
One Piece: From Flevance to the King of the World!

You have a new wish order: [Gourmet hunter Alu wants to taste delicious ingredients that he has never eaten before, and the reward is a gourmet cell.] [Illya wants to summon the strongest servant to win this Holy Grail War, and the reward is the Little Holy Grail.] [Valkyrie Brunhilde is looking for the strongest human being. What is the reward in order to defeat the gods ? ? ?] Gustavus Abel has responded to prayers from countless worlds countless times. Although he is a mortal, he is like a god. One day, when he suddenly looked back, he realized that he had already stood on top of the world. And everything in the story has to be told from the perspective of the boy who escaped from the white town that day. This is a translated novel. But you will find that the quality is somewhat higher because I have the luxury of using GPT-4 (and some human editing here and there) Original novel: https://m.bqg124.com/read/136168/

FFAddict · Anime & Comics
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351 Chs

Chapter 113

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In the end, Judge gritted his teeth and signed his name on the contract without attempting any deception.

Because he felt he was really at his limit, his consciousness started to blur.

Just then, the "Contract of the Dominating Demon," which had collected the names of two people, immediately turned into two streaks of light. One burrowed into Judge's body, and the other integrated itself into Abel.

This signified the completion of the contract!

Starting from this moment, Abel could arbitrarily command Judge to do anything, even if it was to immediately commit suicide. Judge would not hesitate to comply.

Moreover, controlling Judge meant controlling the entire Germa Kingdom.

This deal was quite profitable.

Looking at the near-death Judge, Abel pulled out a Senzu bean from his system bag. He then pondered for a moment and broke the bean into two halves.

"As long as he doesn't die, is half a bit too much? Maybe I should divide it again."

Abel stingily took out only a quarter of the Senzu bean, stuffed it into Judge's mouth, and commanded, "Swallow it."

With the swallowing action of Judge's throat, a miracle occurred the next moment!

Judge, who was on the verge of death, suddenly opened his eyes. Most of his fatal injuries were healed, and he even regained some of his strength.

"Now lie down and don't move. I'll do the talking."

Abel quickly instructed him, and at that moment, Buffalo finally landed.

"Abel! Baby-5! Mr. Buffalo has come to get you!"

"Buffalo, you should call him Lord Abel. After all, Abel has already become an executive."

Baby-5, hands on her hips, grumbled.

"Alright, Baby-5, if he doesn't want to, let it be. I'll buy you ice cream when we get back."

"Hmm! I want a double portion and I won't share with certain people."

Baby-5 made a face and stuck out her tongue.

Buffalo could only feel a great heartache!

Before, Baby-5 always took his side.

Before, the largest portion of ice cream was always his.

"Lord Abel, please sit tight. The Buffalo is about to take off~"

For the sake of ice cream, Buffalo decidedly gave up his dignity, which didn't exist to begin with.

Abel patted this big guy on the head and directly arranged, "How about I let you eat as much ice cream as you want when we get back?"

"Long live Lord Abel, Woohoo~ Take off!"

Abel sat atop Buffalo, while Baby-5 transformed into the lightest weapon he held in his hands. Without such an arrangement, Buffalo would struggle to fly them back.

Throughout the process, Abel never looked at the fallen Reiju again.

It was as if she wasn't worth his time.

After they flew away, Judge finally stopped playing dead and ran frantically towards the backup control room.

If he didn't hurry, it would be too late.

Reiju, left ignored, lay on the ground, her eyes vacant, staring at the sky, as though the world had forsaken her.

Soon, the sound of violent explosions began to ring out.

Everything around her was violently shaking, a terrifying sight.

But there Reiju lay, unmoving, without any thought of escaping.

"Maybe dying like this is the best end for me."

With this in mind, she quietly awaited the arrival of death.

But then something strange happened. Accompanied by the sound of explosions, the Saint Germane ship suddenly began to disintegrate, from whole to parts!

All the exploding snail ships were the ones on the outside, and after the explosions, they naturally formed a barrier, isolating both sides.

Then the rest of the snail ships went full throttle, moving at full speed in the opposite direction.

Germa 66 ran away?!

At this time, Doflamingo had already abandoned everything on the island, took all his officers aboard the Flamingo and created a distance.

Compared to Germa's inheritance, what he cared about more was the safety of himself and his 'family'.

There was no need for him to put himself in danger for those things.

So he was very decisive when he withdrew!

Under this safe distance, even if the entire Saint German ship exploded and sank, it wouldn't pose a threat to their safety.

Most importantly, the deeply hidden Germa Kingdom would no longer exist!

In the future, in the North Sea, the Donquixote Family will have no competitors worth considering.

Even after spreading this news, the reputation of the Donquixote family in the North Sea would reach a new peak!

But the problem was how to make people believe in the existence of Germa?

Given Doflamingo's understanding of Tsuru, she would never let them have their way.

"Huh? Why has it stopped?"

Gladius, looking at the fire on the distant sea, suddenly felt something was amiss.

Why did the explosions disappear after just a short while?

The fire and smoke rising to the sky on the sea blocked their view, making them unaware of what had happened there.

Abel and Baby-5 arrived, carried by Buffalo who was panting heavily. As soon as they landed, Buffalo, in a state of panic, exclaimed, "Young Master, we're in trouble!"

Doflamingo gave him a stern look, remarking, "Get a grip on yourself and steady your breath before speaking."

Buffalo was terrified and tried to calm himself, but the more anxious he got, the less he could steady his breath. So much so that he started hyperventilating, almost suffocating himself. This made Doflamingo even more irritated.

"Abel, you explain. What's going on?" Doflamingo inquired.

"I'm not completely sure about the details," Abel began, "but on our way here, I saw from the air that the enemy had used a diversion, purposely sacrificing some of their exploding snail boats to form a line of separation. The rest scattered and started to escape rapidly."

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone on the ship became restless.

"They're cunning, using a fake explosion to deceive us!" Diamante exclaimed angrily.

"We should pursue them, Doffy! They won't get far," Trebol immediately suggested.

However, Doflamingo calmly shook his head. "There's no need to chase. Even if we catch up, what can we do? Who can guarantee that the next explosion won't be real?"

Only a fool would blindly risk a head-on collision.

For Doflamingo, all he needed was to proceed calmly and systematically to effortlessly obtain everything he desired. So, why risk danger?

Just as fine porcelain is always placed in the most prominent place, high above, paying too much attention to a stone on the ground is simply irresponsible.

Moreover, at this point, Doflamingo saw the defeated Germa as no significant threat.

If he wanted, he could eradicate Germa from the North Sea forever!