
Meeting Zephyr (Part 2)

They chatted idly for a while. Renji fells asleep at the couch, then Sengoku decided to ask what he came for.

"So what brings you here?" Sengoku asks calmly.

"Oh! I'm getting married in a few months, I'm here to invite you to come!" Zephyr laughs happily.

"Well with you coming here yourself, would I still have the heart to refuse? Hahahahaha!" Sengoku said while laughing.

"Alright! I'll be expecting you to be there! Specially this cute little runt here!" Zephyr says as he looks Renji's white hair.

"Of course! We won't miss it!" Sengoku promises with a smile.

"So how old is the boy?" Zephyr asks as he points to Renji.

"He's turning 5 this year! Hahaha!" Sengoku said with a grin.

"Oh he's gonna start training soon.." Zephyr said with a smirk.

"Yeah.. time flies so fast." Sengoku says with a smile.

"You need a hand training him? With my help we could probably unlock his Bosushoku much faster." Zephyr asked with a grin.

"Oh? Are you serious? You're willing to teach my grandson?" Sengoku asks with a hint of shock.

"Yeah, I can see this kid has a lot of potential. The pirates are getting rowdy these days, and we're getting older, the marines are gonna need a new monster to buff us up in the future." Zephyr replies with a serious tone.

"Hahahaha! With Garp, Tsuru, Me, and with You on the equation, I'm sure Renji will become the strongest marine!" Sengoku said with anticipation.

"Hahahaha! I hope so! But I'm gonna warn you though.. my training won't be easy it might even be considered hellish.. are you willing to take the risk?" Zephyr asks while grinning widely.

"The boy is strong willed, Garp already asked him that. He wants to get stronger to protect the people he cares about. I his grandfather won't be around forever.. I'm gonna support him in what he wants." Sengoku smiles as he looks at Renji.

"Alright! We'll cultivate him seriously, I got to leave because my fiance might get mad. Be sure to tell the boy that I'll be teaching him, and also to call me teacher. Hahahahaha!" Zephyr says while laughing as he stands up.

"Yeah! Thank you again! See you later!" Sengoku says while shaking Zephyrs hand. Zephyr left the office and Silence covered the office, Sengoku kindly smiled while looking at his grandson.

When suddenly *BOOM! The walls shattered again and it created a loud noise. The noise woke up Renji and he rubbed his eyes and smiled, he was all familiar with the noise. It means Garp had arrived. Garp walked in while holding snacks that he was chewing.

"GARRPPPPPPP! How many times have I told you to use the damn door! You woke Renji up!" Sengoku said with rage while shaking Garp.

"Me? Are you sure it wasn't your yelling that woke him up?" Garp said with a silly smile. This prompted Sengoku to shake him harder. While they were arguing the door opened and in came Tsuru.

"Oh you old fools are getting rowdy again." Tsuru says with a smile.

"Grandma Tsuru!" Renji yells as he excitedly hugs her.

"Well hello kid! You just woke up huh? You're hair's all messed up come let grandma fix it for you." Tsuru says with a kind smile. He carries Renji to the couch to fix his hair. Garp and Sengoku continues their scuffle for awhile.

Later they were all seated in the tea table.

"I heard Zephyr came by earlier." Tsuru said with a calm tone.

"Yeah he was here an hour ago." Sengoku said while eating rice crackers.

"Oh Admiral Zephyr? Did he come to invite you to his wedding?" Garp said while munching on the snacks of his own.

"Yeah, he did. He so Renji and he told me that he wants to be Renji's Teacher." Sengoku says with a smile.

"Oh really? What did you say?" Tsuru said with a curious tone.

"I accepted of course! Having more teachers for him will be better!" Sengoku says excitedly.

"That's great that means I can be more laidback in teaching him. We'll get more help, with the line up that we have now this runt we'll be even stronger than all of us!" Garp said while cheekily grinning.

"Yes, but his life will get increasingly harder then. Do you think he'll be able to handle it?" Tsuru said with a serious voice. They all proceed to look at Renji who was also munching on rice crackers.

"Of course he can! He's my grandson afterall!" Sengoku said proudly.

"Bragging again." Garp said with a cheeky grin.

"Grandpa? That purple haired man will become my teacher?" Renji asked curiously while eating.

"Yes, why you don't want to?" Sengoku asks calmly.

"I want to! He's strong! His Aura is as strong as you and Grandpa Garp's." Renji yells excitedly.

"Oh the kid has finally called me grandpa too!" Garp yells excitedly while pointing at Renji.

"Yeah yeah shut up Garp. You're not a good role model for him anyway." Sengoku says while waving his hands to shoo Garp.

"What did you say?!" Garp shouted with annoyance.

"I said you're a bad influece!" Sengoku raged.

They suddenly turned it to another scuffle in the floor. Tsuru just facepalmed while Renji continued eating his crackers.

I’m sorry if the early chapters are more like a slice of life. There will be action at the later chapters, specially on his training stage.

Thanks for reading!

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