
Chapter 95 Battle Against Kaido!

Doflamingo raised his head and was about to speak.

Suddenly he saw a black spot in the sky.

The black spot continued to expand, gradually allowing Doflamingo to see clearly what it was.



"You will know why I am so afraid of Kaido in a while!"

"In the future, Kaido of the Beasts will also become your nightmare!"

Doflamingo laughed.

Sander looked up and saw a figure in the sky - falling rapidly!

Sander narrowed his eyes.

The figure in the sky appeared clearly in his vision.

He had two horns on his head and black hair draped over his shoulders.

He was wearing a purple fluffy cloak and was a master of fighting.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Kaido of the Beasts, one of the Four Emperors?

Sander licked his lips, with a strong desire to fight in his eyes.

Among the Four Emperors, the one Sander wanted to fight the most was Kaido of the Beasts.

A special physique that is indestructible, and the ability to see the future.

Armament Haki is so strong that even King Luffy's fist wrapped in Armament Haki feels pain.

And the Zoan Mythical Beast Fruit, which is even rarer than Logia.

Kaido is like a hexagonal warrior.

Strong and without weaknesses.

In Sander's eyes, he is a super gift package.

If he had not joined the Marine but directly became a pirate.

He would definitely choose to join the Beasts Pirates.

Seeing Sander looking up at the sky.

The crew members on the Thor also looked up.

"What is that? Something is falling from the sky!"

Pekin said in confusion.

"Is that... Kaido of the Beasts?!!"

Robin widened his eyes and muttered.

"Is that Kaido, one of the Four Emperors?"

"He looks very strong!"

"Why did he jump down directly?"

Nami said as Kaido fell from the sky.

"Is that Kaido of the Beasts, one of the Four Emperors?"

" Doflamingo actually found such a powerful foreign aid."

Robin looked at the sky, with a fine line on his forehead.

He looked at Sander with a worried look in his eyes.

Four Emperors Kaido, a veteran who has dominated New World for many years.

Can he beat the captain?

If he can't beat him, will he harm the captain and the Thunder God Pirates?

At this moment, Law's heart is full of guilt.

As if sensing Luo's thoughts, Nami said briskly:

"Don't worry, the captain will solve everything."

"If it doesn't work, we still have Uncle Yixiao.

Nami understood Luo's worries.

After all, Luo had never really seen the scene of Sander and Yixiao fighting.

The impression of Sander and Yixiao's strength only came from newspapers.

Looking at Nami, who was a few years younger than him, he was not nervous at all.

Luo smiled self-deprecatingly.

The worries in his heart were also relieved a lot.

The figure in the sky fell rapidly.

With a roar, Bai Zeng Kaido fell heavily to the ground.

The whole earth was shaken, and the dust stirred up rose like a mushroom cloud, blocking the view.

"Oh, oh!"

"Finally here!"

In the smoke and fog, Kaido's figure was looming.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, a big pit appeared on the ground.

Kaido stood in the pit, shook his head, carried the huge mace on his shoulder, and slowly walked out of the pit.

He exuded a strong aura.

As if he was a beast that existed in ancient times!

He did not use any form of power.

He just stood there, and people felt his strong momentum.

Like a violent sea, the waves were surging.

"Huh? Have you lost the battle? Doflamingo."

"What a bunch of trash!"

Kaido glanced at the members of the Donquixote family and spoke without hesitation.

"You are the one called Sander, right?"

"I heard that you defeated the Golden Lion Shiki?"

"You are quite capable, kid!"

Kaido looked at Sander in the air again.

"Finally here, Kaido!"

Looking at the teacher Baishou in front of him, De Xingchu's eyes were full of excitement.

He changed the Derivation Fruit ability to the Blue Dragon Fruit, the Physical ability to Kaido's special physical ability of diamond indestructibility, and the Haki ability to the Observation Haki that can predict the future!

As long as all these are successfully deduced.

His strength will be taken to the next level!

"Oh, are you trying to challenge me?"

Looking at Sander who was full of fighting spirit, Kaido laughed.

He had often encountered this kind of look in the past few years.

He saw it from the pirates who wanted to challenge him.

But those people, without exception, all had their dreams shattered by his mace.

"Sander, let me see what you have to defeat Golden Lion!"

Kaido shouted.

As soon as the words fell, a terrifying aura burst out from Kaido's body.

Conqueror's Haki!

Like wild waves, surging.

Spreading in all directions with irresistible power.

On the Thor.

Except for Wapa, all the other members of the Guards of God rolled their eyes and fainted.

The same was true for Pekin and Xiaqi.

When facing the Conqueror's Haki of the Four Emperors Kaido, they had no power to resist.

Others were also in a bad situation.

Luo bent over, as if facing the strong wind, and couldn't open his eyes.

"Is this the spirit of the Four Emperors?!!"

Nami suppressed the fear in her heart and drove the Thor away.

No wonder Sander asked her to drive the Thor a little faster before.

They couldn't stop the momentum of the Four Emperors alone.

Sander's eyes glared, and his Conqueror's Haki also burst out.

Two extremely strong momentums collided with each other.

Invisible forces collided in the air.

Colliding with each other, tearing each other, and entangled with each other.

The surrounding air was distorted by the two forces.

The waves on the sea were turbulent.

The clouds in the sky were also torn and tumbled by this force.

The nearest Donquixote family members trembled as they watched this scene.

They had seen Conqueror's Haki.

Their young master, Doflamingo, had it.


Compared with the Four Emperors, Doflamingo's Conqueror's was like a small boat in the sea, small and fragile.

What shocked them even more was that.

Sander's Conqueror's was actually on par with the Four Emperors Kaido!

"This guy is less than 20 years old, how can he have such courage!"

Doflamingo looked at Sander with unwilling eyes.

"Oh, hehe!"

"Really good, Sander!"

"Your Conqueror's Haki has reached this level!"

"I admit that I underestimated you before!"

Kaido laughed.

"Come on, let me see if you are qualified to survive in this New World ruled by the Four Emperors!"

Kaido held the mace in his hand and looked at Sander who had fallen to the ground.

Sander was now wrapped in lightning.

He looked at Kaido with his eyes sparkling.

The two stood on the shore, and the Conqueror's Haki continued to collide.

The terrifying momentum forced the Donquixote family members to stay away.

The Thunder Blade appeared in Sander's hand.

In an instant, Sander moved.

He disappeared from the spot and reappeared in front of Kaido.

The terrifying speed was too fast to be seen by the naked eye.

Kaido's pupils moved, and Observation Haki caught Sander's trace.



The mace in his hand, called Hachisaijie, was surrounded by lightning.

He swung it violently and combined it with Sander's Thunder Blade.

The lightning flashed, dazzling!


A huge collision sounded, and a huge wave of air was set off with the two people as the center.

Then, the soil and rocks on the ground cracked.

Stones flew everywhere!

With just one blow, the area around the two people became ruins.

"You have some skills, Sander!"

Kaido was not surprised that Sander could fight him.

After all, he was the guy who could defeat Golden Lion Shiki.

In fact, no matter how disabled he was, he was once the top strong man in the sea.

"Thunder Eight Trigrams!"

Kaido roared, standing in front of Sander like a giant with a height of seven meters.

He exuded a terrifying aura!

Armament Haki had already been wrapped around the dark mace.

As Kaido roared.

Purple lightning lingered on the mace.

As Kaido danced, the mace was swung towards Sander at a very fast speed.

The speed was so fast that it was impossible to dodge.

"What a fast attack speed!"

Sander was shocked.

His Observation Haki clearly caught it.

But he still couldn't dodge.

No wonder King Luffy, who had the Observation Haki that could foresee the future, couldn't dodge Kaido's Thunder Eight Trigrams.

"One Sword Style·200 Million Volts·Thunder Slash!"

Sander didn't even think about dodging. The Thunder Blade Lightning wrapped around Armament Haki won and confronted Kaido's Thunder Eight Trigrams.


Thunder roared!

Lightning and thunder!

Electric charges hissed in the air.

The terrifying power of the two directly collapsed the coast, and a large piece of land fell into the sea, causing huge waves in the sea.

"Armament Haki is released externally?"

Kaido felt the Haki being transmitted from the thunder blade to the mace, and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Have you cultivated the Armament Haki to this extent?"

"No wonder you can defeat the Golden Lion!"

Kaido laughed.

"What a terrible talent!"

"When I was your age, I didn't have this amazing Armament Haki."

"Not to mention mastering the skills of external release and internal destruction!"

"Stop talking so much nonsense, Kaido!"

"You don't need to use the half-beast form, do you look down on me?"

Sander said indifferently.

Kaido's Thunder Eight Trigrams is really powerful.

It is fast and impossible to dodge.

And it is extremely powerful, and contains amazing Armament Haki.

If it is hit directly on the body.

The terrifying Armament Haki will directly destroy from the inside.

No wonder some people are killed instantly with a stick!

"Oh, haha!"

"You have to see my half-beast form, and see if you have the ability!"

Kaido laughed loudly, waving his mace and rushing forward.

Sander's thunder sword flashed, and he fought with him.

Haki, physical skills, energy.

Kaido showed the violent power of the Four Emperors at this moment.

Kaido in normal human form alone is enough to kill most people instantly.


The sound of metal clashing continued to sound on the battlefield.

During the battle, Sander discovered.

Kaido's mace can always accurately predict his attack.

...0 Ask for flowers...

Sander knew that this was the Observation Haki that could foresee

the future.

Only a few strong people on the sea can have this power.

Sander's Observation Haki is not weak either.

Strengthened by Thunder Fruit.

His Observation Haki covers a very wide range.

But it lacks in foreseeing the future.


In another blast, Sander was directly knocked out and fell heavily to the ground.

"Sander was knocked away!"

Nami exclaimed with worry on her face.

At this moment, they were floating in the air, observing the battlefield from afar.

In the brief battle with Four Emperors Kaido, the captain who was invincible in Nami's eyes seemed to be at a disadvantage. "Kaido seems to be able to predict Sander's movements?" "Observation Haki?" "But isn't Sander's Observation Haki also extremely powerful?"

Robin said softly while standing on the deck. "Observation Haki's top ability can foresee the future for a short time!"

The knowledgeable Yixiao gave the answer. "Foresee the future?!" "Can Observation Haki be cultivated to this level?" "Four Emperors Kaido is so powerful!"

Nami looked at the tall and burly figure in the field with shock. "It may not take long for our captain to be able to do this."

Yixiao said with a smile.

After being reminded by Yixiao, the worries on Nami and Robin's faces disappeared.


Kaido is a monster.

Their captain is no different.

They saw with their own eyes how Woods became a great swordsman step by step.

And how he learned everything from Golden Lion Shiki step by step.

The Observation Haki that foresees the future is indeed powerful.

But Sander will soon have it too!


Sander crawled out of the ruins.

He was covered in dust and looked a little embarrassed.

But there was no trace of failure or regret in his eyes.

There was only a strong will to fight and a desire for Kaido's ability!

The Observation Haki that foresees the future.

It's really too powerful!

If it weren't for his amazing Thunder Fruit speed.

I guess he would have been even more embarrassed in the warm-up duel just now.

Facing a guy with the ability to foresee the future, his every move was restricted.


"Warm-up is over!"

Sander roared, and electricity began to gather all over his body.

"Five hundred million volts, Thunder God is coming!"

As lightning flashed.

Sander turned into thunder.

His hair turned blue, and stood up!

He exuded a terrifying aura, and he could destroy the world with a single wave of his hand.

The thunder around him seemed to be real, as if it had turned into a viscous liquid.

At this moment, Sander was silent, like the god of thunder descending to the world.

"Is this the power of the Thunder Fruit?"

"The fruit that can control thunder and lightning is really interesting!"

Seeing Sander's changes, Kaido's eyes became more serious.

From the previous battle, he had already figured out the situation of this guy in front of him.

It is basically impossible to defeat him in human form.

"Come and feel my true power, Sander!"

Kaido began to change.

Two horns began to grow on his forehead.

Pieces of shiny green scales appeared on his face and arms...

A huge tail appeared behind Kaido.

Kaido turned into a half-human, half-dragon form.

"King Kong·Dysphorus!"

Kaido roared.

He whipped the air with the mace in his hand.

The air was directly compressed into a round impact, which flew towards Sander unstoppably.

Sander blocked with the thunder blade in his hand.

This impact was as indestructible as diamond.

It contained this terrifying power.

Sander's muscles bulged, and the terrifying power from the giants was revealed, knocking Kongo·Dysprosium away.

After knocking Kaido's attack away.

Sander casually sent out a huge thunder slash.

Then he quickly rushed towards Kaido.

"Thunder Flash!"

Sander's figure and flying slash appeared in front of Kaido at the same time.

At this time, the thunder blade in his hand had disappeared.

Instead, it was replaced by a fist carrying endless thunder!

The fist carrying violent thunder kept waving at Kaido.

Since he didn't have Kaido's ability to foresee the future.

Then drag Kaido into the quagmire of the melee.

What if you can foresee the future?

Ten punches a second, what can you do even if you see it?

Countless fists hit Kaido's mace, and occasionally one or two hit him.

Even with Kaido's defense.

Facing the thunder fist wrapped in Armament Haki, he also felt pain.

Violent thunder raged around Kaido.

The fur cape on his upper body had long been electrocuted into charcoal.

"You bastard!"

He knocked Sander back with a stick.

Kaido seemed a little annoyed.

"See the real power of Haki, Sander!"

"Great Power·Thunder Eight Trigrams!"

Red lightning flashed, and Kaido wrapped Conqueror's Haki around the iron rod.

Holding the mace with both hands, he hit Sander at a very fast speed.

The lightning condensed to Ultimate was like a nuclear explosion!

"Do you think you are the only one who can do it, more!"

"Five hundred million volts·Thunder God's Spear!"

A lightning spear condensed in Sander's hand. .