
Chapter 66 Sander Takes Action And Kills The Fishman!

"You guys, go and capture those humans separately!"

"As long as you capture one, Nami will have to surrender to me!"

Arlong ordered his fishmen.

The panic on the fishmen's faces disappeared immediately.

Yes, with Nami's kindness, she would definitely not disregard the lives of those villagers.

They quickly dispersed and chased after the villagers.

The fishmen moved very quickly, and they were born with stronger bodies than humans.


Despair appeared on Nami's face again.

She rushed towards a fishman and touched her opponent with both hands.

The fishman trembled a few times and fell to the ground, with arcs flashing on his body.

"Hurry up, don't let Nami touch you!"

Seeing his men fall to the ground after being touched by Nami, Arlong showed a look of horror on his face.

He yelled at his men to move faster.

As long as he captured a villager.

Nami could become his tool again.

He had already made up his mind to get a seastone collar from Grand Line.

He usually locked Nami up and asked her to draw sea charts for them.

If he encounters a powerful enemy, he will threaten the lives of the villagers and let Nami fight for him.


Thinking of this, Arlong couldn't help laughing wildly.

He seemed to have seen the scene of Arlong Empire expanding to the entire East Blue and even the Grand Line.

Nami was very fast.

It took a while to kill three fishmen.

But there were too many fishmen.

The fishman running in the front had caught up with Ajian.

Ajian turned around and faced the fishmen with a knife.

He was ready to die in battle.

Even if he died, he couldn't become a stumbling block for Nami.

"Hahaha, weak human, become "260" and be my prisoner!"

A fishman grabbed Ajian with a grin.

He was not afraid of the knife in Ajian's hand at all.

In his opinion, that thing was no different from a fire stick.

Ajian slashed at the fishman fiercely.

The knife in his hand was instantly grasped by the fishman, and then pinched in half.

The fishman stretched out his hands to Ajian again, trying to grab Ajian.


Nami shouted and rushed towards Ajian.

"It's too late, Nami!"

The fishman looked at Nami was at a distance from him, laughing wildly.

At this moment, thunder rumbled in the sky, and a bolt of lightning fell from the sky.


The dazzling lightning flashed, and the lightning struck the fishman directly.

The fishman was instantly split into charcoal, and the whole person fell to the ground and fell apart.

This terrifying lightning was naturally not emitted by Nami.

At the same time, several lightning bolts struck in front of the fishmen chasing the villagers, and these fishmen were frightened and stopped immediately.

"You scumbags, if you want to fight, fight head-on, don't think crookedly."

A faint voice came out.

Sander and the other two came out.

At this time, Sander's fingers were still lingering with lightning.

The sudden appearance of the three people shocked Arlong and others, and they looked at Udes and others with full vigilance.

"Who are you?"

"You dare to meddle in my business, you don't want to live!"

Arlong warned Sander and others with a ferocious face.

No one paid any attention to Sander and the other two.

"Little navigator, the power of Thunder Fruit is not for you to use like this. "

Sander chuckled and looked at Nami.

"Thunder Fruit?!!"

Nami was confused.

"Imagine yourself controlling the lightning, gather the power in your body, and launch the lightning. "

"Like this!"

Sander instructed Nami, pointing his finger at the gate of Arlong's base.

Lightning gathered at his fingertips, and then hit the gate.

The huge wooden door was smashed into pieces.

Arlong was startled, and sweat broke out as he looked at the gate.

What did he just hear?

Thunder Fruit?!!

Isn't the Thunder Fruit in the hands of that Marine monster genius?

If Nami ate the Thunder Fruit.

Then is the monster that escaped Impel down dead?

And... Arlong looked at Sander with confusion.

This guy also used thunder and lightning, what's going on!!

He is not an ignorant villager, and knows that there is only one of each kind of Devil Fruit.

He carefully observed Sander, and the more he looked, the more familiar he felt.

Thinking of Thunder Fruit, Arlong's face suddenly changed.

Damn! How could this guy appear in East Blue? Shouldn't he be in Grand Line?

New World is the stage for this kind of monster, why come to East Blue?!!

Nami looked at the broken door, her mouth wide open in surprise.

"Can I do this too?"

"Of course, believe in yourself, you don't need to touch these fishmen at all, you can electrocute them."

Sander smiled and looked at Nami and encouraged:

"No one will hurt those villagers now, go and defeat all these fishmen."

"Think about the suffering you have endured in the past few years, think about your adoptive mother."

"Use thunder to smash the darkness and welcome your new life!"

After saying that, Sander used lightning to hit the ground in front of the fishmen, with no concealment of the warning.

Nami's mind appeared Bell-mère's voice and smile.

The scene of Arlong shooting her to death appeared.

And Arlong's face of wanton laughter.

Her body was surrounded by lightning, and a surge of anger rose in her heart. With a thought, lightning gathered in her hands.


The thunder exploded and hit a fishman directly.

In Sander's opinion, the lightning was only one or two million volts.

But it is not a problem to electrocute these fishmen.

Nami's eyes lit up.

"I can really control lightning, it's amazing!"

The other fishmen retreated in fear after watching this scene.

They never thought that one day they would become fish on the chopping board, at the mercy of others.

It's their bad luck.

If they were inside the base, where there was sea water, they might be able to escape, or use sea water to attack Nami.

But this is outside the base.

There is no trace of sea water "Nami is invincible in front of these people who can't use armed color.

Some fishmen want to escape.

All of them were forced back by Sander's lightning.

"Damn it! Sander! You are Sander!"

"That monster Marine traitor!"

"How did you appear here, and what's the matter with the fruit you eat?"

Arlong couldn't hold it anymore, and shouted in despair.

Sander raised his eyebrows and said:

"Tsk tsk, you recognize me?"

"I thought no one in this little broken place knew me. "

Don't think that it's everywhere in the newspapers.

But not everyone can know the person on the wanted poster.

Just like when King Luffy first went to sea, he didn't know the Seven Warlords of the Sea and the Four Emperors at all.

The sea is huge, and many places are isolated from the news.

" Sander, Thunder God Sander, how come he is here?"

"It's over, we're done."

"That's the one who can defeat Admiral, run!"

When the other fishmen heard that it was Sander, they immediately looked terrified and shouted in panic.

"Is his name Sander?"

"Thor? Marine traitor?"

"He looks very famous, but Arlong is so out of control."

Looking at Arlong's somewhat terrified look, Nami thought in her heart.

It seems that an extraordinary person is recruiting her as a navigator!

The villagers looked at each other.

At this moment, they finally knew that the pirates who came to find little Nami seemed to be very, very powerful.

Let these fishmen who were as powerful as monsters in their eyes run away in panic when they heard the name.

"It's you!"

Hearing Sander's admission, Arlong's forehead was instantly covered with sweat.

"Why did you appear in East Blue? Shouldn't you be fighting those monsters in New World?"

At this moment, Arlong's heart was full of despair.

He never thought.

In a remote village in the remote sea of ​​East Blue, he would actually encounter such a big pirate.

This is the existence that can defeat the Marine Admiral!

Thinking of the despair that Kizaru brought him.

Arlong's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

So far, Arlong has only received news that Sander escaped from prison and defeated Marine Admiral Aokiji.

He didn't even know what Sander did in Alabasta.

"Come to see my navigator."

Sander smiled and pointed at Nami.

"Damn it!"

Arlong didn't know where Sander knew about Nami's existence.

But he knew that he was finished!

He quickly retreated to the door, intending to run to the base, which was connected to the sea.

As long as he jumped into the water, even Sander couldn't do anything to him.

The sea is the world of fishmen.

No matter how powerful the Demon fruit power is, it will not be a match for the fishmen.

In the sea, Arlong even dared to attack Whitebeard!

If Sander knew what Arlong was thinking, he would definitely roll his eyes.

He has reached the level of Whitebeard.

Even in the sea, he can easily crush Arlong to death.

Compared with Jinbei, Arlong is a waste.

A small gangster, not worth mentioning.

"Arlong is going to run away!"

Seeing Arlong was about to run away, Nami screamed, and she hurriedly condensed lightning to stop Arlong...0

Sander said lightly: "Yixiao!"

Yixiao did not speak, but smiled, took a step forward, tapped the ground with a bamboo sword, and the invisible power spread out, directly covering Arlong.

Arlong fell to the ground in an instant, lying on the ground like a dead dog.

He just felt that his whole body was several times heavier.

It was difficult to even get up.


Seeing Arlong fall flat on his face, Nami widened her eyes, and the civilian lightning dispersed.

"Uncle Yixiao is the user of the Paramecia Heavy Fruit, which can change gravity."

Robin explained to Nami with a smile like an older sister.

"Gravity Fruit?"

Nami glanced at Yixiao and nodded ignorantly.

"Then now, you can defeat these fishmen with your own hands and restore your village to its previous appearance."

Sander said to Nami.

Nami reacted and condensed lightning to strike the fishmen in the field.

One by one, the fishmen were knocked down by lightning.

They ran around in panic, but were soon knocked down by Nami.

After a while, all the fishmen fell to the ground.

Only Arlong was left.

Sander glanced at the fishmen in the field and did not find any trace of Xiaoba, so he should not be there.

This is good, so he doesn't have to give Rayleigh a face.

At this time, Yixiao lifted the restrictions on Arlong.

Arlong struggled to walk up from the ground.

"You are so lucky to meet Sander and get his favor!"

"You don't know how powerful he is, lucky guy!"

Arlong smiled miserably.

He knew he would not survive today.

Nami stood in front of her, her face full of resentment.

Arlong! You bastard, pay for your life with Bell-mère!"

Nami gathered all the lightning in her body and used the maximum force she could to hit Arlong.


The terrifying lightning knocked Arlong out and fell heavily to the ground.

Arlong trembled a few times and fainted.

The strong physique of the fish man was revealed at this time.

Although Arlong was seriously injured, he was still not dead.

Nami walked to Arlong again and raised her hand to kill him.

Ajian and Noqigao showed reluctance on their faces, not because they couldn't bear Arlong's death, but because they couldn't bear Nami to kill people at such a young age.


"She is too young, still a child."

Robin looked at Sander.

Sander nodded, raised his hand and hit Arlong with lightning.

This lightning was ten times higher than the maximum value Nami used.

The terrifying lightning directly turned Arlong into charcoal.

The sudden change scared Nami.

She turned her head and looked at Sander.

"You have defeated them, I will help you with the rest. "

Sander said with a smile.

He raised his hands slightly, and terrifying lightning fell from the sky, hitting the fallen fishmen, killing them all.

There were enough people who died in his hands, and a few more fishmen would not be a big deal.

Nojigo, Ken and others looked at Sander with gratitude.

"Thank you!" Nami whispered.

In fact, she was a little hesitant just now.

"Okay, let me introduce myself. My name is Sander, the captain of the Thunder God Pirates.

He pointed to Yixiao.

"This blind uncle is Yixiao, the vice captain of the Thunder God Pirates, and also a swordsman." Yixiao nodded to Nami with a smile.

"This is Nico Robin, a learned archaeologist."

Robin smiled and rubbed Nami's head.

"Thank you, thank you."

Looking at the dead fishmen, Nami's eyes were wet, and she bowed deeply to Sander and the other two.

Sander said with a smile:

"Now, it's time to take the villagers to take out the property that the fishmen have robbed and return it to everyone."

Nami reacted.

Ran to the villagers of Kokoaxi Village.

"Everyone, I did it."

"The village will never be ruled by the fishmen again!"


The villagers shouted to express their excitement and joy.

Under the leadership of Nami, they rushed to the Arlong base, they dismantled the base built by Arlong, and took out the property that Arlong had looted.

Ajian took Nojigo to Sander and others.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Ajian said with gratitude.

He not only thanked Sander and others for saving them.

He also thanked Sander for saving Nami.

"You're welcome, Nami is our partner."

Sander waved his hand. .