
Chapter 86 Kill The Sea Beast Instantly And Enter The Fish Men Island.

"It's over!"

"How can we fight these sea beasts in the seabed!"

"What should we do?!"

"Why don't we fight them? I don't know if the gun can work against these huge sea beasts."

Pekin covered his head with a look of despair.

He picked up the pistol and held it tightly in his hand.

After all, he was a pirate who had been to sea before, and he still had the courage to fight to the death.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I thought about this day when I went to sea."

Xia Qi's face was still calm.

He also took out the pistol.

Luo held Gui Ku and looked directly at the huge sea beast in front of him.

Wapa took the rocket and aimed at the fishman on the sea beast.

As long as Sander gave an order, he would pull the trigger without hesitation.

The others were also full of panic.

But none of them were scared to resist.

On the contrary, they held weapons and planned to fight to the death.

Seeing this scene, Sander nodded with satisfaction.

He could accept being a little bit worse.

But at least he had to have the courage to fight to the death.

Only trash would surrender.

And the Thunder God Pirates don't accept trash.

"You can coat the whole body, just like you coat a ship."

"This way you can fight in the sea." "

Xiao Ba said in a low voice.

He knew that Sander's observation Haki could hear.

Sander glanced at Xiao Ba, and didn't expect that this fishman was still very moral in a critical moment.

He didn't betray them, nor did he abandon them.

In fact.

When everyone was panicking.

Yixiao and Sander looked very calm.

First, they all knew that the bubbles of Sabaody Archipelago could wrap people.


Even if they went out to fight without coating.

Yixiao and Sander could easily control the sea beasts and fishmen in front of them.

Not to mention anything else.

Yixiao's gravity fruit ability can press the sea beasts to lie on the bottom of the sea and unable to move.

They are indeed in the deep sea.

But it's not that they can't use their abilities.

Yixiao's fruit ability does not need to "three, five, seven" to touch the enemy to perform.

Not to mention, Sander also has Conqueror's.

And it's a high-level Conqueror's.

These sea beasts can be stunned casually.

At the very least, they can scare them away.


Sander was very surprised. How much water was in the brains of these guys from the New Fishman Pirates to dare to provoke them.

"I'm curious, how did you know that we arrived here today."

Sander asked curiously while standing on the deck.

"Hamon Hamon!"

"Do you want to die with a clear conscience?"

"As expected of a pirate with a bounty of 2.8 billion berries, you can be so calm in the face of death."

Hammond laughed triumphantly.

He didn't rush to do it.

He obviously felt that the deep sea was his home ground and he had already won.

"Since you helped our New Fishman Pirates to improve their reputation."

"I'll be merciful and tell you."

"My little brother overheard this in the Mermaid Cafe."

"You can only blame your bad luck."

"Who made us hear it by chance? "

Sander nodded and understood.

He also knew that Luo and his team had rescued a mermaid.

He also knew that the mermaid worked for Arlong's half-sister Shyarly.

The mermaid knew that the Thunder God Pirates were coming to the fish men island.

It was normal to tell Shyarly about this.

It just happened that no member of the new fish man pirates heard it.

This happened by chance.

"Since you already know, then die!"

"Sea lion, destroy their ship for me!"

"Let them die in the sea!"

Hammond showed a sinister smile and gave orders to the sea beasts.

The sea lion roared and rushed over.

The tip of the huge mouth was Yammy cloth.

Hammond and others laughed.

It seemed that they had seen the famous pirate struggling helplessly in the deep sea.

Many people on the Thor changed their faces.

Wappa reacted the fastest. When he saw the sea lion rushing, he was about to pull the trigger and launch the rocket.

Just then.

A smile and a bamboo sword lightly tapped the deck.

An invisible force spread out.

The sea lion rushing towards the Thor was directly overwhelmed by the strong gravity and fell heavily on the seabed, stirring up a current.

The Thor was pushed back a long way by this current.

"What's going on? You stupid sea lion, you fell in the sea!"

Hammond was so angry that he cursed.

Wappa loosened his finger on the trigger and put down the rocket on his shoulder.

He was very familiar with that force.

That is the Devil Fruit ability of the vice-captain, Mr. Yixiao.

During normal training.

He often asks Mr. Yixiao to give him gravity, so that he can improve the efficiency of training.

Now Mr. Yixiao's ability can be used.

Then these huge sea beasts in front of them will be vulnerable.

Others also breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at Yixiao with excitement.

They all know that the vice-captain is a gravity fruit ability user.

It can make sea lions fall to the ground and can't get up.

Only the vice-captain's ability can do it.

But I didn't expect that the vice-captain's ability can also be used in the sea, without touching the other party.

"I was scared to death, it turns out that Uncle Guan can use his ability."

Nami breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest.

"This is the deep sea, but the captain and the vice-captain are not in the sea, so of course they can use their abilities."

Robin said with a smile.

Hammond saw the sea lion struggling to get up on the seabed, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

He immediately shouted to command other sea beasts. "Sea gorilla, sea bear, you go, give them a taste of color!"

The sea gorilla and the white bear that looked like Bepo rushed up. "Get out!"

Sander glared, and Conqueror's Haki burst out.

He pressed towards the sea beasts and the fish-man pirates.

Several sea beasts suddenly felt that they were being stared at by the monsters at the top of the food chain, and they were terrified and fainted.

Hammond and several other fish-man pirates were the same.

All the fish-men unconsciously slipped off the sea beasts and floated in the sea.

Seeing that the sea beasts and fish-men, who were originally aggressive, had no ability to resist.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. "Wow... so powerful!" "What kind of power is this!" "They fainted in an instant. "

Pekin opened his mouth in disbelief.

"This is Conqueror's Haki, which uses invisible aura to intimidate the enemy.

"I just didn't expect the captain's Haki to be so strong!"

"These fishmen and sea beasts don't look weak, but they lost their fighting power in an instant."

Luo explained softly.

He looked at Sander with respect.

Is this the captain's spirit?

He glanced at the fishmen and sea beasts floating on the seabed.

Luo made up his mind and started special training after entering The fish men island.

He also asked the deputy captain to train them like Wapa!

"Is this the power that was used to deal with Diamante's men before?"

Xia Qi thought to himself.

They met Doflamingo's subordinates before.

When the captain arrived, everyone fell to the ground except Diamante.

He didn't notice it because he was excited at the time.

Now it seems that the captain used Conqueror's Haki at that time!

"Xiao Ba, what is the relationship between these people and the Kingdom of Ryugu?"

Sander pointed at the fishmen and asked Xiao Ba.

Because the timeline is wrong.

Sander was not sure whether the New Fishman Pirates and the Ryugu Kingdom were hostile to each other at this point in time.

"They are enemies of the Dragon Palace Kingdom.

Hodi Jones wants to overthrow the Dragon Palace Kingdom's rule on The fish men island.

He is an extreme racist and a man who grew up in the hatred and anger of the fishmen.

The Dragon Palace has sent troops to capture them many times, but all ended in failure.

Xiao Ba answered honestly.

Seeing the miserable state of Arlong's body, he had a natural fear of Sander. "Then help me catch them back." "Just arrived at The fish men island, take them as gifts to the Dragon Palace Kingdom."

Sander said softly.

Humans are not welcome on The fish men island.

He has to prepare some gifts to improve his favorability so that he can kidnap Neptune's daughter in the future. "Oh oh."

Xiao Ba didn't dare to refuse, and directly took out the bubble to bring back all the fishmen.

Wapa took the God's Guard to tie up these fishmen.

Of course, punching and kicking were inevitable during the period.

After all, these guys scared them enough.

Not long after, these fishmen were lying on the deck with bruised faces. "Let's go, enter The fish men island."

After dealing with these fishmen.

The Thor continued to move towards The fish men island.

The fish men island is surrounded by a huge double-layer semicircular bubble film shield.

There is an air layer in the middle of the two shields.

If the coated sailboat does not follow the correct path to enter The fish men island.

The coating will automatically detach and merge with the outermost shield.

Some ships will fall to the ground in the middle air layer.

Even if they successfully break through the shield, the invading ships will be washed away by the sea water in the shield.

And Xiaoba led them through the normal entry channel.

Just like Sky Island in the original book.

Outsiders need to go through entry inspection.

Otherwise, they will be arrested by the "Poseidon Army" of the Kingdom of Ryugu.

This is why Sander asked Xiaoba to arrest the new members of the fish men pirates and bring them on board.

With these enemies of the Kingdom of Ryugu.

Their entry inspection will be very easy.

Although Sander and others can also enter The fish men island by force.

But he came here to recruit Shirahoshi as a crew member, and he didn't want to do anything unless he had no choice.

The entrance to the fish men island.

The mermaid in charge of the review saw the humans on the Thor, and his face suddenly changed.

He looked at Sander and others with a wary look.

Xiao Ba stepped forward to negotiate.

He volunteered.

He knew the horror of Sander and others.

If these reviewers made Sander unhappy.

This would be a disaster for the fish men island.

He didn't want the residents of the fish men island to become charcoal like Arlong.

"You are Xiao Ba, right? I need you."

"What are these humans here for?" The reviewer asked Xiao Ba with a weapon in his hand.

"They are my friends, and they come to the fish men island for sightseeing.

"By the way, before Ishili was captured and sold by humans, it was their crew who saved her. I don't know if you know about this. "

Xiao Ba replied.

He also told Luo and others about how Luo and others rescued the mermaid Isili.

"Did they rescue her?"

"They were very friendly to us...0

When they heard that Sander and others were the ones who rescued Isili, the inspectors and the surrounding guards looked at Sander and others with a kinder look.

They had heard a little about Isili being rescued by humans.

This was a big news in The Fish Men Island.

After all, it was common for mermaids to be captured and sold.

But it was rare to hear about saving mermaids.

"They also captured Hammond and others on the way and planned to hand them over to you.

Xiao Ba mentioned the encounter with Hammond just now.

Sander gave Wapa a look.

Wapa immediately brought a few people and dragged Hammond and his gang in front of the guards.

"It's really Hammond, this hateful guy was finally caught. "

The inspector checked the fishmen pirates.

Although Hammond and others were beaten black and blue.

They still recognized the identities of these people at a glance.

"Thank you very much for your support for the security of the Dragon Palace Kingdom. I wish you a happy time on The fish men island."

The inspector asked the guard to take Hammond away, and then looked at Sander and said with a smile.

If you say that when you first met Sander and others, Sander's reputation on The fish men island was cold.

After hearing that they saved Ishili, his reputation became neutral.

And seeing that they helped the Kingdom of Dragon Palace arrest Hammond and others, Sander's reputation directly reached friendly.

The examiners spoke to them politely.

"Do you need to pay a certain entry fee?"

Sander asked with a smile.

"No, you saved Iris and are Xiaoba's friends, so the entry fee is waived."

"Oh, by the way, don't go to places that are unfriendly to humans. Xiaoba knows where this is."

"I wish you a happy time again."

The examiner said.

Because they were once discriminated against by humans.

The fish men island is divided into the war faction that hates humans, and the peace faction that is willing to coexist peacefully with humans.

Obviously, this examiner is a peace faction.

Speaking of it.

Many fishmen or mermaids in the Kingdom of Dragon Palace are peace factions.

Because of their current king Neptune, and because of the deceased Princess Otohime.

"Thank you very much."

Sander nodded.

The Thor passed the inspection channel and entered the fish men island.

After Sander left.

The inspectors and guards started chatting.

Their daily work is easy.

Because there are not many ships coming to The fish men island.

"Do you think the pirate flags of those people just now are familiar?"

At this time, a fish man guard said.

"Familiar? I haven't seen it much. It should be newly established." The inspector frowned and said.

The fish men island is 10,000 meters under the sea, and it is difficult to get information from the sea surface.

"There is a lightning above, how come it looks a bit like the Thunder God Pirates I heard about some time ago!"

A mermaid guard said.

"The Thunder God Pirates? Are they powerful?"

"Very powerful, I heard that Captain Sander can beat Marine Admiral."

"Beat Marine Admiral?!"

"You are not kidding!"

"How can I be kidding?"

"Captain Thunder God Sander's bounty is more than 2.8 billion Baileys."

"The deputy captain also has 1 billion Baileys, which makes the blind swordsman smile. "

"Uh... there was indeed a blind middle-aged man on their ship just now" 1.7


The scene suddenly became quiet.

Many guards broke out in cold sweats.

"Could it really be them?"

A guard swallowed his saliva and said in a panic.

The pirate with a bounty of more than 2.8 billion came to their The fish men island, so they couldn't help but be nervous.

"It's very likely."

"They won't cause any trouble on The fish men island, will they?"

"I don't think so. These people look kind. They saved Ishili before and helped us catch Hammond and the others."

"Besides, The fish men island is protected by the Whitebeard Pirates. Ordinary pirates don't dare to cause trouble here."

"Is a pirate with a bounty of 2.8 billion an ordinary pirate?"

" Except for Whitebeard, no one in the Whitebeard Pirates is higher than Sander."

"Anyway, quickly inform King Neptune of this matter, and the Poseidon Army will strengthen the warning zone!"

The inspector said nervously.

Then he hurriedly reported to the higher-ups.

After the report, the inspector let out a long breath and cursed:

"Asshole Xiaoba, why didn't you tell me who those people were earlier!!"

"Well, even if we knew, we can't stop them from entering The fish men island?"

A fishman guard said weakly.

This made the examiner speechless.

A pirate with a bounty of 2.8 billion, plus a vice captain with a bounty of 1 billion, and a group of crew members on the ship.

He used his head to stop them.

Not to mention him and these guards.

Even if all the Poseidon army came, they probably couldn't resist the invasion of the other side.

As soon as I entered The fish men island, I saw a not-so-big sea, which could also be called a lake.

This is the place for ships entering The fish men island to dock.

The Thunder God slowly sailed into the port.

The Thunder God Pirates officially entered The fish men island.

On the other side.

Neptune, the king of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, soon learned about the suspected visit of the Thunder God Pirates.

He immediately summoned the ministers on the left and right and discussed with his three sons.