
One Piece: Fourth Brother

What if it wasn't just Luffy, Ace and Sabo that grew up together, what if Luffy had an older brother who joined him on his journey, and became his vice captain and headed his own division of the Straw Hat Pirates? What secrets lay in this Brother's past, how will his simple presence change the story we all know and love. How strong will the Straw Hats grow with someone with his strength there to help them along? Let's find out~ OC/Harem I will be posting this to Fanfiction and RoyalRoad

PsyChotiX556 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

--Chapter 1--

In the midst of a vast ocean, gentle waves crashed against a cruising ship as two crewmen were relaxing off its fore, as the sun's rays beat down on them. Suddenly they hear something clatter against the ship's hull. They lean over the edge to see a barrel floating in the water. The two grin at each other as they grab a line of rope and a hook each and start fishing for it, quickly making a game out of it, neither sailor notices a small flicker of a shadow pass by far above the ship.

On the third toss one of the sailors' pants hard after missing, his fellow sailor pats him on the back.

"Strike three, man. Here let me show you how it's done." he says as he takes the hook in hand and makes another attempt only for it to miss again.

Another sailor calls down from the crow's nest, "Man you suck. Remind me not to fall overboard with you on watch, ha-ha!" but he stops laughing when he sees something on the horizon. A small island attracts his attention and he looks at it intently. Even when he hears the cheers on deck from his crewmates latching onto the barrel and pulling it on board.

"Huh? It's kinda heavy." one sailor grunts as he lifts it up.

"It's got to be full of sake!" grinned the second sailor.

"Well it's our sake now," the first sailor grins back.

"Ha-ha, I'm not sharing my half." laughs the second.

The two sailors cheered as they hoisted it onto the deck, but their celebrations were soon cut short when the sailor in the crows' nest sounded the alarm.

"Ship off the starboard bow! It's flying a pirate flag, we have a pirate ship in pursuit, enemy raid! Enemy raid!" he called down, alerting all on board.

The two sailors hearing this dropped the barrel on deck and ran to warn the captain as the pirate ship opened fire. The shots were either poorly aimed or aimed to miss as they hit the ocean around the ship not damaging it at all. The resulting impacts caused the ship to lurch to the left making the barrel on the deck roll to, and down, the steps down to the lower levels of the ship then through the corridor and crash through a set of double doors leading it by fate to the ship's kitchen.

With all the commotion, none noticed a cloaked figure land from the sky at the top of the steps moments after the barrel fell down them. The cloaked figure let out a sigh before starting down the steps after the barrel, muttering to themselves as they did, "how does this idiot always attract trouble."

Meanwhile on the attacking pirate ship, a very gruff feminine voice yells "FIRE!" as the men below deck let loose another volley of cannon balls. One actually hit the mark and destroyed the ship's figurehead and the rest caused the ship to stay stationary.

On deck, the rest of the crew is beginning to assemble as an ogre of a woman with black hair and a white hat with a red feather on it calls out. "COBY!!!"

A small scrawny looking boy with a large forehead, pink hair in a curtain fringe and big glasses, wearing a white shirt with navy stripes, stands nervously gulping before answering her.

"Y-Yes" he stutters out obviously afraid.

"Who is the most beautiful of all on these seas?" the woman asks with a snotty tone.

"The captain of the ship it's you, Miss Alvida!" the boy, Coby, replies rubbing the back of his head trying, and failing, not to seem nervous.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" the woman lets out a hardy laugh as she leans on her club. She was a short, very wide woman, completely grotesque wearing wide white shorts, short legs with a pistol tucked in her purple sash and pink checkered shirt and a red necktie and a blue captain's coat, her arms and fingers were bulky as she wore rings on each finger with different gems, and the thick spiky iron club as a walking-stick, "Good answer!"

"Thank you." Coby spoke, his voice shaking like the rest of him.

"Miss Alvida! We got a good quarry this time." One of the crew spoke up with a grin on his face.

"That's right! So let's make it count. Show them why we're the most feared pirates on the sea!" Alvida barked out as the front cannon opened fire. Its aim was true as it destroyed the back mast of the ship, the top half of it crashing into the ocean. With their target now motionless the pirate ship came about the cruise ship's starboard side.

On cue, grappling hooks were tossed and then latched onto the victim ship, creating rope walkways for the pirates to charge. As Alvida calls the attack.

Coby shakes on deck as the rest of the pirates charge up the ropes, he mistakenly catches Alvida's gaze.

"COBY!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Alvida yells as she walks (waddles) toward the young boy.

"Ah, it's just I'm not very good at this." Coby said with a trembling voice, looking at the rope in his shaking hands.

"Ha you're telling me." Alvida scoffed, lifting her club in hand, "Maybe it's because you're back-talking me all the time?"

"Oh no not the club anything but the club please!!!!!" Coby begs, his voice growing shrill, as he sees the massive spiked iron club.

"Then get MOVING!" Alvida yelled as she turned, planting her foot into Coby and somehow sending him over the gap and landing him on the ship.

Coby hits a wall on the ship, face first, and sinks to the ground groaning in pain, as he gets up, but has to quickly move as Alvida follows close behind him crashing through the same wall Coby had just hit seconds before, reducing it to splinters with her mass alone.

Coby quickly makes his way below deck to avoid all the fighting above. Making his way down the corridor, he doesn't notice a figure concealing himself in the shadows as he peeks his head through an open doorway as he looks around.

"Hello~", he asks, not hoping to get a response. Quickly, he steps inside seeing it's the kitchen, although half of it's destroyed as the barrel had crashed into a table spilling all the food onto the floor, "I really hope no ones in here".

Coby makes his way over to the barrel as he begins to turn it and push it towards the doors, when they open and three of Alvida's crew come in, smirking as they catch sight of Coby.

"Well if it isn't our favourite little coward. You, trying to duck in here and hide from all the action again?" one of them asked, looking at Coby like he was a joke.

"Ah no, I was just about to lug this barrel of sake up top for the haul is all." Coby responds as he thought of his cover excuse on the spot, something he'd gotten good at over the past two miserable years.

"Ah, here let us lighten the load for ya", "Yeah I was just starting to get thirsty," the other two pirates said as they pulled the barrel over much to Coby's protests.

"No you can't! Lady Alvida will kill us if she finds out!" Coby says in fear, his voice shaking.

"She won't if you keep your trap shut. Got it!" one of the pirates hissed, palming the grip of his cutlass.

Coby nods fearing what will happen if he protests anymore as he holds his hand up in a gesture of surrender as he backs up.

"Hang on boys I'll open her the old fashioned way." one of the pirates grinned as he cracked his knuckles and raised his fist high about to bust the barrel's top with a single blow.

Coby looks over just in time to see the pirate's fist come down, but not before the barrel's top end exploded outward as two fists came out of it. They slugged the large pirate in his chin knocking him back and he hit the floor out cold with the blow. Seconds later a straw hat and head with black hair burst out after them.

"I SLEPT SO GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the owner of the hat, and fists, yelled.

The other two pirates looked at the scrawny kid who had just knocked out their buddy, their faces were full of shock seeing him. He didn't look like he could pack a punch like that.

The kid in front of them was thin and lanky. He had a toned body but looking closer, one could see there wasn't an ounce of baby fat on him, he was all toned muscle. He had messy black hair and a scar under his left eye, wearing a red vest top that was open showing off his muscular abs and lean arms and a pair of blue shorts that did the same for his legs.

"Who the hell are you guys?" the boy asked, as he got out of the barrel.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" the pirates screamed.

"Your friend will catch a cold sleeping on the floor." The boy said as he dusted himself off not even noticing the pirates were getting really pissed off.

"WHO DO YOU THINK KNOCKED HIM OUT?!" the pirates screamed again before pointing their swords at him.

"Who do you think you are, bastard?" one of them snapped.

The boy completely ignored them, turning to Coby "I'm starving. You know where the food is kid?" he asked Coby

"DON'T IGNORE US!" The pirates screamed as they raised their swords to bring them down on the boy, causing Coby to scream, and cover his eyes.

The next second however the doors to the kitchen burst open and a blur shot into the room and stopped between the lean teen and the pirates, revealing the blur to be the cloaked figure from before.

As the swords fell, the figure's hood tilted as he moved, lashing out with an arm at the falling swords, snapping the cold steel like toothpicks and sending the broken parts spiralling up and into the ceiling.

Silence reigned for two seconds after that, before the pirates fell to their knees trembling at what the had just seen, before scooting back in fear

The straw hat wearing teen's head turned towards the cloaked figure and pouted as he did so, "you know I could have handled that" he said petulantly.

The cloaked figure chuckled as it turned, their arms coming up to their hood and pulling it back to reveal the young man underneath. He had shoulder-length black hair and steel grey eyes, the left of which had a scar that began just under his eyebrow that ran up his forehead in a straight line ending just before his hairline, the beginnings of a three day old stubble beard along his refined jaw.

"Yeah, I know, I just wanted a little action," he said with a smirk, "don't worry I'll let you have your fun next time."

That seemed to cheer the teen up as he went from pouting to grinning in a second, "alright then."

Finally seeming to have snapped out of their shock, one of the still conscious pirates swallowed hard as he spoke, "W-who are you?"

Both of teen and young man turned to him as he spoke, the young man arching an eyebrow as the teen just smiled as he crossed his arms together. "Me? I'm Monkey D. Luffy. Hi." The now named Luffy said with a grin that spanned the width of his face.

the young man shook his head, "and I'm his older brother, Monkey D. Draxsis," he said before his eyes narrowed, "now, beat it."

Hearing the command, neither pirate lackey argued as they grabbed their unconscious shipmate and fled as fast as they could while dragging him behind them.

"Shishishishi." Luffy laughed at the sight, before looking at Coby. "Those guys were funny. Anyway, what's your name kid?"

Coby just stared at Draxsis in awe, before the question made him look to Luffy and he snapped out of his daze to answer with a stuttered, "C-C-C-Coby".

Draxsis turned towards the stuttering young boy and simply arched an eyebrow at his stuttered response, while Luffy grinned.

"Great, so where's the food?" Luffy asked, looking around the room and frowned seeing a mess of food on the floor before shaking his head, "What a waste."

Draxsis followed his little brother's gaze before shrugging, "can't be helped, the rats will enjoy it anyway," he mused before looking to another set of doors in the room, "chances are that's the food storage there," he said pointing to it.

Luffy grinned as he walked over and looked inside and let's out a pleased cry, "YAY APPLES!" before quickly rushing inside.

Draxsis shook his head, before looking over to the barrel that Luffy had broken out of and walked over to it, taking his right arm out of his cloak he reached inside and pulled out a heavy looking rucksack that he promptly slung over his shoulder before following his younger brother into the larder.

Coby looked around the kitchen when he was alone, before yelping at the realisation that he was alone, before he quickly followed the pair of brothers into the larder, closing the doors behind them. The sight that greeted him upon entry was an odd one. Luffy upended into a barrel, his feet swinging as he munched away at the barrels contents, while Draxsis seated himself atop another crate with his rucksack at his side, calmly munching on an apple, only achnologing Coby with a glance before he took a final bite of his apple and throwing the core to the side, where he noticed there was already several others in a pile.

Luffy chose that time to come out of the barrel, his mouth full of apples that he was chewing on, his jaws and cheeks extended to accommodate the mass of fruit, before he tried to swallow only to have trouble doing so when they caught in his throat.

Draxsis sighed as he got up from his crate and walked over to his brother shaking his head, "idiot, one apple at a time, or else you're going to choke," he said before slapping Luffy on the back, the action hard enough to jolt him into swallowing the apples.

"Shishi, thanks bro" Luffy responded grinning like an idiot.

Draxsis shook his head once more, "yeah yeah," he said before taking another untouched apple from the barrel, "ya glutton," he said as he walked back to the crate and retook his seat, looking to coby again before sighing, "what'd ya want kid, whatever it is, it's gonna have to wait until Luffy is done stuffing his face, which may take a while."

Coby gulped and went to reply, but he was interrupted before he could get a chance to ask them to help him, they seemed strong, surely they could help with his situation.

"Hey," Luffy said as he finished off the last apple in the barrel, "where exactly are we anyway?" he asked, looking around.

"Oh that's easy," Coby said, his nerves getting the better of him, "you're on a civilian cruise ship, one that is currently being raided by pirates. Pirates under the command of lady Alvida." Coby explains.

"Oh?" Luffy said before glancing to his brother and then back to Coby, "that's neat I guess."

Draxsis snorted, "just a small fry trying to make a name for themselves, nothing to get excited about" he said as he finished off his eights apple.

Luffy nods before arching an eyebrow at Coby, "So what are you? Passenger or pirate?"

At this point, Coby's head sank as he began to tell them about his most unfortunate past and how he became a slave to the Alvida pirates, all because he chose the wrong boat to try to go out fishing in. Both Luffy and Draxsis listened to him, Luffy with his arms crossed and his straw hat shading his eyes.

"Why didn't you just run away?" Luffy asked once the story was finished, his hat still tilted, not showing his eyes.

"It's impossible! No way! If I were caught, what would happen? I'm so afraid of Alvida finding me I want'a throw-up!" Coby says as he shakes in fear clutching his stomach.

It was at that point that Luffy looked at Draxsis who glanced back at him, both sharing a look before they both burst out in laughter, much to Coby expense and Luffy speaks between the fits of laughter, "You're a moron and a coward, I hate people like you."

That seemed to depress Coby even more as his shoulders slouched and he hung his head. After a moment more, Draxsis finally stopped laughing as he stood up hoisting his bag over his shoulder, "Ah that was good, thanks kid, I haven't laughed like that in a while," he said with a grin before looking at his brother.

"Well Lu, it looks like we've found your first adversary, nothing you can't handle." Draxsis mused, "just remember what I said before we left Dawn. Anyway our first port of call should be for us to find ourselves a new boat, seeing that our last one isn't going to do us any good now."

"What happened to your last one?" Coby asks in slight confusion.

Draxsis sighed and shook his head, "I made the mistake of falling asleep and telling little bro here to watch our course. I wake up to find us on the outer rim of a whirlpool, you can figure out the rest." he explained in a depressed monotone.

"No way that one outside? No one would have been able to survive that!" Coby yells in shock.

"Ah it's not that bad." Draxsis brushed off, "but yeah, If I hadn't stuffed Luffy inside a barrel and jumped ship it would have been annoying having to fish him out."

Coby's mouth gaped at Draxsis' tone, like that massive whirlpool outside was no big deal, then his words registered with him and his eyes bulged, "wait, you jumped off your boat and swam here, in those currents?"

Drax shook his head, "Don't be ridiculous, do I look like I went for a swim ten minutes ago, I meant that I said, I jumped." he said before pausing and looking up in thought, "though I probably could have swam it. I was swimming in tougher currents when I was your age, for training after all."

Luffy chuckled as Coby jaw dropped even lower, he swam in stronger currents at his age for training, that was just insane.

Coming out of his shock Coby looked back and forth at the pair, trying to think of what to say next before swallowing and asking, "So why are you two travelling in the first place?"

Hearing the question, Draxsis grinned and glanced at Luffy who had an even bigger grin on his face, as he proudly stated, as only he could, "I'm travelling to be king of the pirates."

Coby stares at him before looking to Draxsis for confirmation, getting a single nod in return, as if to say "Yes my little brother is completely serious."

"T-Then that would make you two both..." Coby said as he stared in cold horror.

""Pirates,"" the two brothers said in unison with smiles on their faces.

Coby felt his stomach drop before he looked at Luffy, "The king, are you serious!" Coby snapped at Luffy.

"Yep." Luffy replies plainly like it's no big deal, and to him it wasn't, he wanted to be king and he was going to be.

"Your crew?" Coby asked, the very next second, trying to understand how he was so confident, sure he was strong but he couldn't believe he could become the king with just the two of them.

"Just the two of us for now but we'll find more as we go." Luffy replies again like it's no big problem.

At this point, Coby completely shuts down like he'd froze, "Ha-ha-ha, Lil bro I think we broke him." Draxsis laughed as he waved his hand in front of Coby's face.

Suddenly Coby stands up "The "King of Pirates" is a title given to the one who has attained everything this world has to offer! You're talking about seeking the treasure of fortune, fame and power! The treasure you seek is. The "One Piece"!"

"Yep," Luffy says with a giant grin, already knowing his goal.

""Yep"? What "yep"? All the pirates are looking for that treasure you know!" Copy yelled.

"That's my goal, too!" Luffy said as he gave his signature D grin.

"No way! No way! Absolutely No way! How can it be possible for you to stand in this great pirate era, there are just too many out there who are bigger and stronger? No way! No way! No way! No way!" Coby started raving before…


Both Luffy and Draxsis brought their closed fists down on top of Coby's head, laying him out flat with the most minimal of efforts.

"OW, why'd you hit me?" Copy whined as he clutched the top of his head.

"Because I felt like it," Luffy said casually.

"Because you're bumming me out kid." Draxsis said as he gave the boy an unreadable look, "If you go about saying everything in this world is impossible, why even live? They said conquering the grand line was impossible but Gold Roger did it, and then came back as the pirate king. So that proves that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. Have a little faith and never give up."

Coby stares at him in awe, "I suppose you want to be king as well?"

Registering the question Draxsis chucked and shook his head, "Oh Hell no." he said before gesturing at Luffy, "that crowns going to my little bro, I wouldn't steal his thunder," he mused before smirking, "I have my own ambitions but I'm keeping them to myself. Can't go spilling my guts to someone I just met."

Coby lowers his head, "I understand."

Draxsis looks at him with a raised eyebrow, "Kid surely you've got dreams as well, I'm sure you could achieve anything you want in this life."

"Y-You really mean that?" Coby asked in shock.

Draxsis gave a non committal shrug, "Sure, if you've got a dream and you want it bad enough you'll make it happen. So kid you got a dream?"

Coby nods his head, "To be a marine."

Draxsis blinked at that, giving Coby a searching look making the young boy squirm under his piercing gaze, and after a few moments, apparently finding what he was looking for he gave a chuckle, "Ha-ha, well you kind of pulled a complete one-eighty there, but it could be possible if you ditched those pirates and enlisted. I'm sure that would work, and then what?"

"Pardon?" asked Coby, confused.

"What's your goal after becoming a marine? Fame, honour, rank? You've got to aim big in life kid, take up the gauntlet and always strive higher. Aim to be a captain, then aim for commodore then vice admiral and keep climbing to achieve the best in life, and live it without regrets." Draxsis said, passion starting to seep into his voice as he spoke.

Coby falls on his ass at Drax's big speech, "Y-You really think I could?"

Draxsis gave him a half grin, with a slightly mad glint in his eye "I'm sure you could, and I know two perfect ways to get you started."

"H-How?" asked Coby slightly afraid of his answer.

Draxsis held up a finger, "the first way, this pirate captain that's attacking. Capture her and I'm sure you'd be accepted and given rank in a split second" Drax said with a smirk.

"Capture lady Alvida!!!!! That's impossible" Coby yelled.


Once again Draxsis fist hits Coby on the head, once again laying him out flat, "What did I just say? Nothing is impossible. Every journey starts with a single step. You take her down and that'll jump start your career and your dream."

Coby shakes, rubbing his head "I could never do that, she's too strong and with the massive club of hers I'd be dead if I tried."

Draxsis grins "You'll never know unless you try?"

"My bro and I are ready to die for our dreams." Luffy says as he tilts his straw hat on his head, "Are you prepared to do the same for yours?"

Hearing his younger brother's words, Draxsis couldn't keep the smirk off his face, 'To give my life for this cause. I'd be happy to do that, but you wouldn't like it if I did that Luffy, and I could never do that to you, not after Sabo.' The thought of their sake brother wiped the smirk off his face as his lips narrowed slightly but he remained focused and was brought out of his trance by Coby.

Luffy's words seemed to do the trick as Coby stood up with determination in his eyes, his legs shaking as he declared, "Then I'll do it, I'll capture lady Alvida and become a marine!" Coby declares with vigour making both brothers smirk but then suddenly the ceiling crashes down and a massive figure busts through it crashing into the floor.

"Who are you going to catch you, little runt!!!" A female voice booms out through the dust.

As the dust clears Alvida glares at Coby and then looks to the two brothers and scoffs, "So I'm guessing neither of you two is Zoro the bounty hunter, you don't even look like bounty hunters"

Draxsis just stares at her unimpressed, 'This… thing, is meant to have a bounty on its head? Damn, the marines have really lowered their standards… but then again this is the east blue.'

Luffy then looks to Alvida and then to Coby, "Hey Coby, who's the fat lady?"

Getting everyone to go wide eyed at that very moment, Draxsis nearly coughs up a lung in shock, "That thing's a lady?!"

Everyone pales except for the brothers and Alvida, who by this stage is completely red in the face with rage as she hoists her club above her head, "YOU BASTARDS!!!!"

Draxsis merely turns to the side as the club passes by him, Luffy jumps down dodging the swing and grabs Coby, "Time to go!" before jumping out like a frog with Coby in his arms, landing up on the top deck with ease.

Alvida turns her attention to Draxsis. Who catches his fist in his hand like he realised something, "Oh, I get it now. You're a lady whale. A damn ugly ass one at that. Now I understand."

Alvida sees red as she swings her club horizontally trying to break Drax in two, but much to her shock he simply holds out his hand and stops the swing effortlessly, shocking Alvida.

"Nice try, but no chance." Draxsis grins before pushing back back with minimal strain, and yet the amount of strength behind the gesture knocks Alvida off her feet.

Enraged by his actions, Alvida pulls herself to her feet but when she gets up, she sees that the bastard wasn't there any more, she grinds her teeth and went to yell, but her words died in her throat as his voice sounded next to her ear softly, "too slow," making her blood run cold, he was behind her.

Draxsis then moved, turning on the spot as he planted the sole of his boot into her ass in a gesture that lifted her off her feet and sent her crashing through the adjacent wall.

Seeing her dealt with, Draxsis glanced up, smiling slightly. Before kneeling only just before leaping up and out of the opening that Alvida had made with her entrance, his cloak flaring around him as he landed on deck in a crouch.

Straightening up, Draxsis took in the situation on deck, seeing that Luffy had the attention of most of the crew, but that three of them had turned to face him upon his appearance, each with swords drawn.

Draxsis smile faded almost instantly, "you boys sure you wanna try this" he said as he parted his cloak to reveal his apparel.

He wore a pair of black combat boots and grey trousers, with a white vest top underneath a black dress shirt that was open. On his hips sat two Katana in their sheaths, one completely white and the second all black, their handles wrapped and capped with silver and gold respectively, while their sheaths were wooden, with intricate carvings running the length, and painted black, silver and gold.

At his warning Draxsis rested his hand on his white Katana, "one and only warning," he stated in a monotone as he stared at them with half lidded eyes.

the three didn't take his warning to heard and charged him the very next second making Drax shake his head as he sighed, "amatures" before he gripped his white katana, pulling only an inch of silver blade free of the sheath, and the second before his three would-be assailants reached him he vanished in a burst of speed.

The three pirates came to a halt suddenly as Draxsis appeared several feet behind them as slowly resheathed the inch of blade with a muttered, "Jōshō"

The second the blade clicked in its sheath, all three pirates were lifted bodily off their feet, as their swords broke into pieces, and thrown hard crashing to the deck of the ship, each with a gaping wound across their chests.

With the three dealt with Draxsis took his hand from his katana's and looked over to see how his brother was doing, just in time to see Luffy being ganged up on by nearly every other member of Alvida's crew, as they chased him around the deck.

"Luffy!" Draxsis said loudly with a frown, "quit playing around," he scolded.

Luffy grinned as he looked back at his brother, "sorry~" he said not sounding it in the slightest before he reached out and grabbed the mast of the ship and ran on for a bit before jumping and swinging around the mast, letting his momentum carry forward as he lashed out with his leg as it stretched out greatly.

"Gum-Gum Whip!" Luffy yelled as his leg caught each one of the pirates that had been chasing him, who were now frozen and gaping at the sight of his limbs stretching like that, before sending them flying off to the side and over the ship's railing.

It was at this same time that Alvida had managed to climb out of the wall that Draxsis had put her through and out of the hole she had made in the ceiling, her fat ass still smarting from Draxsis's boot, only to see the same sight as her men, leaving her openly gaping.

The tension in Luffy's left arm released as he snapped it back to him as he landed on his feet with practiced ease. "Shishishi" he chuckled as he walked over to Draxsis, "see, I had everything under control."

Draxsis shook his head, "yeah but you could have handled them in a few seconds, I know I said to restrain yourself Luf, but you don't have to play the idiot all the time you know" he said with a slight smirk.

"But it's fun~" Luffy whined like a petulant child, making his brother chuckle at his antics, no matter how much training he went through, Luffy was still Luffy.

"What the heck was that!" Coby yelled, having been too shocked to speak before having seen Luffy's body stretch like that, "your arm, your leg!"

Both brothers looked at the yelling boy with raised eyebrows as they both said plainly, "Devil fruit," as if it explained everything, which it did, but Coby was still left shocked, but before he could speak again another voice sounded as Alvida climbed completely out of the hole and spoke.

"So that's it," Alvida growled, "so you've both eaten of the devil fruits, that explains why you're both so strong"

Upon hearing her voice, Coby yelped and ran to cower behind both brothers as they looked at Alvida as she hefted her mace.

"Nope," Draxsis said shaking his head, "I'm completely devil fruit free, never really found the one I was looking for to be honest and that's not without a heck of a lot of looking I'll tell you that" he mused.

"I see," Alvida said as her eyes narrowed, " I heard of their existence, but I've never seen any evidence of them until today, you're both too skilled to be average deckhands, are you bounty hunters?" she asked, hiding a wince of pain as her ass still throbbed.

"Wrong again," Drasis said as he shook his head with a smirk.

"We're pirates, same as you," Luffy grinned as he crossed his arms over his chest as he stated that fact proudly.

when she heard that Alvida couldn't help but let out a bark of laughter, ""Pirates? All by yourselves on these waters," she said before the pain in her ass made her reconsider her next words, "don't get me wrong, you're both strong, but just the two of you?"

"Today is just us but I'll find the rest of my crew tomorrow, I need like ten guys right?" Luffy declared and looked to his big brother, who nodded.

Draxsis gave a shrug, "For your main crew, Yeah ten at the least, but only the best."

Pondering their words for a moment, Alvida gripped her mace more tightly, "I see. Then tell me if we're both pirates and we're not under the same flag then that would make us enemies, correct?" she asked as she widened her stance slightly.

Draxsis rolled his eyes, "Give the whale a prize, it can actually use common sense."

Coby turns to them. "You shouldn't say that. Are you trying to get yourselves killed?" Coby warned him, "You should leave…." Coby stops talking when he sees the look in both their eyes and a smirk gracing Draxsis face, he doesn't know why but it's slightly unnerving.

Draxsis looks to his little brother with the same grin, "Hey Luffy. How much do you think that whale weighs? I'm betting at least ten tonnes." Luffy bursts into laughter at his brother's words, Drax chuckles and turns to Coby, "What about you kid? What do you think?"

Coby looks at him wide eyed before swallowing his fear, "That whale's at least fifty tonne, and it's got to be the ugliest ass whale in the whole east blue!"

At this point Alvida's attention switched to Coby, she had been reluctant to attack the two brothers after seeing what they could do, but Coby is a whole other matter, and their insults made her anger boil into rage. "What did you just say, brat?!" she asked in a deadly tone, her knuckles turning white as she gripped her club.

"I'm leaving and I'm going to join the marines, then I'm going to spend the rest of my life catching dirty pirates like you!" Coby declared his knees shaking.

"Do you have any clue what you're saying to me right now?" Alvida snarls, her vision turning red as she glared at Coby from under her hat.

"Of course, I do, I'm going to do what I want, and no one's going to stop me, I'm going to join the marines, I'm going to join them and I'm going to catch your fat ass first!" Coby yelled eyes wide.

The final insult was the last straw, "Your dead kid!" Alvida bellowed, her eyes bulging in rage as she raised her club to smash Coby.

Coby shook in sheer terror as he watched the club coming down, his life flashing before his eyes, before something flashed in front of him. Coby blinked twice and saw that Draxsis had moved in front of him, his back to him as he faced the falling mace.

"Nicely said kid," Coby heard Draxsis comment before he raised his closed fist up to meet the mace, and to both his and Alvida's shock, the second they met, the mace blew apart into shrapnel that scattered everywhere. Pieces pounced off both Draxsis and Alvida's bodies, tore through Draxsis's cloak and knocked Alvida back as she grunted in pain. None of the shrapnel broke her skin but she would no doubt be feeling the bruises later.

Drax on the other hand eyed his cloak with a frown, "damn, I liked this thing" he muttered before looking at Alvida as she got to her feet, clearly shaken, "I've had just about enough of you," he stated before he once more disappeared in a blur of speed.

Getting to her feet, Alvida couldn't help herself but shiver in fear with how Draxsis spoke to her, it was like he was looking down on her, like she was so far beneath him she wasn't even worth his time to beat.

When she looked up to retort to his words, she once again couldn't find him and just like before she heard him speak from behind her, "Take a hike, Bitch!" before once more his boot connected with her fat ass, only this time with much more power than before.

Alvida's world went white with pain as she passed out, before she was launched bodily off the ship with the force of the kick, sending her flying out over the ocean and into the distance.

Seeing her go off flying Draxsis brought his hand up to shade his eyes as he let out a low whistle, "Damn, I think that's gotta be a new record on my part, for the longest bitch and whale toss."

But before he could say anything Luffy punched his head making him grunt as he turned to his younger brother, "what was that for?" he asked with a frown.

Luffy pouted, "you said I could beat the captain, but then you went and beat her before I even had a chance" he complained.

Draxsis blinked before recalling he had promised that, and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "ah, my bad, sorry Luf, you can handle the next enemy we come across, all on your own, I'll stay out of it completely" he offered by way of apology.

Luffy pouted for another second before his pout turned into a grin hearing his offer, "really, you promise?"

Draxsis chuckled, "I promise, but limits still apply, only devil fruit powers and nothing else, this is still the east blue after all, anything else would be overkill for you"

Luffy grinned excitedly, "yeah I know, shishishi, we want it to be fun don't we" he grinned.

Draxsis nodded before looking across to the remnants of Alvida's crew who had climbed back up both ships while their captain was being dealt with, "hey, shit for brains!" he yelled at them, "Go find a boat and give it, along with a week's worth of supplies, to Coby. He's leaving your ship to join the marines, if you value your lives I suggest you not try to stop him." he ordered as he brought his hand to his swords in warning.

The men nodded their heads and quickly rush to get the boat ready for them, fearing for their lives if they didn't obey, Coby looks to Draxsis, "T-Thank you",

Draxsis grinned "No problem kid, we need to be going now anyway," he said cryptically.

Coby frowned, "why do you say…" he began to ask before being cut off as the ship suddenly started to shake with more explosions from cannonballs landing just off its starboard. Luffy and Coby looked to the other side of the ship's horizon and saw a pair of marine ships coming in.

"Well what are you two idiots waiting for," Draxsis called to them from the railing of the ship, "Lets go!" he said before jumping over the side and into the small boat the pirates had quickly made ready for them.

Both Luffy and Coby quickly followed before Draxsis cut the lines and their new ship dropped from on high and crashed into the ocean below.

As they landed in the water, Draxsis's gaze meeted that of a girl with orange hair and brown eyes, who was in another small boat who looked to be leaving the scene in a hurry as well. 'Who's she?' Draxsis thought, but with no time to waste, they quickly set off to get away from the whole mess.

After about ten minutes of sailing, they are away from all the havoc.

"I can't believe we actually managed to get away." Coby says in shock as he adjusts the mast's direction.

"Not really, "Draxsis said as he lay at the fore of the ship with his hands behind his head, his cloak gone, as his feet rested atop his rucksack, "East Blue marines aren't exactly the sharpest tools in the shed, they wouldn't be looking for any small ships sailing away when they have other things to deal with."

"Guess you have a point," Coby agreed, as he fell to his butt exhausted.

The three of them just sat in relative silence for a few moments, being glad to have gotten out of that mess. Luffy was sitting in the middle of the boat, his arms crossed as he lay against the side of the boat, looking out in the direction they were going.

It was a couple of moments later when Coby decided to break the silence with a question, after he got his breath back, "So I suppose you two will be setting off to the grand line if you want to be the pirate king Luffy. You know the people I talk to call that place the pirate graveyard"

Draxsis scoffs with his eyes closed, "That's the plan kid, but it won't be for a while yet at least."

"Yea big bro says we need to gather a crew first at least five before we set out and a ship, though I don't see why." Luffy said with a shrug.

"Stick to the plan Luffy." Draxsis commented as he cracked an eyelid open to look at his brother, "We can't go to the grand line in a dingy. Other pirates are sailing in full sized ships. One cannon ball and we're done, got that." Draxsis explained in a slow voice.

Luffy hung his head. Even he could understand that logic.

Draxsis nodded, and closed his eye again, glad that Luffy was listening to him. The silence didn't last long as Luffy's curiosity got the better of him again, "So Coby, who's this Zoro guy that fat whale was going on about before?"

"Oh, you mean Zoro. The last thing I heard, he's been held captive by the Marines in a Marine Base, not too far from here." Coby answered.

At that answer, Draxsis opened his eyes and sat up, someone his brother was interested in, and it sounded like he was in a situation, could prove to be interesting.

"So…he's weak." Luffy said as he crossed his arms in disappointment.

"NO WAY YOU'RE WRONG HE'S AS VIOLENT AS A DEMON AND THREE TIMES AS HORRIFYING!" Coby said in a terrified voice before he calmed down and looked at Luffy strangely "…Why are you asking about him anyway?"

"I figured if he's good enough I'd ask him to join my crew." Luffy smiled.

Coby completely paled at Luffy's statement, and then Draxsis spoke.

"VIOLENT AS A DEMON AND THREE TIMES AS HORRIFYING!" Draxsis said as he put on a fake scared face mocking Coby before he burst out laughing, "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, I'm liking this guy already!" he burst out laughing, as he took out a compass and a map out of his inner shirt pocket and started finding where the nearest island was.

Seeing him starting to plot a course Coby watched him closely, before his curiosity got the better of him and he asked, "Are you a navigator Draxsis?"

Draxsis shook his head, "No I just know how to get around. I know the basic stuff that's about the height of it. If I didn't we'd be floating for weeks till we hit land." he said as he finished plotting their course before getting up and moving the sail to turn the ship in the right direction. "There with a strong headwind we'll reach the closest inhabited island in a day or so, but we need to find a navigator soon Luffy I can't keep doing this forever."

Luffy nods, "Don't worry bro we'll find one right after we recruit this guy Zoro."

Draxsis nods as he returns to his spot to lay down for the remainder of the trip.

Coby watches him, "Draxsis….if you're not the navigator of the crew, what position are you? First mate?"

Draxsis grinned with his eyes closed, "Nope. I'm Vice-captain, and first division commander, Monkey D. Drax. Of the Straw Hat Pirates."

To keep up to date on this and all my fanfictions, follow me on twitter at @Psychopath556

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