Wordlessly the two men made their way down into the depths of the Polar Tang.
Sabo had to admit this place was incredible. It was a floating medical institution with cutting edge technology. If there was one medical team you wanted on your side it was definitely the Heart Pirates.
Finally after a few minutes the two stop at a random door. "He's in here." Law said pointing to the door in front of him. "Although he may already have a visitor." The surgeon of Death added before disappearing down the corridor.
Confused by what Trafalgar meant, Sabo shook his head entering the room his brother was in.
Stepping in he could see Luffy was all bandaged up covered from head to toes on bandages still unconscious.
However he noticed he was not the only one in the room. Next to Luffy an orange haired woman he'd never seen before was sitting by his side. He didn't see her at Dressrosa when he assumed he met the entirety of the crew.
She seemed to not notice him enter the room. He could see now why, she was hard at work sewing Luffy's infamous straw hat. Sabo saw the woman's concentration on her work, she was trying not to make a single mistake.
It was only until Sabo closed the door softly the woman stopped what she was doing to see who entered the room.
She immediately stood still clutching his brother's hat. "Your Luffy's brother aren't you? The Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army.. Sabo right?" Nami asks a little amazed by the new fire fist. She was shocked to know Luffy had another brother, but also happy as it gave Luffy another chance to defend Sabo in a way he never could with Ace. She was sure Sabo felt the exact same way as Luffy.
"Ah so you know me. Well yes, it's nice to meet you miss. I assume your part of Luffy's crew?" Sabo asks highly curious as to why she was here.
"Yes, I'm Nami, navigator of the straw hat Pirates." She said offering her hand for Sabo to shake which he took happily.
"Well Nami, it is a pleasure to meet you. Im grateful for you looking out for my younger brother it means the world." Sabo said a smile to his face.
Nami offers a warm smile back continuing her work as she took her seat again. "If anything we should be thanking him, he's always looks out for everyone even if he ends up like..." Nami said trailing off looking towards the unconscious body of his brother.
"Woah." Sabo said to himself. He wondered if this woman really did have it that bad for his brother.
"I understand Nami." The navigator stops for a second to wonder what he would say. "Ever since we young kids Luffy would try and follow Ace and I around. We thought he was annoying even going so far as to let him get kidnapped after finding out where our stash of treasure was.." he saw the slightly agitated mood growing on the young woman's face wondering where he was going with this so he continued, "until we found out they were beating him demanding him to tell him where the treasure was even threatening him with death. Still he spoke nothing but denial. In that moment it changed Ace and I's destiny forever. That day Luffy earned our respect and made his way into our brotherhood. We've been bonded from that day forward as brothers. He truly is a great person and I'm sure he's a great captain. Sometimes." Sabo said finishing with a smile all to similar to that of Ace's and Luffy's.
Nami was still recovering from the tale Sabo told of their childhood. Luffy had been that way since his younger days back in his village. It was no surprise to her that it happened that way. In turn it reminded her of when they first met. She wasn't annoyed of him but she didn't want his help either. But regardless she needed it. For the first time in her life she had to rely on someone else to carry her burden and Luffy was always willing to do that. She wanted to be able to do that for Luffy all the time. To show him she's there for him like he is for her; to let him know he always doesn't have to carry his burdens alone, that she would carry them with him.
Seeing the woman in deep thought while fixing his brother's hat. He had an accurate guess what she was thinking about.
"You two seem pretty close. Is there a reason the others aren't here and you are by his side working tirelessly to fix his beloved hat?" Sabo asks breaking the navigator from her thoughts. He was truly curious about the nature of their relationship.
Nami hesitates before answering the captain's older brother. She recounts her story to Sabo telling him how Luffy freed her and her village after having her childhood stripped away. Telling him of the sacrifices Luffy has made for his friends over the years.
Sabo listened intently to Nami tell him all that Luffy had done for her and his crew. It made sense now why she was doing this for him. Nami was trying to still repay him for all that'd he done even it was something as simple as this. She knew how much sentimental value his brother held for that hat. It her small way of saying she was grateful. Sabo's heart slowly began to warm as he started to sweat.
" I'm glad my idiot brother is a great captain even if it's only sometimes. I'm sure he's just as thankful for having you, as you are to him." Sabo said a slight grin etching his features.
A blush spread across the navigator's cheeks.
"W-What do you mean?!" She asks nearly messing up the current stitch she was working on.
Sabo rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Well since I assumed your going to be my future sister-in-law and all." Sabo said beginning to laugh uncontrollably.
Nami with a flushed face was up an instant giving a hard punch to the back of Sabo's head.
"YOU..." a devilish face appeared on her. "It's too early to say crap like that, the nerve of you. You guys really are brothers." Nami sighed returning to finish her stitching.
Sabo still slumped on the floor like a worm could feel a large bump on the crown of his head with steam coming off it.
"Ow jeez, you hit like my girlfriend." Sabo said dusting himself off putting his top hat back on his head. Even if he never met Luffy he would've sworn they were long lost brothers just by their taste in fiery women. Nami and Luffy sort of reminded him and Koala albeit when they were younger.
"Good! I hope she hits you again for saying stupid stuff like that!" Nami barked the demon face returning briefly. Sabo smiled to himself, Koala would've punched his lights out for that previous comment, those two were really alike. Despite knowing next to nothing he already felt like Nami was family just how they way they acted, he couldn't have been happier.
A moment later Nami finished the hat holding it up to the light, it looked good as new. Standing up before handing the hat to Luffy's brother who took happily took it.
"Thanks Nami, he'll be happy to have his hat, I'll tell him to say th-" Nami cut him off holding her hand up showing a warm smile.
"That's okay Sabo, I was happy to do it, he will never have to say thank you." Nami said glancing towards the still unconscious Luffy. A moment later she was out of the room leaving the two brothers alone.
Sabo could see it now. The two really did have a close relationship. Even if they considered themselves family, close friends, or something more, the lines were always blurred. In Sabo's experience it was never that black and white, nothing ever was, that was the way of the world. He was sure the two had a special bond, that was unique only to them and only time will tell if it withers or blossoms. Knowing his brother, and now meeting Nami, Sabo chuckled to himself holding a hand to his face in amusement.
Walking over to Luffy, he took the seat Nami was previously in, holding onto his brother's hat.
Still chuckling the Revolutionary chief spoke, "So what really have you been up to when I wasn't around..Luffy.. you lucky dog."
Soon after Sabo fell asleep by his brother's side, waiting for him to wake up never letting go of his straw hat.