
One Piece: From Flevance to the King of the World!

You have a new wish order: [Gourmet hunter Alu wants to taste delicious ingredients that he has never eaten before, and the reward is a gourmet cell.] [Illya wants to summon the strongest servant to win this Holy Grail War, and the reward is the Little Holy Grail.] [Valkyrie Brunhilde is looking for the strongest human being. What is the reward in order to defeat the gods ? ? ?] Gustavus Abel has responded to prayers from countless worlds countless times. Although he is a mortal, he is like a god. One day, when he suddenly looked back, he realized that he had already stood on top of the world. And everything in the story has to be told from the perspective of the boy who escaped from the white town that day. This is a translated novel. But you will find that the quality is somewhat higher because I have the luxury of using GPT-4 (and some human editing here and there) Original novel: https://m.bqg124.com/read/136168/

FFAddict · Anime & Comics
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351 Chs

Chapter 41

"Well, I'm already grateful that it wasn't a two-star review. It exceeded my expectations!"

Abel wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, thinking to himself that he must avoid encountering such "Wish Orders" in the future. They were truly a test of endurance.

It felt like he was being set up for failure!

Fortunately, the 200 trade points were safely secured, making his originally meager 'wallet' just a little bit thicker.

There was also that strange additional reward.

"Mouth-Hiding Technique"

One-time consumable

Description: The most potent ability of the Child of Destiny, it does not accept any refutation.

Effect: After use, anything the host says within the next five minutes will provoke the target's sensitive nerves to the maximum extent. (Limited to one person)

PS: All of you get out of my way, I'll revive the dead with my words!


It was indeed meant to be a joke, wasn't it?

Abel was too exhausted to retort. Perhaps one day, if he found someone displeasing, he could mimic Stephen Chow's comedic act, spitting lotus flowers, annoying the living to death and reviving the dead.

Just then, Baby-5 rushed in, "The young master is convening a family internal meeting, everyone should go to the conference room immediately."

"At this time?"

Abel found it strange but nodded, "I understand, I'm on my way."

Baby-5 immediately rushed off to inform the others.

Abel and Law converged and headed to the meeting room together.

In the following minutes, all the executives gathered, awaiting the orders of that individual.

Donquixote Doflamingo didn't mince words and went straight to the point, "I just received information from the underground black market, someone is trying to sell a Devil Fruit that isn't recorded in any guidebook. As its powers are unknown and the price is sky-high, no buyers have come forward yet. But according to my sources, quite a few people have set their sights on this group, ready to seize this Devil Fruit."

"Hehehe, I say, I say, how can our Donquixote family miss out on such a good thing?"

Trebol was the first to respond.

Giolla also joined in with a hearty laugh, "Ohohoho, I can hardly wait to let those guys experience real art."

Everyone understood the reason for Doflamingo's family meeting. Although they were involved in the underground black market trade, firstly, the sellers hadn't handed this Devil Fruit over to them for sale, and secondly, why spend a huge sum of money if they could get it for free?

At this, Law became thoughtful, "A Devil Fruit with unknown powers?"

Seemingly catching onto Law's thoughts, Doflamingo voluntarily spoke, "When our family gets a Devil Fruit, starting from the highest-ranking members, they can choose whether or not to consume the fruit."

"Now, only Corazon and Lao G in the family aren't Devil Fruit users, Law, Abel, your chances are great. Fancy a gamble?"

This proposition made Law's heart race!

Since only he knew that Corazon had already eaten a Devil Fruit, Corazon would definitely not eat any other Devil Fruit.

And Lao G seemed to have no interest in Devil Fruit powers, focusing on perfecting his martial art skills.

Otherwise, given Lao G's age and experience, he would likely have become a power user a long time ago.

As expected!

Corazon directly waved his hand, indicating he would pass.

Lao G also made it clear he had no interest, not wanting to become a Devil Fruit user.

And with Dellinger still being a one-year-old baby, this rare opportunity presented itself directly to Law and Abel.

Even though they hadn't secured that

Devil Fruit yet, everyone present already considered it an asset of the Donquixote family.

This wasn't arrogance, but the simple fact that there was no force in the North Sea that could rival the Donquixote family.

Well, except for the Navy.

While Law was very intrigued, he also looked towards Abel.

Abel was quick to express, "I'm not that confident in my luck. The unknown is a terrifying thing, so I'll pass."

If he truly encountered a particularly powerful or desirable Devil Fruit, he wouldn't be so courteous.

But unless he were insane, Abel would not gamble his one and only chance on such an unknown power.

The risk and reward were simply not proportional!

When Law heard Abel's words, his excitement was instantly doused, as if a bucket of cold water had been thrown over him.

"Abel is right, I only have this one chance, and to use it to gamble on an uncertain probability would be utter stupidity!"

"Even if I were to gamble, I'd wait until I'm on the brink of death."

Hence, Law straightforwardly said, "I want to reserve my choice for now, wait a little longer. If there are no better options, I will take a gamble with this Devil Fruit."

Although this request seemed unreasonable, Doflamingo still agreed with a laugh, "Hehehehe, alright, once we secure this Devil Fruit, the family can temporarily store it for you."

Doflamingo was generous with his 'family', using nearly all the obtained Devil Fruits to boost everyone's power.

Therefore, as no one else needed this Devil Fruit, he could agree to Law's somewhat 'willful' request.

"Same as always, two people stay behind to keep watch, everyone else departs shortly."

Doflamingo surveyed everyone, finally settling his gaze on Corazon.

However, as he prepared to leave Corazon behind as usual, Corazon was a step ahead and wrote on a piece of paper: "I want to go."

Clearly, he was doing this for Law!

Doflamingo, unaware of the motive, was taken aback for a moment, then laughed and said, "How unusual, you're actually volunteering to participate."

Corazon continued to write on the paper: "I've been a bit bored lately."

"Hehehehe, I've told you to find some fun, so now you know what boredom is? Alright, you don't have to stay behind this time."

"Diamante, Machvise, I leave the house in your care."

Diamante: "Hehe, it's rare for Corazon to take the initiative like this."

Machvise: "No problem, rest assured, young master, oing!"

Abel: "Being the only one without a catchphrase, I really struggle to fit in with this group!"

As everyone was heading towards the port, preparing to embark on the Flamingo, Law was once again pulled aside by Corazon into a deserted corner.

"You won't stop me this time!"

Law glared at Corazon like an indignant rooster.

Corazon, as always, first cast a silence bubble around them, and then spoke, "I have no intention of stopping you from going, but when the fight starts, you must ensure you stay within my sight and don't stray too far. Otherwise, even if you snitch to Doflamingo, I'll knock you out, take you away, to a place where no one can find you."

Law stared, his teeth gritted as he squeezed out a few words, "Fine, you're ruthless, I agree."

"Let me warn you, don't think of pulling any tricks later, you know what I'm capable of."

With a cold huff, Law left.

Corazon felt a headache coming on; playing babysitter was not an easy task!

But no matter what, he couldn't sit by and watch Law, who bore the 'name of D,' continue to stay by the dangerous Doflamingo's side.

"I need to think of a way to get Law out of here as soon as possible."

"Perhaps this time I can make a move through Law's companion?"

Corazon watched Abel, who had already boarded the ship, his expression contemplative.