In a world full of corruption and chaos. A nation full of racist stood tall before them all, and their ruler, the most racist of them all, shall rule the chaotic seas.
[Rewards have been given!]
As the builder finished constructing the boat, a sudden notification struck my ears, then all the rewards started appearing in front of me.
"Wow! Look at all those items!" Yelled Myne
Myne looked through the bag and investigated the different items that she had never seen before. Her interest peaked when she saw weird fruits separated from the other items.
"Your Majesty. What's this?"
Myne held the fruit in front of me and asked. I have explained what devil fruits are to them, but I have yet to tell them what they actually looked like. And unlike Rengar, it felt weird when they were calling me by Markon, a name given by my best friend and brother. So I made them call me "Your majesty."
It felt weird for a bit, but I got used to it and started liking getting called 'your majesty.'
I got out of my stupor as a new notification appeared in front of my face.
[Quest: Information
Inform your traders what these items are!!
Time: 1 hours
Rewards: Special compass, fruit wiki book, sea creature repellent]
"The fuck is the special compass?" I asked
[The special compass is a compass that can automatically point you towards this island and can be used as a normal compass.]
I sighed and explained what the items are. I also began speaking about the prices of the items, "Listen, Myne. The only thing you can sell are: Petricite handcuffs, petricite rings, petricite bullets, and the 10 random devil fruits. Their prices will differ, and so I want you to stay focus as you'll be the only one negotiating."
Myne sweated a bit and nodded, "R-Right! But what are the prices for these goods? I don't really know how the economy works in this world…"
"The berries in this world are basically equivalent to yen in your world. The prices will be: Petricite handcuffs (2 million barries), petricite rings (1.5 million barries), petricite bullets (1 million barries per 20 bullets), and the 10 random devil fruits will be 30 million barries at the minimum."
"Wow… That's a lot"
"Well, actually, it should be way cheaper. There is something in this world called sea stones, and it does basically the same thing as what petricite does. However, sea stones are more rare and are more expensive. What's more, the world governments are monopolizing the sea stones. If we can sell petricite at a smaller price, we will practically crash the sea stone market and our market will boom."
"I see… Then what about the devil fruits? Shouldn't they be more expensive, as they give powers?"
"That's right. But we will also be doing the same thing to the devil fruits. We will forcefully crash the market so that only ours will remain on top. But I don't want you to give it out for only 30 million. If you could, then increase the price. Furthermore, I will give you a book that has the record of all the devils fruits that you're trading. Ask those 2 buff guys for opinion as they're more experience in power and stuff"
"Right! I got it! Now give me the book!"
Mynes' eyes were serious until she heard the word 'book,' which made her look forward to reading the wiki to find out more about the devil fruits.
----20 minutes----
As the trading ground was ready to set sail, I took the 10 fodders and the 2 muscle dumbasses and talked to them,
"All of you. If anything happens to Myne, I will personally kill you all. Treat her with the utmost respect, she will be part of the royal counsel, meaning she will have the respect that is just below royalty. Is that understood?"
The 12 nodded and I continued, "You, Escanor. You will be directly in charge of guarding royal counselors, so always stay by Myne's side, no matter what. You 10 fodders know what you need to do, keep their mouth shut and never reveal where we are from. They can know the name but not where we are. If someone of a higher stature is a strong person, ask for our location, call me vai Den Den Mushi and tell me their name. And as for you All Might, I want you to gather information while also protecting the group. Furthermore, if you ever find a group of people struggling, inform me and I will tell you what to do, because I know your dumbass would just do whatever you want and help them"
The 12 nodded and walked towards the ship, finally sailing the vast sea.
As the trading group were sailing, 2 giant sea kings suddenly appeared in front of the ship.
Myne yelled and hit behind All might, with all might just laughing. Escanor began to walk and looked at the Sea Kings in front of him and said, "How loud… All that roaring for you just to die in seconds."
Escanor took out his ax and swung it once.
*Drip* *Drip*
Everyone looked up, with Myne saying, "Rain?"
However, she yelled as she saw that the "rain" was red and smelled like blood.
"Young Myne!!!!!!!!!" Yelled All Might as Myne fainted from shock.
----10 days----
It has been ten days since the merchant group has been traveling. And currently, their ship is covered in dried blood, all from sea kings that have been trying to eat them.
The group is currently at the Calm Belt, making their way towards one of the Blues; The East Blue.
"Urghhh, when will we leave this cursed Calm Belt?" Whined Myne
Myne was at the deck of the ship laying down while reading a book. She has already reread the Devil Fruit wiki that Markon has given her more than 4 times.
The rest of the group sighed as they heard whining from Myne as they worked and cleaned the ship. Myne has a frail body, and Markon gave specific and clear order that she will only be negotiating.
"We're picking up winds!" Said one of the Anbu
Myne got off her book and jumped to see the vast untamed sea.
"Finally! We won't have to deal with those stupid Sea Kings!"
----15 days later----
"I've spotted an Island!" Said one of the Anbu
Everyone stopped what they were doing and went outside to check. It was noon and they hadn't seen any island since they left Demacia. They have seen one island, however, Myne did not want to stop and trade there as it was said that it was a pirate island.
"Finally! Let me see the map!!" Ordered Myne
One of the Anbu suddenly appeared behind Myne and handed her a map. She scanned the map to see where they were and what island it was, "Hmmm. Let me see… Ah! There it is! This island is called Foosha Village.
"Set sail full speed! I wanna see if they have books!" Ordered Myne
All Might sweated a bit and tried to calm Myne down, "Y-Young Myne, there seems to have navy ships there, and the one in the middle is a big one. Do you plan on making trades with the Navy or just the village?"
Myne smiled and said, "Both! I want to resupply and I also want the world to know of our products. After all, we do want to crash the market with our prices."
"Ah I see…"
Marine Ship
Marines were getting ready to disembark, with their leader rushing his men.
"Hurry up! I wanna go eat already!" Yelled a man wearing a dog hat
"Then come help us!" yelled one of his men
"What?! Fine!"
As the man wearing a dog hat was about to help, a man with a sword suddenly stopped him and said, "Vice Admiral Garp, there seems to be a ship heading this way. And It's a large one."
Garp turned around and responded to Bogard, "Huh?! Is it a pirate ship?"
"It doesn't seem to have a pirate flag"
"Then let them be! I'm too hungry for this! You deal with it, Bogard!"
Bogard just sighed as he saw Garp throw the things he was holding and went down while laughing.
A few minutes later, Garp found his way in a tavern owned by a young woman with green hair.
Garp took a seat and said, "Bahahahaha! How have you been, Makino? And where is my stupid grandson?!"
Makino sweated a bit and said, "Hahaha, I've been doing great. And as for Luffy… He has been training more than usual. I think it might be because of Ace leaving a few months ago."
"Bahahahaha! That's great! He'll become a fine marine someday!"
Makino just giggled as she served Garp his food. As he ate, someone suddenly barged in the tavern and yelled, "Makino!"
Garp and the person who barged in locked eye contact as Garp continued chewing on his food. The person was sweating and started awkwardly backing off, ready to run.
As he was about to leave, a fist suddenly landed on top of his head while Garp yelled, "That's not how you greet your Grandpa!"
Luffy held his head and said, "Ow! That hurts grandpa!"
As Garp was about to hit Luffy again, he suddenly stopped as he saw 3 figures walking towards the tavern. A little girl no older than 8, a muscular man with an annoying smile, while the other one had an arrogant face that belittled everyone.
'Those two… They're strong. Especially the one with an ax' Thought Garp
"I'm so excited! I wanna know what their food is. What do you think their food will be? Do you think it'll be good? What kind of books do you think they will have?" Myne asked many questions, to which All Might just smiled and tried to calm down Myne
However, Escanors and Garps eyes met each other. Escanor looked down upon Garp, and Garp answered with a smile and a laugh, "Bahahahahaha! You're about 30 years too young to be looking down at me like that!"
Every mouth stopped as the tensions grew. Even Luffy could feel the dense atmosphere the two are making. Only the footsteps of Escanor could be heard throughout the island.
As Escanors stopped and looked down at Garp, he started speaking, "Be it a child or an elderly, they're all the same. They will always be below me, as I am Escanor, the Sin of Pride"
Myne, seeing the tension, ran as fast as she could and ordered, "Enough!"
Myne looked at the person in front of him and bowed, "I'm deeply sorry. He could be like that sometimes, but he's a good person."
Garp looked at the child in front of him that managed to stop a ferocious beast with a single word. "Bahahahaha! It's alright."
Myne sighed and introduced herself, "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Myne, the royal Merchant of Demacia. We are from the Kingdom of Demacia and are trading our goods throughout the seas."
Garp frowned as he had never heard of a Kingdom called Demacia, "The Kingdom of Demacia? I have never heard of it. Where is it located?"
Myne was about to speak until Anbu suddenly appeared and whispered something in her ear.
'He was fast… Faster than most Rear Admiral.' Thought Garp.
Garp smiled and said, "You don't have to tell me. But what are you selling?"
Myne smiled as she saw the opportunity she has been looking for, "Well we are only selling a few things. But the things we are selling are; Petricite handcuffs, petricite rings, petricite bullets, and 10 devil fruits.
Garp's eyes widened and so did Luffys. Garp wanted to know more about the devil fruit, as he didn't know what petricite was, "Devil fruits?! And you're telling me you have 10 of them?!"
Myne smiled and said,
50 power stone and I will make another chapter