
One Piece DxD

An Unknown ID has come to one piece world with only the memories of the super devil. Now his name is Sirzechs D. Lucifer! (There will be AU in this story but many things still went according to the original) One Piece X High School DXD

Phelio_n_Craze · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

The winner of the vote is...

The winner of the vote is...Serafall!

Phelio: I will be focused on Marvel: I am TOAA grandson to have 10 more chapters on my page first then I will continue this story. I estimate that it should take about 3 days at most. And if you like to support me so I could continue to write forever please go to my page www.p@treon.com/phelio there 15% off yearly.