
One Piece: Build the Strongest Naval Branch

MTLNovel The 18th branch of the East China Sea… This is the most bizarre branch of the navy, built in the East China Sea with the title of the weakest sea, but it is more majestic than the headquarters. The top war was actually carried out in a branch? A branch prison instead of advancing into? The East China Sea has entered the era of no pirates? …… Soon everyone found out that before they knew it, even the Navy Headquarters was about to lose its meaning! Original name: 打造最强海军支部

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Li Yan and 5 old stars

"People are pirates, build the strongest naval branch (

[The general of the East China Sea waved the butcher's knife to the nobles]

[Abet's two-year grievances were washed away, and he got rid of the name of pirates]

[Guarantor or derailment from the world? King Zhumida is in a difficult choice]

[A large number of nobles and businessmen have all drawn a clear line with the nobles involved]


A large number of reports are flooded in the World Economic News, and people all over the world are aware of what happened in the East China Sea yesterday.

At the same time, it also allows people to see the Donghai Navy with a completely different style from the headquarters.

Perhaps, with the Donghai Navy alone, direct public disclosure of an internal scandal could seriously damage its reputation.

However, when there was the existence of the Navy Headquarters that was desperately trying to cover up any scandals.

Looking back at this incident in the East China Sea, the feeling is completely different.

Not only did it not cover up the truth, but it also made it public. At the same time, it dealt with all the people involved, not even the nobles.

The vast majority of people were impressed by the behavior of the East China Sea Navy this time.

On the other hand, the pirates who were still waiting to see whether they wanted to join the Adventurer's Guild.

After the incident with Yabet, he was completely relieved.

After all, in an exclusive interview with Yabet, he detailed the entire process of registering for the Adventurer's Guild.

It even said that even if the registration failed to pass the review, you can leave safely.

This time, they were forced to become pirates who had never done bad things, or those pirates who came out only for adventure and treasure hunting, flocked to the East China Sea.

Of course, except for some powerful pirates, it is not so easy for others to enter the East China Sea.

But that didn't stop these pirates.

That's right, the boat can't get through, but you can abandon the boat and cross the red soil continent, and then take another boat to the 18th branch of the East China Sea, right?

In short, as long as they successfully register as adventurers and turn the pirate group into an adventure group, then they can rest assured to take risks on the great route without worrying about being hunted by the navy.


If there is a problem, solve the problem!


Just when the people all over the world praised and a large number of pirates flocked to the East China Sea.

However, Wu Laoxing directly bypassed the Warring States period and made a phone call to Li Yan.

"Li Yan, what are you doing, who allowed you to attack the nobles?"

"Master Five Old Stars, the cornerstone you are talking about should only be the world's nobles. The nobles of these alliance countries don't really matter, right?"

"Bastard, once the commoners have established a sense of confrontation with the nobles, the stability of the entire world will be shaken because of this. Do you understand?"

Hearing what Li Yan said, the five old blond stars immediately roared on the phone.

Although there is nothing wrong with the words, this is not a question of whether the ordinary nobles are important or not, but the awareness of the commoners against the nobles must not be established.

"Master Wu Laoxing, I naturally understand what you said, but just like if there are moths in the navy, they need to be cleaned up. When moths appear in the nobles, they also need to be cleaned up."

"Furthermore, didn't the Five Old Stars notice that today's nobles have been destroying the stability of the world, and are also breaking down the rule of Mary Joa little by little?"

Li Yan was not surprised by the anger of the Five Old Stars.

He had expected this moment when he issued the order to the nobleman.

However, Li Yan already had a draft for how to deal with the Five Old Stars.

"You're saying that the nobles are dismantling Mary Joa's rule and destabilizing the world?"

"Yes, Lord Five Old Stars, have you ever thought about why the revolutionary army led by Long can grow to the point where it is now in such a short period of time, even posing a threat to Mary Joa?"


"As far as I know, most of the people in the revolution were persecuted by those nobles!"

"So, it's what these nobles did that created a powerful enemy for Mary Joa."

"Even the rapid expansion of the pirate forces also has their credit."

"Isn't this Abet incident a remarkable example, and this is by no means an exception!"

"If it continues like this..."

Li Yanyi pointedly said.

In fact, have the Five Old Stars not considered these issues?

No, they are very clear.

However, they would rather let this go on than create a sense that the commoners can rebel against the nobles.

However, what Li Yan said just now reminded them.

Now is not the time to worry about sparking civilian resistance because...

The resistance of the civilians has been aroused, but the five of them have been reluctant to admit it.


Listening to what Li Yan said, has the situation gotten so bad?

After all, they really couldn't deny what Li Yan said.

Most of the people in the revolutionary army were civilians who were oppressed by nobles, and among the pirates, there were indeed many who were framed and forcibly labeled as pirates, like Abet.

The most important thing is that all these things have only evolved in the last two decades.

What if this situation continued for another twenty years?

I'm afraid it's not as simple as bringing a little threat to Mary Joa...

"Master Wu Laoxing, sometimes you have to trim off some rotten branches and leaves to make the whole tree grow more lush!"

"And, after this one, the response from the civilians was great, wasn't it?"

Seeing that Wu Laoxing was a little silent, Li Yan also continued.

After the release of the World Economic News, what is the reaction of the civilians in various places, will the Five Old Stars not know?

No, they are well aware that the detailed report of the CP organization has long been sent between the powers.

This is also the reason why the Five Old Stars did not directly order the Warring States period to dismiss Li Yan, but called him personally~www.mtlnovel.com~ Although Li Yan's actions made them very annoyed, the result was obviously right Mary Joa is also good.

after all...

The overwhelming majority of civilian responses were indeed very positive.

"Continuously changing the attitude of some civilians also allows the Adventurer's Guild's plan to be implemented more smoothly!"

"In exchange for an ordinary little nobleman for the current situation, don't you think this deal is a good deal?"

Is it worth it?

It's really worth it, but I always feel that something is wrong?

Listening to Li Yan's bewitching ban, the blond five old stars also felt a little shaken.

After all, an ordinary little noble doesn't care about them at all.

But using it in exchange for a more stable situation, this kind of transaction is really cost-effective.

Anyway, for the Five Old Stars, as long as two things can be ensured, the others are not a problem.

One is the world aristocracy, that is, the absolute status of the Tianlong people.

The other is the stability of the world. After all, only the stability of the world can ensure the long-term rule of Mary Joa.

As for those ordinary nobles, if they can really benefit Mary Joa's rule, they can abandon them at any time.

Provided that...

Really good for Mary Joa!

After all, if this kind of thing is not careful, it will completely arouse the consciousness of the civilians who have already shown signs of resistance.

"We need to discuss this matter. During this period, you should not do any extra things!"

"I understand!"

Putting down the phone bug, Li Yan also thought about it.

Although it looks like I can pass the test this time, but every time I do it like this, I will still be restricted everywhere.


The matter of making the Navy independent from Mary Joa must be accelerated!