
One Piece: Build the Strongest Naval Branch

MTLNovel The 18th branch of the East China Sea… This is the most bizarre branch of the navy, built in the East China Sea with the title of the weakest sea, but it is more majestic than the headquarters. The top war was actually carried out in a branch? A branch prison instead of advancing into? The East China Sea has entered the era of no pirates? …… Soon everyone found out that before they knew it, even the Navy Headquarters was about to lose its meaning! Original name: 打造最强海军支部

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Emergency evacuation, all staff dispatched

East China Sea, the seventh branch.

"Yes, Governor, I will arrange it immediately!"

Holding the phone bug, the branch head of the seventh branch, Kyle, immediately stood up and responded.

After hanging up, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Well, it wasn't my fault...

"Come on!"

"Yes, Colonel!"

"Call all the navy members of the branch immediately, remember that they are all, and notify the military port to get the three warships ready to sail!"

"Colonel, do you want to call the cook too?"

"They are also marines!"


Although he didn't know what happened, the guard immediately saluted and went down to execute.

after an hour.

On the small warships of the seventh branch, with the concerted efforts of the seamen, one medium-sized warship and three small warships have finally completed the basic supplies and are ready to sail at any time.

"Major Yarant, your warship is in charge of the east of the branch!"

"Major Tarr, your warship is in charge of the west of the branch!"

"Major Elsie, your warship is in charge of the south!"

"And I am in charge of the eastern sea area of ​​the branch!"

"There is only one mission this time, to evacuate all civilians within 100 nautical miles in the shortest possible time!"

"Do you understand everything?"

Hearing this, the three majors in the branch were also stunned for a moment.

This order is so strange, evacuate all the civilians in the entire area, what is this for?

And when you perform this task yourself, how should you explain it to those civilians?

after all...

Many people are reluctant to leave the island where their ancestors have lived without good reason.

"Colonel, what is the purpose of this evacuation? After all, if you want to evacuate civilians, you must explain the reason to them..."

"I don't know, don't ask me, Governor Li Yan didn't tell me the reason, only told me, this is a dead order, it must be done!"


Hearing this, the major who asked the question was also stunned.

Doesn't even the colonel know why?

"Try your brains, if it weren't for a major incident, would the Governor order a large area to evacuate?"

"In short, no matter whether you are coaxing or begging, within three days, everyone on the more than ten islands in the surrounding 100 nautical miles must be evacuated to the safe area!"

"If anyone fails to complete the task, then explain it to the Governor yourself!"

"Do you understand everything?"

Well, the colonel said so, who can have an opinion.

Moreover, what the colonel said is right, if there is no major incident, would such an order be issued?

Could it be that a war is about to break out?

But this is not right, the East China Sea is peaceful, and under the governance of Governor Li Yan, the pirate looting incident has even dropped to the level of less than 30% in the same period last year.

Forget it, forget it, don't think about it, in short, execute it.

Soon, Kyle and his three majors boarded the ship with sailors.


three days later.

The size is slightly larger than the navy-style medium-sized warship. A warship made of whole steel appeared in the port of the seventh branch.

At this time, Kyle just returned to the branch and didn't have much time.

"Kyle, how's the evacuation mission?"

"Report to the Governor, within the jurisdiction of the seventh branch, there are a total of 17 islands and a total of 27 villages, 26 evacuations have been completed, and the last one has also arrived with a warship, and the villagers are boarding the ship, which is expected to be completed within an hour. !"

"You did very well!"

After listening to Kyle's report, Li Yan nodded with satisfaction.

"Governor, can I ask what's going on?"

"Speaking of which, because we didn't know the reason, we couldn't say why when we evacuated the civilians, and we were resisted by many civilians for this."

Speaking of which, Kyle is really not talking nonsense.

Many people are reluctant to leave because they can't give a reasonable reason.

In the end, it was he who coaxed and begged, and finally took everyone away.

The same is true for the other three routes.

As for forcibly taking the villagers away, no one would dare to do so in the East China Sea Navy under Li Yan's rule.

It can be said that the East China Sea Navy, which used to be the most chaotic, has now become the most reputable Navy among the four seas. In the eyes of many East China Sea people, it is even better than the headquarters Navy.

"There is a guy out there who is plotting to do something bad to the East China Sea, so we must take the initiative to kill him or arrest him!"

"But this guy is very strong after all. If he is in a hurry during the battle, he may directly smash an island from the air!"

"So, in order to avoid accidents, the evacuation of civilians in the entire sea area is a necessary measure!"

Looking up at the sky, Li Yan said.

When Kyle heard this, his eyes widened.

A very powerful guy who can knock the island down from the sky?

If it is a pirate, then as far as I know, there seems to be only one pirate who has such an ability, right?

Shouldn't the Governor want to deal with...

After all, Kyle is not the navy of the former East China Sea, but one of the new neutral officers dispatched by Warring States from the headquarters after Li Yan cleaned up the worms in the East China Sea. His knowledge is still much higher than that of the navy in the East China Sea. of.

After some speculation, Kyle looked at the people who followed Li Yan.

good guy...

There are three lieutenant generals, and one of them is a former general of the headquarters.

Moreover, in addition to these three, Commodore Nuoqi Gao, Colonel Ain, Colonel Luffy, Lieutenant Colonel Bucky, Major Zoro, and others, each of them are well-known powerhouses in the East China Sea Navy today.

As for the other person wearing a mask, although I don't know who he is, but looking at the position he occupies, I am afraid that he is also a powerhouse of the same level as Lieutenant General Yi Xiao and Lieutenant General Zefa.

It seems that Governor Li Yan is really the guy to deal with.

However, that guy is actually on top of his branch?


Suddenly thinking that the golden lion was always on top of his head, Kyle couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Governor, do you need any cooperation from our branch?"

"No need, your mission has been completed, and you can't help more than 6,000 meters above the next battle!"

Uh... more than six thousand meters?

Well, I really don't deserve it...


Soon, another half day passed.

"Governor, Major Ershey reports that his warship has arrived in a safe area, and all evacuation work has been completed!"

"Well, then we have also started to act!"

Nodding ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Li Yan stood up and said.

And when his voice fell, the others also stood up one after another.

The next moment, everyone jumped up in Kyle's line of sight, and then continued to slowly climb up by relying on the moon step.

taller and taller.

It is not an easy task to go up to an altitude of more than 6,000 meters like this, and the higher the altitude, the thinner the air, and the faster the physical strength.

This is not only a test of the control of the moon step, but also a test of physical fitness.

Fortunately, the people of the 18th branch all rely on the physique to exercise in the gravity training room. For them, the problem is not very big.

After about twenty minutes.

When everyone had come to a height of almost 5,000 meters and passed through a cloud layer.

The dozen islands...

Finally appeared in everyone's sight.