
One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher!

Follow Rifan our mc on the world of pirates as he changes the fate of his disciples. —read the Auxiliary for more info. .... ... ... ... [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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571 Chs

Chapter 150: Betrayal—? 

Just when Doflamingo guessed the origin of Yamato, the 11th place was officially announced.

–[Martial Arts Skills], 11th place, Marine Six Styles; User, Sengoku, Garp, Lucci, Kalifa, Rifan, etc…

– Marine Six Styles, divided into Shaving, Iron Body, Paper Arts, Moonwalk, Tempest Kick, Finger Pistol

"Marine Six Styles is eleventh place."

"If the tipping point between premium rewards and ordinary rewards is tenth, the Marine and World governments' faces will definitely not be good."

Rifan smiled.

"That's right, thinking of their expression at that time… Fufufu~"

Thinking of Sengoku's gloomy expression, Doflamingo couldn't help laughing.

[Dark King Rayleigh: Wow~ this is the first time I saw so many names in one ranking. ]

[Redhead Shanks: But it's in eleventh place, I don't know how Sengoku feels now. ]

[Beast Kaido: Hmp! Isn't it just Marine Six Styles? It looks not as good as the Perfume Femur kicked by Hancock before, and it ranks so high!? ]

[Female Empress Hancock: Yes, I am not convinced! Why are Marine Six Styles higher than my martial arts skill ranking!? ]

[Juggernaut Rifan: Marine Six Styles, if you only use one or two of them, it will definitely not be comparable to the Female Empress Perfume Femur. But if all together, its value is very high. ] 

[Juggernaut Rifan: Speed, defense, long-range strike, air movement, induction, Marine Six Styles has all these characteristics, and the more powerful the person, the stronger the power of Marine Six Styles. Place in the 11th ranked is quite appropriate for it.]

[Red Hair Shanks: Hahaha, it's really rare that Rifan actually spoke. But having said that, there is also Rifan among those who know Marine Six Styles. I don't know how you learned it? ]

[Bone Brook: Am I the only one who pays attention to the title of Rifan? It's amazing!] 

[Dark King Rayleigh: Having said that, who are the few people in the demo? The person in charge of the battle turned out to be a Marine again. Huh? Why are they fighting again?] 

[Redhead Shanks: Isn't it interesting? Vice-Captain Rayleigh, Marine is used to demonstrating these skills. ]

At this moment, above Enies Lobby, Spandam looked at the golden list that was still operating the demo with a shocked face.

Because this time involves demonstrating a full six martial arts, the demonstration time is much longer than before.

"Rob Lucci, Kaku, Jabra, Blueno, Kumadori, Otonashi Fukurou, Kalifa, why do these six people fight Marine?!"

"Wait, this is a picture of the future. Could it be that they defected in the future!?"

"What is it that made these guys defect?!"

As the chief of cp9, Spandam used to be proud and happy for owning powerful players such as Lucci.

Because they are always able to complete their tasks perfectly.

More importantly, although they are not too friendly to him, they will always obey his orders due to his higher rank.

However, seeing these 7 cp9 agents fighting relentlessly with Marine, Spandam suddenly felt that these people were not credible.

"That's right! Kalifa's mission!" Spandam suddenly remembered.

"Kalifa and Blueno are still on the mission of capturing the Pluton blueprint in the City of Water Seven."

"Now, isn't the mission going to waste?!"

The gold list exposed the ability of Kalifa and others to use Marine Six Styles. The head of the city of Water Seven Iceburg, which is also their target, will definitely be on alert.

At that time, let alone get Ancient Weapon Pluton design drawings from Iceburg.

After making Iceburg alert, it will be even more difficult to succeed even if he sends spies again in the future.

You know, Kalifa, Lucci and others have been undercover under Iceburg for nearly five years.

But just like that, they didn't succeed in getting the Pluton blueprint from Iceburg.

As for threatening Iceburg with death to hand over blueprints, even Spandam knew it was impossible.

People like Iceburg will never be afraid of death. It is also for this reason that he will send Kalifa and other four CP9 agents to become undercover.

"Damn it, this golden list actually made my plan fall short?!"

"No, now I should be concerned about why all the cp9 agents will defect!?"

Spandam paced back and forth in the room, thinking about why Lucci and others might be hunted down by Marine and Cp.

On the other side, the capital of water seven, in the long office of the Iceburg.

Iceburg looked at his secretary Kalifa with a look of astonishment.

"You Kalifa, why can you use Marine Six Styles?"

Iceburg eyes widened.

"Could it be that you are an agent of the World government?!"

Hearing that, Kalifa pushed her glasses, turned and kicked Iceburg.

The powerful force instantly caused Iceburg to smash against the wall and fainted.

The next moment, beside Kalifa, a piece of air was pushed open like a door.

"It's time to go, Kalifa." Using the door fruit's ability to push the air door open, the cp9 agent Blueno, who appeared at Iceburg office, walked out of the air door.

"Where?" Kalifa frowned. "Did Spandam give new orders?"

"No, he didn't issue a new order." Blueno shook his head, "I tried to contact him, but he didn't answer my call."

"No matter what, our identity in the Capital of Water Seven has been exposed."

"Next, we will be in hiding for the time being. After this matter has settled down, let's decide what to do next."

Kalifa sighed, "It can only be this way."

After the words were over, Kalifa and Blueno walked into the air door together and disappeared into the office of Iceburg.

A minute later, a team quickly ran into Iceburg office

"President, are you okay!?"

"It's not good, the president has been attacked!"

"Kalifa is gone, hurry up, take the President to the hospital!"

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All Time Ranking.

[Release Chapters.]

Rank 1st - 5 chapters

Rank 2nd - 4 Chapters

Rank 3rd - 3 Chapters

Rank 4th and below - 1-2 chapters.


Novelette_Seekercreators' thoughts