
World and Haki

"Are we there yet, Oden-san?"

"I swear that if you say that one more time we're turning back!"

'Hehe, he's annoyed'

It's been a few days since I arrived here at Kuri, nothing of importance has really happened in these days, my routine now is training, visiting the city downhill and training again.

I've become very strong under Oden, or that's what I would like to say, the guy just laid down on the floor all day! When I met him, he said that he would help me, but he hasn't moved a muscle!

In fact, the only reason I'm using honorifics with him is because of Toki-sama and the other servants, they respect Oden a lot so not using them is almost like an insult to them. I don't understand it, how can this excuse of a lord be someone worth of respect? Yeah, he is strong but he acts like a child all the time.

Right now, we're both wlaking throught the little forest at the side of the mountain were the castle is, he didn't explained why, he just told me to follow him, walk into the woods and refused to elaborate further.

"Ok, we're finally here"

We have just arrive in a small clearing in the woods, some rocks and trees surround it, but it's an almost perfect circle were there is only grass.

"So, what did you bring me here for?" When an adult brings a kid to the deeps of a forest, far from civilization, it usually not for something good.

Oden turns around and places his hands on his hips "I'm going to pull things from inside you, you didn't know you had".



"I need an adult?"

"I am an adult" And he says it with all the confidence in the world! This guy!

"I told you I would help you so you could fulfill your dream, so I'm going to teach you"

'Good, at last he's going to teach me instead of lazing around all day!' Now I'm totally focused on what Oden has to say.

"If you want to survive out there, then first you need knowledge of the world we live in".

I nod paying attention to what he has to say.

"This world is almost covered entirely on water and a giant stone wall named the Red Line surrounds the entire world, dividing it in two.

An ocean route called the Grand Line wraps around the world perpendicularly to the Red Line, so the world is split into six parts, the four blues surrounding the Grand Line and Red Line, the north, south, west and east blues.

The two halves of the Grand Line, the first one, called Paradise and the second half, The New World, life inside the Grand Line is much more difficult than in the blues, and the New World is considered such a challenge that the first half is called Paradise.

And the New World is where Wano is located."

'A stone wall surrounding the entire world? How can that even be possible?' Before I can continue questioning what Oden said, he starts talking again.

"Out in the seas there are countless individuals that are extremely strong and some of them can do things straight out of fairy tales, these people are called Devil fruit users, they are those who ate what is known as a Devil Fruit.

Devil Fruits can allow a man to turn into a monster, or sink entire islands with just a move of their hands, almost every user is very powerful, but in exchange for that power they lose their ability to swim, here in Wano we call them sorcerers."

I...I didn't expect this, I saw a dragon flying over the capital once, but people can posses even more terrifying powers by just eating a damn fruit!?

"But there is a power that stands above all else, this power is called Haki.

Everyone can eat a Devil fruit, but only a few can use Haki, let alone master it. It's the manifestation of your spirit and willpower, one's Haki will go as far as your ambition and the willpower behind that ambition allows, the stronger the will is, the stronger it can become. It can be trained, but only in battle, it truly blooms.

"There are three types of Haki, the first one and the most common is called Armament Haki, here in Wano that term isn't known, we call it Ryuo. Armament Haki covers your body acting like a thin layer of skin, making your body as hard as metal.

It can also be extended and applied to objects, it can make a wooden stick as resistant as steel or even make the dullest of blades cut throught iron like paper.

It can even allow you to touch intangible objects."

Oden moves his right hand to his swords grabbing one and unsheathing it, I watch carefully every movement he makes, not letting even one movement slip from me.

'WHAT. THE . HELL?' I don't know what I'm seeing, the figure of Oden is standing right in front of me, he didn't move a single muscle, but I can see it very clearly. His heart is on fire, veins of lava and light travel through his body and up his right arm.

When was the last time I saw such vibrant color? Since I was given a second chance, everything has been dark and a cold blue when looking at people, but this is different, it is a whole spectrum of warm colors, It's...it's beautiful.

It continues expanding until the energy leaves Oden's hands and crawls up his sword until it has completely surrounded the entire katana.

Outside of Yasu's senses, the blade of the sword Oden is holding has changed colour, the back of the blade has turned jet black and the edge is now a dark violet, there's a pattern along the blade resembling fire which has changed colour to dark green.

The sword now is completely different from how it was a second ago.

Oden swings his sword to the side with little force and all the trees on his right fall over to the ground, cut into pieces, even a giant boulder is sliced perfectly as if it was that way from the beginning.

"This is what we call Ryuo"


Ok, another chapter, this one and the next are going to be mainly exposition, still, you should not skip this, I'm explaining at least how I see Haki from my perspective and how it's going to work so please don't skip.

With that said as always thanks for reading.