
One Piece Deep Sea Demon

A man reincarnated into the world of one piece with a mythical devil fruit modeled after a deep water demon.

Jaquaviontavious · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1

"No way I just went out like a bitch"

"NO FUCKING WAY I JUST WENT OUT LIKE THAT!" I aint never been so angry before, the only thing I can liken my anger to would pure smoldering rage, it feels like I'm kratos level mad. What happened you ask ? Well, I got slumped by a midget, then curb stomped by a horde of those leprechauns.

'To be honest I'm glad I died. Who would be able to look your mom and dad in the eye's when you see them next? Just think of second hand embarrassment of having birthed the kid who got jumped by midgets. They better hope I dont get a chance to come back or its—-

"Well you're not"

'….. I must be tripping'

"No, you're not"

'God ?'





'Soooo I cant get no type of revenge ?'

"Not unless you give up reincarnation"

'Ok, ok I get it, so wishes maybe some kinda gatcha'

"Wishes, but I chose your world, which is One piece"

Damn, ok this good. A reasonably difficult world yet not to difficult at least compared to 'Dragon Ball' or 'Marvel' and 'DC'. So thats a plus. Also a really beautiful and diverse world so spending large amounts of time here aint bad at all. All though my wishes need to be smart.

'Ok, im guessing 3 wishes right?'


'Ok cool'

'First is a strong mythical devil fruit related to or can work within water, at least with the full transformation activated'

Since I specified a mythical devil fruit it'll have more abilities to it that may be more powerful than a logia. With it being able to work in water that'll take away one of the devil fruits weaknesses. I wonder if seastone would work. If doesn't then thats another weakness nullified.

'The second will be an advanced understanding of technique's including haki.'(when he starts to learn haki he'll grasp it easier than almost everyone)

To be honest that should be the last weakness. The only reason I didnt ask for instant mastery was because I already have an advantage of a seemingly strong devil fruit, I dont need instant haki too, especially if im starting out in one of the blues.(real reason Is no way am I throwing myself down the rabbit hole of 'instant mastery')

'Third is a crew of badass people from across the multiverse'

"Hold on buddy, you only get a few, like 5-6 max and they dont get their powers from their original worlds they only get likeness"

'Damn, no you know what thats all cool. I'd like Broly, Zenpachi and Erron Black. For the last 2 or 3 suprise me, but make them cool and badass'

"No doubt fooly, I got you, now go on to your next world"

Damn, bro you just kick me out, I didnt know it was lik-


"-e that"

Damn, going from abyssal darkness to bright and shiny instantly, feels really bad on the eyes.

"AAH Man, whyyy would you do that bro, you know what nevermind, god just gave me an opportunity to be a damn yonko, I cant be mad at that. He messed and let a real nigga loose in this bitch, and finna act a damn fool and show my whole ass. Get ready world cuz here I come"

"As soon as I get my devil fruit, a ship and my crew"