
One Piece : Dungeon

The year 1522. In area 13, which is located on the island of Saboundy Archepelago, there is a building that has a sign that reads “Guild” neatly installed in front of the entrance of the building. The guild itself is a place where people who want to register as adventurers, report the missions they have completed in order to get rewards, and also go on adventures in dungeons freely while increasing their strength. In just a few moments of appearance from this place, the Guild began to become something that attracted the attention of various powers. World Government. Navy. Emperor of the Ocean. Revolutionary Army. Pirate. Kingdom. Individual. Each of them carried the hope of being able to conquer the place called the dungeon, especially when they knew the benefits they could get after mastering the place. Then, how does this story continue? For those who like my stories, please keep them in the library, and those who don't like them don't need to read them. Pull the anchor! Patreon.com/Arsone

Arsone · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 27: Dungeon First Transaction

Dungeon, 1st Floor, Alchemist Wiz Shop.

"45 units of Grisal plants, 78 units of Anticode plants, and 72 units of Exas grass" Annie is currently doing calculations on a large number of items on the in-store table at this time. These items come from items obtained by Hancock and her two sisters on a mission to destroy Camp Bandit.

Upon arriving in Atlantis City, the three of them did not immediately go to report the success of the mission to Commander Suzaku but instead went to sell the items they had, especially medicinal plant items and also the equipment they didn't need.

Information about Alchemist Wiz Shop is known to Hancock and his two brothers and sourced from Shakky. It was Shakky who informed them of this place. This is what causes them to come here to sell the items they have. Another reason is because of the reputation of this store that caused them to come here and also the last reason is that the employee on duty is a woman.

Of course, Hancock wouldn't come to a store where the employee was a man unless forced to or indeed it was the only place to get what they wanted.

"How much can we get with all these items?" Sandersonia asked calmly as her arms wrapped around her body.

"Counting the amount you want to sell and the quality of the goods..." Annie didn't answer immediately but thought for a while and then said, "At least the overall total of these items can be bought by our store as many as 5 silver coins and 34 bronze coins. What do you guys think?"

"That's quite a lot" Marigold nodded and stared at Hancock, "What do you think, Big Sister?"

"Compared to exchanging it for money. How about making an exchange with the Elixir you sell in your store" Hancock said calmly.

"Exchange it for Elixir?" Annie asked in confusion.

"Sure" Hancock nodded, "I don't think that's a problem to do?"

"Of course" Annie nodded quickly immediately, "As long as the exchange rate reaches its selling price. It can be done" Annie said with a faint smile, "Elixir what do you need and how much do you want?"

"What is the price for each Elixir you sell? Also, is there any difference between a bottle that is small in size and a large?" Hancock asked back.

"The difference between the division of bottles is quite a lot" Annie immediately said, "The bigger the Elixir bottle, the more Elixir there are in it. The more Elixir in the bottle that the adventurer will drink, the greater the efficacy will be. For example, Elixir Physical Healing. If a person has a wound from a sword slash but it is not too deep and only injures the outer skin, then only a small bottle of Elixir is needed to heal it. On the other hand, if in one case an adventurer gets very severe injuries such as burns all over his body or has entered a critical condition, during the adventure he drinks a super-sized Elixir. All the wounds obtained by him will be instantly lost or completely healed."

"It's amazing..." Sandersonia muttered in surprise.

"Is it possible that this thing can be used in the outside world?" Marigold muttered softly.

"For the price itself, it has variations. As well as the Physical Healing Elixir which costs less compared to the Stamina Healing Elixir. The physical healing elixir whose bottle is small has a price of 15 bronze coins for each unit, the middle size has a price of 20 bronze coins, the large size has a price of 25 bronze coins, and the super size has a price of 30 bronze coins. While for the Stamina Healing Elixir has a price for its small bottle is 20 bronze coins, the middle size has a price of 25 bronze coins, the large size has a price of 30 bronze coins, and the super size it has a price of 35 bronze coins"

Annie paused for a while and immediately took the book that recorded the products sold in the Alchemist store and then handed it to Hancock, "This is a book that records the products we have. The book also records various other products complete with their functions along with their prices, please take a look."

Hancock immediately accepted it and opened it.

Sandersonia and Marigolds also immediately approached and looked at the products offered.

On the other hand, Annie quietly waited near them.

There are many types of elixir that are laughed at by the Alchemist Wiz Shop, including Physical Healing Elixir with a vulnerable price of 15 bronze coins up to 30 bronze coins, Stamina Healing Elixir with a vulnerable price of 20 bronze coins up to 35 bronze coins, Lucky Elixir with a price of 10 gold coins, Poison Healing Elixir with a vulnerable price of 30 bronze coins up to 45 bronze coins, Elixir Honesty at the price of 1 gold coin, Body Care Pill at 20 bronze coins, Elixir Changing Appearance at 5 gold coins and many more elixir offered by the Alchemist Wiz Store.

(Note: I changed the name of the Skin Care Pill to Body Nourishment Pill because this is better the name)

"There are so many elixirs there..." Sandersonia was quite surprised by the variety of Macma Elixir and Pill products offered at this place especially for Elixir luck, "Big sister, Mari. According to you guys. If we drink this Lucky Elixir then go to the Casino. Do you think we can win a lot there?"

"If the function is by what is described in this book. It must be that we will get a lot of benefits" Marigold nodded and continued back, "However, it is difficult to get that item at the moment. Our money will not be able to make up for it"

"Geh, it seems so" Sandersonia instantly fell silent looking at the treasure they had to pay to get the elixir desired by her.

"Why is there no Holy Elixir here?" Hancock asked calmly, raising her forehead, "Does your store not provide these products?"

"I'm sorry, miss" Annie immediately apologized quickly, "The Holy Elixir is an Elixir that has reached legendary quality and for this shop of ours on the 1st floor. We didn't prepare the product"

"It's our shop that is on the 1st floor? Does that mean that your other store upstairs, is preparing this product?" Hancock asked back hopefully.

"Likely, our shop upstairs is there, Miss" Annie immediately replied to her, "However, I am not sure that our store on the 100th floor and below prepares this product because of the difficulty in obtaining items for the manufacture of these items along with the manufacturing process is quite difficult. Only those Alchemists who have reached a high level can make this product easily"

"Can't you ask for the product in your flagship store and then sell it in this store?" Sandersonia asked, frowning.

"It can be done" Annie replied quietly.

"Can be done? Is that true?" Hancock eagerly then asked.

The eyes of Marigold and Sandersonia also instantly revealed the light of hope.

"Yes. It can. However..." Annie paused for a while and looked at Hancock and others seriously, "Are you guys sure you can buy it?"


Hancock and his two sisters were silent when they heard this.

"Hmph! How much is indeed the price for the Holy Elixir? The price can't exceed the price of 1 white gold coin, right?" Hancock sniffed dissatisfiedly and immediately asked in a tone full of pride.

"No, the price for the Holy Elixir is not like that" Annie shook her head and immediately continued, "The price for each bottle of Holy Elixir is 20 white gold coins"

"... Huh?" Hancock was surprised again by the words from Annie.

"20 white gold coins for each bottle?! Are you kidding me?!" Sandersonia asked with a face full of disbelief.

"This price..." Marigolds are even difficult to accept.

"The price corresponds to the difficulty in the manufacture, Miss" Annie immediately replied to her, "Although for adventurers or big guys in the dungeon, getting the manufacturing items from this Elixir is easy. It's just that the manufacturing process of this item itself is very difficult. It takes Alchemists who have reached the highest level or may be close to that level to make it. As long as it is not them, the probability that this Elixir can be made a percentage is less than 10%. This is what makes the price of this Elixir very expensive. Even the Alchemists in our shop. Few can make this Elixir with a high success rate. While others, don't dare because the success rate they have is so low."

The three of them instantly fell silent when they heard this. Because if you follow the unit price, it means that the three of them must collect at least 60 white gold coins to be able to get the Holy Elixir item to heal the wounds on their backs.

Hancock's hands instantly clenched into fists firmly.

"Miss, have you decided to exchange the proceeds of this sale for which items, and how many are there?" Annie asked again politely.

Hancock returned to her consciousness at this time and nodded, "Prepare 15 medium-sized Physical Healing Elixir, 15 mid-size Stamina Healing Elixir, 6 super-size Physical Healing Elixir, and 6 super-size Stamina Healing Elixir"

"I understand" Annie nodded and immediately walked towards the administrative desk calculating the total overall value of the items desired by Hancock, "Miss, the overall price for the items you want is 11 silver coins and 90 bronze coins. The proceeds from the sale of items sold by Nona to our store are 5 silver coins and 34 bronze coins. That means Nona has to add as many as 6 silver coins and 56 bronze coins to get the desired number of items"

Hancock nodded and immediately walked towards the direction of the registration table and then took out a sum of money according to the remaining amount, "Right now it's enough, isn't it?"

"Sure" Annie nodded and said, "Please wait a moment. I'll go get the order behind"

Annie immediately put the entire item of medicinal plants that Hancock sold to them into her storage item and then immediately walked towards the back.

"It seems that it is still a long time for us to be able to get the goods we want," Sandersonia said with a sigh.

"It's hard to believe that to obtain the Holy Elixir... It requires 20 white gold coins for each bottle." Marigolds immediately add

"You two don't have to worry about it" Hancock immediately said seriously as her hands at this time had been firmly clenched into fists, "We already know that this place can prepare the goods. Our current goal is that we only need to raise some money to be able to get the goods."

Sandersonia and Marigold's confidence was restored upon hearing Hancock's words.

It didn't take long for Annie to come back with the items bought by Hancock and immediately handed them over by placing them on the guest table in the middle room of the store.

"It's your product, Miss. Please check back"

Hancock just looked at it and nodded then glanced at Sandersonia and Marigold, "We will divide. For Elixir with medium-sized bottles, each person will get five bottles. As for the super size, each person will get 2 bottles. For super-sized Elixir, it is used only in times of emergencies. Do not use in non-emergency situations such as minor injuries or non-life-threatening injuries"

"We understand, Big Sister"

The three of them then immediately put the entire Elixir that had been their part into the storage room. With the Elixir, they have items that can protect their lives in the monster territory or can be said to be additional lives.

"Sonia, Mari. Let's move on. We still need to complete the equipment we have."

"Fine, elder sister"

Hancock immediately took the lead walking out followed by Marigolds and Sandersonia.

"Thank you for the purchase! Please come again!"

After the three of them walked out of the Alchemist's shop, they continued on the road to find the Blacksmith Store that Shakky had previously told them about. The shop is called the Blacksmith Crozzo Store where they will meet Rayleigh there.