
One Piece: Build the Strongest Naval Branch

MTLNovel The 18th branch of the East China Sea… This is the most bizarre branch of the navy, built in the East China Sea with the title of the weakest sea, but it is more majestic than the headquarters. The top war was actually carried out in a branch? A branch prison instead of advancing into? The East China Sea has entered the era of no pirates? …… Soon everyone found out that before they knew it, even the Navy Headquarters was about to lose its meaning! Original name: 打造最强海军支部

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Apple Pirates

[Ding, your subordinate Sanders, the loyalty degree has increased by 70 points, the current 90 points! ]

Let me go, just a word. Sanders, who has the lowest loyalty, has become the person with the highest loyalty.

When the time comes to kill the dragon by himself, Sanders' loyalty will probably reach the full value directly, right?

"Saunders, although I also want to help you get rid of these murlocs and naval scum immediately, this matter will take a while!"

[Ding, your subordinate Sanders, the loyalty has dropped by 20 points, the current 70 points! ]


Do you want to be so sensitive?

However, even if there was no system prompt, Li Yan could see that Sanders, who had been excited just now, was a little down at the moment.

"You have also seen that now the Eighteen Branches are in shambles, and the navy is just you new recruits, not even the warships!"

"Even if you have to deal with the Evil Dragon Pirates, you have to wait for you to train well, right? Otherwise, you will die in vain, don't you think?"

"You can trust me, at least three months, as many as half a year, I will definitely take you to Hoksiah Village to eradicate the Evil Dragon Pirates!"

[Ding, your subordinate Sanders, the loyalty has increased by 10 points, the current 80 points! ]

After listening to Li Yan's words, Sanders kept nodding his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Well, it's good if you understand, so you also have to train hard. Go now, the No. 1 compartment starts with double gravity!"

"Yes, Colonel!"

After answering, Sanders immediately turned around and ran to the gravity training room, at the same time swearing in his heart that he must train with his life!

Looking at his appearance, Li Yan also raised a slight arc at the corner of his mouth.

"The boatman with A-level talent is done. The next target is Nami, who is a top-level sailing talent. I don't know if it's S-level or SS-level, or SSS?"

While muttering, Li Yan also went to the gravity training room with his saber and the handwritten note of the system reward...

Five days later, the Eighteenth Branch was on the dock.

Looking at the small warship that had just been sent over in front of him, Li Yan also sighed, and he was finally able to go out to sea.

"Reporting Colonel, there are ten people in the eighteenth branch, and there are ten people, please arrange tasks!"

Although he had only trained for five days, Li Yan could feel that the ten people under his command had become much stronger, as if they had undergone a month of hell-like training.

Among them, the one who has made the most progress is naturally Larnas, a sea soldier with C-level martial arts talent.


[Age: 22]

[Born: East China Sea, Yasir Village]

[Military Rank: Third Class Soldier]

[Dao Strength: 45]

[Shooting level: Lv15 (39%)]

[Martial Arts Level: Lv.8 (11%)]

[Talent: B-level shooting talent, C-level martial arts talent]

[Military merit value: 0]

[Loyalty: 80]

[Evaluation: This is an excellent sailor, and his future growth potential can reach the level of a colonel of the headquarters, which is worth training]

The Dao Strength value increased by a full 15 points, and even the shooting and martial arts levels appeared in the attribute column, which was not displayed before.

And this is most likely the reason that Larnas has not received systematic training before, but only has brute force.

Looking at the others, even Sanders' stamina reached 25 points, while the rest of the eight had 12-15 points.

In just five days of frantic training in the gravity chamber, the ordinary civilians who had not been systematically trained have surpassed the average of the marines of the headquarters.

Li Yan also has a further understanding of the terrifying effect of the gravity training room. It is not as simple as doubling the effect of double the gravity!

Of course, the one who has made the most progress here is still himself!

[Li Yan]

[Rank: Colonel]

[Position: Base Chief of the Eighteenth Branch of the East China Sea Navy]

[Dao Strength: 105]

[Martial Arts Level: Lv.8 (32%)]

[kendo level: Lv.24 (17%)]

[Devil Fruit: None]

[Three-color domineering: Armed Color Lv.0, Seeing Color Lv.0, Overlord Color Lv.0]

[Exclusive feature: none]

[Skill: Navy Six-Style Shaving Lv.0 (37%)]

[Meritorious value: 2000]

With the A-level kendo talent and the handbook left by the unknown swordsman, and the assistance of the gravity training room, Li Yan has also improved a lot in kendo.

By the way, he had practiced martial arts for a day under five times the gravity. Even if he had no martial arts talent, he still reached level 8.

As far as I am now, I have no problem dealing with pirates of no more than 2 million, and I also need actual combat to improve myself faster.

Therefore, early in the morning, Li Yan summoned ten marines and announced the first routine sea patrol of the Eighteen Branches.

After everyone was on board, and an E-class sailing talent took the helm, the small warship slowly pulled away from the dock.

There's no way, who would let him have no good navigators in his hands?

[Ding, it is detected that the base is the first to go on a patrol mission to the sea, get an achievement reward package, and the mission system is partially opened! ]

After the system prompt came in his mind, Li Yan called out "good guy..."

No wonder it's been more than a month, except that the system has given a welfare quest at the beginning, no other quests have been swiped in the entire quest module, and feelings will only be unlocked after they officially go to sea?

Quickly click on the task panel to view it.

[Task 1, carry out a routine patrol, at least 100 nautical miles away from the branch, and reward 10,000 merit points after completion]

[Task 2, kill or capture 3 pirates with a bounty of more than 500,000, and reward ten random seamen after completion]

[Mission 3, kill or capture 1 pirate with a bounty of more than 2 million, and reward a random weapon of level after completion]

[Task 4, kill or capture 1 pirate with a bounty of more than 3 million, after completion, the reward will be rewarded with a chance to draw a random talent]

[Note: The system will refresh the task only after all tasks are completed]

There are a total of four tasks in the module, especially task 4, which makes Li Yan the most envious.

These days, he really understands what talent is!

99% of the strength comes from hard work, and talent only accounts for that insignificant 1%.

However, based on Li Yan's experience over the past year, this statement can definitely be refuted. Without talent, ten years of practice will be in vain!

In short, follow the patrol mission first, and then see if there is a chance to meet some little pirates with low bounties. If you can further improve your strength in the process, you can try mission three and mission four.

Otherwise, after completing task 1, go back to the branch first.

After making up his mind, Li Yan immediately ordered the sailing, and he continued to train on the deck.

Although there are some sword moves in the handbook, Li Yan is not ready to learn it.

What he is going to take is the road of Hawkeye, and a flat A is a big move!

If you want a gorgeous move, you can just swipe it at your fingertips, and it's a flat A with the power of the big move, isn't it sweet?

Like Zoro, every time he makes a move, he has to build up his strength for a long time, he has to set his poss, and finally he has to sing a song...

Li Yan was very disdainful of this. When you were posing and singing, I just slashed over, okay?


Soon the whole day will pass

As expected of the Eighteen Branches, let alone pirates, not even a single ship was seen.

In this regard, Li Yan had to sigh with emotion, the Eighteenth Branch is really worthy of the nickname of its pension branch.

"Colonel, we found a pirate ship ahead!"

Just as Li Yan sighed, there was a sudden shout from the observation deck above, which immediately shocked him.

"Can you confirm what pirate group it is?"

"Confirming... the pirate flag is a bitten apple?"

"Uh...a bitten apple?"

Li Yan looks weird...

"Colonel, it's the Apple Pirates!"

At this moment, Larnas trotted to Li Yan's side, holding a stack of bounty lists in his hand, and the top one was a pirate named Bill with a bounty of 800,000, the captain of the Apple Pirates.

And the reason for the reward is even more bizarre, actually going ashore to grab apples from other people's villages?

Brother, how much do you love apples?

"Colonel, it is said that this Bill eats nothing but apples every day..."

Well, Li Yan understands why this pirate group is called the Apple Pirates, it is because of this.

Speaking of which, in the world of pirates, the names of these pirates are very simple and crude, so the name Apple Pirates makes sense.

It's just that the name is Apple, and the pirate flag is an apple that was bitten. It still makes Li Yan, a traveler, feel very weird.

"800,000, it's just right for you to practice your hands, call all the sailors on deck to gather!"

"Yes, Colonel!"

Soon, under the call of Larnas, everyone came to the deck.

"Today, you will usher in the first battle after joining the navy. Except for the captain of the other side, I will solve it myself, and the rest of the crew will be handed over to you. I will not intervene and help!"

"Let me take a good look at the results of your special training these days!"

"Now, catch up at full speed!"

All sailors: "Yes, Colonel!"

With a wave of his hand, after a simple mobilization, Li Yan ordered a full-speed pursuit.

"Larnas, can you play this thing?"

Pointing to the naval gun on the nail plate, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Li Yan asked.

"Colonel, rest assured, after these days of study, I have mastered it proficiently. Although I still can't hit every shot, but at a distance of one kilometer, there is still a 60-70% hit rate!"

"Very good. After catching up for a while, you can go after three shots first!"

"Yes, Colonel!"

After responding, Larnas immediately ran to the naval gun at night and began to play with it.

After all, it is a warship, and its speed is still much faster than that of the junk ships used by the ruthless pirates.

After about 20 minutes, the distance with the pirate ship had narrowed to within one kilometer, and it could even be clearly seen that the dozen or so pirates on the other side's ship had already made a mess.

"Colonel, the target is in range!"

"Fire the gun!"



With a roar, a round shell was shot out of the barrel in an instant, but...

I don't know what happened to the tense relationship for the first time. In short, the cannonball hit a bit crooked, at least fifty meters away, and the cannonball fell directly into the sea.

However, Li Yan didn't say anything. They were all recruits on the battlefield for the first time. Who doesn't need an adaptation period?


Soon, after the second shot was launched again, it still missed the shot, but it was much better than the first shot, only about ten meters off.

"Don't be nervous, it's okay to be like when you practice!"

"Yes, Colonel!"


Finally, the third shell did not miss and hit the target directly, and by coincidence...

It directly blew the mast of the pirate ship!