
One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher!

Follow Rifan our mc on the world of pirates as he changes the fate of his disciples. —read the Auxiliary for more info. .... ... ... ... [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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571 Chs

Chapter 203: Devil Fruit Awakening Card—

Impel Down.

"Teacher Rifan, do you think that woman will die?"

Domino asked while standing beside Rifan.

"She won't die." Rifan's mouth curled up, "Just now, although my past self penetrated her lower abdomen, it didn't affect her vitality too much."

"Perhaps it's a Devil Fruit's ability, or her body has a special system."

Although the range was not large, Rifan's sharp eyes did keenly catch Im creeping wounds slowly recovering.

"That woman is too greedy, if the silver saint's clothing can be mastered well, she is already strong enough."

"With her strength, she can even defeat any strong man in this world, even Hawkeye with his Zanpaktō may not be able to win against her."

"But fortunately, this woman gave up quickly. If she didn't surrender at that time, her head definitely will blow up with the next attack~"

"With her head blowing up, she should not be able to live anymore." Rifan smiled.

"Rifan, you said that after Im masters the silver saint, she can defeat any strong man in the world, including you-?"

Miss Olive asked curiously.

"What do you think?" Rifan gave Miss Olive a funny look.

"Definitely not, a powerful superman like Rifan, definitely no one can defeat." Miss Olive said with a bright face as if she was telling herself.

"Rifan, if it is one of your disciples, can they beat the Im who has mastered the saint clothing?" After a pause, Miss Olive continued to ask. 

"Then it depends on the level of effort of my disciple." Rifan smiled and looked at Domino on the side, "If Domino's ability can be one step closer, even the Im who has mastered the silver saint can be defeated with problems."

"One step closer?" Domino glanced at Rifan curiously, "Wait, teacher Rifan, can my Star Platinum be one step closer like your [The World]?"

After two years of training, Domino has only watched Rifan use another version of [The World], which is completely incomprehensible.

It seems that everything can be rewritten in front of[The World].

"You are very smart, Domino." Rifan patted Domino on the shoulder and smiled, "But even if the Star Platinum and The World are the same types of stand, but you don't have enough soul power and lifespan, you'd better not think about mastering such power."

"It's longevity, in a real sense."

At the end of the conversation, Rifan was not talking with Domino and turned his attention to the golden list.

[Sabo: Facts have proved that you can't be too greedy, otherwise, you may get nothing.]

[Blackbeard Teach: What a pity, if I can get the Lizard Saint Clothing, that would be great. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Do you want to get the same ability as Whitebeard, Teach? Jiehaha~]

[Dragon: The reward for the sixth place has already been distributed. Next, it will be a special session for Rifan and his disciples. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: What a familiar scene. Last time on the swordsmanship list, Rifan also took the top five. Of course, there is also Rifan's disciple Nami.]

[Blackfoot Sanji: The top five awards are really enviable. ]

–[Martial Arts Skills List], 5th place, congratulations to Rifan and Rebecca for obtaining the [Devil Fruit Awakening Card].

-After using the[Devil Fruit Awakening Card]immediately awakened Demon fruit power.

"Unexpectedly, I got such a thing." Looking at the card that suddenly appeared in his hand, Rifan raised his eyebrows, "It just so happens that it can be used by Yamato.

Rifan raised his head and said goodbye to the two women on his side. With a flash, he left Impel Down and went to the dojo on the island of Onigashima.

[Straw Hat Luffy: Devil Fruit Card awakening, what is that, can I eat it?] 

[Redhead Shanks: Luffy, you are still the same as before, all you want to eat. All you need to know is that when Devil Fruit awakens, you will become stronger. For example, if your Devil Fruit can be awakened, it may be able to turn the surrounding ground into rubber. ]

[Luffy: It's all turned into rubber? It's so amazing!]

[Golden Lion Shiki: No matter what kind of Devil Fruit, being able to awaken means more powerful abilities.

However, there are very few people with awakening abilities in the world. But there's actually a card on the golden list that can make people awaken their devil fruit abilities. ]

[Charlotte Smoothie: There are two women next to Rifan. One ate the Quake Fruit and the other ate Dark Fruit. Now, their strength will become stronger. ]

In Dressrosa, Sadi blinked her eyes when she saw the message.

"Will Teacher Rifan give me the Awakening Card?" Sadi-chan whispered. 

"Robin, you are also a devil fruit user right?"

"With the power of Wood Style, it doesn't matter if my Flower-Flower Fruit is not awakened." Robin waved her hand. "However, Teacher Rifan's awakening card should be given to Yamato. If Yamato does not awaken her Devil Fruit ability, Teacher Rifan may never allow Yamato to open the last door of the Eighth Gates.

"That's also true." Sadi nodded, "Forget it, I'm going to train honestly. Sigh, I really want to be an official disciple of Teacher Rifan like you. In this way, I can also be alone with Teacher Rifan for two years, hehe."

Robin chuckled and glanced at Sadi: "You don't want to be Teacher Rifan's formal disciple, but rather you want to be Teacher Rifan's woman.

"Aren't you the same, Robin?" Sadi put her right hand on her chin and looked at Robin with a charming smile. "Love is still more passionate between men and women."

"Speaking of which, I'm curious what happened during the two years when you and Teacher Rifan were alone?"

"One man and one woman, two years alone with a handsome man like Teacher Rifan, it's impossible for nothing to happen right?"

Hearing Sadi's words, Robin smiled even more and said:

"Who knows, why don't you ask Teacher Rifan?"

Because of Sadi's words, Robin couldn't help but recall her two-year training career with him.

'It's really weird to imagine now.'

'Obviously, after receiving a year's training, I have been particularly relaxed in dressing. Why doesn't Teacher Rifan have the performance that a man should have?'

'Even if he didn't show too much liking, he should have some reaction.'

'My look and figure should be pretty good.'

'Could it be that Teacher Rifan doesn't like my type?'

'I don't know what Nami and Teacher Rifan do for two years?'

Thinking of this, Robin sighed slightly.

"Really, Nami is like this, Vivi is like this, all of you are like this." Sadi pouted, "Can't you just tell me what happened in two years? Aren't we sisters, do we need to be so mysterious?"

"Hehe, maybe everyone thinks the memories of those two years are personal." Robin shrugged, "So, everyone is reluctant to go to these memories.

"Hmp, one day, I will also have a unique two-year memory with Teacher Rifan." Sadi clenched her fists with a firm face, "But before that, I should first need to go out to the sea to find his dojo."

"I hope you find it in advance." Robin encourages with a teasing smile.