
Chapter 82 Derivation Of Frozen Fruit, Recruiting Again.

"Then the old guy Sengoku won't be able to sleep these days."

"Especially now that your Thunder God Pirates have obtained the power of Lion Fruit, he is also afraid that you will attack Naval Headquarters or Holy Land Mariejois like Golden Lion Shiki."

Rayleigh laughed.

"I am not as stubborn as Golden Lion, who will go to Naval Headquarters to die."

Sander said with a chuckle.

If Golden Lion Shiki had just smashed a few islands and ran away, Garp and Sengoku would have no way to deal with him.

But who made him have to face Garp and Sengoku alone.

He won't run away if he can't beat them.

If he doesn't get caught, who will get caught?

Sander doesn't want to go back and be a cellmate with Douglas Bullet.

I heard that he came to Sabaody Archipelago.

Sengoku probably has deployed a lot of combat power at the headquarters.

Akainu is guarding New World, and there are at least four top combat forces near Naval Headquarters, Sengoku, Garp, Aokiji, and Kizaru.

In addition, Holy Land Mariejois is not far from here.

Five Elders, Knights of God and other masters.

He must be mentally ill to go to Naval Headquarters.

"Sander, when you go to The fish men island, I'll let Xiaoba lead you.

Rayleigh said.

"It's all right, you decide."

Sander stretched and said.

Without the fish men leading the way, it would take some time to find The fish men island.

"Then you have fun, I'll go around Sabaody Archipelago.

"Don't forget to coat my boat."

After reminiscing about the past, Sander waved and left the coast.

Not long after Sander left, Rayleigh said to the sea lightly:

"Come out, Xiaoba, Woods has left."

An octopus fish man emerged from the sea.

The fish man has a trumpet-shaped mouth, six arms, and the logo of the Sun Pirates printed in the center of his forehead.

He looked in the direction where Sander left, his eyes full of fear.

"Rayleigh, will Sander really not attack me?"

Xiaoba climbed onto the shore.

"He's so scary. Arlong and his men were all electrocuted into charcoal and shattered at the touch."

Recalling the miserable state of Arlong and others.

The fear on Xiao Ba's face deepened a little.

"Don't worry, he said he won't attack you, so he won't attack you."

"A strong man like him is too lazy to tell lies."

"Besides, do you really think he can't find you hiding in the sea?"

Rayleigh said with a smile, holding the fishing rod.

"Ah, he found me!"

Xiao Ba's eyes widened and he trembled with fear.

"Otherwise, do you think his Observation Haki is a vegetarian?"

"So don't worry, just go and lead them in a few days." Rayleigh said, and then stared at the sea intently.

Xiao Ba wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and nodded silently.

A ready-made clothing store in Sabaody Archipelago.

Robin walked into the fitting room with the clothes she liked.

She took off her coat to show her beautiful figure, and was about to try on the clothes when a male voice came from next door.

"Nico Robin!"

Robin's hand holding the clothes trembled.

A drop of cold sweat appeared on her forehead.


She was very familiar with this voice, it was the voice of Admiral of Headquarters Aokiji.

"Have you found your habitat? Nico Robin.

Aokiji's faint voice came from next door.

"Yes, the captain and the others are very reliable partners."

Robin put on the coat she wanted to buy and said softly.

"Are you here to arrest me? Admiral Aokiji."


Aokiji said, and then nothing more.

Aokiji did not say why he came to Robin.

After a long silence, the two of them said:

"Thank you, Mr. Aokiji."


Aokiji next door seemed a little surprised.

"Thank you for letting Saul go."

"Saul is my good friend, but how did you know Saul was still alive."

Aokiji was a little confused.

He did hold back on Saul back then.

Saul has been hiding his real name for many years, and no one knows that Saul is still alive. How did Robin know?

"Sander told me."

Robin smiled.

Although she knew in her heart that Sander would not lie to her.

But she was very happy to hear from Aokiji that Saul was still alive.

"Sander, this guy knows a lot!"

"I just don't know why he invited you on board?"

Aokiji's words rang again.

"The captain knows more than you think, and he is also more powerful than you think."

"After joining the Thunder God Pirates, I have read two historical texts, and he has never asked me what is in the historical texts."

Because he knows very well what is recorded on them.

Robin added in his heart.

"Really? Then he's a really good partner. Congratulations, Nico Robin."

"Then just live well."

"Let me see what the seed that Saul wanted to protect with his life will grow into."

Aokiji said lightly.

As soon as the voice fell, Robin heard the sound of the door opening next door.

She quickly put on her clothes and walked out of the fitting room.

But when she opened the door, there was no trace of Aokiji outside.

Just then.

Nami walked into the store from outside carrying large and small bags.

Eight or nine huge packages were hanging on her small body.

"Robin, how is the selection? Let's go to other stores and buy a few pieces for the captain and others.

"We've chosen, let's go."

Robin laughed and continued shopping with Nami.

Sander walked on the street.

Carrying a beer in his hand.

The Observation Haki covering the entire island kept searching, but in the end, no trace of Celestial Dragons was found.

"What bad luck. "

He muttered, and was about to find a place to fill his stomach, but suddenly he stopped.

He turned his head and looked in one direction.

In an alley, he saw Aokiji standing with his back against the wall.

"Hey, Kuzan, why are you here again?"

"Why didn't Sengoku send that guy Borsalino?"

Sander smiled and greeted Aokiji.

He threw two bottles of beer to Aokiji: "Chill them for me."

"What do you think of me?"

Aokiji took it, froze it, and threw one to Sander.

"You'd better not do anything, I want to relax a little. "

Aokiji warned Sander.

Sengoku sent him here to keep an eye on Sander.

To prevent Sander from making trouble in Sabaody Archipelago.

If Borsalino is sent, there will definitely be a big battle in Sabaody Archipelago.

Before the Thunder God Pirates enter the New World, Sengoku does not want to have any more conflicts with Sander.

Letting Sander go to the New World to fight those sea kings is the right thing to do.

If a few people can be killed or injured, it will also be very good for their Marine.

"That's really unfortunate, I was just about to throw Sabaody Archipelago at Sengoku's head."

Sander raised his eyebrows and said.

"You guys, stop kidding!"

"There are a million people in Sabaody Archipelago, do you want to kill them all!"

Aokiji has no doubt that Sander has such ability.

The group of floating islands before is proof of this.

Sabaody Archipelago is the "island of departure again".

There are a large number of merchants, pirates, and Marines gathered here.

There are still a million people.

"It's none of my business."

Sander spread his hands nonchalantly.

"Unless you play a game with me, I'll give Naval Headquarters an island crash!"

Sander made a request to Aokiji.

He and Aokiji played two games in total.

The ability of Frozen Fruit has been deduced for the most part.

One more game will give him the ability of Frozen Fruit.

Sander has been coveting this ability for a long time.

Not only can it create battle terrain, but it can also create ice in summer, which is very useful.

"Play a game?"

Aokiji narrowed his eyes, always feeling that Sander had some conspiracy.

"Yes, let's fight. I'll be in Sabaody Archipelago for a few days."

"I'm free anyway, so let's spar."

"You haven't improved your strength for a long time. Only by sparring with strong people can you improve your strength."

"Otherwise, you might be killed by me in a second after a while."

Sander said as a matter of course.

Aokiji's mouth twitched when he heard this.

With his strength.

If he wants to improve further, even a small step is as difficult as ascending to the sky.

But this guy in front of him is like a freak.

Every time he meets him, he can clearly feel the improvement of his strength.

It may be skills, or it may be other aspects.

Sometimes Aokiji really sweats for Borsalino.

If Sander continues to improve like this.

Kizaru will really suffer in the future.

"Have you thought about it? If you don't agree, I will start moving the island."

Sander said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Aokiji felt the island under his feet began to shake violently, like an earthquake.

Although he knew that it was very difficult to lift the Sabaody Archipelago—the Sabaody Archipelago was made up of many large trees, and the roots that were exposed above the sea formed an island.

However, who knows if Sander can really lift the Sabaody Archipelago up with its roots.

He didn't dare to bet.

"Okay, I promise."

Aokiji nodded helplessly.

Sander immediately stopped the ability of Lion Fruit.

In fact, he couldn't make the Sabaody Archipelago float.

The roots of the Gouba tree were on the seabed, and he didn't have that much ability.

Unless it took a long time to break the roots.

"Let's go, let's find a remote place to fight."

The two soon came to a remote place in the Sabaody Archipelago.

The fierce battle began again.

This time, they didn't use as much force as the previous two times.

The two sides were just sparring, and the original was the correct one.

Not far from the battlefield.

The Marine who was responsible for monitoring Sander immediately reported the matter.

"Oh no, Sander and Admiral Aokiji are fighting!"

Sabaody Archipelago 66 Marine Station.

When the station chief heard that Sander and Aokiji were fighting, he immediately called Sengoku.

" Marshal Sengoku!"

" Admiral Aokiji has already held Sander."

"Should we take this opportunity to arrest other members of the Thunder God Pirates?"

Sengoku on the other end of the phone hurriedly stopped him.

"Don't act rashly!"

"You can't just go to war with the Thunder God Pirates whenever you want."

"As long as the Thunder God Pirates don't cause trouble on the island, let them go."

"Before they enter the New World, what you have to do is to ensure the safety of Sabaody Archipelago."

"Understood, Marshal Sengoku!"

After hanging up the phone, Sengoku sighed.

The Thunder God Pirates are no longer a force that can go to war at will.

Of course, we can catch members of the Thunder God Pirates if we take the opportunity.

For example, Nico Robin, the son of the devil

For example, Nami, the little thief cat.

But what can we do if we catch them?

As long as Sander and Yixiao are there.

Rashly arresting other members of the Thunder God Pirates will only anger Sander.

Sander with the power of the Lion Fruit.

Can bring great threats to the Naval Headquarters and the Holy Land Mariejois at any time.

Sengoku has seen through it.

As long as you don't provoke Sander.

Sander will at most kill some Celestial Dragons.

Will not harm civilians.

If the Celestial Dragons die, at most they will be spitted at by the Five Elders a few more times, but they won't lose a piece of flesh.

If you really provoke Sander, the death of the elite Marines will make him feel painful.


When he learned that the Thunder God Pirates came to the Sabaody Archipelago.

Sengoku did not take any other unnecessary actions except sending Aokiji to monitor them a little.

The real thing is to quickly send Sander to the New World.

There, it doesn't matter if he makes a big fuss.

It would be even better if he could kill a few big pirates.

On the battlefield where Sander and Aokiji fought, lightning flashed and ice flew.

While fighting, Sander kept asking Aokiji about the development techniques of Frozen Fruit.

This made Aokiji very upset.

"Why are you asking these questions?"

"You don't have Frozen Fruit."

Finally, Aokiji couldn't help but roar.

"What if I have it in the future?"

Sander smiled and looked at Aokiji deeply.

Aokiji's expression froze, and he thought of the Lion Fruit on Sander in vain.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Why do you have multiple powers?"

Aokiji couldn't help asking.

"Want to know?"

"Be my partner and I'll tell you." "

Sander did not give up recruiting Aokiji.

If Aokiji can also get on board, then even if he faces all the high-level combat forces of Marine, the Thunder God Pirates can still compete.

Akainu, Kizaru, Sengoku, Garp.

Although it is a bit difficult to fight three against four, it is not impossible.

At most, he will work harder and fight two.

"Don't joke, I am a Marine!"

Aokiji's face sank, and he casually released a violent pheasant beak.

"So what?"

"Don't forget that I was also a Marine before."

"Didn't the son of the old man Garp also used to be a Marine?"

"If you want to bear justice, don't stick to your identity, Kuzan!"

Sander smashed the ice bird with thunder and said lightly.

"Dragon, you also know that you have only been in Marine for two years, right? How do you know so much?"

"Your adoptive father is not in a high position in Marine, so it is impossible for him to know these.

Aokiji was a little confused.

It's okay to know that Saul is still alive.

Now he still knows Dragon.

Dragon has been away from Marine for more than ten years.

If you are not a veteran Vice Admiral, you will not know that the son of the hero Garp, Monkey·D·Dragon, also known as Monkey·D·Dragon, is now the number one criminal of the World government and was once a Marine. 2

"I know a lot."

"What the old man Garp did secretly, you can say it is betrayal of the World government."

Privately hiding and secretly raising the blood of the Pirate King Roger.

In addition, his son is the "world's most vicious criminal".

If it were anyone else, they would have died countless times.

The old man Garp is still wandering around the world wearing a cloak of justice.

"How about Aokiji, join me, you can know many secrets of the world."

"For example, immortality, the truth of the world, and the three Ancient Weapons that are given the name of "God."

"Join us, I can tell you all these!"

Sander tempted Aokiji again.

"Don't be ridiculous, how could you know these?"

Aokiji obviously didn't believe what Sander said.

"Really? I actually know a little bit about all this."

Sander grinned and said.

This is the benefit of reading the original work.

Although he didn't know the specific situation, compared with others, the clues he knew were shocking enough. "You guy, when you first came out, we should have gathered all our strength to arrest you!"

Aokiji said with a gloomy face.

Eternal life, the truth of the world, Ancient Weapon.

Any one of these can drive countless people crazy.

If Sander really knew some clues.

God knows how much chaos it would bring to the world.

Even if Sander didn't know.

With his fame and reputation on the sea, he could drive countless people crazy with just one sentence.

The words of a pirate with a bounty of 2.8 billion.

It would make countless small pirates continue to pursue.

Just like Roger could open the era of great pirates with just one sentence.

Sander's reputation is worse than Roger.

But he still has the ability to stir up unrest.

The world is already chaotic enough.

Aokiji doesn't want to make the world more chaotic. "Yeah, it's a pity that you missed this opportunity."

Sander said with a chuckle.

If he had just arrived at Sabaody Archipelago from Impel down, and all the high-end combat forces of Marine had come to him, it would have been difficult for him to escape.

But everyone knew that it was impossible.

Sengoku would not summon so many high-end combat forces at once. .