
Chapter 31 Admiral Goes Out And Kills Cp0 Instantly

While Sander was playing with CP0.

Naval Headquarters was in chaos.

"Who is so daring that he dared to offend Celestial Dragons!"

Sengoku was furious in the office.

Celestial Dragons' Den Den Mushi is similar to the golden Den Den Mushi that launched Buster Call.

You only need to press it to know that someone has offended Celestial Dragons, and you can also provide coordinates.

But the specific situation cannot be transmitted.

"Where is it, Sabaody Archipelago?"

Tsuru Vice Admiral, who was sitting on the chair, asked in a deep voice.

"Near the Seven Water Capital, which Admiral is closest to the Seven Water Capital now?"

Sengoku shook his head in answer, and then asked.

"The Seven Water Capital is not close to the headquarters, and Kizaru may not be able to make it in time."

"Aokiji seems to be near there." Tsuru Vice Admiral said.

Kizaru's Sparkling fruit is not invincible.

It is impossible to run to the Seven Water Capital in such a short time.

If it is really powerful, Marine will not be so troubled by the pirates.

Simply sending Kizaru to attack everywhere will destroy all the pirates.

"Then let Aokiji go, I hope nothing will happen."

Sengoku said softly, and then asked someone to notify Admiral Aokiji to go.

After giving the order, he seemed to have thought of something and looked at Vice Admiral Crane:

"After Sander left Sabaody Archipelago, the direction he went was the Seven Water City?"

Sander was always monitored by Marine when he was in Sabaody.

But after leaving Sabaody, he could not be monitored anymore.

Or they dared not send someone to follow him and monitor him.

"He went somewhere."

Vice Admiral Crane nodded and confirmed.

"Then it seems that this Celestial Dragons is hopeless."

Sengoku slapped his forehead, a little speechless.

If the attacker was Sander, Aokiji would not be able to stop him no matter how fast he ran.

Even if Aokiji was there during the attack.

He could not stop Sander from killing people.

"Then he must be sent."

"Even if he goes late, it's not our problem."

The world is big.

There are only three Marine Admirals.

It is impossible to dispatch Marine Admirals for every little thing.

If we really want to dispatch Admirals at will, let alone three, thirty would not be enough.

The most important thing to protect Celestial Dragons is to rely on the bodyguards and CP0s around them.

Marine Admirals play a deterrent role, not protection.

A small island near the Seven Seas Capital.

Aokiji took the Den Den Mushi into his arms.

Riding a bicycle and moving quickly along the ice.


On the cruise ship.

After the user of the Zoan Bull Fruit's Big Black Bull form transformed.

The other two CP0s also began to transform.

One turned into a cat, which looked like an orange cat.

The other turned into a three-meter-tall black dog.

Looking at the three Zoan Fruit users in front of him.

Sander couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The World government is still rich.

Three Zoan Fruits at random.

If my guess is right, the two who died should also be Demon Fruit power.

Maybe they were killed by Sander before they could use it.

"Shave! Bull Charge!"

The big black bull's horns were wrapped in Armament Haki, and its feet stomped on the deck.

The whole person turned into a black afterimage and rushed towards Sander.

Sander stood still, stretched out his hands, and accurately grabbed the big black bull's horns.

Facing the big black bull's charge, Sander was as still as a mountain.

The big orange cat instantly appeared beside Sander.

The sharp cat claws grabbed his neck.

Sander smiled slightly.

Armament Haki was wrapped around his neck.

The cat claws seemed to grab on the steel plate, making a teeth-grinding sound.

But no marks were left on it.

Sander exerted force with both hands, and the big black bull was directly lifted up by him and thrown towards the big orange cat in the air.


The two flew out directly.

Smashed on the wall of the second floor.

At this moment.

The big black dog suddenly pounced forward and opened its bloody mouth.

The fishy breath came immediately, making Sander frown.

The hands covered with Armament Haki grabbed the dog's head.

"You have bad breath, do you know that?"

He grabbed the big black dog's upper and lower jaws with his two hands.

On his arms, the knotted muscles stood up inch by inch, and the giant's power burst out with all his strength.


As if he realized what Sander was going to do, the big black dog whimpered desperately.

In the big black dog's horrified eyes, Sander exerted his strength with both hands and directly performed a hand-torn Japanese...devil.

Blood and internal organs flew.

Filthy flesh and blood splashed on the glass cover of Celestial Dragons.

At this moment, fear finally appeared on the face of Celestial Dragons.

He finally understood.

This mortal in front of him.

Seems to be different from other untouchables.

The slave screamed when he saw this cruel and terrifying scene, and his body involuntarily moved away from Sander.

Feeling the pull of the chain in his hand.

Charmarco was a little dissatisfied and raised his gun to shoot at the slave.

"You bunch of trash!"

But he pulled the trigger several times and no bullets were fired.

When he just shot Sander, he had already used up all the bullets.

Sander didn't even look at the pig and ran straight to the remaining two.

There will be plenty of time to deal with the pig later.

Before that, he must kill the person who disturbed him first.

The remaining two CP0s were horrified when they saw the big black dog being torn in half.

They saw Sander running towards them.

The two of them resisted their fear and the thought of running away and attacked Sander head-on.

Sander kicked the orange cat away first.

Then he took the big black bull's head and smashed it on the deck.

"Six Styles·Six King Spear!"

Sander clenched his fists together, aimed at the big black bull's head, and used the strongest physical skill of the six styles.

This is a move that can only be understood by practicing the six styles to Ultimate.

Sander can also do it.

A fierce impact broke between the two fists.

Under the huge impact, the big black bull's eyes turned upside down and blood flowed from all seven orifices.

After struggling for two times, there was no movement.

If you cut open the big black bull's head and look, you will find that the big black bull's brain has been mixed into a paste.

This move is called hitting the bull from behind the mountain!

After killing the big black bull, Sander disappeared directly from the spot.

In a flash, he came to the orange cat.

The orange cat was still lying on the ground after being kicked.

He struggled to get up.

Seeing Sander was already in front of him.

He gave up resistance directly, lying on the ground and looking up at Sander.

"Sander, you will be hunted down by the World government with all your strength, and the Marine Admiral will also be involved."

"You will never know how powerful the World government is!"

"You will die too!"

The orange cat's eyes were full of resentment.

Sander had a blank expression on his face, raised his foot and cut the orange cat's neck.

"You also don't know how powerful I am."

With a whisper, Sander walked towards Charmarco.

The appetizers were finished, and it was time for the main course.