
-Waking up i Realise...

At a certain rooftop

"I am Back!!" Leon yelled at the top of his lungs, waking all the marines who were asleep and getting weird looks from those who have already started their morning regime.


At the same time, in an unknown corner of the world

"Hmm!" an unknown voice

"What?" Another voice

"Nothing, just my imagination." The unknown voice replied


Somewhere else

"Heh! Interesting!" a voice commented

"Who are the kings?" another voice softly murmured

"It doesn't matter. In time we will have our payback? The voice stated


Unknowingly, few things hidden and distant from the inhabitants of this world took notice of a faint anomaly that occurred during the moment Leon got his memories back.


Inside the House

Right now, Leon was sitting across Tsuru in a seiza position.

"What were you doing this early in the morning?" Tsuru asked Leon after being woken up by her grandsons majestic morning shout.

"Hehe! Nothing baasan, I was just clearing my throat by shouting a little bit" Leon replied while rubbing his head and looking at Tsuru with a huge grin on his face.

"And why are you laughing like that?" Tsuru asked seeing the huge grin on Leon's face

"Nothing, it's just today you are looking very beautiful Baasan" Leon replied with a huge smile

"Oh! And who told you to put butter on me, this early in the morning" Tsuru was surprised for a second and but calmed down thinking this little demon was trying to get something from her even though his words made her happy.

"It was I, Leo!" Leon replied while patting his chest proudly then went forward and hugged Tsuru

"What is this sudden overflow of love for your grandma?" Tsuru asked while being embraced by Leon, though she didn't have any complaints being loved by her grandson and hugged him back.

"Nothing Baasan, I am just happy today" Leon replied while sitting beside her on the sofa.

Leon couldn't possibly tell her the truth, that today all his memories have returned and he finally understood that the people, he had been living these past few years with are the legendary characters that he wanted to meet in this world.

He felt like the previous him couldn't appreciate the people he was living with but it was different now with his full memories.

Of course, he would have started fanboying the moment he saw her, if it was not for the fact that he had already lived with her for 2 years and he didn't call her as vice-admiral Tsuru rather his Grandma Tsuru. The familiarity cannot be erased even he wanted to.

"So why were you shouting on the rooftop?" Tsuru inquired as Leon lied down on the sofa and put his head on Tsuru's thighs as she gently caressed his hair.

"*Cough* That? Yesterday I got unconscious so I thought many people must be worried. So I declared that I am back and fine. Hehe!" Leon tried to give an excuse or it will be a hassle to make them understand his issue

"Hmm! Is that so, you little demon?" Tsuru asked with a little grin

"Of course Baasan, Why else would I shout first thing in the morning" Leon replied trying to act cute. That always worked on her.

"I understand. Are you feeling good right now? Is your head still in Pain?" Tsuru was far more worried about that. This kid has become the reason for most of her worries.

"Baasan, I am perfectly fine now. All the pain in my head is gone!" Leon replied with energy to make sure she doesn't worry.

"That's good, now go to your room. I will make you some breakfast." Tsuru answered and went towards the kitchen

Leon nodded and went inside his room and closed the door

"Now, let's start my planning" Leon sat on his bed and started thinking about the incidents that may happen in the future.

"Leon didn't think that every incident that happened in the anime will occur in this world. It was more like an alternate reality.

Reason? Him being here is an addition in this world meaning, he didn't just pop out of thin air. He was born as a person of this world as well as raised here. Therefore there could be changes in people he had interacted with leading to unknown results

What he was worried about was the butterfly effect that he created after he was born as Luffy's brother or soon to be born Or if he would be born at all?

Some events might happen perfectly, some might have changes and some events may have never occurred in this world.

"According to what I know i was born 1 month after Gol D. Roger's death. In short 22 years before the main timeline.

Now I am 5 which means Luffy will be born this year or has already been born. Oh, I didn't see grandpa for a few days maybe that's why?" Leon theorized

"Most importantly, I am 5 so robin should be 11, Nami-1, Hancock-12, and…" Leon started counting the most important things he should check on first.

"Wait a minute! where is my Devil fruit powers?" Suddenly Leon remembered his wishes and blurted out loudly.

"According to grandpa, I have an immense prowess in all three types of haki from birth, albeit I can barely control them and then they are augmented even further by my abnormal physical power. But I have never shown any power related to eyes or any lightning-based powers, nor did i ever drown in water. Did the old man put a hat on me?" Leon started walking around his room thinking about the old man

He was not angry or displeased but rather calm. To him even if he didn't get any of his other wishes he will be satisfied as he was already happy that he got the chance to be born in this world. He appreciated the old man either way, but he didn't feel that the old man lied to him so he was thinking there must be some sort of trick here.

"Wait before I lost consciousness that old man talked to me again and those numbers in my head?" Leon said to himself while holding his head

"Wait! system? Do I have a system?" Leon immediately thought of the possibility of having the most infamous power even though he didn't ask for it.

"System!! System open! System boot... "Leon started saying all the words he could think of "Sexy system?.. System Charts! Windows! Xp! Vista! Goddamn Linux!" Leon tried to open a window screen in his head just like he read in books & novels but nothing appeared.

"Ahh! What the hell is this? Is there some secret code or is there no system?" Leon was getting annoyed with this system thing and starting to think there was some other way.

"Status!... Ping!" in the end Leon just said the last thing he could think of. As soon as he said status a sound rang in his head.

"Ehhh.. Finally! This is my system!" A simple, near-transparent blue colored screen appeared in front of him, nearly at arm's length. It had a message displayed on it

"One of the gifts of your third wish. It is nothing major as it has simple functions and no talking system as You might wish. So it is more like a status board with some features. Enjoy!"

Leon ignored the comment and reached out with one hand and tried to touch the 'ok' option near the message. The message disappeared and three option was displayed on the top of the screen.


Currently, it was on the status page and it said

"Status- Weak" reading this Leon's eye twitched little a bit. But in the end, it was true. Right now he was not only weak but chubby!

"Leon had an unruly medium sized black hair with deep black eyes and even though Leon was a 5-year-old, he resembled more like a 10-year-old kid with a height of 4feet 5 and the most important part, he looked like a pumpkin! Very Cute but pumpkin nonetheless!"

In these 2 years, his grandma had made sure to not hold back with nutrients for him. So much so that he had become chubby, not fat!

"Hmm! What's this '1' on the screen?" Leon was looking at the Blue screen where the inventory option had '1' written over it like a notification

"Bang!" the door of Leon's room suddenly opened.

"Aah!" Leon was so focused on the system that he was startled and then he remembered, he forgot to lock the door!


A minute earlier

"I Wonder if Leon-kun is ok... It has been some time since he lost consciousness like this." A girl entered Leon's house while worrying about his health.

"Oh! You came pretty early today." Tsuru asked the young woman after seeing her.

"Yes, I heard Leon kun is not well so I came early to see him and it is my off day so I can take a break from duty." The women replied to Tsuru

"Have you had any breakfast? Even if you did, now that you have come here, have another" Tsuru replied went inside the kitchen. Not waiting for any answer.

"Eh!! OK!" The women didn't complain. This was not her first time in this situation.

"The brat's in his room" Tsuru spoke from the kitchen



"Aaa!" Leon was distraught. How the hell was he going to explain the big blue screen in front of him?.

"Leon kun! Are you feeling well?" the woman saw Leon standing alone in the middle of the room and asked.

"Oh! Hina-nee! Yes, I am fine. No need to be worried!" Leon was quickly trying to close the damn screen but it didn't turn off and it was awkward to talk with someone with your back facing her.

"Hina was worried but why are you facing the other way?" Hina asked Leon and walked towards him.

"Ah shit!" Leon cursed himself thinking how was he going to explain this transparent screen to her. it's not like, he had eaten any devil fruit yet that could be used as an excuse.

"Leon-kun? Why have you closed your eyes?" Hina asked seeing Leon had closed his eyes as if trying to hide from something.

"Huh!" Leon opened his eyes. Hina was standing right in front of him as if nothing was there. Leon was stuck for a second not knowing what to say.

"Ah! No, something went in my eye" Leon replied while rubbing his eyes with his hand. He immediately understood that she was not able to see the screen as she was standing right in the middle of it.

"Did something go into your eye? Let me see!" Hina came close to him then brought her pretty face near his face and softly started blowing air on his left eye.

"Mm! It's ok Hina nee. It's fine now" Leon replied.

A little embarrassed. He was not the same as yesterday and now seeing Hina sticking so close to him, might create different reactions in his body that may or may not be family-friendly.

For yesterday he was a boy but today, he was still a boy but with a R-18 tag.

"What are you saying? Let Hina examine properly" Hina rejected his idea and came even closer to him making his bodily reaction even stronger!??

Hina, One of the two maidens in the marine headquarters.

Hina was a young and slender woman with long, light pink hair that came down a bit lower than her shoulders. She is currently 15 years old with a height of 5'1''(155cm) and a lieutenant in the marines.

She was transferred here a year before, after her training in the G5 unit. Due to Zephyr's request, Tsuru took Hina under her care.

Right now she was donning the standard marine officer dress which of course changed from 0 to 100 when worn by a beauty of her figure.

"It seems that in this world after a girl reaches the age of 10, they all go through a phenomenal transformation in the coming years. By the time they reach the age of 16, they become fuller and richer in all the important places of their body and with a perfect hourglass physique."

Why? That's a mystery?

Right now, Hina was wearing the standard marine V-neck shirt, as it firmly held on those huge, still in development! soft melons in place while showing a bit of the upper assets as they were squeezed together by the tight-fitting shirt and it also covered her slender waist.

Below she wore long blue pants which tightly covered her plump captivating ass (still in development), those thick, soft thighs and long slender legs.

And then there is the long-ass coat that hung from her shoulder with justice written on it covering most of the view. I mean justice is fine and dandy but when it covers such great assets that can inspire thousands of men to join the navy. It's a crime!.

I swear I am gonna tear those clothes (cough*cough*) I mean tear that coat someday" Leon thought in his mind correcting his thoughts.

Besides that, Hina has a calm and composed personality and most of the time has a stoic expression on her face with a toothpick in her mouth which looks quite cool and is adored by her fellow mates and officers.

"Hina also refers to herself in 'third-person"

All in all, she is charming enough to make any pirate think about changing their professions into a marine and beautiful enough to make more than half of the marines in the headquarters beat up those pirates for thinking indecent about their 'Princess Hina'.

"Hina nee! My eyes are fine now! Let's go and eat some breakfast" Says the boy whose eyes are still fixed on huge jugs and the beautiful cleavage in front of him

"Alright, if you are fine then let's go" Hina replied and slowly walked out of the room.

"Close, shutoff, turnoff, status off!" Leon instantly started mumbling all the words he could think of, to switch off this damm system (and something else down below!), and at last, it worked with 'Status off'.

Leon understood one new thing about this system that this screen will only open/close with verbal commands and saying it in the head won't do anything.

After that Leon went to the dining table and started eating his breakfast with Tsuru and Hina.

"Leon Kun, are you planning on going outside today?" Hina asked Leon while eating her second breakfast.

"Of course, I plan on leaving after breakfast. I have some plans today so I want to meet grandpa." Leon replied thinking about all the things he needs to do starting from today.

"Which one?" Both Tsuru and Hina asked at the same time.

"Huh! Well I want to talk with grandpa Sengoku but I will meet with both of them" Leon replied

"Garp is not here right now. Yesterday after you fainted i informed both Sengoku and Garp about your condition. Later Sengoku arrived and said, Garp had already left marineford yesterday morning in a hurry." Tsuru explained while seemingly a little annoyed at the last part

"It must be because of Luffy! So he ended up being my little brother... looks like few things will turn a bit complicated in the future!" Leon mumbled to himself with a little smile on his face.

"Leon kun! Are you listening?" Hina asked seeing Leon in a daze

"Oh! Yes, it's no problem, I will just go to grandpa Sengoku's place and meet up with grandpa Garp later.

Oh, by the way, Hina nee, do you have some work today?" Leon asked while looking at Hina

"That's what I am saying. Today Hina is free so how about we explore Marineford together" Hina asked.

It had been already been a year since she came to Marineford but because of the constant work and training she did even after coming from the G5 base made her from an ensign to a lieutenant in just over year, but this left her with minimal free time.

Also, there wasn't anybody she was comfortable enough to pass her free time with, as she is a rather reserved person until she met her superiors 4 years old cute, chubby grandson whom she instantly took a liking to.

Maybe she thought of him as a chubby koala.

"Mm! Let's do that, I also have fun together, with Hina nee!." As Leon was saying this, he leaned towards Hina who was sitting at his side of the table, stretched his hand, and picked up the small crumb of food that was sticking at the side of her lips and ate it.

"Ah!" Hina squeaked out a little sound at the sudden action of Leon but then didn't know what to say as he seemed pretty natural. It was a surprise attack!

"What happened Hina nee? Eat faster! We have to go early in grandpa's office or it will be difficult during peak work time!" Leon casually commented while eating his breakfast.

"Ah! Oh, ok!" Hina started eating her breakfast not knowing what to say to this little demon. Right now her bright little face had a pink complexion.

"In her mind, her chubby Koala just turned naughty".

Tsuru just watched their banter and had a smile on her face while thinking, her grandson was a little different today.

But whatever the difference was, it was a good one indeed!!

Plese suggest,should i write this long chapters or break it up in two or three chapters? and as always

Thank you for reading.

BoredDWritercreators' thoughts