
Chapter 50 Crocodile's True Purpose, A Smile Of Shock.

Hearing Yixiao's ridiculous reason for joining him.

Sander was stunned at first.

Then he laughed.

Yixiao also laughed.

The two laughed as if no one was around in the gambling hall of Yuyan, attracting the attention of everyone.

"Mr. Yixiao, welcome to be my partner."

After a long time, Sander looked at Yixiao and said happily.

Yixiao's joining greatly increased the strength of his team.

Even if he challenged the Four Emperors now, he would not be besieged.

Two Admiral-level combat power.

It is naturally a top force on the sea.

Even the most powerful force in the sea, Marine, has only five Admiral-level masters when the former Admiral Black Arm Zephyr broke his arm.

Buddha Sengoku, Marine hero Garp and three Admirals.

"Captain, just call me Yixiao."

Yixiao said with a chuckle, leaning on the bamboo sword with both hands.

Decades of experience have made him see the filth and vulgarity of the world.

It is precisely because of this that he closed his eyes.

Now that someone has invited him,

Then follow this former Marine genius in front of you and see what he can do.

"Uncle Yixiao, you didn't come here for gambling, did you?"

Sander asked the original question again.

"I want to see what the Seven Warlords of the Sea are doing, and gambling is just a side job."

This time, Yixiao answered frankly.

Sander was not surprised at all.

After becoming a Marine Admiral, Yixiao wanted to abolish the Shichibukai system the most.

So he must have a deep understanding of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

"What did Uncle Yixiao see?"

"Terrible ambition!" Yixiao said slowly.

Just like Sander said before, a big pirate protects the country and is called a hero by the people. Even a fool knows that there is something fishy here.

"Uncle Yixiao, do you know what Crocodile wants to do?"

Sander asked after taking a sip of ice beer.

Alabasta has not become dry because of Crocodile using dancing powder.

But it is still hot here.

"I don't know yet. What Crocodile did is extremely secretive."

"Perhaps, becoming a hero of Alabasta is just the first step."

Yixiao shook his head and said.

At this time, Crocodile was busy promoting himself in the newspaper.

The conspiracy hidden in the dark has just begun.

Even if Marine is allowed to investigate, it is estimated that nothing will be found.

"Does Captain Sander know?"

Yixiao asked.

Sander can find out about himself and knows his strength.

Yixiao thinks that the other party came to Alabasta not only to recruit him, but also for other purposes.

"Uncle, do you know Ancient Weapon?"

Sander did not answer, but asked back.

The expression on Yixiao's face changed.

"Poseidon, Pluton, and Uranus are three ancient weapons that existed in ancient times and are powerful weapons that can destroy the world and have the title of "God." "Crocodile's goal in Alabasta is to get Pluton, one of the three weapons!" "That is known as the most evil warship in the history of shipbuilding, and it is a powerful force that can destroy the island in one go!" "Of course, one of his goals is to seize the land under his feet."

Sander did not keep the secret.

He directly told the purpose of Crocodile. "It's terrible!"

A shocked expression appeared on Yixiao's face.

He guessed that Crocodile might be planning Alabasta.

But he didn't expect there was such an amazing conspiracy behind it. "So, the captain is here to fight for Pluton too?" "No!"

Sander shook his head.

"Pluton is not in Alabasta."

"There is only the historical text that records the location of Pluton."

"It has been guarded by the royal family of Alabasta for generations."

"Crocodile's goal is this."

"Historical text?"

"Even if Crocodile gets the historical text, he can't understand the text on it, right?"

Yixiao has also heard about the historical text.

But the text on it.

Few people in the world can understand it.

"He can't read it, but someone can."

"The survivor of the destruction of Ohara was rewarded 79 million berries by the World government. The son of the devil Nico Robin can read it, and she is also the only one who knows the ancient text on it."

Sander explained.

In fact, Sander can also know the content of the historical text with his ability to deduce everything.

Yixiao silently digested what Sander said.

He knew.

Since Crocodile has begun to plan the historical text guarded by Alabasta.

Then he must have reached a cooperation with Nico Robin.

Or Nico Robin has joined Crocodile's team.

Yixiao's face became solemn.

If Crocodile gets Pluton.

With the other party's ambition, it is unknown how much turmoil will be set off.

And it is unknown how many civilians will die in the turmoil.

"Captain, are you here for the historical text and Nico Robin?"

A pirate who is hostile to the World government and has a bounty of more than 2 billion knows about this and comes here. He will definitely not remain indifferent.

To be fair.

Yixiao does not want Pluton's terrifying power to fall into the hands of ambitious people.

But now he is on the ship.

If Pluton is really going to be born, it is safer to keep it in their hands.

At least, he can give some advice when the captain uses this power.

At this moment.

Yixiao is very glad that he agreed to become Sander's partner just now.

"I am only interested in Nico Robin. She is the next partner I want to recruit."

"As for the historical text that records Pluton's whereabouts, I am not very interested."

"Nico Robin has read the historical text. It doesn't matter whether she is willing to tell me or not."

Sander said with a smile.

He knows the whereabouts of Pluton and Poseidon.

The historical text of Alabasta is nothing but a useless stone to him.

"Oh? Captain, don't you want to know the whereabouts of Ancient Weapon?"

"Don't you want Pluton?"

Yixiao was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that the captain he just recognized was not interested in Pluton.

That is a powerful force that is said to be able to destroy the world.

Given the other party's hatred of the World Government.

Shouldn't he get this power to retaliate?

"That's not the case."

Sander laughed.

"Everyone likes powerful power, and I am no exception."

"It's just that I already know where Pluton is, so the historical text is just a stone to me."


Hearing this, even Yixiao, who is steady, couldn't help but exclaim.

He actually knows the whereabouts of Pluton!

Isn't it said that only Nico Robin can read the historical text?

Could it be that Nico Robin has already reached a cooperation with the captain?

But, hasn't Crocodile's plan just begun?

What is going on!

Yixiao felt that his head was filled with question marks.


Sander's words contained too much information.

He couldn't understand it at all.