
Chapter 63 The Money Is Fake, Insidious Arlong!

Nami dragged a huge suitcase to Arlong base.

"Oh, isn't this our talented surveyor?"

"What are you doing dragging such a big box?"

"Do you need help?"

Arlong found Nami as soon as she entered Arlong base.

"Arlong, I have collected enough money."

Nami wiped the sweat from her face and looked at Arlong expectantly.

"Huh? What did you say?"

Arlong looked a little confused.

Nami dragged the big box in front of Arlong and a group of fishmen and said:

"I made an agreement with you before, to collect enough 100 million to buy the village of Kokoyasi.

"You will keep your promise, right? Arlong."

Hearing what Nami said, Arlong laughed and said:

"Of course, I will keep any promise involving money even if I die. "

After saying that, Arlong was stunned, and looked at the big box, narrowing his eyes: "You just said you have collected enough money?"

"Enough, 100 million Baileys!"

Nami's tone was a little excited.

Soon, she and the village of Kokoyasi will be free.

Nami has begun to look forward to life after freedom.

She quickly opened the box and showed the Baileys inside to Arlong.

"One hundred million Baileys, no more, no less, I want to buy the village of Kokoyasi!"

Nami said loudly.

"Is it really 100 million Baileys?"

"Where did she get the money so quickly?"

The fish people looked at the money in the box and talked about it, exclaiming in amazement.

Arlong stood up from his chair, picked up a stack of Baileys and put them in his hand.

As his fingers moved, one Bailey after another passed through his fingertips, exuding the fragrance of ink.

"Arlong, the 100 million Baileys are yours, and now it's time for you to fulfill your promise. "

Nami said again.

Her words made the fishmen quiet down, and they looked at each other, and then looked at their old man.

The fishmen knew.

Their boss never thought of keeping the promise.

Nami, the surveyor, was too powerful.

With the sea chart measured by Nami, they, the fishmen, could exert greater power in the sea.

It would not be a problem to complete the rule of the entire East Blue in the future.

So how could they let Nami go.

"Arlong, you will keep the promise, right?"

Nami looked at Arlong expectantly.

"Of course, I will fulfill the promise."

Arlong closed the box with a snap, revealing a hideous smile.

As soon as these words came out, the other fishmen were anxious.

How could they keep the promise.

Without Nami, how could they fulfill the dream of Arlong's empire, how could they rule East Blue, or even Grand Line.

Without waiting for the fishmen to speak.

Arlong continued:

"But all these Baileys of yours are fake."

"You fooled me with fakes, how could I possibly keep the promise.

As soon as these words came out, Nami froze in place.

The fishmen also knew what Arlong was up to.

After a moment, Nami reacted and shouted: "How could it be fake? I have verified them all, they are all real!"

No one is more familiar with money than her.

These Baileys are all real.

She has verified them all at Noqi Gao's house.

"But they are really fake. I don't know where you got the money from, but I think you have been deceived, our genius surveyor."

Arlong spread his hands and said with a smile.


Nami didn't believe what Arlong said, and was about to take out the Baileys and verify them in front of Arlong.

But before she reached out to touch the box, Arlong had already moved the box away in advance.

"These are all fake money, all waste paper, take them and burn them."

Arlong threw the box to a sturdy fishman next to him, and the other party winked and said.

The fishman instantly understood what the boss meant, and quickly agreed:

"Yes, these are all fake money, I'm going to burn them. "

As he said this, he carried the money box and walked to the side.

The other fishmen immediately understood what the boss meant.

They also shouted that these were fake money.

"Don't take it, those are real money, don't take it!"

When Nami saw the money being taken away, she immediately ran forward to chase.

Arlong held her down.

Nami stretched her arms towards the cash box, but Arlong's strength was beyond her ability to resist, so she could only watch the cash box being taken away.

"Nami, why did you use fake money to deceive me?"

"Those are real money, real Arlong, I didn't lie to you, they are all real money!"

Nami was still arguing.

"They are all fake money."

"Real money, all real money, I have verified every one of them!"

"I said it was fake money, then it is fake money!"

Arlong's true intentions were exposed, he grabbed Nami's head with his big hand and glared at her fiercely.

Hearing this, the fish people couldn't help laughing.

Nami stared at the cash box with her eyes wide open, her mind blank.

"Hahahaha, they are all fake money, my surveyor."

"Damn it! Damn it!"

"You said you would abide by the agreement about money even if you die!"

Nami struggled desperately and roared at Arlong angrily. "When did I fail to keep my promise?"

"The money you brought is all fake!"

"Of course I can't sell Kokoyasi Village to you, hahaha."

Arlong laughed viciously.

The fishmen laughed along.

At this moment, Nami finally understood.

Arlong never intended to let Kokoyasi Village go.

He never intended to let her go either.

Despair filled her heart.


"Hahaha, it's just 100 million Baileys. If you work hard, you will soon get it together. Next time you don't have to use these fake money to deceive me, haha.

Arlong laughed loudly, then turned to look at Nami.

"Or do you plan to escape from here?"

"But if you dare to escape from here, I will immediately kill everyone in Kokoyasi Village!"


Arlong threatened viciously.

Looking at Nami, who was in tears and pitiful, Arlong laughed wildly, without any shame for deceiving others, but proud of it.

Nami's tears kept flowing, and she stood there blankly with her lips pursed.

At this moment, her heart was filled with despair.

But she didn't dare to resist.

If she resisted, Arlong would not kill her, because she still needed her to draw sea charts for the fishmen.

But Arlong would vent his anger on the villagers of Kokoyasi Village.

Nami turned around and ran to the village with tears.

"Oh, are you finally going to escape, hahaha!"

Arlong was still laughing, with no intention of chasing her.

"Don't you need to chase her?"

A fishman asked.

"Chase? Why chase?"

"She won't let those villagers die without saving them."

"But you are really cruel!"

Another (Nuo Qianhao) fishman said.

"Haha, how could I watch such an excellent surveyor escape?"

"Even so, I'm not a devil."

"When she surveys the entire sea, I will give her freedom!"

Arlong said insidiously.

The fishmen laughed when they heard it.

"That will probably take decades, hahaha!"

"Hahaha, a hundred years of sun cannot measure the entire world.

"By the way, how did Nami get so much money?"

After laughing, a fishman asked in confusion.

One hundred million is not a small amount.

According to their inference.

If Nami wants to get one hundred million Baileys, it will take at least ten years.

It has only been a few years, and the other party has gathered all the foxes.

"Who cares where she got it from."

"The better her ability to get money, the happier I am.

"Anyway, it's all my money in the end."

Arlong had no intention of exploring this.

Anyway, he just needed to know that the money was real.

As for how it came from, who cares. .