
One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher!

Follow Rifan our mc on the world of pirates as he changes the fate of his disciples. —read the Auxiliary for more info. .... ... ... ... [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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571 Chs

Chapter 133: Juggernaut—

"What's the matter? What's wrong with me?!" Holding his heart, Shiki looked puzzled.

"Sword Twenty-Three?! Could it be that we were attacked by Rifan's Sword Twenty-Three?!" Shiryu looked at Rifan in surprise.

Just now, his Advanced Observation Haki did not predict anything!

This made Shiryu terrified. If Observation Haki that can foresee the future also cannot foresee the attack from Rifan, doesn't it mean that he is nothing in front of Rifan, as long as Rifan wants, he can kill him!?

"Ha. It turns out that even if you don't rely on weapons, your Sword Twenty-three technique is enough to defeat all of us." Mihawk smiled bitterly, "No, maybe even if you don't use the Sword Twenty-three, your ten thousand sword technique alone is enough to defeat all of us."

"I was wrong. I originally thought that your Kendo mastery would be stagnant because you spent your mind on other areas."

"It seems that your kendo has already reached its peak."

"This desperate gap, I'm afraid I won't be able to touch your realm for the rest of my life."

On the side, Shanks walked to Mihawk, patted him on the shoulder, and said:

"Don't be so desperate, Mihawk.

"Since you can't beat him, then choose to join."

"Don't Rifan like to accept disciples? For a genius like you, maybe Rifan would be willing to accept you as a disciple." 

With that, Shanks gave Mihawk a thumbs up.

"Worship Rifan as a teacher?" Mihawk raised his eyes slightly and glanced at Nami, who was admiring Rifan. "If I can get Rifan's guidance, maybe I can bring my Kendo one step closer to him.'

"Rifan, please let me learn Kendo from you!" Suddenly, Vista strongly propped up his trembling legs and bowed deeply to Rifan. "Please let me follow you to climb the sword peak!"

Seeing Rifan's kendo level with his own eyes, any swordsman will be shocked, and Vista is no exception.

Now, he just wants to learn from Rifan in order to improve his understanding of kendo to a higher level.

"Look, Mihawk, someone has already taken the lead." Shanks smiled and said.

"Hmph, if you want to be a disciple of Teacher Rifan, first find Teacher's Dojo, you big men." Nami opened her hands and blocked Shanks and the others.

Seeing that Vista wanted to be Rifan's disciple so much, Nami once again felt fortunate to find Rifan's Dojo.

Rifan smiled and glanced at Nami, inserted her Nichirin Blades back into the scabbard around her waist, and then waved his hand to return the weapons of the others to Mihawk and others.

At the same time, a golden message appeared on the golden list in the duel arena at the same time.

–Congratulations to Rifan, from now on, you are the new [Juggernaut].

–Reward, the body that is not destroyed.

Rifan's body floated automatically and landed on the Juggernaut throne at the top of the duel field.

Afterwards, a brilliant radiance gushed from above the throne to envelop Rifan's body.

At this moment, Rifan could clearly feel the immense vitality in his body, flowing continuously, as if it would never dissipate.

This is a more powerful vitality than Rifan's Wood Style energy.

Under the light, Rifan looked like a king, overlooking the crowd.

At this moment, all swordsmen in the world have this feeling.

Rifan is the Juggernaut, the king of kendo.

After a few minutes, when the rewards were distributed, Rifan got up from the throne and glanced down. 

The next moment, Rifan, Nami and all other players on the rank list returned to their place.

[Admiral Kizaru: Redhead and Rayleigh actually can't beat Rifan at the same time? The Sword Twenty-three is a really dangerous sword technique. So scary!]

Shanks and others, who were in the coverage of Sword Twenty-Three, couldn't perceive what Rifan did.

But those who watched the live broadcast through the golden list did see clearly. 

If you say that at the very beginning                 [Swordsmanship List] they did not have a specific concept when the Sword Twenty-Three was demonstrated.

But now, they understand that even if they are as strong as the Four Emperors, facing this move, all they can do is to lengthen their neck to be slaughtered by Rifan!

 As long as Rifan is willing, no one can survive after he uses that sword technique!

 [Zoro: How high is this kind of kendo realm? ]

[Koshiro: Perhaps, Rifan's understanding of kendo is what swordsmen should really strive for. ]

[Charlotte Smoothie: I don't know, whether Nami can reach this field in the future. ]

[Bone Brook: Miss Nami is stronger than before. Maybe in the future, she can learn the Ten Thousands of Swords and Sword Twenty-three sword technique from Sire Rifan.]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Rifan, the title of the Juggernaut, he deserves its title!]

At Naval Headquarters, Sengoku looked at Marines pillars such as Zephyr and Akainu standing beside him.

"Everyone, what do you think of the strength of this Rifan?"

Zephyr: "..."

Akainu: "..."

"Please don't look at me. I don't have confidence that I can run away from that scary trick." Kizaru spread his hands and twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Looking at the situation just now, Rifan performed this trick almost instantly, covering a range of at least 300 meters.

"If I get too close, I'm afraid I won't be able to save myself at my speed."

From the side, Tsuru nodded in agreement and said:

"Not only Sword Twenty-Three, but Rifan's Sode no Shirayuki is also dangerous."

"The performance of Shanks and others just now, they were obviously afraid of those bone-chilling powers."

"If the Sode no Shirayuki has this kind of power. What kind of power does the strongest flame system in  Zanpakutō be?"

 "Sengoku, maybe you should really go to Mariejois and talk to Four Elders about Rifan's bounty reward."

Sengoku was silent, only feeling that his head was as big as a cow.

He naturally hopes that Four Elders will withdraw Rifan's bounty reward. Although it is embarrassing, it can at least ease their relationship with Rifan. 

Let Rifan, who can defeat Nami, Rayleigh, Shanks, and other top swordmasters at the same time, become their enemy, Sengoku feels that he may not even sleep well in the future.

If Rifan is upset, and he comes to Naval Headquarters personally, Sengoku can't think of how to resist Rifan. 

What Sengoku didn't know was that Mariejois was also having a heated discussion at the same time.

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