
One Piece: Curse of Immortality

Humanity dreams of living forever, so they try to achieve immortality, but not for 'Arashi,' who is already immortal. He always thinks that this immortality is a curse and will bring eternal loneliness. But like all living things, he also has a dream, so join 'Arashi' in his journey to change his curse into a blessing. Disclaimer: This is a Translation Update 5 Days a week (Monday - Friday) Please support me by joining my patr**on. Have 10 advanced Chapters for you guys. patr**n.com/saitamablast >OP:COI NOVEL TIER

Saitama_Blast · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 14: Heads out

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Arashi had a clear understanding of his strength. 

His Conqueror's Haki was at level 85, nearly maxed out, and undeniably among the strongest in the world. 

Those lacking in spirit, willpower, or strength would be completely overwhelmed by a single burst of his Haki. 

His Conqueror's Haki was even potent enough to inflict damage on physical objects. 

In terms of raw power, he was comparable to Shanks, one of the future Four Emperors.

However, his foundation was his weakest aspect. "My physical attributes are at a Commander's level," Arashi thought. 

"But my combat experience, martial arts, and swordsmanship... are pathetic." He shook his head in frustration. 

Over the past few days, he had sparred frequently with Kuzan, and the results were dismal. 

Without using his Conqueror's Haki, he was practically beaten down. The gap in combat experience and ability to seize opportunities was vast.

"Getting stronger isn't something that happens overnight; it's the result of talent, hard work, sweat, and blood accumulated over time," Arashi reminded himself. 

"I can't rush it; I need to build a solid foundation."

Fortunately, even though his irresponsible teacher, Garp, was nowhere to be found, he had gained a more professional and dedicated mentor in the mornings—"Black Arm" Zephyr!

"Having great talent only means you start higher than others," Zephyr said sternly, arms crossed as he stood against the rising sun. 

"But that's no excuse to slack off. No one becomes stronger without hard work."

"Your physical condition is quite impressive, already at a superhuman level. With diligent training, you'll be able to master the Six Powers quickly," 

Zephyr continued. "But experience can only be gained through countless battles and life-or-death struggles." Arashi nodded silently. 

Although he had grown stronger quickly, each advancement came at the cost of enduring the pain of near-death experiences. 

It was the price he had to pay—no one wants to face death. "I'll give you more detailed training in martial arts," Zephyr said. 

"Remember, great power is a means to achieve your own sense of justice and ambition, not to be used for evil."

With a more professional teacher, Arashi's progress accelerated. Targeted training made his development smoother. 

By the fourth day, he had mastered Soru, and by the fifth day, he had begun to grasp Rankyaku. 

Rokushiki were difficult primarily because of the physical demands, but the principles behind them were simple enough. 

After all, even Luffy could develop Gear Second and master high-speed movement during his battle with CP9.

By the sixth day, Arashi had begun to understand Shigan, though he still couldn't control it perfectly. 

Under Zephyr's guidance, his basic martial arts skills improved, and he even saw a new line appear on his stats: "Basic Martial Arts LV1."

During a sparring session with Kuzan on the seventh day, Arashi could finally hold his own and avoid being completely dominated. 

This filled him with confidence. "If I used my Conqueror's Haki... No, that would be too unfair," he thought.

The feeling of growing stronger each day, of continuous improvement, was deeply satisfying and gave him a strong sense of accomplishment—especially when all the other students were monsters in their own right.

Zephyr's daily training sessions brought together three future Admirals and other promising young Marines. 

Because of his good relationship with Kuzan, Arashi frequently sparred with him. Borsalino also couldn't avoid these simple practice bouts.

"He's a real monster!" Arashi thought. 

"Compared to Kuzan, Borsalino might seem harmless on the surface, but because he joined the Marines earlier, he's even more of a beast!"

Arashi had come to a clear realization: Among all the trainees, these two were the strongest, the actual monsters in power, speed, and reflexes. 

Everyone else was still within normal limits. "If I don't use my Conqueror's Haki, I have no chance of winning."

Arashi's eyes shifted slightly, glancing at Sakazuki, who was nearby. 

This guy had woken up after being unconscious for three days, but he hadn't tried to provoke or cause trouble since then. 

Arashi had initially hoped to give him another dose of Conqueror's Haki, but everything remained calm. 

"A mind beyond ordinary, coupled with a powerful physique—he truly is a monster," Arashi thought, feeling no pride.

On the morning of the tenth day at the G5 Branch, an urgent assembly whistle sounded across the base. 

Arashi quickly wore his Marine uniform and draped the white Justice cloak over his shoulders.

"Hurry, Arashi! Emergency assembly!" Kuzan leapt down from the top bunk, fully dressed and looking excited. "Looks like we're heading out!"

"Yeah!" Arashi nodded. Their dorm was a four-person room, with the other two occupants being mid-level officers in their thirties.

"Hope we end up on the same ship," one of the bearded officers chuckled. 

Kuzan waved his hand dismissively and quickly walked out while Arashi remained silent. 

The base had become crowded recently due to the sudden influx of troops, and everything was being allocated on the fly. 

The chances of being assigned to the same ship for the upcoming mission were slim, given the number of officers in the G5 fortress.

When they reached the plaza, they found it already packed with Marines. 

Every officer stood with a cold expression, their Justice cloaks fluttering in the wind, emanating an air of strict discipline and seriousness.

"We'll probably be with Vice Admiral Garp," Kuzan whispered. Arashi nodded in agreement, though he wasn't entirely sure. 

They hadn't seen Garp in ten days. The assembly was swift, as all the officers were elite. In no time, the entire plaza had formed into several formations.

"You were all summoned from headquarters as elite forces, and you know why we're gathering here today," Sengoku said in a deep voice from the platform. 

"So, I won't waste any more words! We'll now proceed with the mission assignments." 

"Your task is to head to the Ed War Sea, observe, and closely monitor the movements of Golden Lion Shiki and the Flying Pirates." 

"But remember, avoid combat as much as possible." All the Marines responded in unison, "Yes, sir!" 

Names were quickly called out, and as each officer's name was read, they swiftly learned which ship they were assigned to and ran off to their designated vessels.

"Kuzan!" Sengoku called out loudly. "Port 6, Ship B3."

Kuzan immediately acknowledged the order and left. Arashi waited quietly until his name was finally called out a moment later.

"Arashi, head to Port 8, Ship A5!" Sengoku commanded.

"Yes, sir!" Arashi turned and quickly made his way to the ship. The warship was easy to find, with large, visible numbers painted on its hull. 

Upon boarding, he noticed that most of the officers on the ship were of similar rank to him. 

There was also one particularly large man with a friendly, goofy smile.

"Arashi! Didn't expect us to be on the same ship," the large man said.

Arashi was a bit surprised. "Saul?"

"You still remember me, huh," Saul said with a booming laugh, looking quite pleased.

Arashi smiled as well. He glanced around at the others, but there were no familiar faces. 

The atmosphere on the ship was heavy and solemn, indicating that the mission was about to begin, and no one was in the mood for conversation.

A short while later, a tall figure boarded the ship, looking weary, with a sword hanging at his waist.

"Rear Admiral Jerry!" All the officers on board immediately saluted as the man appeared.

Rear Admiral Jerry waved his hand and lit a cigar. "No need for formalities. Let's head out." 

"Our mission is to oversee the northwestern area of the Ed War Sea and monitor the Flying Pirates."

His voice was weak, making Arashi wonder if the man was completely drained. 

Jerry's pale face, tall and skinny frame, and frail appearance made him look like he could be knocked over by a gust of wind as if he was on the brink of death.

<End Chapter>

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