
One Piece Deep Sea Demon

A man reincarnated into the world of one piece with a mythical devil fruit modeled after a deep water demon.

Jaquaviontavious · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3

Now that I've somewhat explored my abilities yesterday and the day before, I need to find out where and when I am. From the reflection in the water, I know I look like Sukuna from JJK. In Itadori's body he looks about 15-16 so ill say 15 years old. If I had to guess im around 5'10, thats average for my old world but just a midget here. Now for my name.... how about Vergil, I always found it to be a cool name.

Damn I should've specified when I wanted to come here and where.

No use crying over spilled milk, time to get a move on. First ill eat and then explore the forrest to see some civilization.

Traveling through this forrest I can definitely tell there are territories here. Maybe I should provoke some predators so I can fight them ? Nah thats stupid...Lets do it anyway.

1 Hour Later———————————

A giant bear standing at 15' feet at full height, and weighing maybe 4 tons, striking an intimidating look, chases after Vergil.

'Water Style: Gunshot' A condensed water blast shoots out like a bullet towards the giant bear connects, pushing the bear back by only a couple feet. It regains its bearing and continues its deadly charge, letting loose a devastating war cry.


'If I was by the beach right now, I'd have infinite water to call upon. So let's switch to wind.'

'Wind Style: Great Breakthrough' Vergil now shoots a considerable size of barely visible wind, damaging tree's and raising up loose leaves and plants on its path towards the bear.

The bear seeing the destruction, coming towards it rises to the challenge and stands upon its hind legs and faces to attack head on, swiping at the wind blast.


The blast of wind doesn't only push the bear back, severely cuts and slices the bear in multiple. How ever its large build isn't for nothing. While injured it still doesn't give up on its prey, charging at an injury induced slower pace. "You still want this smoke ?, ok, SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND !."

Ill yell this one out for remembrance sake, "WATER STYLE: SEVERING WAVE", Vergil cups his mouth like a fish and shoots out a skinny yet highly pressurized beam of water, while doing so rotating his head from left to right, dragging the beam of water horizontally across the giant bears injured body, doing as the name suggests, severing the bear into two pieces.

"Woahhhhh, that's definitely worthy of my regular transformations ultimate move. I should still at-least be able to go into half form to eat the raw meat."

5 Hours Later——————————-

"Ahh finally some civilization."

Exiting the forrest Vergil can see a moderate sized town. Making his way down to the town, he takes in the people and buildings, walking down the street he decides to go to what looks like a bar, lagoon or pub whatever its called here. Walking through the door he makes his way to the counter, calling over the bartender.

"Ayo my boi, what year is it?"

'The hell?'

"You dont know what year it is?"

"I've been lost at sea for like a long time and then captured by pirates for a longer long time, ya get me ?"

"Oh, well its 1500, in fact that pirate ruler or king guy is just about to be executed in about 1 month over in the inner town on the other side of the island."

'Ok, im here before the GREAT AGE OF PIRATES, since this'll be a historic moment I wonder if ill meet any future big stars here, or maybe some of my crew ?'

"And how can I get to the other side, I arrived on the beach."

"Wow you came through the forrest? Impressive that means somewhere you went east, go back into the forrest and go far west."

'Ill sleep somewhere on the street or something tonight, then go tomorrow'

"Alright thanks man"

"No problem"

I have so many fanfic ideas but no way to put it in an actual story so soon ill be making a book filled with fanfic ideas, if you like my ideas feel free to make a story and publish it here idc, I just want to share some of them, because I haven’t seen them done yet.

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