

It was 10 am and Leon and Hina were already quite late.

Leon just prayed that his grandpa didn't start any heavy workload right in the morning.

Right now both Hina and Leon were on their way towards the office.

Hina in the front and Leon a little behind her and both were walking silently without talking to each other.

Both of their attention was not on the road and were thinking about something.

"Jiggle, Wiggle, jiggle, wiggle!".

Leon's eyes were unintentionally drawn towards Hina's beautiful buttocks as she was walking in front of him.

He didn't know why but he was detecting the slightest sway of her tight ass, every time she took a step forward.

"Wh…what am I doing?" Leon shook his head as he suddenly got out from the trance.

Leon instantly looked around him. He sighed after discerning no one noticed him staring at something improper or some might say 'private property'.

"What's going on? Why am I feeling like...like I am horny!" Leon shouted in his mind.

"Is this because of some damn energy flowing in my body? And come to think of it, why do I feel, my pant is getting a little tight?" Leon looked down and questioned himself not understanding what was going on with his body.

"Wait, don't tell me?" Leon exclaimed inwardly with eyes wide open

He was having various kinds of reactions throughout his body since this morning. But the most importantly the part where his little brother resided.

At first, he didn't understand why all the energy was meeting at that certain area in his body but now he was finally getting the idea.

His little brother was growing! And not in the Saiyan form, NO! it was getting bigger in its normal form!

Right now Leon was wearing dark green, loose trousers, and a loose sky-blue T-shirt.

But he could still feel his little brother getting bigger and bigger because of the tightness in his undergarments which seemed to be getting tighter and tighter by the moment!

What Leon was feeling right now was the overload of hormones throughout his entire body. Which was odd as he was still 5.

He felt like Puberty was hitting him right in the face saying "Hey brotha... I am back!"

"Man, this is bad. How the hell do I control it? Maybe.."

"Status!" Leon murmured and immediately opened his system window

"Ping! Ping! Ping!" instantly three notification sound rang in his ear


Name- Monkey D.Leon


Strength- Ant+(hidden)

Speed- Turtle+(hidden)

Endurance- Low

Overall- Weak

Skills(unlocked): -

Passive (i)

1. (???)-??

2. (???)-??

3. Disease acquired (Hornification)

Hornification- User's sexual desires are increased by 1000 times!


- 1000 times the sexual energy! 1000 times the production of crème!

- Able to detect the slightest movement of the opposite sex

- Generally, the user gets a favorable opinion from the opposite sex but the opposite is also true (Depends on the mood, situation, relationship)

- The user can go on for days without stopping!

- Little brother becomes Big brother

- The more the user does it with other women the more addictive it will get for both parties (Condition- Both should share the same feeling for each other)


- The user is horny for 23hr:59min out of 24 hours! Every day for the rest of his life!

- User can get aroused by the slightest gestures of the opposite sex, or any physical intimacy (condition- the user is attracted to that women)

- The more the user suppresses his urges the stronger the effect gets.

- The user can suppress his desires by self-relieving but the older the user gets the lower its effects will be.

- The effect is stronger with women, the user is attracted to or even stronger if the user has feelings for her and at the same time it is weaker for any woman the user feels nothing about.

- User is susceptible to women to a certain degree (depends on the level of closeness)

- If left UN-administered, after a certain threshold is crossed, the user will give in to his desires and become sex-crazed!

Active Skills- NONE


After reading the whole description of his brand-new skill. Leon was pretty speechless and had many questions but the only one he could think of was "Pretty descriptive for a wish I didn't ask"

Right now he was feeling a little odd as it was not that he disliked the skill more like he would appreciate such skill if not for the 24/7 horny and becoming sex-crazed part.

"Hmm!" Leon Noticed the 'i' mark beside the 'passive skill' option

Leon tried to click on it and a description box appeared


If before he was feeling a little odd then now, he was shocked.

"Did that old man, really gave this skill to me or is there someone else! Someone even stronger than him?" Leon looked towards the sky and thought to himself

[A/N- Ahem!]

"Well, for now, I will have to control it somehow" Leon closed his status screen and looked towards Hina who was currently in her own thoughts.

Leon trying to distract his mind from the overflowing urges in his body, tried to make a conversation with Hina to forget about it

"Hina nee, what are you thinking about?" Leon caught up to Hina and called out

Hina simply opened her eyes and watched Leon for a few seconds.

"Is anything wro…?" Leon tried to figure out what she was thinking but didn't get to finish his sentence

"Leon kun, you are a little different today?" Even though her looks suggested that it was a question, her words were of certainty as if she confirmed about it.

Man, women sure are scary. She isn't even giving me a chance to deny it" Leon contemplated for a second

"Do you dislike the way I am right now?" There were many reasons he could give to her right now or simply deny it but Leon didn't want to start his relationship with a lie so… He asked what mattered.

Hina was surprised for a second as she had not thought of it that way and also, he didn't deny her question!

"I liked the way you were before and I also like the way you are right now" after some time Hina replied with a bright smile

"But what's going on?" Hina asked Leon

Leon hearing her answer felt happy with a cheeky smile plastered on his face.

"Nothing Hina nee, Till yesterday I was a boy, from today I am a pervert" Leon nonchalantly spoke the truth!

"What?" Hina was bewildered for a second not knowing what to say.

A five-year-old announcing himself as a pervert! Even to her, this was new!

"Don't mind it! Let's hurry to the office" Leon called out to Hina and picked up his pace

"Wha… yeah, lets hurry" Hina couldn't finish her analysis of what Leon said and hurried after him.

"Maybe, it's just me… hearing things today" Hina thought to herself


After some time

Marine headquarters

"Ahh! We are finally here" Leon exclaimed in relief

"Yeah for some reason it felt quite long getting here" Hina replied

Hina and Leon finally reached the headquarters. Right now they were on the ground floor of the base.

Many marine officials were working around them. Some of them nodded towards Leon after noticing him but none came and surrounded him like in the market. They respectively did their jobs.

"Now, this is what I call a marine base." Leon commented smilingly.

"Lets go up" Hina replied from the side

"Mm.." Leon hummed and both of them started climbing the stairs

After reaching the highest-level floor on which Fleet admiral's office was situated. They were walking through the corridor and just as they turned a corner..

"Boom!" A devastating collision occurred! Two huge marshmallows and an innocent face collided against each other.

The outcome of this sudden battle was the loss of the innocent face as it laid dead on the floor and the winner 'marshmallows' were still on top of the innocent face, putting quite a pressure on him.

"Ouch! it hurt" the owner of the marshmallows groaned

"Gion san!" Hina called out

"Ah! Hina chan, How are you?" the women Gion replied a little surprised

"Forget that! Y..you are choking Leon kun!" Hina pointed towards the innocent boy still paralyzed on the floor.

"Hmm.. ah! Leon chan! What are you doing there? No what am I saying, are you alright?" Gion immediately got off of him and worriedly asked

"Cough cough" Leon coughed for a few times trying to take in deep breaths.

After a few seconds, he calmed down

"Usagi nee, I am fine no need to worry" Leon replied while standing up

"Are you sure? Ah! And don't call me Usagi nee. call me Gion nee." Gion first made sure Leon was ok and then snapped

"But Usagi-nee sounds much cuter just like you" Leon replied with a cheeky smile.

"Ah! Since when did a brat like you start talking like that huh?" Gion replied, immediately

"Right! It's not Hina alone imagining it right. This little demon suddenly became too cheeky." Hina also joined in from the side

"Looks like we should teach him a lesson, again" Gion replied teasingly

"This is bad" Leon started sweating bullets.

Usually, their punishment entails with him running around Marineford in this hot summer heat for one hour straight! Now how should a fluffy child endure such torture!

"Ahem!" Leon cleared his throat

"My Ladies! This innocent subject of yours has never spoken any foul words. Whatever this subject has ever spoken in nothing but the truth!So please find mercy in those beautiful hearts of yours which are as big as the ocean and leave this servant be!." Leon concluded his sentence in a flimsy way while bowing slightly with one hand behind his back

"…" Hina and Gion. "Two Hours" they replied.

"Damn..." Leon

"Little demon, trying to act cool huh!" Both of them held each side of Leon's cheek and started pinching him

"Ouu..Hina nee, Usagi nee. Sorry! It hurts..." Leon begged

"It should!" Gion replied

"Usagi nee, weren't you were in a hurry just now ?" Leon tried to make her remember that she was busy, to get out of the situation.

"Ah! I need to be in fleet admirals office immediately" Gion quickly picked up her file on the floor and rushed towards the office

"And, she is gone." Hina lightly said

"Well, we need to be there too" Leon dusted his body a little and started moving towards the office

"Are you fine? You were grasping to breathe a minute ago" Hina enquired

"Of course, I was out of breath there and felt like suffocating" Leon remembered the huge marshmallows that enveloped his face

"Then why were you not struggling?" Hina asked

"Oh! I was out for a few seconds…" Leon replied

"Hmm, ok." Hina

"It was worth it" Leon silently murmured

"Huh! You said something?" Hina asked

"Nothing! Look Hina nee, we are finally here" Leon pointed towards the big door in front of him.

A marine officer was standing outside the office. His job was probably being an assistant. Letting people inside or giving an appointment to meet the fleet admiral or just denying entrance.

"Oh, Leon, Lieutenant Hina. How is your health?" The officer asked

"Very good, sir" Hina replied respectfully

"I am perfectly fine, uncle Sullivan. How are you?" Leon enquired

"Of course, I am fine too. Too fine in fact, with all-day sitting at the table and doing no physical work" Sullivan looked towards his belly-cum-tummy.

"Ok, You both wanna go inside right? Do you have an appointment?" Sullivan tried to tease Leon.

"Of course!" Leon immediately replied. "Here, rest of the payment will be delivered at a later date!" He took out a few items from his trousers pocket and placed it on the table sullivan was sitting. There were few orange and chocolate flavor candies.

"Permission Granted" The payment was accepted. "But you must wait for a few minutes. Lieutenant commander Gion had some important news to give to the admiral" Sullivan answered

"Ok…" Leon replied remembering the recent collision between them.

Gion, a marine officer. Recently acquired the nickname of 'Momousagi' and is 17 years old. Also known as 'Princess Momo'. A title, given to her by the other half of the population of Marineford similar to Princess Hina."

[A/N- Full introduction later]

"Hina nee, can you wait for a few minutes. I need to go the washroom" Leon asked Hina

"Sure but come back fast" Hina replied. In the end, she was still a lieutenant. She didn't want to be alone in front of the fleet admiral's office without any reason.

Leon went towards the men's washroom on this floor. As soon as he entered the washroom. He quickly closed the door, knelt with one knee, and started taking deep breaths.

Leon right now was feeling a new surge of energy coursing through his body after trying to calm it for so long. The accident with Momousagi was the culprit this time.

"Fuck! Man, it's so hard to control. I need to calm down." Leon was breathing heavily and his little brother, if before it was in flames now it was on fire.

It was already so big that it slipped out of his inner pant!

After 5 minutes of continuous breathing, he finally got himself under control.

"Looks like the rules were true" Leon mumbled. "The effect will be stronger with women the user is attracted to."

User will get aroused by physical intimacy. The more the user suppresses his feelings the stronger the effect will get.

Leon was thinking about the rule that noted 'he could relieve himself but its effect will grow weaker as he gets older'.

A few minutes later Leon reached in front of the office where Hina was waiting for him.

"Did Usagi nee come out?" Leon asked

"No, she is still inside" Hina replied

"Must be quite an important matter" Leon commented

"I don't know the full details but it is!" Sullivan commented from the side


The door of the office slowly opened and Gion came out.

"Usagi nee, is it over?" Leon asked

"Well, I finished giving my report but there is still…" Gion answered but got cut off by another sound

"Aa ra ra…" a long drawn out sound came from inside as the speaker slowly came out of the room.

An incredibly tall, slim dude with tanned skin came out of the room.

He had curly black hair and wore a navy blue, full-sleeved shirt with a buttoned-up white velvet over it and had matching white trousers with black shoes.

Overall, the man had a lean build and an imposing figure.

"Aa ra ra, little boy! Are you lost?" The man asked looking down at Leon, literally.

"Tch… Today's old men! Can't even see properly and trying to give directions to young people. What will the young men of this generation do?" Leon replied with a deep sentimental tone as if he was truly worried.

"You little brat! I am still young!" the man snapped back changing from his calm, lazy demeanor to a little aggressive one.

"Ya! Ya! i know and I am a 22-year-old adult" Leon replied sarcastically with his favorite cheeky smile.

The man in the topic was the recently promoted 'Marine admiral Aokiji' aka Kuzan.

"Tch… talking to a kid is useless its better if I talk to this young lady over here.

Hina chan right? I have heard about you from Tsuru san. So how are you?" Kuzan shifted his attention to Hina who was silently standing at the side

"Yes, Admiral, I am perfectly fine." Hina was still quite new to such high-profile characters but remained calm and replied respectfully.

"Right, this is how today's youth should be! Respecting their elders but some kids just don't get it, do they?" Kuzan replied while giving the side-eye to Leon.

"Well, I am still better than a 'Marine admiral' who comes to work at 10 am in the morning.

Nearly half the day is over! Now, what sort of effect will this have on the younger generation?" Leon replied with a righteous tone

"You became real cheeky today, didn't you Leo?" Kuzan finally looked towards Leon.

"Now did I, Uncle Kuzan?" Leon replied showing an innocent face

"I will come back! This match isn't over!" Kuzan replied and started leaving

"I will be waiting!" Leon finished

Both of them had a grin plastered on their face.

Hina and Sullivan were still completely silent not knowing what to say between an argument of a Marine admiral and a child!.

Especially Hina as Sullivan had a few chances of seeing such 'important' arguments but Hina! she was a completely new leaf.

"Hina, let's go inside." Leon didn't wait for their reactions and stood in front of the door.

Leon then extended his right hand forward...

"Cadet Grandson reporting sir! Please, May I come in." Leon

"No" A sound came from the inside

"Thank you!" Leon replied and headed inside the room.

Here's another chap.

Phew! it took nearly 10 days to write this chapter. I was not playing Kingdom Come Deliverance.

Believe me!

And as always Thanks for Reading.

BoredDWritercreators' thoughts