
One Piece: Blood Unleashed [Revamped - in the synopsis]

The new rework of this story is called: » One Piece: Crimson Tides » However I will leave this story for those who might want to read this old version. Hence ... focus your support on the new project and I await your comments and reviews. OLD SYNOPSIS: A warlord, someone who brought only nightmarish visions for his enemy in an era where life and death were just at a flicker distance. The warlord was one who stood above the rest, but even with this grace, he slowly descended, falling abruptly in life, losing his power, reputation, and prestige. In his decadence, he, who was abandoned by life, woke himself in a mysterious realm, some people would call Limbo, a realm, between the realm of death, Tartarus, and the realm of the living. A place where all damned souls, unredeemable who lost faith in God, were gathered. ‘Vlad, oh great leader, after so many years of fighting the enemy, you have fallen so low that even God doesn’t want embrace to you and let you to his realm.’ Yet, salvation came in a more sinister way, having only one choice to escape this prison of souls, accept his gift or remain forevermore trapped into this realm, where souls can’t escape. With only one choice, he shook the hands of the devil and journeyed out into the unknown, freed of his soul constraints, in a new world out of the world governors' jurisdictions. In such a new realm, world, his starts would be unlike what he experienced in his first life, but not far away from what he lived through. Nevertheless, every struggle he would experience would make him stronger, slowly climbing the ladder of the world's power structure until he would acclaim the title no one since that past world era had.

Morpheus146 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
179 Chs

Spar between Powers

When Nius got his eyes on the chunk of treated meat, with a happy face and some droll coming from his mouth similar to Aerius, said.

"Oho, little friend don't get rushed, we'll have to share some of that meat. Such a treat for this old fart. Are you going to fill my stomach so later you can beat me?"

"NOOO! This is mine, right Vlad?" yelled Aerius while going to embrace the cured meat like a psychopath.

"Sigh, why do I have to deal with morons? Hey Aerius, stop behaving as if you have never seen meat in your life. Also, old man why do you think that? Would that change the outcome?" pondered Vlad while cutting the meat to share it with Nius.

"No, not one bit. You will still hit the dirt later after this meal." smiled Nius cheerfully at the portion of meat and bread he got.

"I look forward to seeing your moves, old man. Don't disappoint my expectations you created with your mysticism later."

Nius could only laugh loudly, scarring the boys talking.

"You don't have to worry, you'll learn quite a lot from this experience with me, just like how I had to taste it on my skin. If you figure how your Conqueror's can be awakened completely you'll not have to worry about any peasant such as that Belpel brat." sneered Nius at the end a bit, when remembering how arrogant that Belpel was at one time with Gif.

"Ohh, so this ability is really important that you place it so highly. We will see if I can pick it up without any accidents."

"Haha, you're thinking to much about it. Just relax, eat something, all we'll go with the flow. Ahhhh, little friend that's not fair, you took to much meat for yourself." yelled Nius at Aerius, who took for himself a significant piece of meat from the cured meat, making Nius break his calm and relaxed state

"Screw you old man, I need meat to survive, I'm not like you humans." replied back Aerius in the same manner while starting to wolf down his piece of meat.

Meanwhile, Vlad was thinking calmly at the table while eating slowly and with noble-like mannerism, that had Robert stare at him focused as if recognising something unexpected at Vlad.

'These guys are like beggars who have never seen so much food in their life. I can understand the little guy who has left in a stone state for hundreds of years, but the old man? You did well Aerius, go on screw him, he's just profiting over my food storage.'

"Heh, you can fight over that meat as much so you want, you peasants. I'll just go eat some bread and cheese. Right before that, let me get a piece of meat too, you bastards."

Still, under a tacit act, he used a smooth movement to cut into the meat. Not bothering himself with the hateful stares coming from the two hungry beggars, that were Aerius and Nius. Vlad started spreading on a slice of bread some cheese, eating it together with the cured meat cut fresh.

'Good, the bread and cheese are not too mouldy, enough to be added to this cured meat and fill my stomach. But here comes my dilemma, will there be any changes to my body? Sigh, that stupid fruit, why did I have to pick those fruits. At least I got more to share with the boys and that weird gryphon. If they are as unlucky as me to find a devil fruit in that gathering of fruits, it sucks on them. Most likely, they will experience what I felt when I first bit into Louis devil fruit.

'It's already been 10 minutes, and changes seem to happen. The hunger lessened at last, but somehow I still feel weird. The pulse of my heart seems to have been increased. Hmm, no harmful results so far, the blood feels even more invigorating after some circulations. The muscles also brimming with energy, however there's an unfortunate thing that will happen to me. My sleep is compromised because of this changed heart, the pulses are just too loud for my ears.'

'Only seven days remain until my escape can commence. There's also this new kid Robert and Aerius. It's easy to settle Aerius, he can just hide with the other kids when all chaos starts, so I don't put his life in danger. This Robert kid, I should observe him closely for the following days. If he doesn't complain about the hardship, he will taste, follows orders, and seems sharp enough in the mines. I will take him with me.

'Ahh, I feel like some kind of babysitter, always looking after those kids back. But it is not really a bad feeling. At least I can redeem my qualities as a dad for my boys in the first life. '

'Besides, Inorra and Kipset can handle themselves just fine after the escape. I doubt there will be any problem with them as long they follow my plan. As for this new kid, he seems to be a noble child of this world. Hmmm, he should be of help once I get on the reins of the kingdom. I can even help him and his family establish a connection with Atlas. For now, he needs to pass my first trust check.'

'Hehe, I have quite a lot of things to do, help the old man and this grandfather of mine Opheltius, put in its feet this kingdom. Killing the traitorous nobles and taking the rest of the nobles their power. Rebalance the system, adding more benefits to the lower class, such as education and so on. I'll need to find some experts so I can consult with them.

Slowly if time lets me get away for a bit from the reins of the throne, I'll explore the seas a bit to see for myself how other kingdoms look like. The old man can build the army for me while I do my explorations, and when everything is prepared, the Atlas will get back on this world's map.

I want to see who's this Great Priest. With what gall does he think he can control the fates of an entire world? Like he's pulling strings on all the simple people. Sigh, forget about it. It will take me such a long time to get to that stage that it doesn't even matter if I make plans for that time right now. But aside from these grand things, I need to find the girl who can read the Poneglyphs for me. Obviously, I'll do it in a gentlemanly approach. She will know as soon she's here how genuine I'm about this story of the lost war. I have to know how exactly my ancestor and the others got killed by that Grand Priest."

'Ohh, those guys really have bottomless stomachs. Already finished? Time sure flew by quickly."


(A/N: Quite the monologing. I know, I know. Blame the inexperienced Morpheus, not the older one. Also, too lazy to rework this monloging, so let's leave at such, you read it or not, I care not)



The three, gryphon and humans, finished eating. Vlad was staring with an indifferent expression on his face at the empty table and the satisfied faces of Aerius and Nius. Nius looked at the fruits Vlad got from the forest while exploring inside that were left with the boys.

"Old man, I think you eat plenty enough. So, are you still going to spar with me and tell me if I got any chance against that Belpel?" asked Vlad while his face turned slightly serious.

"Sigh, lad there's no hurry. Let me rest a little bit more, your food is really good."

Nius took a big breath and gave a burp while patting his stomach with a satisfied expression.

Vlad still looked indifferent at the old man's gesture. Feeling his stare, he nodded his head, also turning a bit serious. Aerius seeing the two having serious faces jumped from the table and quickly jumped on Inorra's head while saying after giving a burp.

"Don't you dare throw me off your head, or I'll make you regret that you got born. I'll shit on your head instantly."

Shocked by what the weird creature has said, Inorra only nodded his head, giving up on even trying to fight with Aerius.

"Yes, sir." as he said that, he felt Aerius patting his head with his paws.

"Good, now those guys would soon fight, so you better keep your head high so I can see all the spectacle. Did you understand?"

Inorra nodded his head. Meanwhile, on the table, Nius, who turned a bit serious, said, as if at long last agreeing to the spar.

"Fine, fine. Let's go to the back of the shack, and I'll teach you something you might never forget, look closely on my Conqueror's. Who knows maybe you'll be able to figure it out in this spar. Right, you kids back there, you can also come to enjoy a show, see for yourself as this smartass kisses the ground in the face of me."

When the three boys heard Nius boost in such a way, they could only laugh out loud at his insanity. Inorra was the first one to make fun of Nius.

"Old man, has the mold climbed to your brains? Aren't you just a bag of bones? I really want to see if you're just boosting."

But as he started laughing and turning to say something to Kipset and Robert. He yelled in pain after feeling something hard pocking him on his head, and later hearing the same creature seated on his head saying.

"You idiot, shut up. That old man is stronger than you can think, don't offend him if you don't want to get beaten. He might look like a old beggar, but the fact that he is stronger than anyone here remains."

"What are you saying, weird creature? Can't you see that he's just an old man. We know him for 4 years and he's just an old fart, now fighting with Vlad."

Inorra felt another hit on his head. Aerius used his beak again to hit Inorra on his head and said with an angry tone. "I'm called Aerius you stupid human. I'll shit on your head if you keep annoying me. I have plenty of food in my stomach, and also I eat some fruits that started working on my stomach."

"Fine, I'll call you Aerius, just don't do your job on my head." Gave up Inorra and just accepted calling the weird gryphon by his name.

Still, Inorra turned to look at Kipset and asked him in a more calm manner.

"Hey Kipset let's do a bet? A picking bet. We pick who's going to win. The loser will have to do something for the winner in the future."

Nodding his head, Kipset directly said as if understanding everything Inorra said. "I'll pick old Nius as the winner."

"You what?? Have you gone mad? Are you betting against Vlad? Heh, it will be fun to see your face after Vlad wins." chuckled Inorra at Kipset bet.

While Inorra and Kipset were betting against the spar winner, Robert, who only arrived here for one day, felt like he stumbled instead of a slaving camp towards a theater scene. A scene that went well with his tastes, which he didn't want to miss for a second.

The five went outside the shack while Aerius was using Inorra as his carrier. They went towards the backside of the shack, specifically at a large spot made by Vlad to train himself. Also, used by Inorra and Kipset to improve themselves. Vlad went to light the torches he placed to have light when training in the nights.

After that, he grabbed two wooden swords left alone beside the shack back wall and later threw one to Nius and asked him.

"You most likely know how to use swords, right commander? Or want to change the weapon, spears, axes. I can use any weapon. It will only take a while to make them. So what do you pick?

"Nah, kid, I'm fine with this little wooden branch. I really want to see what you can do with swords, to see what someone who experienced as much as you can do with swords."

"As you wish." Preparing his stance, with the wooden sword held in his right hand, he waited calmly for the old man to start the bout. While waiting for the old man to take his sword stance, to Vlad's surprise, the old man was doing all kinds of swings with the wooden sword. The swings were so fast that Vlad could barely see the initial motion and the last motion. Shocked to disbelief, he only stood there stiff as a rock with his sword stance. However, his mind was stuck following Nius's sword movements.

'This old man, he's no joke. This world's swordsmanship is higher levels compared to mines. If I was known as a good swordplayer, old Nius could even be called Saint Michael descending on low if he was home. His movements are so fluid and fast, he's really not someone you could play around.'

'How did you get beaten with such skills, does that mean that the guys who killed you guys are even stronger?'

The old man switched from what he would call basic swings and did some combinations of strikes, thrust cuts combined with vertical strikes. They went so fast that Vlad was slowly starting to feel annoyed for his lack of abilities. But except for the initial surprise he had when seeing Nius swordplay, he calmed himself and started respecting the old commander even more.

The old man's warm chuckle was heard by everyone there. Looking around the boys and Aerius, who all had shocked faces, except Vlad that managed to calm himself while he was testing the wooden sword, he said with a surprised look.

"What's wrong, kids? Did you forget to laugh? Hey Inor, aren't you going to laugh? Go on, laugh now. Hmph, annoying prick, I'll deal with you later if Vlad doesn't give you a beating."

He turned to face Vlad, saying with a smile on his face.

"I'm prepared now, boy. I hope you will last for a while until you get me warmed up. That's all I ask, just let me warm up."

When hearing the old man's arrogant words, he rushed at him with the sword in hand, yelling at him.

"You're getting arrogant old man, you might be stronger than me, but this doesn't mean that I'll not go down without a fight. Go receive some of my strikes and we'll talk later."

"As you wish, lad. Just don't give up later." said Nius before preparing to receive Vlad's strike. He defended quite casually with a blow in the opposite direction of Vlad's sword.

As soon he said that, Vlad already rushed to him with a middle-stance while holding his sword on a Longpoint Guard. When he reached Nius, who had a relaxed guard, he went ahead attacking with a thrust cut. Seeing this attack, Nius nodded his head as if to approve the attack, and with a simple movement of his arm, he moved his sword in a relaxed manner placing it right in the direction of the thrust.

The sound of the wooden swords making contact got heard. Seeing that Nius managed to block his first attack. He disengaged and followed with a combo of strikes, which started with a thrust towards Nius's chest and ended with a long strike towards his peroneal nerve.

For Nius, the series of attacks coming from Vlad started to get more excellent as the fight went on. The thrust cut from Vlad was something he easily blocked, but as Vlad continued with different strikes to his body, arms, and legs. It started giving him some work to do.

With swift movements, he started blocking most of the strikes going for his body. But then came the last strike from Vlad, which targeted his perennial nerve. He felt something wrong instantly when Vlad choose to lower himself and target his leg again.

Then he saw Vlad give an evil grin at him as if to say, "You're done here.". That made Nius give a similar evil chuckle, and instantly as Vlad was in range for that strike, he used his Conqueror's to weaken Vlad.

[Nius's POV]

'Interesting way to engage in a fight, but if this is all you can do, you'll never get out alive if you fight that Belpel.'

'Come, boy, show me everything you have, and maybe you'll learn something from this sparing. Ohh, that strike was quite a tricky one. He fights almost the same as me. Who taught this boy how to fight like this? To only go for the vitals of others that's not mere coincidence.'

'It took me almost half of my life to perfect my sword style, yet look at this boy already fighting with this master precision. Would he be the next Mihawk after some years of training?'

'This lad is no joke at all. I don't know what the combat inside his first world is exactly, but from his story, the people don't have any crazy powers or energies, and only rely on their bodies and weapons. To think he's hanging with me after only being in this world for 4 years, it's unbelievable. Being inside this mine really turned out to be helpful for him. Sadly he will have to move out, see for himself what's the world like, before we're prepared to fight those nasty nobles and assassins.'

'Maybe I should increase the bout intensity. Some Haki will make him understand what he will face in the future, hopefully, he also awakens his Conqueror properly. This spar of ours will remind him always to train himself. Only with power can you protect yourself. Everything else is just the hopes of dumb people.'

'Taste for yourself my will, lost prince.'

[General POV]

Vlad was shocked to find that the pressure coming from Nius started to increase just as he was about to his peroneal nerve. Being pushed for a bit by the dark-blue shockwaves, he began to rethink his options. Still, he was calm and composed even in the face of Nius, Conqueror's Haki, not letting the power Nius displayed so far affect his performance.

With his well-developed body, he started using the devil powers he gained today on his muscles. He hoped it could give him a physical advantage over Nius or the chance to deny the will he released.

Tensing his body muscles after a blood circulation, he rushed to take the old man by surprise and break the pressure coming on him. As he arrived, readying to strike with a horizontal strike that had all his force and speed, he managed to take old Nius by surprise. In a way where even under the pressure of his Conqueror's, he didn't falter in his steps.

The old man grinned, and while his eyes were staring with a sharp glance, he took his wooden sword and pushed Vlad away.

It was all in vain. Just as Nius blocked, he started to move forward with a fast speed while also keeping Vlad under the pressure of his Conquerors.

Seeing Nius start his attack, Vlad tried to take back the attack's initiative but was denied. Nius didn't even bother to block with the wooden sword that much and instead dodged fastly Vlad's attempts to strike him. After that, the old man hit Vlad with a leg strike his body, straight in his stomach. Vlad was later sent by Nius's kick, plunging after losing his balance, going head first, touching the ground.

'Damn, even using my blood powers isn't enough to face the old man. His movements are just too fast for me, while I can try to fight in a defensive style, he will eat me alive if I do this.This is all I can do against him? My devil powers are not helpful, my swordplay barely can hold against his swordplay. What else do I have?'

The old man stopped after that kick and said to Vlad with a calm tone, that turned serious and dominant. The feeling Vlad had in those moments were similar to when he was a youngster and was trained by his father Vlad II Dracul.

"If this is all you have left, forget it. Don't even think of trying to escape the camp, or you'll just die this way. Sure, you got some moves in you, but that's all, just tricks that could work on little kids.

Now, what are you going to do, boy? Come, get up. Fight me. Show me that you're not just empty talk. Hit me at least once. Give me a good hit, and I'll agree that you're good enough to try to break out." yelled Nius in the end at Vlad, who was face-planted in the ground.

As Vlad thought inside his mind and later heard Nius's voice, his heart started hurting as if someone was stabbing him with countless knives but not releasing him from his torment. The heart started pumping blood even harder, and not long black mist started covering Vlad in a slow, then in just some seconds covering him entirely. His eyes, even when he got his face planted on the ground, started releasing some dark mist-like energy while his hair started to get slightly white.

Aerius, who was watching everything from Inorra's head, yelled at Nius when Vlad's eyes started to release dark mist, and his long black hair started turning white. "Old man, be careful. When Vlad turns like that he's really dangerous."

Then, just as Aerius tried to warn Nius of what was going on with Vlad, he heard a sinister voice resounding in the dark sky.

"Little guy, you know that it's not fun to give out others secrets. But, there's no harm done. Hey old man, you were talking some shit about that being everything I got? Under such a beautiful night with this full moon, how can this be everything I have? Do you think that the number of people I have on my conscience and who dirtied my hands is just for show? To be played around by an old bastard?"

Vlad started getting up from the ground and looking coldly with his dark-green eyes, who shined with dark mist, his long hair was 30% white, while his features turned even sharper. Slowly walking to pick his dropped wooden sword, he smirked and said.

"Now, that I'm here. Let me show you what I can truly do old man." as the darker Vlad said that, blood started getting released from his palm and slowly covered the wooden blade within complete blood. In just some seconds, the viscous and liquid blood covering the wooden sword all of a sudden solidified in the form of a claymore. The sharp edge of the claymore gave a menacing feeling.

Aerius cried out when he saw that and yet again reminded Nius, "Old man, you really have to be careful, don't get killed."


"No worry little friend." said Nius towards Aerius, later turning to Vlad. "So this is the curse you have to deal with? Sigh, unfortunate child, how could you even manage to get dirtied by that energy?"

A sinister laughter resounded after Nius's question ended. "When you live a life that is similar to a nightmare, you'll also get used to the darkness. Now, gentleman, get ready for round 2. No more playing."

As the white-haired Vlad said that, he rushed with fast speeds reminiscent to Nius, and with an evil grin, he slashed from a high stance the old man.

'Hoh, it's like I'm fighting someone else, but that's clearly the lad, yet in a influenced state by that energy of his.'

'Armament' Nius's wooden sword began darkening in no time to receive Vlad's strike. As the two clashed their weapons, a shockwave got released, one from Nius, which was dark-blue, and one from Vlad, which was dark-red.

After that, the two disengaged from the clash and looked at their swords. Vlad's claymore seemed to be damaged on its edge, having a crack. Meanwhile, Nius's sword, which was darkened, didn't seem to have any damage.

Seeing that, Vlad laughed a bit, almost happy about the spar, not angry at all because he was losing, and said. "So this is what you were talking about old man? Armament Haki. Interesting ability, but how long can it save you?"

"For as long as I will it." said Nius, getting worked out while also releasing 50% of his Conqueror's Haki, pushing a bit Vlad. "What's wrong lad, can't you handle this much?"

"You're kidding right old man?" As white-hair Vlad asked that, more dark energy around him started to gather, and something similar to the Nius shockwaves started to spread from him, which had a dark-red color.

As the shockwaves clashed, they canceled out after a while. Nius looking at Vlad with surprised eyes, started feeling that Vlad didn't have control over these powers of his and could make his situation even more dangerous.

And so, after strengthening his Armament on his wooden sword, he rushed to Vlad with a higher speed taking Vlad by surprise. Going with a middle-stance series of cuts, he made Vlad turn to defense.

As such, Nius started pushing the offensive with different combos that pushed Vlad more and more, making him breathe harder and harder. Some of those dark energies even started to scatter.

'It seems that he has a certain limit of endurance with this dark energy, almost as if it's his own haki, but that's clearly not true. After some time, it will scatter around him and he'll turn in his normal self.'

Seeming to understand the situation he was in, white-hair Vlad gave a large roar and gathered the entirety of his dark energies in his hand. Slowly his white-hair turned jet-dark, and his eyes turned to their usual luster.

He blinked and stared and the sweating Nius and later at his hand that had gathered dark mist similar to Hades.

'Argh, did I lost control again of that curse? But it seems that I still have some remains of that energy. So, this coldness as if my hands froze is the dark energy controlled by Hades? What do I do with it? Do I throw it at Nius? Wait, I can use it together with my devil powers and sword.'

Thinking of that, Vlad focused on the dark energy, and as if they were linked, it started spreading around the claymore. Then as if remembering the feeling of blood flowing from his hands, he started using the blood to enforce the claymore.

Nius could see that Vlad recovered and give him a grin. He also noticed that the blood-red claymore turned even darker after being reinforced by the dark energies. He later rushed with what resources he still had left in his body to clash swords with Nius.

Similarly, Nius had his sword coated in Armament and delivered his blow.

Both clashed their swords, creating this time a shockwave stronger than the initial clash with white-hair Vlad. Dark-blue and dark-red shockwaves started blowing everything around them, even affecting the outlookers.

Robert started being pushed hard but got help from Kipset, who grabbed his shoulder and placing him behind him. Meanwhile, Inorra was blown directly on the back of the shack, while Aerius jumped on Kipset's head, hugging his head for dear life.

The clash continued pushing Kipset some steps back. Gritting his teeth, he remained standing with a straight back while staring with shining eyes towards Vlad and Nius.

By the time the clash of swords started to finish, Nius' sword had started having marks of cracking, while he was giving a large smile of satisfaction and saying.

"That's it, boy, you're starting to get the hang of Conquerors. This much fighting ability is befitting a future ruler. I can only advise you that when you're using that dark power of yours, to do it only when you're confident that you can control it.

I'm satisfied with this spar of ours. No winner seems good to me. You're neither being humiliated nor do I'm. While it is true that my sword is still intact and should make me the winner if I didn't use my Armament, I would be the one to lose long ago."

As he said that, he stared at Vlad, whose claymore shattered, turning to nothing. He looked a bit weakened and pale as if he dropped some weight down.

Vlad, who was breathing hard, dropped on the ground, having his back on the cold floor, he said, also with a satisfied face. "I think I got the feeling for how this Conqueror's work, and also my dark abilities. My thanks to you, dear commander."

"Likewise your Highness. Now you should take a break and we'll continue our talk on the subject I promised you."

"Thanks my intent gramps, but let me rest for a bit. The blood powers have a slight drawback that I have to combat, the necessity of food."

Turning from where he was to Kipset, who looked fine after facing the entire might of Vlad and Nius clash, he said calmly.

"Kipset bring me some food together with the wooden plate, I'll rest outside and talk with gramps. Also take those brats with you, I don't want to be disturbed while I'm with old Nius."





A/N: You can make some conclusions from this chapter. Vlad's Devil Power is Overpowered by hard to control, and this dark entity it seems to be able to handle it just fine.

Meanwhile, this chapter also shows that Nius, that probably you initially thought would be just a one-click character in the first chapters, have a deeper backstory and holds extensive importance to the story, from the power he holds.

Guess Old Nius, power level in the comments.


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