
Sengoku's thoughts...

4 months later…

Few days before the end of the year. Preparations for New Year's Eve were in the air. Marineford, the headquarters of justice, for all its strict regiment, and rules to follow, was bustling with the crowd in the market district. It was a bright sunny day, the families of the marines stationed here went about their way, searching for all kinds of decorations, gifts, cakes, and sweets for their home party.

The headquarters had decided that the soldiers and officers would get leave this year for enjoying New Year's Eve with their families, though on consecutive days. It was a merry time indeed.

A few rumors were floating that, this was a decision from the higher-ups of the Marines, and not from the WG. Either way, no one questioned. It was already rare, to get a leave in the headquarters, because of the constant alertness and management required of the personnel, for any incidents occurring in the four seas, especially in the Grandline.

So, they enjoyed it all the more with no complaints. Very few knew that this was made possible by a 5yr old boy's, constant whining and hard work, which at last made it possible and gave them their holiday.

Marine Headquarters, Fleet admirals' room…

"Any other reports?" asked Sengoku, sitting in front of his desk, rummaging through stacks of paper piled on top of each other, side by side in a row.

"Yes, sir! Nearly all the batches of documents of each individual and their family, currently stationed on the island are over. By estimate, the rest shouldn't take much time, and should be completed in 48 hours." An assignment official, fully clad in his marine uniform, replied respectfully.

"Fine, I will leave the rest to you then." Sengoku nodded and dismissed him.

There were two more people currently residing in the room except for Sengoku, one, was sitting on the sofa to the side, and the other was on the chair across the desk. They were Garp and Tsuru, respectively.

"O-Tsuru chan, where's the brat?" asked Garp, while eating his favorite crackers.

"Back at his cave, I suppose." She replied, quite annoyed about it and Garp choked on his crackers! "Ever since this fool had made some weird bet with him, about proving himself or he won't get to use that dastard cave, the kid seems to live there!" She gave a glaring side eye to Sengoku who pretended to be busy with work.

"For heaven's sake, he even has a makeshift bed fit in there, so he doesn't have to come home often!" She was furious about it. "All because of him!"

Garp gulped the lump of cracker that was still stuck in his throat and drank the tea afterward, rejoicing, it wasn't about him. Tsuru was really taken to Leon, as she had no children of herself, Leon fulfilled that maternal wish for her which is why the annoyance towards Sengoku.

"And, I don't understand the reason you appointed Hina to be his instructor. She is a talented kid and needs to be on the frontline as much as she can. I have thought of taking her in, and training her personally and officially! She has great untapped potential within her and would be an asset, and even a great leader in the future, if taught correctly." She was of course talking about herself, more precisely, she thought Hina could be her future successor! and lead her crew in the future.

"But even if we were to ignore that, Did the kid's real identity blotted out of your mind? Why would you risk it being exposed?" Sengoku stopped his scribbling on the paper and paid attention. Tsuru continued; "Don't tell me, it was because of the childish bet you made with Leo. No way, you will be willing to sanction something like that. That is a lame excuse if ever I have heard one!" she spoke, while sitting on the chair upright.

Garp also listened, because this was news to him as well when he first heard that Little Hina was Leo's instructor.

Sengoku took off his glasses and cleaned them with a piece of cloth, "Guess they still haven't told you then; I also revealed his full name in front of her!"

It was a shock to Garp who raised an eyebrow. It was clear he was questioning Sengoku, "Why? What for?!"

"What are you talking about?" Tsuru seriously asked, no longer taking it as a joke.

"Both of you, tell me you haven't noticed the sudden outburst of Haki he releases, unconsciously, from time to time; especially when triggered by a strong emotion," Sengoku said, while slowly taking little sips from his teacup.

"I did tell you, he had an inborn affinity to it, So, why do you bring it up now?" Garp asked not quite understanding his point.

"Right." Tsuru agreed with Garp. "He does have a strong emotional connection to his Haki. It triggers without his permission, whenever his emotions get heightened because of something, far more than any normal person with uncontrolled Haki. Neither of us here, ever experienced such problems in our youth, but what does have to do with Hina?" Tsuru questioned

"The day Leo came into the office regarding his request for a training area, Lieutenant Hina also made an appearance. It was then when I got a taste of his Haki, but somehow, it was different this time!" Sengoku looked toward Garp and continued, "It was much sharper, fiercer, and a far cry from his childish tantrums. If he wasn't standing right in front of me, I would have almost thought of it, coming from a different person!!"

"What are you talking about?!" Garp replied; "I haven't felt no such thing from him!"

"Shut up, Garp! Out of the 3 of us, you are the most negligent parent of his!" Sengoku shouted, comically

"What!? Don't kid yourself! The kid loves me more than you!" Garp replied, looking smug.

"In your dreams-!!" Sengoku roared while stamping his hands on the table.

"Stop your hollering!!" yelled Tsuru. It was effective. She again composed herself, then replied to Sengoku, "His Haki has indeed changed considerably, in fact, there are times when I can feel that he is trying his hardest to compose himself, to control his Haki. And, then there's that odd heat!" She massaged her forehead with her palm, "Sometimes, it feels to me, that his body is like a jumbled mess of queer forces trying to take over him, and in the process, leave his mind and emotions in a mangled mess, making my child suffer even more." She explained with a frustrated expression.

She was right on that. Leon's Haki and the Heat inside him were not the same things. What's more, in the future it would get even worse, but she couldn't know that.

Sengoku continued, "That day when I riled him up through our conversation, he was constantly releasing bursts of Haki throughout the room and outside. I felt it up close, but even Sullivan outside in the hallway felt getting dizzy and dozed off. He informed me later. Yet, throughout this whole ordeal one more person was standing right beside me; Junior lieutenant Hina!"

"Hm! She was able to withstand it!?" Tsuru asked in surprise.

Hina had a strong heart and above-average willpower, but even higher-ranking officers cannot fully withstand Leon's sudden Haki outbursts, so it was surprising for her to take it point blank, and remain standing.

"Less so withstand, more like unfazed, she didn't even feel it!" Sengoku replied with a smirk on his face. "She was completely immune to his Haki."

"Huh! that can happen?!" Garp instinctively questioned given his expertise in the subject.

"Idiot! What are you, a block of iron!?" Tsuru answered instead of Sengoku

"You should know better than anyone here. It's possible when one controls their haki, but Sengoku, Leon is still an amateur in that regard, so how did he?"

Tsuru looked up towards Sengoku who was busy drinking his special tea…

"Throw that dastard thing away and hark, will you?" Tsuru shouted like a lioness, which was rather out of ordinary, from her calm demeanor.

Sengoku hastily drank the whole tea in one gulp, "Yes, you are right, Tsuru-chan! Leon couldn't control his haki and still can't, which led me to believe, he was unconsciously protecting her, from his own haki! In fact, to such a level that, she was completely immune!"

"O! That's quite nice of him! But of course, that's because he is my grandson!" Garp exclaimed merrily and celebrated by eating his rice crackers.

"Shut up!" both Tsuru and Sengoku yelled at him this time.

It stuck! "Koff! Koff!" Garp drank some water quickly before he choked to death.

"Come to think of it, he has barely ever exerted his Haki with her in the room, or Gion, but then again, so it is in my case. The incidents I speak of are when I feel him actively trying to suppress it, but I see why you made young Hina, his instructor. No chance of mishaps, if the person is simply immune." Tsuru ignored a choking Garp and replied.

Yes, that was my reason, for allowing her to be beside him…" Sengoku answered calmly; "But?" Tsuru questioned, knowing there was more.

"Hehe, can't hide from you, can I? Well, there's one other reason that I allowed it." He replied.

"Out with it!" Tsuru urged.

Sengoku did not rush and took a moment before saying something.

"He needs friends, Tsuru chan" replied Sengoku, as plainly as he could put it.

Tsuru did not take Sengoku's comment lightly; He may be old but not senile, but far from it "He does have friends." She responded

"I am aware of it, but that simply won't be enough." He said; "Leon is growing quickly, his mentality I cannot state how, but has developed far more than we understand, more than he lets on, and before we can put a finger on it, he will be grown up, and with that so will our troubles." Sengoku explained in all seriousness; "You know why. Because of his inborn gifts, he will quickly come to understand that- He is a big fish, in this wide sea! I don't think you have any doubt about that, but do remember, his competitors which are virtually negligible right now, will be a complete 'zero' by the time he grasps his strengths."

So, you are suggesting that we should stop training him because he might become unruly, and difficult to control?" asked Tsuru. It was quite clear; Tsuru was not in the best mood.

"No, Tsuru chan, I am saying things like rivalry, comradery, and competition will be a foreign concept to him. He may be still trying to learn how to throw a punch, but punch he will, and the wall will give in, and then he will break another, and another, and another, until he has nothing left to break anymore, to beat anymore, to prove anymore, till the day comes, when he will be made hollow by his own strength." a gentle sigh of worry came out of him.

"Gifts he has many yet purpose he has none." Sengoku said "Upon asking, he says, his dream is to make a Harem! Harem?!!" He guffawed "So what is it that he is going to do when one day his 'Harem' is complete?"

"Tsuru chan, his overwhelming strength will become his greatest shackle in the future; One that he will be unable to free himself from, by his lonesome." Sengoku continued; "He will need friends. People whom he truly considers to be his friends, and respects them, and admires them for choosing to stay by him.

"And, I don't suppose, our Leo is anywhere, near interested in even shaking his hands with kids of his age! For God's sake, except for those two critters, he runs away from other kids like, they are some forms of 'plague' about to infect him! And let's not even bring up them trying to compete with him. It's a failure of an idea." Sengoku said expertly

"True." Tsuru chuckled in agreement

"Which is why I have decided to give him what he wants!" Sengoku replied with a dash of vigor. "Lieutenant Junior Hina, Lieutenant Gion, these are the people he looks up to, and respects their strength and talents. So, I will give him their strength and their companionship. It perfectly aligns with my views as well, they are older, stronger, and much wiser, while still being in the same generation as him."

"They will not give in to his reckless behavior, his tantrums, his idiotic notions, and will steer him back to the right path when he starts losing it, and most importantly, Tsuru chan! He will listen to them because he will care for them!" Sengoku concluded and took a deep breath; he has been talking non-stop.

"And, the deeper you care for them, Leo; the harder it will be, to disappoint them, go against them, go against what they stand for!" Sengoku thought but kept this thought to himself, "If force does not work, then emotions will."

Needless to say, this in no way meant that Sengoku did not love Leon, but you must remember he was also the Fleet admiral of the marines. As such, he must take measures even for the most obscure of possibilities- no matter how far-reaching they appear to be.

Although this was the part he hated the most about his position, for he could not share these thoughts even with people, he considered family.

"Hence, you allowed Hina to be near him and revealed his real name," Tsuru asked with a brilliant smile on her face. She was happy that Sengoku had thought so far ahead for Leon.

Sengoku nodded and gave a thumbs-up! "True friendship is built on trust and honesty, and sometimes stupidity."

"So, you want him to tell her all about himself?" Tsuru chuckled, thinking how this old fox turned people around his head. "Then why did you fuss about all the odd demands, you made him do, if you were planning to allow it to him from the beginning."

"Tsuru chan, if I were to give him everything the moment he wanted them, he wouldn't have appreciated it as much as he does now. Look at him now, he has gotten in shape, has done many an odd job for the requisitioning department, has helped with the new recruits' pantry division, and helped in cleaning all the upper floors of the headquarter, for no less than 50 days! without so much as an ouch! You could call him the best Ensign, at this point!" Sengoku gave a hearty laugh, only to glance ahead and notice death!

Tsuru's piercing eye cut through his soul, "Last I checked, Leon was the grandson of Vice admiral Tsuru, NOT! Admiral Sengoku's, personal chore boy. Tell me, am I wrong?" She asked with a harrowing aura around her.

"Beads of sweat rolled down Sengoku's forehead, he should not have boasted and reminded her of it. "T-Tsuru chan, you didn't understand what I said! What I meant was, little Leon at such a young age has become an accomplished member of society. All the people in the headquarters praise him for his hard work and effort. Even the holiday I issued, was because of something I had promised him, I would do, if he were to help me in the office. Now just imagine, how much praise he will get when I release this news to the officers." Sengoku comically presented his plea, and it looked like the plan worked!

She had a little smile on her face "That is true! and, you are also paying a lot of attention to his future." She forgave him for boasting and became pleased again.

Sengoku felt quite accomplished! seeing Tsuru smile like that. He could feel his parenting skills were being praised, which was no small feat! Far better than the other guy! Who by the way was quiet for some reason!?

"What so good about it? Isn't that just, trying to control his future!" came a calm and collected voice from the side. It was of 'Monkey D Garp' the Marine hero, sitting wide on the cushiony sofa whilst picking his stuffy nose.


A moment of silence reigned over the room…


"It's a million times better than your helicopter parenting, You son of a bitch!!" Sengoku leaped out of the chair and over the desk, and before Tsuru had the time to blink, he was already over Garp, pulling him by the collar.

"Don't be foolish! I am already better than you. I have one kid and two grandkids, don't you know?" Garp questioned his cluelessness.

We are not counting, the number of children you can pop out!" Sengoku has had it, "Bang!" he punched, which Garp immediately returned, and before long they were on the floor kicking, and rolling and tumbling down all over the area, crashing onto the table and chair making a foul mess of the place, like a bunch of rowdy kids who blamed the other had stolen their lunch!

Tsuru had enough of their stupidity and punched them square on the head; "Bang! Bang!" and with enough force to, make two large dumpling-like bumps grow on top of their head, finally ending their fracas.

A moment later both finally regained their composure as leaders of the Marines, straightened their suits and tie, and sat down again scrutinizing their previous childish behavior… Not! They were still in the mood for war, only silenced by Tsuru.

"If you cannot act up to your position, at least act like proper adults!" She cried in their ears, leaving them near deaf. After they had settled down, she finally asked "Are you not worried about his future?" clearly directed at Garp.

"Hahaha, Tsuru chan! You don't need to worry about him! The brat will find his own way! We always have!" Garp guffawed and ate his crackers. Certainly, the 'We' in his words had two meanings. They understood that.

"Isn't this exactly, what we fear…!!" both Tsuru and Sengoku sighed. All the effort that Sengoku was taking was to prevent that!

Sengoku couldn't care less if Leon became a pirate (he definitely would, but not the point), the thought didn't even cross his mind. What he feared was something even worse, something he had a much deeper connection to, a blood connection- His father, the revolutionary! Hence all the precautions that he was currently taking.

If Leon were to suddenly join the one organization that was completely against their dogma, wouldn't they be completely screwed? It would be similar to handing them a free nuclear missile, which they had developed for years.

"But, Tsuru chan, when is he coming home?" Garp questioned

"As I said earlier, he spends most of his time in that cave of his. He must be there right now, doing God knows what. Al kids of his age like to wander around and have fun on New Year's Eve, while he prefers, push-ups- he says" she replied feeling low.

"Tsuru chan, cheer up! Wasn't he asking to visit the G5 base, quite often? How about I take him there, a few days later?" Garp said merrily. "It will take him out of his training spree as well!"

No doubt Tsuru was happy about it and patted his shoulders, for his rare usefulness in parenting!

"You seem to be worried about something, Tsuru chan?" Sengoku asked, seeing she was quite tired, more than usual.

"Yeah… there's one other thing," She sighed "You remember the Donquixote family, the World nobles that left the Holyland to live among the masses?"

"Of course," replied Sengoku…

Leaving their side for now, on the eastern side of the island, near the scrapyard block, inside an underground area, two people were busy clashing with each other, unarmed

Hey guys,

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

I wanted this to be a short chapter, roughly of 1500 words, but this and that happened, and i ended up with well, more. And, then it takes even longer time to edit.

Eitherway, leave some power and comments, really motivates me to write, and have a wonderful day.

Thank you.

BoredDWritercreators' thoughts