
Chapter 78 A Smile Brings Out The Power, And A Meteorite Falls!

Huoshaoshan's face changed, and he quickly hugged Doberman to avoid it.

Lightning hit the ice, making a big hole in the ice.


Sander still doesn't want to let them go?

Huoshaoshan looked at Sander who was fighting with Aokiji in doubt.

Suddenly, another lightning bolt struck.

This time, Huoshaoshan saw the source of the lightning with his observation.

He looked up.

He saw a small boat in the sky.

Two women, one big and one small, were lying on the side of the boat looking down.

The lightning came from the orange-haired girl.

"Nico Robin?"

"Who is the orange-haired one? Sander's new crew member?"

But how can she release lightning?

Seeing Huoshaoshan looking at her, Nami stuck out her tongue.

"Ah, I've been discovered."

"That's the Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral, how can it be so easy to hit."

"And with your current development, it's a question whether you can hurt him if you hit him."

Robin said helplessly.

"No way, who told them to attack Sander."

"Damn it, I must practice hard in the future, at least I have to be able to help the captain and the others."

Nami said angrily with her little mouth puffed.

Robin smiled and rubbed Nami's hair, looking at the battlefield in a daze.

She also has to practice hard.

At least she has to practice Haki to the level of Grandmaster.

Otherwise, if she encounters this situation again, she doesn't want to be unable to help at all.

"That's Nico Robin, a member of the Thunder God Pirates!"

"Bombard that small boat!"

"Shoot them down!"

On the warship, a Marine Rear Admiral gave an order.

He knew they couldn't help Vice Admiral Garp and Aokiji Admiral, but they could still deal with Nico Robin, whose bounty was 9,300 square berries.

The artillery roared.

Countless shells flew towards the boat driven by Nami.

Nami's face changed, and she immediately pulled the boat up.

Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel and Vice Admiral Berry Stolo stepped on the Moonwalk and rushed towards Robin and the others.

Sander didn't move yet.

Yixiao, who was fighting with Garp, reacted immediately.

The power of the Heavy Fruit immediately covered him.

The shell flew into the air and fell rapidly under the action of gravity.

Flying Squirrel and Stolo Berry also changed their faces and fell from the air.

Garp seized this opportunity and punched Yixiao away.

The shell landed on the ice and exploded right next to the two Flying Squirrels, making them look dusty.

"Is this how Marines behave?" Yixiao walked out of the ice ruins and said lightly.

"Hahahaha, any method is acceptable to deal with pirates."

Although Garp was a little unhappy that someone disturbed his battle.

But after all, those Marines were also trying to catch pirates.

He couldn't say anything bad.

"Really? I understand." Yixiao nodded calmly.

The invisible power of the Heavy Fruit rushed straight into the sky.

Garp squinted his eyes and looked at the sky. Seeing no change, his face was a little confused.

Sander, who was fighting with Aokiji, raised his mouth slightly.

In his observation Haki.

In the distance above, there were several huge monsters falling rapidly towards the bottom.

"No matter who I was before or who I will be in the future."

"But now, I am a pirate!"

"And they are my partners!"

A smile was slightly angry.

At first, he joined the Thunder God Pirates purely because he wanted to see how far Sander could go.


After a few months of getting along.

He has figured out Sander's temperament.

He had a good time in the Thunder God Pirates.

He felt very comfortable with these young people.


The Thunder God Pirates have also rescued many civilians in the past few months.

Alabasta, Cocoa West Village, and the residents of their current base.

He is very satisfied with Sander's style.

Now he has already integrated into the Thunder God Pirates.


Marine launched a Buster Call to destroy everything on the island.

He and Sander were also besieged.

These are not bad.

Because he and Sander can solve these problems.

But taking advantage of him and Sander being entangled, attacking his weaker partner.

Isn't it a bit unreasonable.

"Sander said something very right." "

Yixiao calmly faced Garp.


Garp was a little puzzled.

At this time.

A cry of surprise came from the Marine warship.

"What... is that?"

"A meteorite?"

All Marines stared at the sky with wide eyes.

Garp looked up.

I saw several huge Great Fireballs with tail flames continue to fall.

"This is, you did it?!!"

Garp questioned Yixiao with wide eyes.

"He said that if you don't teach you Marines a lesson, you really think the Thunder God Pirates are easy to mess with.

Yixiao said lightly.

On the battlefield between Sander and Aokiji.

Aokiji also stopped and looked up at the sky, a drop of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Aokiji, how is my partner?"

Sander asked with a smug smile.

"Where did you find this monster?"

Aokiji said in a deep voice.

At this moment, the meteorite continued to expand in the field of vision and fell towards the direction of the warship.

"Turn quickly and leave here!"

"The warship is coming towards us!"

"Damn! What happened? How could a meteorite suddenly appear!"


The Marine on the deck panicked and quickly turned the bow to leave here.

"Did Uncle Yixiao get that meteorite?"

On the boat in the sky" Nami looked at the meteorite with wide eyes.

"It should be... right."

Robin said uncertainly.

"Uncle Yixiao is so powerful, no wonder he is the vice captain."

"He can actually use the power of the gravity fruit to pull down the meteorite from the sky!"

Nami murmured.

"Yes, a vice captain who can be recognized by Sander is naturally very powerful. "

Robin said softly.

On the battlefield, Garp's face turned gloomy.

He naturally understood the power of meteorites.

If a warship was hit by a meteorite.

The ten huge warships brought by Buster Call would be destroyed in an instant!

Where did this guy come from?

The fruit power can actually pull down meteorites from the sky.

It's so scary!

Think of the consequences of being hit by a meteorite.

Garp decisively left the battlefield and wanted to rescue the Marine on the warship.

"Mr. Garp, the battle between you and me is not over yet!"

He said with a smile.

The power of the gravity fruit was used to the limit and blessed on the ice where he and Garp were.

"Hell Brigade!"

Garp, who was about to rescue the warship, changed his face.

He only felt that the gravity around him was strengthened several times.

The ice surface instantly sank into a big pit under the blessing of gravity, and Garp fell into the pit.


Garp roared, and his physical skills and Haki were used to the Ultimate. He exerted force on his legs and jumped out of the ice pit.

Then he rushed to the warship without looking back.

At the same time, Aokiji also planned to leave the battlefield.

Sander would never let him do as he wished.

"Stay! Aokiji!"

The ice surface near Aokiji trembled instantly, and then quickly lifted up in the air.

With the blessing of Lion Fruit, Sander used the ice surface to turn it into ice walls to trap Aokiji.

"300 million volt thunder dragon!"

The terrifying thunder dragon gathered in front of Sander.

It roared and rushed towards Aokiji.

Aokiji did not dare to be careless and quickly resisted Sander's attack.

At this time, three Naval Headquarters had come near the warship.

They held their weapons and looked up at the sky to prepare for battle.

The meteorite rushed towards the warship with a terrifying impact.

"Iron Fist!"

Garp arrived at the critical moment.

He applied Taijutsu and Haki to Ultimate and punched one of the meteorites.

The powerful force smashed the meteorite.

The hot meteorite fragments fell on the sea, making a sizzling sound.

The three Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals also hit the meteorite with their strongest blows.

The three of them joined forces to smash a meteorite.

Aokiji also broke free from Sander's entanglement and came near the warship.

The Ice Age was unleashed on him, but it was too late.

Several meteorites hit the warship.

The deck was pierced and the keel was broken.

The terrifying impact force directly destroyed the warship.

The unlucky Marine was crushed into a pulp.

Those who wanted to leave the warship quickly were also blown away by the powerful impact force.

For a while, huge waves were surging.

I don't know how many Marines died under the meteorites.

Of the eleven warships, only three pairs were left intact in the end.

Even so, these three warships were also broken into pieces by the terrifying shock wave.

The rest were all turned into wreckage directly under the bombardment of meteorites.

"This... is too scary!"

Robin Nami looked at the destroyed Marine fleet in shock.

They never thought that.

He was usually kind and smiling, but he could actually use such a natural disaster.


Sander folded his arms and exclaimed.

He floated into the air and came in front of Aokiji and others.

"Still fighting?"

The Marines looked terribly gloomy.

Especially the Vice Admirals, who looked like they wanted to eat Sander and Yixiao.

"々` Sander, many of them are Zephyr's students, and they are the elites fighting pirates!"

Huoshaoshan said angrily with veins popping out on his forehead.

"It's none of my business!"

" Laozi is a pirate!"

Sander said disdainfully.

"Whether it's a pirate or a Marine, since you're out to sea, you have to be prepared to gamble everything!"

"Do you think you're playing house?"

"If you have time to talk nonsense with me here, you might as well go and save people!"

He didn't do anything this time, and these people brought the fleet to his base camp.

Even if Yixiao didn't make a move.

He would destroy this fleet this time.

You really think he was a Marine before, so he wouldn't attack ordinary Marines, right?

"You little brat..."

Garp clenched his fist and rushed directly to Sander.

The terrifying iron fist blasted out.

Sander showed no weakness, and went forward with Conqueror's thunder fist wrapped around him.


Under the bombardment, the two retreated at the same time.

"Heh, you are still strong even at old age, Garp!"

"I hope you can be as strong as this when your two grandsons go out to sea as pirates!"

Sander said with a sneer.

It is ironic that a Marine hero raised two grandsons who wanted to be pirates.

"What are you talking about, my grandchildren won't become pirates, they will definitely be excellent marines in the future!"

Garp's face changed and he said angrily. "Really? I'm waiting for your grandchildren to become Marines!"

After saying that, Sander turned around and floated away without paying attention to Garp's uncertain face.

Yixiao stood on the ice and rose.

Under the gaze of the Marines, the two soon came to the boat driven by Nami. "Uncle Yixiao, you are so powerful.

You can fight back and forth with the Marine hero Garp, and you can also pull down such a big meteorite from the sky!"

Nami danced and said excitedly.

Yixiao smiled but didn't say anything.

But Sander pretended to be dissatisfied: "Am I not powerful?" "Marine Admiral Aokiji was beaten back by me, and Marine Vice Admiral was killed by me with one punch!" "Hehe, the captain is also powerful!"

Nami laughed. "See, Robin, Buster Call and so on, are useless in front of the top strongmen. "

Sander looked at Robin and smiled.


Robin nodded lightly, looking at the wreckage of the warship below, the shadow in his heart gradually dissipated.

"Sander, is it really okay to expose your ability to Marine?"

After a while, Robin asked with some concern.

This time, not only did the island rise to expose the ability of Lion Fruit.

Nami also released two lightning bolts at Marine Vice Admiral, exposing the ability of Thunder Fruit.

With Marine's shrewdness.

He will definitely guess something.

"It doesn't matter, even if Marine knows it, what's the problem?"

"Even if everyone goes out, they can't do anything to us. "

Sander waved his hand indifferently.

With the power of Lion Fruit, Marine and World Government could not find any trace of him.

Even if World Government had the power to wipe out an island, so what?

He was not a sitting duck, waiting for them to hit him.

Robin looked at the island getting closer and closer and nodded.

Go back to the island.

Sander raised the island to a height of 10,000 meters.

Then it gradually drifted towards Grand Line.

On the other side, Yun.

Garp and others began to salvage the living Marine.

When they came, there were five Marine Vice Admirals, one Admiral, and more than 10,000 elite Marines.

After returning, Vice Admiral was seriously injured and unconscious.

There were only more than 4,000 elite Marines left.

It can be said that the loss was heavy.

Naval Headquarters.

Marshal Sengoku of the Marine soon got the news!