
Surprise Reveal

We arrive to what looks to be Woonan's castle or something similar since this doesn't look like a damn castle to me. More like a weird temple with 3 towers that could go with those weird matros... matrysh... whatever Russian doll since each is bigger than the other and could fit the smaller one inside it.

"This thing looks so damn weird. I would not even live here or... well build this damn thing to begin with. Are you sure there would be even anything?" I ask Nami as I look at the temple that rubs me the wrong way from the aesthetics only not to mention practicality.

"This is definitely the only castle on the island and the pirates are heading this way too, so this must be it."

"Well you just stay here and keep a look out and I'll go in. You are sneakier out of the two of us and definitely more observant. Alert me if something goes wrong."

I walk inside the castle and see... nothing. Absolutely nothing. The deeper I go the more nothing I see. No signs of life... well human life as some small animals and bats can be seen here and there. 'I guess this place was so ugly that even the creators abandoned it.' [No surprise there]

I find the way up but decide against going there since why would anyone hide anything worth hiding up in a damn tower. Eventually I find a way to the underground area and guess what! … Nothing. Again. 'I knew this place was not worth the time but that greedy bitch just had to come here. I bet she didn't even care about Usopp that much and just wanted to get to the treasure first.' [Which isn't even here!]

I search around the vast underground and notice that while deserted, in some places there are some signs that there has been human habitation long ago but they've obviously left. Only the most useless items are left and what look like they were just junk left for storage.

'I'll be damned. There were people who actually dared to live in this fugly place.'

[Damn weirdos]

'I guess I'll quickly check even deeper and return since this place has been obviously picked clean.'

Suddenly I hear a loud shout and a pseudo Turtle Destruction Wave comes down from above destroying some of the ceiling and making the whole damn place shake. I look at the huge hole and notice it leading all the way outside and hear another shout and another beam shooting in.

"FUCK! This place is gonna crumble!" [RUN FORREST! RUN!]

The whole damn place starts crumbling down on me as more blasts shake the building until they suddenly stop. I hear some fighting and when I get outside, I see some confused pirates and Nami and Usopp running away.

By the time I get to them I see the whole crew minus the pack mule duo with a random kid near a big ass stone whale on top of the hill. They are looking at the ruble of what used to be Woonan's "castle" while the kid and Usopp argue over something.

"So you bastards just decided to ditch me in the crumbling "castle"?" I growl at them as I finally get over to them.

"You were inside? Did you find any gold?" Luffy asks eagerly.

"Nice to see you too, Luffy." I roll my eyes as I lace my voice with all the negative feelings I'm currently harboring.

"Surprisingly you are the first one to ask about the gold instead of the one who's whole idea this side quest was." I look at Nami with spite and mockery as I'm too tired of her shit.

[Punch her. Bad habits only go away by beating them out!]

'I wish but I'm too nice to do that no matter how much I want I will not harm the people close to me.'

[Otherwise you'd be an orphan long ago.]

"The gold isn't there. Neither is Woonan." Nami suddenly says to the whole group.

"Well, no shit. What tipped you off? The obvious deserted ruins where no life can be seen?"

"Yes, it was definitely a decoy. Woonan is probably somewhere else." She says as she takes out a map from the inside of her shirt.

"And you were so damn sure about it just before." I take a nice look at her tits before looking at the map she opened.

[Ladies complain about men's pockets being too big while they have this magical boob storage.]

"That's the treasure map!" Usopp suddenly exclaims in surprise.

"Right, this is the legendary map left behind by one of Woonan's comrades."

Nami suddenly takes out a match and lights it under the map while everyone is looking at what she is doing. Nami starts explaining how she thinks there is a trick in the map and how scorching should reveal it.

"Look, something is showing up."

The area gets slightly darker until suddenly the whole map quickly burns to ashes and the remains fly away with the wind. Everyone just looks at the map in shock and I just burst out laughing at the misfortune of these bastards.

""NAMI!!"" Rest shout while Nami suddenly does a pose and shouts "Now, let's head for the Grand Line!" and my laughter just gets louder from the sight.

"What are we going to do without a map?" Usopp slumps down in defeat.

"The only clue about Woonan is gone..." Zoro just says sounding not that bothered at all.

"Well, was there something written on that map?" Suddenly Luffy asks.

"Umm, I think... it said..." Usopp starts trying to remember what was written on the map.

"The treasure sleeps. Look south of the hill. If the whale face west, the tail points to the east."

"Eh, Realy?" Nami suddenly asks looking a bit bewildered.

"Woonan's castle is to the east. Other than that..." Usopp explains.

"The tail is to the east?" Nami cuts off Usopp and looks at where the tail is pointing.

Everyone comes to look and the tail is actually pointing towards north, where a big ass flat top mountain is located. Since the island is kinda shaped like a boot that mountain is the shaft of the boot.

As we start climbing the perilous path to the summit the wind picks up and some of us are tired and the kid almost falls. We eventually find a cave that we use as a rest stop but become baffled as we see an old man with a pot on his head already there. Tobio and Luffy introduce him as Tobio's grandpa, Ganzo.

As we tell him that we came here following Woonan's treasure map the old man drops a bomb about knowing Woonan since childhood. He tells how they were friends when they were kids and Woonan always liked to hide things in high places. One day near a cliff he found Woonan looking at the sea. Woonan wanted to go to the sea and become a pirate and steal all the gold from the evil people while Ganzo only wanted to make good oden.

Ganzo thought it was pathetic to go after gold, a lifeless piece of rock. He found more worth traveling the world and letting people enjoy eating the oden he makes. Woonan thought that Ganzo's dream was pathetic and it was more worth for them to go become pirates together. They started fighting until something happened.

The pirate flag that Woonan made and cherished slipped off his grasp during the fight and almost flew off the edge but Woonan grabbed it in time. Unfortunately, he couldn't stop his momentum and was about to fly off the edge until Ganzo grabbed him and stopped his fall. But fate was not kind and as Ganzo tried to pull Woonan up the cliffs edge underneath him broke, sending both of the falling towards the sea below.

Only thing that saved them was a lone sturdy branch protruding from the middle of the cliff where Woonan's flag got stuck. But slowly it was tearing under the weight of the two young teens. Seeing this Ganzo decided that his friend and was more important and decided to let go and drop to the sea while telling Woonan to treasure his ambition.

"And...? Did... did you die?" *SMACK* Luffy asks in anticipation.

"He's alive, you idiot!" Usopp shouts at Luffy.

Luckily for Ganzo he was rescued by a passing ship and brought to the village three days later.

"What, you didn't die?" Luffy says with a disappointed face

""OF COURSE NOT!"" Everyone shouts at Luffy while I just sigh.

[He's rather brutal.] 'More like stupid.'

Unfortunately, Woonan had already left for the sea, thinking that his friend has died, and neither of them saw each other ever again. And so the old man tells that he is here to give Woonan the oden he has made thinking that the old Woonan who has changed would definitely true his oden now instead of rejecting it. After the story we decide to resume our climb.

'I smell the power of friendship.' [I smell food.]

Seriously who would call that damn thing a castle? I really found it hilarious when Nami burned the map and started mimicking Luffy about going to the Grand Line.

Mr. Reader... I don't feel so good...

Okay nothing that dramatic but I'm just tired. My vacation ended and I've got a job to do and myself to feed.

Happy readings everybody~!

Dravdecreators' thoughts
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