To call the Revolutionary Army's meeting monotonous would be an understatement. Luffy admired Sabo as a field general and a leader, it was obvious he held the respect of the men that followed him. He also admired the men that followed Sabo for staying awake the entire time. The Revolutionary Army had their own language of secrecy, along with intricate codes to signal battle formations or call artillery fire from their ships to assist their ground forces. He could see why they felt ready to usurp the World Government and become the supreme power in the world. The army had a mission statement written above their meeting hall. It read 'Intelligence, Persistence, Confidence.' It hung directly above the front of the large meeting room. As Sabo spoke I. The front of the large lecture room he kept pointing to the sign and repeating the mantra. It impressed the hell out of Luffy. The navy were no where near as disciplined or believed in any high standard principles like these guys did. Unlike the Navy they weren't satisfied with just how things are; they wanted to make life better for everyone. This is one thing Luffy took away from everything out of the hours on end meeting. His job was simple, the army would storm the city creating an opening for him to take down Akainu while the army apprehends the Five Elders. Luffy knew this plan wouldn't fail, and he'd get his revenge on Akainu.
By the time Sabo dismissed his soldiers and the meetings were over; the two made there way to Amazon ship to meet with the Straw Hats and Heart Pirates for the feast. When the two arrived everyone was busy chatting away having a good time. The table covered nearly the entire front of the ship. Straw-hats, Amazon's, and the Heart Pirates were all mixed together throughout the table. Luffy noticed the crew all having a great time. Perhaps no more than Brook and Sanji.
Sanji was currently in between two Amazon warriors drooling over his plate with his signature heart eyes.
"So you ladies, have no men on your island?!" Sanji asked steam flying out his nose like an angry bull.
"No one of them answered it is forbidden." One of them answered. "We've never...been with a man before." The other one added.
Sanji's head started hurting, it was like his brain was thumping. It was like his brain was in pain, it couldn't understand how two babes like this never been with a man.
Blood began to leak of his nose.
"S-So y-you've never been with a man." The chef was about blow. "That's means you both are...are...AAAHHH!!!" Everyone besides the straw hats reacted extremely to Sanji flying off spitting blood out.
"Should we go after him?" Usopp asked nudging Zoro who was busy challenging a large woman to Sake drinking contest.
"Hell no we should leave him." Zoro said before getting back to his competitive competition.
Luffy saw Franky and Robin in their own little world. He could see the way Franky was making her laugh. He'd seen Robin be amused or have a devious style but she was really laughing not a care in the world. It was so rare of her, the captain was sure no one could make her laugh like that but Franky. Their bond was unique to them, crew mates and partners. Luffy waved to the lovely couple who responded to his gesture with a few raised glasses. He could see Robin point with her eyes further down the table to Chopper and Nami.
Luffy's heart nearly leapt out his throat seeing Nami and Chopper sharing food. The two enjoying their time with the amazons. Nami showed off her unique clima tact to the amazons. The pride she showed talking about the amazons about the battle against Blackbeard. It was mesmerizing and she had her captain's full attention. She wore the back of her hair in bun the front and sides of her hair sticking out along with her bangs. It was similar to the hairstyle she wore during their meeting with Capone Bege. He still hadn't taken his eyes off her, he nearly bumped into amazons. Luffy turned his attention to Chopper who was smirking at him devilishly close to Robin's own. He wondered how long the reindeer had been watching him, he hoped it wasn't too long. Chopper's smirk grew as he began eating again elbowing Nami who had finished recounting her story.
Nami looked over to where Luffy and Sabo were as they were making their way toward the head of the banquet table. She caught his eye and wasn't looking away quickly like before. He was staring directly at her, she could see his mouth slightly agape. Nami started to blush, she wanted to get up to greet when his attention was snatched away.
"LUFFY!" Hancock yelled nearly knocking both brothers off balance breaking his trance.
"Hello Sabo." Elder Nyon's raspy voice called to the two brothers. The two amazons waved them over to them, guiding them to their seats.
Nami couldn't help but feel slighted that they wouldn't be able to interact much.
Chopper was almost too busy eating to notice Nami's slight look of disappointment before he said, "don't worry, your the queen not her." Chopper went back to eating ignoring Nami's questions and threats.
Sabo and Luffy took their seats next to the amazons. The two brothers were lucky to be sandwiched in between the amazons in case things got tricky.
The Revolutionary Army chief could immediately tell the Elder was trying to seduce him.
"Sabo." She cooed, he was trying to hold in a shit load of throw up. Trying to calm down he thought just eat something and relax.
"Here try this Sabo." The elder said holding her fork up to his face.
"Your too kind Elder Nyon-" The elder cut him off.
"Ah Ah Ah, Open wide, its tradition Amazon's feed their guests each a traditional dish of their choice. Now say ahh." Nyon said pushing the fork toward Sabo's face. He reluctantly ate it to find it was delicious.
"Wow this is great Elder Nyon- what is-"
"Bull testicles." Sabo immediately turned green coughing on the table. The feast was so loud and noisy no one but Luffy, Hancock, and Elder Nyon were the only ones to notice.
"Oh Lord-" Sabo was choking on the verge of spilling his guts. "Empress bathroom?!" It was a half question half statement. The powerful woman snapped her fingers and Sabo was quickly led down into the ship.
"Oh the poor dear, I didn't mean to make him sick, I will make sure if he's alright." The elder hurriedly went after blonde commander.
Hancock and Luffy were left alone again. It was silent for a few moments before Luffy broke the silence.
"Hey thanks again for today Hancock, I'm glad we could comes to terms." Luffy said with a friendly smile.
Hancock returned it warmly. "I am as well. I know I can always count on you Luffy." She smiled even more placing her hand on Luffy's shoulder which didn't go unnoticed by Nami.
The Amazon caught where Nami's attention was.
"Is that your boyfriend or something?" The Amazon asked out of the blue causing Nami to nearly spit her drink out. Chopper could only chuckle next to her earning a slight bump on his head.
"He's my captain and I'm the nav-" she started but was interrupted.
"You didn't answer the question. I'm asking because you look like you want to rip the Empress's head off." The Amazon pointed out eating while she talked.
Nami looked over at Luffy who laughed lightly at something Hancock said caused her heart to twitch.
"Look sweetie we may have not men on our island but even I can tell your in love with the guy." The Amazon spoke nonchalantly starting to stuff her face and asking for more drinks like this was everyday conversation.
"I-It's complicated." Nami simply said.
"Humph, well if it's like that you'd better watch out. There's a reason Boa Hancock is known as the Snake Empress, anything she gets in her grasp she devours." The Amazon said not stopping to wipe her face as she started another plate.
Nami looked over to see Luffy now laughing hard now and the Empress as well. They were both looking like they were enjoying their time together. A trickle of doubt began to creep into Nami's mind. What if he decided to change his mind and end up marrying her. She tried to replay the moments they shared and the look he gave her before sitting down. All she could she was the two talking in causal conversation like they were old friends.
Nami felt a shot in her heart similar to a fleeting pang. Suddenly her breath hitched and she felt too nauseous to eat anymore. The navigator stood up quickly to excuse herself from the feast.