

Well, another chapter,hopefully I can start picking up the peace again.When I started writing this book I didn't expect writning to be this challenging and tiring.

I don't really feel that my writing is that good and smooth so if you got some criticism or sugestions then it's welcomed and thank you for those bearing with me.


Lined up in one of the castle's hallways, Yasu and the other geishas were standing still waiting for the supposed important guest to come and greet them with their hands crossed over their abdomens.

"Who do you think is this important guest?" The geishas couldn't help but mutter, wondering who could be coming to see Orochi. 

"Did you see Orochi? He was covered in sweat the instant he heard someone was coming" 

"Do you think it's him?" Hearing the question the geishas all nodded in unison "It must be that beast that's been circling Orochi all these years right? The beasts pirate, Kai-"

Suddenly, the sound of a lonely war drum shook all the geishas almost making them fall to the floor. Again, with the force of giants, the drum roared throughout the castle reaching every one of the people inside.

Following the first, another one of those earsplitting drums joined following the first in a very slow but steady beat, this one a bit less powerful but no less menacing.

Sweat ran down all the geisha's backs hearing the two war drums increasingly getting closer and closer with each beat, some looked nervously left and right trying to make sense of the sounds while others gripped their clothes with shaking hands. 

Kyomi, standing next to Yasu, was the only geisha who seemed composed although even with her hands crossed over her stomach, some shacking could still be seen.

"Girls! Enough!" Like a stern mother, with just a shout Kyomi managed to take all the girl's attention away from those deafening sounds, and in but a moment all were again standing in line as composed as they could be.

Kyomi's eyes slowly moved from one geisha to another making sure there would be no mistakes that could get any of them killed. With how Orochi reacted it wouldn't surprise her that for the smallest mistake, heads would roll on the floor.

Satisfied with her geishas, Kyomi's gaze finally landed on Yasu instantly getting her worried. Slight traces of steam were rising from his body, his chest going up and down very quickly, the sound of his quickened breathing easily reaching her ears.

Looking carefully, Kyomi was astonished to see that the instant a drop of sweat went a little down Yasu's skin, it would evaporate turning into the steam constantly rising to the ceiling.

She could feel some heat coming from him warming some of her exposed skin. It didn't make any sense. Why is heat coming off of him? And...is he red in the face?

Moments ago the only thing going through his mind was going home, greeting his father, and having a nice meal, that was the plan, or at least it was until the whole ocean descended upon him in the blink of an eye followed by a pair of footsteps so loud it could be confused with the march of two monster...no, they probably were monsters themselves.

The rapid beating of his heart was almost deafened by the footsteps, with every step those monsters took a burning sensation spread more and more through his body alongside a crushing pressure dawning on his shoulders.

With each passing second a numb sensation spread through his legs making standing a titanic task. After what felt like an eternity for Yasu, finally, the two figures came into view for all in the hallway to see.

Two giants walked through the hallway with their heads almost reaching the ceiling, their heads too up high to notice the geishas standing in line for them like ants going unnoticed from how small they are.

Even though both of them were enormous monsters one of the two walked behind the other, as a shadow too afraid of the spotligh not wanting to draw attention from the one walking in front of him.

The beast leading the charge surpassed seven meters in height, from both sides of his head, two bull horns were protruding looking sharp enough to confuse metal with paper, wearing a leather jacket with a feather coat draped over his shoulders, gigantic muscles could be seen adorning his body, some even as big as a full grown adult with short legs compared with the rest of the body.

Thinking of when he first met Oden, his presence was extremely bright and overwhelming, but he gave an air of trust and warmth, this was the total opposite. Staring at the monster's presence was like staring into the sun itself, blinding and chaotic making his head hurt like needles were being poked into his brain.

Behind the monstrosity, not stepping away from his shadow, another giant almost as tall as the first one walked without looking once to the geishas forming a line at the side of the hallway.

Towering over six meters, this giant was covered from head to toe in leather clothing with metal spikes and belts covering almost every piece of clothing. On his back something quickly caught Yasu's attention, two folded giant black wings adorned his back.

Even though the first monster was almost blinding with his presence, Yasu just kept focused on those wings with every passing second feeling his body getting warmer and warmer almost getting uncomfortable.

Those wings had...something, he couldn't stop focusing on them. The man wasn't as blinding with his presence as the first, these two were something out of his reach and still, his focus would not move from those colossal wings.

There were no words to express how Yasu was feeling, not even he knew what and why he felt this unnatural attraction as if it were calling to him. He had already lost track of how long he had been staring at the wings. Slowly his foot rose to step forward along with his hand to try and reach them.

The instant his foot touched the ground a massive heat wave struck him making him stop in the spot taking his focus out of the wings and switching to the man they were stuck to.

The man towering over Yasu was still, looking at him from the corner of his eye, not even fully turning to look at him. Neither of them said a word, just staring into each other's eyes, it was becoming increasingly difficult for Yasu to not just punch the man and fight him despite having an idea of his strength from his presence alone.

"King! Stop paying around" A deep thundering voice screamed from the end of the hallway, without a doubt, the winged man turned his head and continued moving forward, both disappearing into the bowels of the castle.

"Yasu! What happened!? Are you fine!?" Kyomi quickly approached Yasu concerned for him with no response from the white haired boy whose head was still turned to the direction where both men went.

"Yasu? Yasu!" Trying to gain his attention, Kyomi placed her hand on Yasu's shoulder quickly pulling her hand away with a pained grunt while shaking it, her palm red as if she just got lightly burned.

Hearing Kyomi's pained voice made Yasu snap out of it turning his head to her with a confused look on his face "Huh? Did you call me?"

Now it was Kyomi's turn to be the one with a confused look on her face "Y-Yes. Are you fine?" Kyomi asked like a concerned mother, the palm of her hand a little red.

"Yes of course, why are you asking?"

With her good hand, Kyomi pointed at the floor where the man named King was standing still moments ago "Are you sure you're fine?"

At the spot Kyomi was pointing the surface of the wood that made the hallway floor was charred black, burned at the top from intense heat. The burned wood made a circular pattern starting from the center where the man was with Yasu standing almost at the edge of the radius of the circle.

The burned smell finally registered on Yasus's mind after snapping out of his trance alongside the texture and slight heat coming from the floor. For a moment Yasu zoned out again quickly coming out of it, covering his mouth with his hand.

"Yeah...don't worry I'm perfectly fine"

Kyomi silently eyed Yasu up and down while gently caressing her red palm with her good hand. Furrowing his brow her eyes stopped at Yasu's closed ones. "Why don't you go home, Orochi is probably too drunk and nervous to notice that you left"

"With his hand still covering his mouth Yasu shook his head "No, it isn't over yet right? Let me stay until we're finished here"

Sighing deeply letting her shoulders fall a little, Kyomi walked to Yasu to place again her hand on his shoulder, stopping midway for a second before resting her hand on him and smiling. "You've done enough, thanks. You still haven't seen your father since arriving here, haven't you? Go home to him"

Listening to her soft voice he knew that there was no room for him to argue against him leaving. "Then be careful"

"Of course" With a gentle smile, Kyomi reassured him.

Quickly hugging her, before leaving, Yasu started walking in the direction both pirates came from, raising his hand with which he covered his mouth to eye level, his hand lightly shaking, slowly the edge of his lips rose in a somewhat unsettling faint smile quickly covering his mouth again with his hand hiding it.

His heart was still racing even after it was over, the hope of encountering that man again overshadowing his fear of him and his strength.

That night and that urge was surely something he wouldn't forget.