
one piece elemental god

our mc lived a miserable life he spent most of his time in a hospital bed due to is inccurrable disease all he had was the manga's he would read his favorite was one piece when he finally died he met god and God apologized to him for the terrible life he was given so in return god decided to reincarnate him in a world of his choice he thought about it and chose to be reborn in one piece as monkey.d.Luffy god asked him what power he would like and after thinking for a while he asked for the power to control every element including the sub elements god granted his wish how will our mc change the world of one piece being reincarnated as our protagonist follow him on his journey to find out disclaimer I do not own one piece or any of it's characters

nexusstar21 · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

chapter 26

Luffy was standing on the deck of the large world government ship, wondering what to do with it."I wonder what I'm going to do with this ship.I can't just leave it here. The Marines will find it and won't stop till they find out why Saint charles disappeared."thought luffy.

"It's also a good ship. I don't want it, but to destroy it would be a waste considering it's made of the treasure wood, adam the same material the thousand sunny is made of."Luffy was in deep thought, wondering what to do with Saint charles ship.

"Kumi probably can't shrink the ship cause of its size it's worth a try.Kumi, can you try to shrink the ship?"asked, luffy. Luffy didn't think kumi could shrink the ship, but it was worth a try.

Kumi sent a beam towards the ship, but as predicted, the ship did not shrink.Just as I thought it's too big for kumi to shrink at his current stage, I guess I'll just have to sink it.said luffy.

A huge dome of water covered the ship, flooding it and dragging it down to the bottom of the sea.The ship was now fully submerged under water. "What a shame. I wish I could have taken the wood, but no evidence must be left behind."Said luff as he picked up sabo, and kumi picked up Ace as they started running through the forest.

while running through the forest, Luffy used observation haki and saw many Marines along with some cp agents.Luffy put on a metal mask he formed with his new metal element."Kumi, can you shrink Ace and sabo and take them back to the boat? I'll meet you their."said luffy.

Kumi nodded, going in the opposite direction.Luffy then disappeared in a flash of lighting, appearing in front of a dozen Marines.The Marines immediately stopped, and a marine captain walk in front of luffy asking where is Saint charles.

"What, sir, that's just a child. How would he know what happened to Saint charles."shouted another marine."Saint charles, you mean the pig who was trying to enslave innocent civilians who you Marines are supposed to protect with your lives. I killed him along with his lap dogs."

The marine didn't take what luffy said seriously, thinking he was just some arrogant child.The marine captain went to capture him, but in an instan.The marine captains head fell to the ground blood splattering everywhere as luffy wiped the blood off his sword.

The Marines immediately tried to surround luffy, but a huge fire burst out from luffy, burning all the Marines to a crisp along with along with a large part of the forest.Luffy then disappeared in another flash of lighting.

Luffy then appeared and noticed a familiar figure it was Rob Lucci. Rob Lucci was staring at luffy, realizing he had been the one who had just incinerated a large part of the forest.

So you were the one who killed Saint charles. I'm not that surprised that you're a child. I'm surprised you came from the east blue, considering it's the weakest of all the seas.But what I want to know what happened to sir genma their is no way you could have killed him.

Luffy didn't answer, and Rob Lucci immediately appeared in front of him using shave, but immediately he got kicked in the face by luffy flying into a tree as luffy had a metal plate on his foot.

Lucci didn't give up he started chasing after luffy, who was flying through the forest,killing marine after marine.Lucci didn't give up appearing in front of luffy, but was blast away by a lighting bolt.Luffy disappeared appearing in front of the small boat they came here in.

He realized he could not escape as dozens of marine warships were blocking the paths outside of the island. He then had an idea. He covered the boat with the four of them in it in a sphere of wind and submerged it under water.