

I looked at the builder as he stared back at me with the biggest smile in the world. With a blank expression, I greeted the builder by putting my hand out for a handshake. However, the builder continued to smile at me without speaking. He then put his hand out with his palm up, gesturing for something.

The avatar had many features, but the best part was the automatic appearance. I could automatically pick their old looks and not waste my time making some random guy.

"What?" I asked, confusion etched on my face.

The system then informed me about the man:

[In his description, which you should have read, it was stated that he does not speak, eat, or interact with people. Only give him money and he shall build you whatever building you desire. If you would like, I can enable an interface to which you can know the price of each building you wish to build.]

"What the fuck? This guy is asking for my gambling money?"


The builder, seeming to understand that I did not want anything to be built, decided to turn around. What he did next astonished me. He struck trees with his hammer, and wooden logs appeared with perfect cuts. He then started hitting the air, and bit by bit, the logs were being used up as a small hut was built with a bed inside.

The builder got into his newly built hut that he made in seconds. Our eyes met, and he slammed the door as we stared at each other. Moments later, huge Z's formed on top of the hut, seemingly disappearing and new ones replacing them.


I shrugged without a care and walked towards the waterfall as I said, "Enable the interface for him."


I got on my knees and drank the fresh water from the river. Though it wasn't the best, it was the best I had.

Noticing the water temperature had risen and become warmer, I looked up at the sky and deduced that it was noon.

"Hmm, well I guess it's already noon. Shall we explore?"

[Warning! The island you are on is estimated to be 600,000 square kilometers. I suggest making a building first and setting it as your main base. That way, I can create a map that maps out the surrounding area that you have explored and have a point set so you can always go back to your base without getting lost.]

I blinked a few times and said, "Ok, sure, show me buildings that the builder can make. And make it affordable."

After scanning through the different buildings, I finally picked one that felt best for me. It was a two-story building with a tower right next to it.

(Image here… if I remember correctly, Tehe)

After selecting the building, a loud sound could be heard behind me, making me startle and jump into the river. Turning around with a frown on my face, I saw the builder smiling with his hand out, asking for the money.

"Tsk. Give me a moment."

I got out of the water and took out the small bag full of gold coins from the safest place on my body, my bosom. I gave the builder 10 gold coins, which is around 1 million bellies. The builder, after obtaining the money, started to walk away and start building the house I wanted. The house was getting built quite fast, and as to why I wanted this specific building, it was because it had special abilities.

The system has informed me that I must have all the things the builder needs on this island to build something. So resources such as trees will still be used in the process of building things. With that being said, all the buildings were normal until I saw the house that is currently being built.

The house was made out of petricite trees combined with other materials, meaning there are petricite trees on this island. Petricite trees are trees that negate magic. They absorb magic and cannot be damaged by magic. However, it has been altered in this world. The new petricite trees not only negate and absorb magic, they can negate attacks from devil fruits and haki, as haki is still a form of energy. Although it can withstand some attacks, attacks from strong individuals can still damage petricite.

Although it might seem troublesome, as someone I will summon will probably have some sort of energy, it was already confirmed by the system that I can make an artifact that can help negate the debuffs of petricite.

As I explained petricite to some random imaginary degenerates, the builder was already finished with the building. It looked beautiful from the outside and the inside.

Looking at the beautiful house from the outside, something struck my mind and an idea came to my head, "Hey, why not create a kingdom? Full of jackasses from another world, hahahahaha. What do you think, system?"

[That sounds nice… Would you like to name your kingdom?]

I smiled at the system and said, "Hmmm, sure why not? And I don't wanna keep calling you system… How about… Orlon?"

[Thank you for naming me.]

"Hehehe," I giggled as I put out a peace sign.


Quest: First Step

Name your new kingdom!

Reward: Unknown future.]

"Another shitty reward, Orlon. You really are shitty."


"Anyway, since your name is Orlon, and we have petricite, why not name the kingdom: Demacia, the racist kingdom?"

[Kingdom name: Demacia, the Racist Kingdom.

Would you like to confirm?]

"W-Wait, wait! Remove the 'the racist kingdom' part…"

[Kingdom name: Demacia.

Would you like to confirm?]

With a grin on my face, I said, "Yeah!"

[Quest completed! Reward has been given.]


7,000 meters below the surface

"Y-Your Majesty!" yelled out a mermaid woman.

The woman had a dark blue colored fish tail while her upper half was pale as snow. One of her dark eyes was being covered by her hair.

The mermaid huffed as she presented herself in front of the king. A majestic fishman with a broad body, standing at around 11 feet tall. His name was Neptune, the current king of the Ryugu Kingdom, home of the merfolk.

"What's wrong, Shyarly?" asked Neptune.

"T-The prophecy from 14 years ago! The kingdom that will shake the world and challenge the world government! A kingdom that does not discriminate based on someone's race! The kingdom of Demacia has been born!!!!!"

Shocked murmurs filled the once-quiet room. Neptune's trident dropped on the floor and a certain individual asked, "Is that true, Shyarly?!"

"Q-Queen Otohime! After 14 years, we have finally gotten news about the Kingdom of Demacia!"

"W-We must search for the kingdom, dear," suggested Otohime as she looked at Neptune with tears and hope in her eyes.


Unbeknownst to the creator of Demacia, the world he knew had changed before he could even step foot on the world of One Piece. The mermaid queen Otohime was supposed to die 8 years ago. However, after the revelation of the creation of a powerful kingdom that does not discriminate, the Ryugu Kingdom has laid low until the prophecy emerges once more.

In an unknown island

A boy no older than 17 could be seen on the roof of a newly built house, yelling,

"Bwahahahaha, a kingdom that's racist to all!!! Demacia!!!"


If you've read this far, please give me a review ;)