
One Piece DxD

An Unknown ID has come to one piece world with only the memories of the super devil. Now his name is Sirzechs D. Lucifer! (There will be AU in this story but many things still went according to the original) One Piece X High School DXD

Phelio_n_Craze · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 17 Back to East Blue

Sirzechs laughed a little bit when he saw how cute Robin was. He shook his head.

"Let's make the contract without the love part, then. You will be my historian or information provider. I will protect you and will never betray you but I also want the same thing from you."

Sirzechs changed the condition a little bit. It should be give-and-take. He emphasized the importance of mutual trust and loyalty in their partnership.

Sirzechs wanted their relationship to be based on equal exchange, where both parties would benefit and support each other.

Robin nodded. She understood that her condition only benefited her. Sirzechs wanted to change it a little bit, which was understandable.

Sirzechs finalized the contract, and then the deal was done. Both Sirzechs and Robin could not betray each other from now on.

Robin thought about something, then she said.

"Now, I have something to tell you. I am the devil child that the world government has been searching for. It would be very dangerous from now on if they knew I was with you on the journey."

Robin confessed. She then showed him her wanted poster. Sirzechs looked at it and laughed again.

"You got me good, Robin. To think that you dare to hide something like this from me. Whatever, I am not afraid of them anyway."

Sirzechs was very strong. He was confident that he could protect her from harm.

Robin looked at Sirzechs, then she nodded. If he could protect her, then she was willing to do everything in her power to help him as his historian and information provider.

"And what about Lilith Kingdom? How can we get there?"

Sirzechs wanted to know if there was anyone who knew him. And what background does he really have?

"Lilith Kingdom is located in Grandline near Alabasta kingdom. I will tell you more when we get to Grandling first."

Robin didn't hide it anymore and told him. He could not betray her anymore.

Not long after, Buggy came back to the ship to tell Sirzechs about the information he got from the locals. He paid the money he had left on his body just to get information about where they could find the historian he wanted.

They shouldn't be on this island because it is very poor. No historian or knowledgeable person would come to this god-forsaken island.

"Oh, you're back. That's good. Let's head back to East Blue then."


"I have found the historian. When we reach East Blue, we will part way there."

Buggy gritted his teeth and sighed. He couldn't do anything about the money so he ordered his crew to sail back to East Blue again.

Fortunately, Sirzechs gave money to Komatsu to buy enough meat for their journey. Otherwise, he might have to eat fish again. Sirzechs had started to hate fish. If possible, he wouldn't want to eat them again. Unless it was an emergency situation.

They sail back to East Blue without a problem. They met marines along the way but when they saw that there was a noble on the ship, they just let them go.

Sirzechs also ordered Buggy to lower the pirate flag and use a normal flag instead so no one would think they were pirates.

The lower pirate flag was considered taboo for pirates, but in this case, they couldn't do anything before Sirzechs would let them go.

They reached Loguetown in no time and Buggy and his crew couldn't wait to send Sirzechs along with his people on their way.

"It's very fun to have a short journey with you, Clown. If you want any help in the future, just think about me and I'll be there."

Sirzechs gave him a piece of paper with a beautiful crimson magic circle on it. Buggy looked at it and he could feel that the paper had some kind of power that attracted him.

'I will get rid of it later.'

Buggy wouldn't want anything to do with Sirzechs anymore.

After Sirzechs, Robin, and Komatsu got off the ship, they immediately departed for their next destination.

Buggy and his crew finally could breathe a sigh of relief and rejoiced that they were no longer in the presence of Sirzechs.

"Let's not meet that devil again in the future."

Sirzechs chuckled a little when he heard the devil inside Buggy's soul talk about how Buggy wouldn't want anything to do with him anymore but Sirzechs knew that they would meet again in the future, as for the paper with the magic circle. He didn't give it to Buggy but to the devil inside him.

Even if Buggy destroyed it or threw it away, it would come back to him again and again. Until he gave up on disposing of it.

"Let's go to the marine headquarters first. I need to go back to Conomi Island to get my ship back."

After getting his ship back, it would be the real journey. He would go straight to Grandline right away.

Now that he had Robin, who could do many things at the same time with her devil fruit power.

Sirzechs wanted to speak with her devil fruit but the devil inside her was just too shy. She didn't reply to him, no matter how many times he tried to communicate.

"Let's give her some time, then."

Sirzechs gave up on communicating with her for the time being before she felt comfortable enough to speak with him.