
Chapter 60 Swordsman And Navigator.

"Let's stop here for the reminiscence."

"I'm going to go take a good look around Logue town."

"I didn't even eat because I was waiting for you."

Sander finished the wine in his glass, stretched and stood up, turned around and was about to walk out of the bar.

"Hey, Sander."

Smoker sat at the bar without turning around, he stuffed another cigar into his mouth.

The thick smoke kept spewing out of his mouth.

The bar was filled with smoke.

The boss was choked and stepped back repeatedly, but he didn't dare to express any dissatisfaction.

He knew the white-haired man in front of him, the highest commander of the Logue town Marine branch, he was not someone he could afford to offend.

"Anything else?"

Sander stopped.

"I'm a Marine after all."

"How could I watch the pirates under my nose and remain indifferent. "

Smoker picked up the "Ten Hands".

Turned and pointed at Sander.

Sander chuckled and said nothing, and walked out of the tavern directly.

Smoker didn't want to fight in the tavern either.

He chased after him directly.

"Is that Colonel Smoker?"

"That man just now was a pirate, right?"

Smoker's actions attracted the attention of other people in the bar.

Smoker has been in Logue town for quite a while.

He often comes to the bar to drink, so they are no longer surprised by Smoker's arrival.

Now they see Smoker chasing Sander with a weapon.

They immediately understand that Sander is a pirate.

"Wow, it seems that another pirate is going to ruin his dream of going to sea."

"Colonel Smoker is a Logia fruit user, and those little pirates who have just gone to sea are not his opponents at all."

"By the way, do you know that pirate?"

"I haven't seen him, and he probably just went to sea not long ago."

"Looking at the way he was drinking quietly just now, who would have thought that he was actually a pirate. "

"Don't judge a person by his appearance. Who knows how many evil things that person has done? Come on, come on, celebrate the arrest of another damn pirate by Marine!"

Someone raised his glass and shouted.

Others raised their glasses and drank.

It seems that they are not worried about whether Smoker can catch the pirate.

Outside the tavern.

Sander heard the discussion of the guests in the tavern, looked at Smoker and smiled:

"It seems that you have done a good job in Logue town."

Smoker did not answer, snorted coldly and rushed towards Sander.

He wanted to see how big the gap between him and Sander was.

Smoker's lower body turned into white smoke, and his upper body was suspended in the air. He rushed towards Sander at a high speed, waving the "Ten Hands" in his hands, with a fierce momentum.


"You really have never been beaten, Smoker!"

"In this place where small fish gather, do you have an illusion of invincibility? "

Sander sneered, and his armed color wrapped around his legs.

He kicked out with his right foot.

The violent force directly broke the "ten hands" on Smoker's chest, and then he continued to attack and kicked Smoker's chest hard.

"So fast!"

Smoker's pupils trembled, and he was kicked before he could react.


His tall body flew backwards and hit a street stall, rolling on the ground for a few times before stopping.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Smoker's mouth.

The residents and vendors around were frightened and ran away in a hurry.

The experience of living in Logue town told them that they must not watch where there is a fight.

"Too weak, Smoker!"

"By the way, remember to pay for the broken things."

Sander pointed to the stall that was hit by Smoker, and then turned and left.

Looking at Sander's back as he left.

Smoker covered his chest with a gloomy look in his eyes.

"Damn it!"

"The gap is so big!"

"He didn't even use the power of Thunder Fruit.

Smoker felt frustrated.

In fact, he is now a little stronger than when he first appeared in the original book.

Because they both came from elite training camps and are friends with Sander.

Smoker's training is much harder than in the original book.

It is also because of this.

The residents of Logue town trust him so much.

But even so, the gap between him and Sander is still a world of difference.

"Colonel Smoker!"

The Marine patrolling the surrounding streets rushed over after hearing the news.

"Colonel Smoker, did you encounter the enemy?"

"Do you need to summon the branch's Marines to arrest them?"

A Marine sergeant came up and asked worriedly.


"No, just send me back to the branch."

With the help of the Marine, Smoker stood up.

"By the way, verify the losses of these stall owners and double their compensation."

Smoker said again.

"Yes, Colonel Smoker."

Sander, who kicked Smoker away, wandered around Logue town.

He first found a restaurant to fill his stomach.

Then he started to buy the necessary supplies.

Food, drinks, and daily necessities all needed to be replenished.

When passing by a weapon shop.

Sander stopped.

If he remembered correctly.

There were two good swords in this shop.

One was the good and fast sword, the Snow Walker of the Fifty Works.

The other was the Third Generation Kitetsu.

Recently he was learning swordsmanship with Yixiao, and was thinking about whether to get himself a sword to play with.

He always waved his fists like a reckless man.

It didn't fit his temperament.

Being on the same boat with Yixiao.

Sander would naturally not miss the opportunity to deduce.

Now he is already a swordsman who can perform flying slashes.

Similarly, Sander would not miss Yixiao's Heavy Fruit.

[Deducing Yixiao's Paramecia Heavy Fruit ability, 339 days and 17 hours remaining. ]

If he was not on the boat and couldn't spar with Yixiao.

The speed of deducing the Heavy Fruit would only be faster.

After thinking about it, Sander finally didn't take the two swords.

Just two sharp swords, not quite in line with his status.

One of the purposes of coming to East Blue this time is to find Golden Lion Shiki, who has two good swords.

Sakura Ten and Muku.

They are valued and treasured by the great pirate Golden Lion.

These two swords should be at least 21-grade sharp swords.

Sander left the weapon shop.

He bought some supplies and returned to the captain.

At this time, Robin had returned to the ship and was sitting on the second-floor balcony reading a book.

Yixiao was still missing.

He would set sail tomorrow, and Yixiao would most likely come back tomorrow morning.

Sure enough, when the sun rose, Yixiao slowly appeared in the port, lighting the floor.

Set sail.

Sander went to the next destination, Cocosia Village.

He had to find a navigator for the team. .