
Chapter 100 Reign Dressrosa, Four Emperors React.

"Okay, stop."

Seeing that Shirley was having trouble continuing, Sander waved his hand to ask her to stop.

If the user of the healing fruit uses his ability too much, he will be unable to move.

Sander thanked Man Shirley and stood up to stretch his muscles.

The injuries on his body were almost healed, and the remaining days of recuperation would be fine.

"Sander, what should we do next?"

Seeing that Sander had finished the treatment, Nami asked.

"What should we do?"

Nami pointed to Doflamingo and his subordinates lying on the ground.

Then he pointed to the crowd gradually gathering outside the palace.

"Leave Doflamingo to Marine, and let him go to Impel down to read the newspaper."

"As for the others...

Sander paused, then said:

"Lock them up first. "

It was agreed long ago that Doflamingo would be handed over to the Marine for imprisonment.

Most of the other people in Donquixote were Demon fruit power.

Some fruits are still very useful, so they can't be imprisoned in Impel down for nothing. It's better to kill them and extract the fruits.

As for Dressrosa and others...

Sander looked at Violet.

"Let your father King Riku come over." Sander said to Violet.

At this time, King Riku was staying outside the palace with his original subordinates to watch.

The original toys in the palace turned back into humans and ran out to spread the news that Doflamingo was defeated by the Thunder God Pirates.

King Riku also knew that the palace was now occupied by the Thunder God Pirates.

Because he was afraid of the strength of the Thunder God Pirates and didn't know the intentions of the Thunder God Pirates, he didn't rush in rashly.


Violet nodded.

She knew that the next conversation between her father and the captain of the Thunder God Pirates would determine the fate of Dressrosa.

After Violet turned and left, Nami looked at Sander:

"Captain, are we going to rule here?"

"Yeah, what else?"

"The sky is our base, but we also need some territory below."

"The New World was divided by the Four Emperors, and this place is more suitable for us."

Sander said as a matter of course.

He is famous after all, and his subordinates have more or less some power.

Dressrosa is not bad.

It has people and land.

It is also a tropical island with a holiday style, which is suitable for living.

"Captain, do you want to be the king of this country?"

Robin asked.

"Forget about the king."

"Just let them pay some protection fees every year."

Sander said.

How can he have time to manage a country.

The Kingdom of God is handed over to the chieftain of the Shandia people and Ganfor.

"How much protection fee to pay is still up to you, Yixiao, I don't care."

Sander said to Yixiao again.

Yixiao nodded silently.

Outside the palace, Violet came to King Riku.


"Violet, what are the plans of the Thunder God Pirates next?"

King Riku asked when he saw Violet.

"Father, I don't know either."

Violet shook her head.

"Sander, the Thunder God of the Thunder God Pirates, asked you to go to the palace."

"What is Sander's personality like?"

King Riku asked quietly as he followed his daughter to the palace.

The pirates all have different personalities.

Some are cruel by nature, while others are more easy-going.

He was afraid that Dressrosa would meet someone like Doflamingo again.

Violet hesitated for a moment and said:

"The people of the Thunder God Pirates seem to have good personalities, and Captain Sander speaks very easily.

"Then do you have any ability..."

King Riku knew that his daughter had the ability to see through people's hearts.

If he could know what the other person was thinking in advance.

It was also good to prepare for the next conversation.


Violet shook her head.

She didn't dare.

She had seen Sander fight Kaido of the Beasts with her own eyes, and she knew how terrible the other party was.

What if Sander could detect her using her ability.

It would probably anger the other party.

After all, no one wanted their inner thoughts to be peeped into.

"Father, as long as the other party's request is not too harsh, agree to the other party."

"The Thunder God Pirates are countless times stronger than Doflamingo, and they are comparable to the current sea emperor.

Violet reminded King Riku that they have no resistance to the Thunder God Pirates.

"I know, I will be careful." King Riku sighed and said.

Just out of the tiger's den and met a wolf pack, I don't know what Dress is like.

King Riku came to Sander with a sad face.

"Hello, King Riku."

Sander was the first to say hello.

"The Thunder God Pirates defeated the Donquixote family, and this will be the territory of the Thunder God Pirates in the future. "

Sander spoke without any nonsense.

" You are still the king of Dressrosa. How to manage this place is your Riku clan's business. I will not ask. "

"For the rest, you can discuss with the vice-captain of the Thunder God Pirates, Yixiao. "

"In short, the conditions of the Thunder God Pirates will not be harsh. You can rest assured about this.

Sander's words made King Riku feel relieved.

This place became the territory of the Thunder God Pirates. King Riku was prepared in his heart.

This is very common in the New World.

The islands of the New World depend on the Four Emperors for survival.

It is also very normal for the member states of the World government to become the territory of the Four Emperors.

Just like The Fish Men Island is the territory of Whitebeard.

The World government has always turned a blind eye to such things.

As long as you pay the Sky Gold honestly, your country itself can be a pirate group.

As long as the Thunder God Pirates do not interfere in the management of the kingdom.

King Riku is still confident that he can pay part of the protection fee to the Thunder God Pirates while paying the Sky Gold.

After all, Dressrosa is already rich.

Before Doflamingo occupied here, the kingdom still had extra money to help neighboring countries.

Now it is nothing more than handing over this money to the Thunder God Pirates.

And with the protection of the Thunder God Pirates.

The people can also live a stable life without worrying about the harassment of pirates.

After all, the captain of the Thunder God Pirates is a powerful existence that can fight against the Four Emperors.

There should be few pirates who act recklessly in the territory of such a strong man.

"Now, you can tell this news to the people of Dressrosa."

Sander continued.

"Thank you very much for defeating Doflamingo."

King Riku thanked Sander.

Doflamingo's rule is too cruel.

The arrival of the Thunder God Pirates brings light to Dressrosa again.

"No need to thank me, we have some conflicts with Doflamingo."

"You can talk to Yixiao about the next thing, I still have things to do."

Sander waved his hand and floated into the sky with Doflamingo.

He had to throw Doflamingo to Marine.

As for the others, they were tied up by Wapa.

After Sander left, King Riku immediately talked to Yixiao.

Not long after, King Riku walked out of the palace with a happy face and came to his subordinates. "Your Majesty, what did the God Pirates say?"

King Riku's subordinate Taigu Lepante hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

He was the original captain of the Dressrosa army.

When the Donquixote family ruled Dressrosa, he endured humiliation to protect Princess Violet.

For many years, he has been waiting for the Riku family to regain control of Dressrosa.

When Yixiao was fighting with Doflamingo, he immediately took his subordinates to find King Riku, wanting to overthrow Doflamingo's rule. "I will be the king of Dressrosa again. "

" Dressrosa will become the territory of the Thunder God Pirates and will be protected by the Thunder God Pirates."

"Besides, the conditions of the Thunder God Pirates are not harsh!"

King Riku said with a smile on his face.

After talking with Yixiao, he found that the conditions of the Thunder God Pirates were not harsh at all, but very relaxed.

It was countless times better than the Doflamingo period!

"Really? That's great!"

Taigu Lepante looked very happy.

Since King Riku said he was not harsh, then he was definitely not harsh.

He was very clear about King Riku's character.

Dressrosa, finally ended Doflamingo's rule!

"Great, Doflamingo was finally defeated!"

"Long live!"

"Long live King Riku!"

"Long live the Thunder God Pirates!"

All of King Riku's subordinates raised their weapons and shouted in unison.

After Sucrose fell into a coma, many people already knew about Doflamingo's conspiracy.

King Riku's reputation has improved a lot.

Many people hope that Dressrosa will return to the rule of the Riku clan.

King Riku took the opportunity to announce Doflamingo's conspiracy to all residents.

Because there were many original toys as evidence.

King Riku's words quickly convinced the residents.

King Riku also became the king of Dressrosa again.

On the other side.

Sander carried Doflamingo to the warship outside Dressrosa.

The one who led the warship was an old acquaintance.

Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel.

Seeing Sander coming, the flying squirrel looked at Sander as if he was facing a great enemy.

"Don't be so nervous, Vice Admiral."

Sander landed on the deck and smiled.

He threw Doflamingo in front of the flying squirrel.

"This is my gift to you."

" Doflamingo?!!"

The flying squirrel saw the people on the deck and his pupils shrank slightly.

At this time, Doflamingo's glasses had long been lost.

But the outfit still made the flying squirrel recognize at first sight that this was Doflamingo, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

"I wanted to step on him to death."

"But after thinking about it, I think it's more appropriate to lock Doflamingo up in Impel down for life."

"Oh, by the way, Dressrosa is my territory from now on, Marine, don't come here. "

Sander said lightly.

After that, he floated into the sky and gradually disappeared in front of the flying squirrel.

The flying squirrel looked at Doflamingo on the deck with complicated eyes.

After a while, he asked someone to handcuff him with seastone handcuffs, and then took out the phone to contact Naval Headquarters.

"What did you say?"

"Sander handed Doflamingo to you?"

Sengoku's puzzled voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yes, Marshal Sengoku, Doflamingo is now handcuffed and on the warship."

"Okay, then you lead the warship back and send Doflamingo to Impel down."

Although I don't know why Sander did this.

But it's good to catch Doflamingo.

…0Please give me flowers0...

"What's the situation of Dressrosa now?"

Sengoku asked.

"I don't know, but

Sander said Dressrosa is his territory.

The flying squirrel replied.

They didn't dare to land on Dressrosa at all, so they didn't know what happened inside.

Sengoku was silent for a while and asked:

"Is Sander seriously injured?"

"It doesn't look serious. He should still be able to fight."

Flying Squirrel knew what Sengoku meant and said honestly.

He didn't think Sander was seriously injured.

On the contrary, the other party was like nothing happened and still exuded a terrifying aura.

"Okay, I got it. You come back first."

Sengoku said and hung up the phone.

Flying Squirrel glanced in the direction of Dressrosa and ordered the fleet to return.

At the same time, in the sea not far from Dressrosa.

Marine Admiral Akainu, who led the team to Dressrosa, received Sengoku's order.

After a long time, Akainu ordered the warship to return with a gloomy face.

"Sander, sooner or later I will recapture you!"

On the deck of the warship, Akainu said in a deep voice while holding a cigar.

When he learned that Kaido of the Beasts and Sander were fighting in Dressrosa, Akainu led the warship to Dressrosa.

I want to take advantage of the battle between Sander and Kaido to see if I can arrest one or two of them.

In principle, Sengoku agreed.

But when he learned that Sander and Kaido had already called a truce and Sander was not seriously injured, Sengoku ordered the Red Sky to retreat.

In this battle, Marine did nothing, and it was good enough to capture Doflamingo.

Sengoku did not want to expand the war.

It would be best to let the pirates of the New World continue to fight among themselves.

Sander had just arrived in the New World and was fighting with Kaido, one of the Four Emperors. There would definitely be a bigger commotion in the future, and they, the Marines, could just sit back and watch the fight.

The news of Sander's battle with Kaido spread quickly.

Many newspapers began to report on this matter.

[Thor vs. Beasts! Evenly matched!]

[The fifth emperor of the New World! Thor Sander!]


No one was surprised that Sander fought with the Four Emperors.

Everyone knew it.

The Thor Pirates would definitely fight against the Four Emperors when they entered the New World.

What surprised everyone was that they fought so soon.

The voices on the sea for Sander to become the fifth emperor of the sea are getting louder and louder.

There are also people who think that Sander is not qualified to be called the emperor of the sea.

After all, apart from Sander and Yixiao, there is no one in the Thunder God Pirates who can show off.

But there is one thing that everyone agrees on.

That is, Sander will definitely become the emperor of the sea in the future.

Because the youngest Four Emperors, red-haired Shanks, is also more than ten years older than Sander.

Youth is Sander's greatest asset.

On the Moby Dick.

Marco said to Whitebeard holding a newspaper:

"Dad, Thunder God Sander and Kaido are fighting, and the two are evenly matched, with no winner.

"Gulala, is that so? Thunder Kid is still very capable, even Kaido can't do anything to him!"

Whitebeard laughed loudly.

"I didn't expect that he could compete with Kaido at such a young age!"

"And after fighting with Kaido, his reputation as the fifth sea emperor is getting more and more famous!"

Marco sighed as he looked at the newspaper.

He is older than red-haired Shanks.

He thinks he is not Kaido's opponent.

And a man who is almost 20 years younger than him can already be on equal terms with Kaido.

"The fifth sea emperor? Gulala!"

"It's not even close now!"

Whitebeard laughed loudly.

"But the strong men on the sea are getting younger and younger. I feel old when I look at him.

"Dad is not old at all, and he can still roam the sea for decades."

Marco said with a smile.

Ten thousand countries.

Big Mom threw the newspaper on the ground.

" Kaido is such a loser, he can't even take down a little ghost!"

"Five Emperors? Well, it's too early to become the emperor of the sea!"

Ghost Island.

Kaido has returned to his base camp.

Yan Zai Jin looked at Kaido who came back with scars and said worriedly:

"Mr. Kaido, are you okay?"

At this time, Kaido was covered with scars and was sitting cross-legged on the ground, drinking wine in big gulps.

"Oh, hehe!"

"Don't worry, Jin, there's not much problem."

" Sander's fist is still very hard."

" Laozi recognized him!"

Kaido laughed.

His injuries looked terrible, but with his physical fitness, he would recover in no time.

"Wait until I recover from my injuries before fighting him!"

"Next time, I will beat him!"

Over the years, Kaido has been fighting with the other Four Emperors and is tired of it.

Now there is another person who can fight him.

Don't mention how happy he is.

A certain sea area in New World.

The red-haired man stood on the deck, holding a newspaper in his hand, facing the sea breeze.

"Shanks, it seems that we will have to fight against the Thunder God Pirates sooner or later!"

Benn Beckman said lightly, holding a cigarette in his mouth.

"Hahaha, let's fight."

"I also want to see what kind of ability this former Marine genius has to compete with Kaido.

Shanks laughed fearlessly and said four.