
Chapter 57 Ancient Weapon Secret, The Two Return Home.

Night fell.

The night in Alabasta was a little cold.

The Kingdom Guards sent by Cobra were yawning far away from the Thor.

After the surveillance during the day.

They were no longer wary of Sander and his party.

They gathered in twos and threes, chatting to kill time.

Suddenly, a Kingdom Guard fainted without any warning.

Then, all the guards fell to the ground.

In the night, Sander and his three companions appeared.

They were going to the sacrificial hall of the Royal Tomb west of the palace.

After dealing with the Kingdom Guards, the group walked towards the sacrificial hall.

Soon, they arrived at the sacrificial hall.

"Where will the historical text be hidden?"

Robin looked around curiously, but did not find the existence of the historical text.

Sander relied on his memory to come to a pillar carved with a cat head and a fish body, and gently turned it, and an entrance appeared on the ground instantly.

"Hidden stairs? I see. Such a hidden place would be hard to find even if you search all over Alabasta without Cobra telling you."

Robin suddenly realized what was going on as he looked at the stairs.

At the same time, he was very curious.

How did Sander know about this hidden place that only the kings of Alabasta knew about.

"Go down and see for yourself."

Sander said to Robin.

Robin said, "Aren't you going in?"

"I don't need to see it. Uncle Yixiao can't see it. You can go down by yourself." Sander said.

After that, he took out the lamp shell he brought and threw it to Robin.

After coming down from Sky Island, Sander brought a lot of different kinds of shells on his ship, and Abe was one of them.

Robin took the lamp shell and walked in without hesitation.

Sander and Yixiao stayed outside, looking at the night sky boredly.

"Captain, Cobra should be the only one who knows this place. How did you know it?" Yixiao asked curiously.

"Special channel. "

Sander said casually.

He couldn't say that he had read the original book.

But he smiled and didn't ask any more questions.

Some things will be known naturally after a certain time.

After a while, footsteps were heard at the stairs.

Robin came out holding the lamp shell.

Sander turned the pillar to its original place, and the hidden stairs disappeared instantly.

He clapped his hands and said:

"Let's go, have a good sleep tonight, and set sail for East Blue tomorrow."

After that, he walked towards the god.

All the way, the three of them were silent.

When they were about to reach the Thor, Robin finally couldn't help but ask:

"Captain, are you really not curious about Pluton's whereabouts?"


Sander turned his head with a surprised look.

"Robin, you don't think I'm lying, do you?"

"I really know Pluton's whereabouts."

"Wanokuni, Pluton is in Wanokuni. "

When he heard Sander say Pluton was in Wanokuni, Yixiao still had a smile on his face, his expression unchanged.

Robin looked at Sander in shock.

"You really know?!!"

Robin always thought Sander was talking nonsense, but he didn't expect that he actually knew.

"What else? I said Pluton was in the territory of the Four Emperors."

"Wanokuni is now ruled by Kaido of the Beasts."

Sander spread his hands helplessly.

You always didn't believe what I said.

"Then you also know where Poseidon is?"

"Yeah." Sander nodded.

" Poseidon, Poseidon, as soon as you hear the name, you know it has a lot to do with The fish men island. Poseidon is on The fish men island. "

" The fish men island?!!"

Robin was a little surprised, then reacted.

Besides Sea Kings, the only thing that can be related to Poseidon is The fish men island where fish men live.

"Then what is Poseidon?"

Robin was a little curious.

She only knew that Pluton was a super battleship [and she had no idea what a sea master was.

" Poseidon is also called the king of Sea Kings, and it is a kind of ability that can communicate with Sea Kings. "

Sander didn't say it directly.

"Communicate with Sea Kings?!!"

Robin shouted in surprise, and then quickly covered his mouth.

Yixiao also raised his head in surprise.

They all knew what Sea Kings were.

They were huge creatures living in the sea.

Generally, Sea Kings are only a few hundred meters in size, but there are also some huge Sea Kings that can reach thousands of meters in size.

If you can communicate with these Sea Kings and drive them.

Even Marine is no match.

They can destroy anything on the sea.

"It's incredible!"

"There is actually the power to drive those giants in the sea!"

"It's worthy of being Poseidon, it feels stronger than Pluton."

Robin sighed after calming down.

"Each has its own advantages and disadvantages."

"Pluton is sleeping in Wanokuni, it is extremely difficult to fish it out or wake it up."

"Poseidon's power is not so easy to use. "

Sander said softly.

Shirahoshi is Poseidon, but it is still difficult for Shirahoshi to master this power.

She is too timid.

After Sander obtains the power of Lion Fruit and has the ability to float the island, he will go to The fish men island to recruit Shirahoshi.

Then he will always keep Shirahoshi with him and use the ability to deduce everything to deduce Poseidon.

"Captain, do you plan to take Poseidon and Pluton for yourself?"

Robin asked.

" Pluton is difficult to obtain even if you know where 323 is. I don't know how to wake him up, and it may just be a decoration."

"As for Poseidon, she will become our new crew member when we get to The fish men island. "

Sander said with a smile.

"New crew member?!!"

"Captain, do you mean Poseidon is a person, or a creature?"

Robin always thought that Poseidon was a dead object, or a tool, like Pluton.

I didn't expect Poseidon to be alive.

" Poseidon is a mermaid princess. Every few hundred years, a mermaid princess who can communicate with the Sea Kings and inherit the name of Poseidon will appear.

Sander revealed the secret directly.

This is not something that can be concealed.

Although the two have just joined his team, Sander still trusts them very much.

In addition, telling such a huge secret can also make the two recognize him as the captain faster.

"Mermaid princess?"

Getting so many secrets at once made Robin, who was just in her early twenties, a little confused.

She and Yixiao didn't expect it.

The captain would actually tell them such a big secret.

For a while, both Robin and Yixiao completely recognized Sander as the captain.

Being able to share such a big secret with them.

Captain Sander is really a trustworthy person!.