

On the side, the members of the Charlotte family stared at Charlotte Linlin and Galette with wide-eyed eyes, not daring to shift their eyes slightly.

Linlin frowned and raised her hand to reach Galette.

However, in the middle, Linlin had to stop her actions.

Because she found that nothing appeared on Galette.

This means that Galette is really not afraid of her at the moment.

"How come?!" Linlin gritted her teeth and chanted her soul spell again.


Galette sighed and said to Linlin:

"Sorry, mother, I am not afraid of you now, so your soul spell cannot affect me."

"Moreover, even if I am afraid of you, my special ability can also attribute your malice towards me to a state of "nothing"."

"Golden Experience Requiem."

In a place that people can't see with naked eyes, a mysterious figure appeared beside Linlin.

The fruit ability of Linlin, which was still shrouded in Galette, automatically returned to her body in a way that Linlin could not understand.

"This is!?" Not far away, Charlotte Katakuri, one of the four Sweet Commander of the BIG-MOM Pirate Group, narrows his eyes.

"Do you feel it, Brother Katakuri." Smoothie glanced at Katakuri, "That is the power that Galette obtained from Rifan, which is similar to Ain's ability called Golden Experience Requiem."

"Golden Experience Requiem!?" Katakuri's pupils shrink,

"That Ain you said, is she the woman who made Sengoku and others leave Marineford with her own power?"

"Who else can anyone besides her." Smoothie sighed, "I have tried Galette's new power while on the road. It is a force that I cannot understand and cannot resist. I am afraid Brother, your Observation Haki can't comprehend Galette's ability."

Katakuri's brows furrowed tighter when he heard Smoothie's words.

"If it is really such an ability, then Mother, I am afraid..." Katakuri gritted his teeth, and he did not say the second half of the sentence.

Even if he had guessed in his heart, their Mother is not Galette's opponent at this moment.

"What's going on, why is my power?!"

Linlin looked at her hands in surprise.

"Galette, what did you do to me?!"

Galette pursed her mouth, raised her head and said to her mother:

"I just reduced your attack to zero, Mother."

"If I can, I don't want to fight with you."

Taking advantage of the time when Linlin temporarily stopped her ability because of surprise, Galette finally had time to tell Rifan's request and the fact that she could recommend two outer disciples.

When she heard that Rifan was about to take away an island from her territory, Linlin's face immediately turned black.

Compared with Galette's withdrawal from the pirate group and being taken away by others, Linlin was even angrier.

After all, she is one of the Four Emperors, and having her territory taken away by others is extremely humiliating.

If you let others know, they will definitely laugh at the BIG-MOM Pirates.

But in the next second, Linlin thought of Rifan's abilities, and remembering the experience of Kaido and Marine, she suddenly felt that Rifan taking an island away from her territory didn't seem to be a shameful thing.

After all, Kaido, who is also the Four Emperors, had his territory taken away by Rifan disciples, and Marine, even the Naval Headquarters owner changed hands.

On the other hand, Rifan just wants the most inconspicuous islands on her territory. Compared with Marine and Kaido, it is completely too small to complain about!

"Wait, you said you can recommend two people to Rifan to become his outer disciples!?"

After listening to Galette's narration, Linlin, who just wanted to test Galette, had no intention of continuing to shoot.

As a later generation, after fully seeing the record of many disciples of Rifan.

What Linlin wants to be sure of is whether Galette is really an official disciple of Rifan and whether she has gained a lot of power from Rifan.

Seeing that Galette easily blocked her attack, and Galette still has the authority to recruit two outer disciples, the grievances of Rifan taking one of her own territories have been reduced a lot.

'Wait, if Rifan just takes away Galette's residence, doesn't it mean that he will often come to the waters of the Totto Land in the future?'

'At that time, I should have many opportunities to reach him.'

'Maybe, I can really find a chance for my daughter to marry him. "

'Furthermore, even though the outer disciples of Rifan have to leave the pirate group, they can still come back to help me if I encounter dangerous situations in the future!'

'Whether it is Galette who has become an official disciple of Rifan, or anyone else who has become an outer disciple, they will definitely be able to follow Rifan!'

'The possibility of marriage between them and Rifan will become even greater!'

'If Galette or my other daughters really marry Rifan, even if they are not in my pirate group anymore, Rifan will definitely not target my group Mamama~!'

Thinking of the future, Linlin unconsciously sketched a big smile on her face.

"^...^ Okay, I agree. Since Rifan requested it, the Butter Town of Margarine Island will be ruled by you."

"Galette, I allow you to take off the banner that belongs to me in Butter Town, Margarine Island, and replace it with your own banner."

"From today, you are the ruler of Margarine Island!"

"However, I hope you will use your own means to make Rifan and the BIG-MOM Pirate Group a marriage relationship as much as possible, do you understand?"

Linlin said with a smile.

"!?" Seeing her Mother suddenly changed her expression, Galette couldn't help being a little surprised.