
One Piece: Devil Fruit? Ninjutsu, Boy.

[Following the boat is not an invincible article]“Navy, this battle is undoubtedly your victory!”“But within five years, I, Lot, will start another war!”“A war that sweeps the world, changes the world, overthrows the world government, a war that kills all the pigs sitting on the red earth continent!!”“Look forward to it! Marines! Look forward to that day! Let’s see! Which is my pain more, or your belief in loyally protecting the Lord!!”At the top of the war, under surveillance phone bugs, in front of the whole world, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, wrapped in a golden tail beast suit, and awakening the Samsara Eye, Lott declared war on the world.The Celestial Dragons who were executed in front of the whole world, the purple giants who were far higher than the giant clan, the meteorites that covered the sky and the sun.At this moment, the navy who were still complacent about the death of the legendary whitebeard generation realized that they——Created a more terrifying monster! ! !The World Conference broke out in the Holy Land, Onigashima fought against the Straw Hat Pirates and became the Twin Emperors, and Egghead Island was broadcast live all over the world to encircle and suppress the Five Old Stars. The era of great pirates has gone wild! !….This book is also called: “My Pain Is Above Yours” “Anecdotes about the Vice-Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and Princesses from Various Countries”Slow heat is not invincible flow

Md_King_9028 · Anime & Comics
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106 Chs

Chapter 47

"what happened?!"

"Why did it suddenly fog up!"

"damn it! Nothing can be seen!"

The field of vision suddenly disappeared, and they could only see less than three meters in front of them, causing the members of the Creek Pirates to fall into panic.

The noise reached their ears, and Lot did not receive any impact and looked at the eagle eye The scarlet light emitted by Fang Fang's eyes in the mist became even more obvious.

He took out a shuriken from his pocket, and threw it forward, forming a seal with his hands, and followed the"Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique""After the words fell, the number of shurikens in the air suddenly changed from one to dozens.

After waiting for a few seconds, there was no sound of blocked metal and stone hitting each other, nor the sound of iron being immersed into the body. The feeling that just rose in my heart was With a certain question answered, Lot released the Kirigakure Technique. Within a few seconds, the vision of those nearby returned to clarity.

"It seems that you are not observing my attack methods with your eyes."

Looking at the unharmed Hawkeye and the dozens of shurikens stuck on the wooden board behind him, Lott said with certainty.

This was just talking to himself, and Lott didn't expect Hawkeye to comment on what he said. Explain, so when talking, he is still forming seals

"Water escape! Water Dragon Bullet Technique!"

When using water escape in the sea, it only uses a little more chakra than on land, but there are three water dragons emerging from the sea. The three water dragons pounced towards Hawkeye from three directions, and the latter jumped into the air. The three water dragons only had the effect of completely destroying the deck he was just standing on, turning it into large and small fragments floating on the sea.

But, this was enough!

Roth also did not think that the water dragon bombs could harm Hawkeye himself. In order to cause any damage, all he wanted was to let Hawkeye jump into the air. Without a foothold to exert his strength, he had no choice but to dodge his attack!

Looking at Hawkeye who was still in the air, he had already Lot, who had formed the Water Release seal immediately after forming it, was ready for the technique he was going to release next.

Inhale –

Lot's chest swelled, and then he spurted out from his mouth as his chest flattened. a flame

"Fire escape! Magnificent fireball technique!!"

What was just an imperceptible flame suddenly turned into a huge fireball with a diameter of more than ten meters. The bright light of the flame clearly reflected the stunned expressions of everyone below, and also illuminated the slightly widened eyes of the eagle. Face.

Using fire escape in a place full of water is a stupid behavior. Not only does it cost a lot of chakra, but the enemy can also use the water in the environment to deal with it at any time.

But compared to the water escape ninjutsu he knows, Lot's The Go Fireball Jutsu that he had mastered over the past few days was his most powerful ninjutsu. He poured all the remaining chakra into this shadow clone.

In order to let the evasive Hawkeye shoot at him. One sword!

Hawkeye did accept his challenge, but as he said to Sauron, he is not a stupid beast who just catches a rabbit and attacks with all his strength. Faced with Lot, who is not a swordsman, he pulled out the black sword Ye Ye This is the greatest respect he has for Lot.

From the beginning of the battle to now, facing Lot's attack, Hawkeye has always moved the sword in his hand like a leisurely stroll, and his eyes have even changed from beginning to end. I haven't seen Lot, but that alone makes him invulnerable to the latter.

It's really powerless….So was this how you felt when you were facing this man just now?

Looking at the fireball that completely blocked Hawkeye's figure, Lot felt the same feelings for his companion Sauron – no, as a swordsman, he would only feel more disappointed and uncomfortable than him!

Lot thought a lot, but in reality not a second passed, and the fireball had just arrived not far from Hawkeye.

Then, as Lot expected, Hawkeye no longer evaded, he raised the cross sword to his shoulder, and then gently swung it down.

Yes, it was just a slight wave, but then—— a dazzling light burst out, and the massive fireball disappeared.

"With a click, Hawkeye stood firmly on the deck of his boat with his feet, and the black knife Ye had already moved away from him.

The momentary excitement ended with the swing of the knife.

"How…what happened? What about the fireball?!"

"it's over? Hawkeye back on his ship? ?"

"What on earth just happened?! Can't see clearly!"

"I didn't even see it, and a strong light suddenly burst out. I just looked at my eyes and could only close them as if they had been scratched by something sharp!"

The Creek Pirates and Chef Barati looked at each other with no idea what was going on.

"It's really scary…"

Looking at the sea that was slowly"healing" not far away from him, Lot finally realized how insignificant he was in front of the world.

Even the sea surface can be split easily. It is not surprising that Ajin said that fifty ships were defeated in a moment, and the main ship of the Creek Pirates was broken into two pieces in front of him.

"what happened?! Why did the sea split?!"

"I do not know!"

On a floating board not far away, Luffy and Usopp shouted out equally dumbfounded.

Luffy had been rescued from the sea by Usopp long ago, but he did not return after learning that Zoro was not dead. They were fooling around and chose to quietly watch the battle between Lot and Hawkeye.

After being reminded by the two, the pirates and chefs on Barati's side also noticed the cracked sea surface. They had not yet screamed out in surprise. With the sound, the waves caused by the"healing" of the sea surface shook Barati and the wreckage of the pirate ship violently. The people above quickly grabbed what they could grab to prevent themselves from falling into the sea if they became unstable.

"hair…What happened?"

Zauron also woke up from his coma due to the violent shaking of the ship. He asked in a weak tone to Johnny and Joseph, who had been standing by his side with blank expressions.

"Brother! Very good! You finally woke up! Zoro

's voice drew their attention back. Johnny and Joseph burst into tears with joy, and then told Zoro what happened during his coma.

"Was Lot defeated too?…And even the sea surface was cut open…"

After listening to Johnny's explanation, Zoro murmured softly.

I have an incomprehensible look on my face, I don't know what I'm thinking about.

"Thank you for letting me see the true strength of the world's strongest."

Rotte nodded towards Hawkeye to express his gratitude. There was a huge gap in strength between the two sides. From the beginning, Hawkeye was able to kill his clone with one knife, but he still"played" with him for a few minutes. With the current strength of both sides


In terms of strength and status, it can be said to be a"gift" from the strong to the weak.

"Boy, your power is not a devil fruit, right?"

Hawkeye didn't comment on Lot's words and just asked something else.

"…Well, I am a ninja, and the moves I just used were all ninjutsu."

Lotte never hides his abilities.

"Ninja? Ninjutsu?"

There are ninjas and ninjutsu in Wano Country. Although Hawkeye doesn't know much about it, he has heard about it a little bit. But in his perception, the ninjutsu in Wano Country seems to him to be more of a juggling act. Not as magical as Lot.

But forget it, the world is so big and full of wonders.

As an aloof and strong man, Hawkeye quickly gave up his curiosity and turned to look at Sauron solemnly.

"My name is Mirakil Mihawk!!"

"You haven't died yet"

"Understand yourself and understand the world!!"

"Become stronger, Roronoa!!"

"In the years to come, I will wait on the throne of [the strongest in the world]!"

"Try to surpass me!! Roronoa!!"

Every time he shouted a word, the aura on Hawkeye's body rose by a level, and the surrounding waves even seemed to surge due to this surge of aura.