
One Piece : Brotherhood

In a world where destiny weaves its intricate threads, Ross finds himself entangled in a web of fate beyond comprehension. Once a mafia enforcer in his past life, he meets his demise shielding his brother, the reigning mafia king, from a fatal betrayal. But as death claims him, another door opens. Transcending realms, Ross is reborn into the vibrant world of One Piece, armed with the memories of his former life and the knowledge of its canon. However, fate has a cunning twist in store. He awakens within the body of young Rosinante, a noble-hearted soul entwined in the dark machinations of piracy and government corruption. As Ross grapples with this new existence, a tragic turn of events leads to Rosinante's demise, allowing Ross's soul to seamlessly merge with his. Now, armed with his past experiences and the vessel of Rosinante, Ross embraces his chance at redemption and empowerment. Driven by a newfound purpose, Ross sets his sights on aiding his brother, the infamous Donquxote Doflamingo, in his quest to become the true ruler of the One Piece world. Amidst the turbulent seas and the clash of titanic powers, Ross navigates the treacherous waters of politics, betrayal, and warfare. Together with his brother Doffy, Ross/Rosinante must unravel the mysteries of the Grand Line, face off against formidable adversaries, and forge alliances that will shape the very fabric of the world. But as they ascend towards their ultimate goal, shadows from the past loom ominously, threatening to unravel everything he holds dear. In "One Piece : Brotherhood," embark on an epic journey where alliances are tested, loyalties are challenged, and destinies are rewritten. Will Ross help his brother carve his legacy into the annals of history, or will the specters of the past consume him whole? Or does Destiny have something entirely different in play for Ross that he might not even have imagined in his wildest dreams? *************************************************************************************************** Disclaimer: One Piece is a copyrighted work of Eiichiro Oda. This fanfiction is a creative work by Silent_stiele and is not officially affiliated with the One Piece franchise. For exclusive access to advance chapters and more, visit the author's Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/Silent_stiele. Visit my Discord server for updates on the fanfic https://discord.gg/DecNeDpY

Silent_stiele · Anime & Comics
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220 Chs

Chapter 148

Dressrosa, New World

King Riku tried to keep as much distance as possible, even though he was ruling under the Donquixote name. He knew that as long as he kept faith, his and his family's lives were guaranteed. However, the recent news had shaken him to his core.

These madmen had broken into Impel Down, THE IMPEL DOWN!, one of the three great strongholds of the World Government in Paradise. When was the last time someone had challenged the might of the World Government so blatantly? Not in recent centuries, at least. They didn't just stop at infiltrating; no, they emptied out Impel Down. More than fifty thousand prisoners were slaughtered, and the rest escaped. The two brothers had unleashed hell upon this world just so they could rescue two people.

King Riku had seen them bring in the unconscious forms of Senor and Diamante; at least that was the name he had heard from Scarlett. His daughter now truly believed herself to be a part of the Donquixote family and had even helped them devise a tax structure to collect money from the territories under their control. He was at least happy that the tax wasn't as exorbitant as what the World Government or other pirates levied, so he could count that as a win.

But now he had a new headache: the World Government had secretly reached out to him, trying to instigate him against the Donquixote brothers. However, he was not as naive and stupid as they thought. He had already learned his lesson the first time around, when Doffy burned almost a hundred thousand men to cinders.

Sitting in front of him on the throne of Dressrosa was Doflamingo. More than a dozen seats were neatly arranged on either side of him. Issho sat on the seat closest to Doffy's throne, while his brother Ross was trimming the hedges of the little plants within the throne room. These little stunted trees had been brought in at the request of the Tontatta princess. Luckily for King Riku, because of his daughter Scarlett and his vassal status, he was allowed a seat within the throne room.

"Snap... Snap... Snap." The sound of Ross trimming the branches was the only noise that echoed throughout the room. King Riku had just disclosed the news of the World Government reaching out to him.

Finally, it was Issho who broke the silence. "Perhaps we should use this to our advantage. Let them believe that we are oblivious to their actions. This way, they might not take any direct actions. As long as King Riku shares all the details, there is nothing they can do," Issho commented.

The recent events at Impel Down had left a sour taste in Issho's mouth. The things Ross had done were not agreeable to him. He had outright protested such actions, but Ross simply waved off Issho's reprimands and carried on as if nothing had happened.

King Riku sighed, feeling the weight of his position. "I will continue to share all details with you. The World Government believes they can manipulate me, but I will not make the same mistake twice. My priority is the safety of Dressrosa and my family."

Doflamingo leaned forward, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "Excellent, King Riku. Your loyalty is appreciated. We will use the World Government's arrogance against them. They believe they can control everything, but we will show them that they are wrong."

Ross, still tending to the plants, added, "And while they are busy trying to sow discord, we will strengthen our forces, regain the things that we have lost, and prepare for any eventuality. The world is changing, and we must be ready to seize every opportunity."

King Riku felt a sense of unease but also a strange comfort in the presence of these powerful individuals. He knew that the path ahead would be fraught with danger, but he also knew that with allies like these, Dressrosa stood a fighting chance.

Suddenly, Gladius burst into the room in a hurry. "They are awake... Senor and Diamante, they are awake!"

I immediately dropped what I was doing, and even Doffy forgot about the meeting and rushed to the room where Senor and Diamante were resting, Issho and even King Riku followed. As we entered the room, I saw both of them sitting on their respective beds, looking weary but alive.

"Senor! Diamante!" Doffy exclaimed, his usually cold demeanor giving way to genuine relief. He strode across the room with purposeful steps, his long coat billowing behind him, and reached out to clasp Senor's shoulder. "You stubborn fools, you made it."

Senor, sporting a massive scar on his chest , managed a lopsided grin. "I couldn't let you have all the fun, Master Doffy. Besides, someone had to keep an eye on you."

Diamante, leaning back against his pillow, chuckled weakly without uttering a word.

I stepped forward, feeling a mix of emotions. "You both had us worried, I am sorry that I couldn't bring you guys out of that hellhole earlier," I said, my voice thick with relief. "But seeing you here, alive and kicking, makes everything worth it."

Senor turned his head around, checking all the new faces that surrounded him, though he missed a few of the familiar ones. His usual stoic expression softened. "Young Master Ross, we heard what you did. Breaking into Impel Down... that was insane, even for you."

"It had to be done," I replied, a hint of a smile tugging at my lips. "The family comes first. Always."

Doffy, still holding onto Senor's shoulder, nodded in agreement. "We don't leave our own behind. Ever."

Senor scanned the room again, noticing the absences more keenly. "By the way, where are the rest? Where's Trebol? Is he out on a mission? And where is Pica..." Senor's voice trailed off, his expression faltering as he recalled seeing Kaido knock Pica out.

He hoped that, like them, Pica had made it too, but the reactions from both Doffy and me were all the answer he needed. The same reaction occurred when he mentioned Trebol's name.

"So, Trebol... he didn't make it either?" Senor turned to me, and I could only shake my head, confirming that Trebol was no longer with us, like the rest who had fallen.

Doffy's eyes glistened with sadness as he looked at the original Donquixote cadres in front of him. "Say, Diamante, you haven't said a word since you met us. I know how much you like to talk. Say something, would you?" Doffy wanted to lighten the mood and turned to Diamante, who had been silent since the beginning.

Doffy smirked, a familiar wicked gleam in his eyes. "Come now, say something. If you want me to praise you, I can do that too!"

But Diamante simply gave a wry smile. He opened his mouth, forcing himself to speak, but no voice came out. My gaze narrowed, and I quickly understood that it was not that Diamante didn't want to speak, but he couldn't speak.

Mansherry, who was sitting on the table, said with a frown on her little face, "Sorry, Ross! I tried, I swear, I tried my best, but his voice couldn't be restored."

Doffy's veins popped in frustration. Although he had never said it out loud, he had always liked the way he interacted with Diamante, teasing him every time he wanted to be praised. Now he realized that Diamante might never speak again.

However, Diamante on the bed didn't seem to care much and simply waved his hands. I then immediately remembered something and turned to Giolla. I had recently given her the Paramecia fruit that Leo had found in the Impel Down kitchen.

"Giolla, did you use your fruit? Were you not able to restore Diamante's voice?" I questioned her because the devil fruit I gave her was the Nao Nao no Mi. It allows her to revert and restore objects, substances, and entities through touch. It was one broken devil fruit.

"I'm sorry, Ross. My control over the fruit is practically nonexistent because I just ate the fruit. I need to have better control of the fruit's powers to help Diamante, so it might take quite some time," Giolla replied. I understood. Broken fruits like these sometimes had restrictions, and the restriction on this one seemed to be mastery.

But then Diamante's eyes glinted with delight. Now that he knew in the future he might have a way to restore his voice, his old bright demeanor returned, and a wide smile plastered his face.

"We'll get there," Doffy said, clapping Diamante on the back. "We've faced worse and come out stronger. This will be no different."

Senor, still looking around, finally allowed himself to relax a bit. "It's good to be back. And it's good to see that despite everything, we're still a family."

"Always," I affirmed. "No matter what happens, we'll face it together. The Donquixote family stands united."

Doffy nodded, his expression a mixture of determination and pride. "Indeed. Let's take this moment to regroup, recover, and then... we'll make the world remember why the Donquixote family is to be feared."

Smoker, noticing the somber mood despite the reunion, couldn't help but comment, "I thought everyone's supposed to be happy on such an occasion. Why don't we throw a large banquet? I'm sure the entire population of Dressrosa can celebrate the return of the family members. The people could use it too."

Everyone's eyes brightened at Smoker's words. Yes, this was supposed to be a happy occasion. Issho, who had been standing quietly to the side, added, "Yes, the people of Dressrosa might enjoy such a celebration. The recent years have been tough on them, and with Ross about to venture into the sea again, why not throw a huge party before he departs?"

Leo jumped up in delight and said, "Yeah! We're getting a send-off party! I'm going to call the entire tribe to join in on the festivities."

The room buzzed with excitement at the suggestion, and I turned to Doffy to gauge his reaction. "Fufufufu! Yes, we haven't had a proper party in a long time. Now that the family is back together, let's throw a great festival and let the entirety of Dressrosa celebrate," he declared with a grin.

Turning to King Riku, he continued, "Make the preparations. Get in touch with Scarlett and let her know not to spare any expenses. We are going to make this a grand event."

King Riku nodded, feeling a mix of relief and anticipation. "I'll make sure everything is ready. The people of Dressrosa will be thrilled."

As everyone began to discuss the upcoming party, the atmosphere lightened significantly. Senor and Diamante, despite their recent ordeal, couldn't help but smile at the prospect of a celebration in their honor. The tension from moments ago melted away, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and shared joy.

The news of the grand festival spread quickly throughout Dressrosa. Banners were hung, streets were decorated, and a palpable sense of excitement filled the air. Scarlett, taking charge of the preparations, ensured that every detail was perfect. Musicians, dancers, and performers from all over the island were invited to showcase their talents. The aroma of delicious food wafted through the streets as vendors prepared their best dishes for the festivities.

The evening of the festival arrived, and the palace courtyard was transformed into a vibrant, bustling scene. People from all walks of life gathered, their faces lit with smiles and laughter. The Donquixote family, dressed in their finest attire, mingled with the crowd, sharing in the joy of the celebration.

Issho stood near the stage, a content smile on his face as he observed the festivities. "It's good to see the people happy again," he said, turning to Smoker, who was enjoying a candy. "Your idea was brilliant."

Smoker shrugged, a rare smile tugging at his lips. "Sometimes, all people need is a reason to celebrate."

Leo and Mansherry were at the center of a group of Tontatta dwarves, their laughter ringing out as they shared stories and played games. Even the stoic Gladius was seen smiling, engaged in a lively conversation with some of the palace guards.

Senor and Diamante, though still recovering, were the guests of honor. They were showered with well-wishes and gratitude from the people, who were relieved and overjoyed at their safe return.

As the night wore on, Doffy took the stage as the ruler of Dressrosa, his presence commanding the attention of everyone. "Citizens of Dressrosa," he began, his voice carrying across the courtyard. "Tonight, we celebrate not just the return of our family members, but the strength and unity of Dressrosa. We've faced many challenges, but together, we've overcome them. Let tonight be a reminder of our resilience and our spirit. Enjoy the festivities, and know that as long as we stand together, we are unstoppable!"

The crowd erupted in cheers, and the festivities continued with renewed vigor. Music played, people danced, and the sense of community grew stronger with each passing moment.

As the grand festival reached its peak, the entire courtyard of the palace was alive with color and sound. The people of Dressrosa danced with newfound freedom, their faces lit with happiness. Banners fluttered in the evening breeze, and lanterns cast a warm glow over the festivities. It was a scene of pure jubilation, a stark contrast to the dark days they had endured.

The transformation in people's perceptions was striking. The same individuals who once looked upon us with fear and resentment now greet us with smiles and gratitude. I couldn't help but marvel at the change. Doffy stood tall, his charismatic presence commanding respect and admiration. His laughter was infectious, and his demeanor lightened the hearts of those around him.

As I walked among the crowd, I overheard snippets of conversation, expressions of relief and joy that their protectors were among them. The air was thick with the aroma of grilled meats and sweet pastries, the finest Dressrosa had to offer.

A nearby group of children laughed and played; their innocent joy was a testament to the safety and stability we had brought back to Dressrosa. Their laughter echoed the sentiment of the entire island.

Issho approached me with a content smile on his face. "It's remarkable, isn't it? How quickly can they adapt and find happiness again?"

I nodded, reflecting on his words. "Yes, it truly is. The human mind is indeed a fickle thing, swayed by the tides of circumstance. But it's also resilient. This festival, this joy, is a testament to that resilience."

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With heartfelt thanks,


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